Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.255 adequate guards, in accordance with the suspended equipment in the event § 1910.219 of this part. of trolley failure. (5) Shields. The hazard of flying (4) Switch guards. All initiating sparks shall be, wherever practical, switches, including retraction and dual eliminated by installing a shield guard schedule switches, located on the port- of safety glass or suitable fire-resistant able welding gun shall be equipped with plastic at the point of operation. Addi- suitable guards capable of preventing tional shields or curtains shall be in- accidental initiation through contact stalled as necessary to protect passing with fixturing, operator’s clothing, etc. persons from flying sparks. (See Initiating switch voltage shall not ex- § 1910.252(b)(2)(i)(C) of this part.) ceed 24 volts. (6) Foot switches. All foot switches (5) Moving holder. The movable hold- shall be guarded to prevent accidental er, where it enters the gun frame, shall operation of the machine. have sufficient clearance to prevent (7) Stop buttons. Two or more safety the shearing of fingers carelessly emergency stop buttons shall be pro- placed on the operating movable hold- vided on all special multispot welding er. machines, including 2-post and 4-post (6) Grounding. The secondary and weld presses. case of all portable welding trans- (8) Safety pins. On large machines, formers shall be grounded. Secondary four safety pins with plugs and recep- grounding may be by center tapped sec- tacles (one in each corner) shall be pro- ondary or by a center tapped grounding vided so that when safety pins are re- reactor connected across the sec- moved and inserted in the ram or plat- ondary. en, the press becomes inoperative. (d) Flash welding equipment—(1) Ven- (9) Grounding. Where technically tilation and flash guard. Flash welding practical, the secondary of all welding machines shall be equipped with a hood transformers used in multispot, projec- to control flying flash. In cases of high tion and seam welding machines shall production, where materials may con- be grounded. This may be done by per- tain a film of oil and where toxic ele- manently grounding one side of the ments and metal fumes are given off, welding secondary current circuit. ventilation shall be provided in accord- Where not technically practical, a cen- ance with § 1910.252(c) of this part. ter tapped grounding reactor connected (2) Fire curtains. For the protection of across the secondary or the use of a the operators of nearby equipment, safety disconnect switch in conjunc- fire-resistant curtains or suitable tion with the welding control are ac- shields shall be set up around the ma- ceptable alternates. Safety disconnect chine and in such a manner that the shall be arranged to open both sides of operators movements are not ham- the line when welding current is not pered. present. (e) Maintenance. Periodic inspection (c) Portable welding machines—(1) shall be made by qualified maintenance Counterbalance. All portable welding personnel, and a certification record guns shall have suitable counterbal- maintained. The certification record anced devices for supporting the guns, shall include the date of inspection, the including cables, unless the design of signature of the person who performed the gun or fixture makes counterbal- the inspection and the serial number, ancing impractical or unnecessary. or other identifier, for the equipment (2) Safety chains. All portable welding inspected. The operator shall be in- guns, transformers and related equip- structed to report any equipment de- ment that is suspended from overhead fects to his supervisor and the use of structures, eye beams, trolleys, etc., the equipment shall be discontinued shall be equipped with safety chains or until safety repairs have been com- cables. Safety chains or cables shall be pleted. capable of supporting the total shock load in the event of failure of any com- Subpart R—Special Industries ponent of the supporting system. (3) Clevis. Each clevis shall be capable AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occu- of supporting the total shock load of pational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 695 VerDate Nov<24>2008 13:35 Aug 19, 2009 Jkt 217113 PO 00000 Frm 00705 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\217113.XXX 217113 cprice-sewell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR § 1910.261 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–09 Edition) U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s (4) Other standards. The following Order Nos. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR standards, which are incorporated by 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6– reference as specified in § 1910.6, shall 96 (62 FR 111), or 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), as ap- be considered standards under this sec- plicable; and 29 CFR part 1911. tion: § 1910.261 Pulp, paper, and paper- (i) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel board mills. Code, Section VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels, including addenda 1969. (a) General requirements—(1) Applica- (ii) Building Exits Code for Life Safe- tion. This section applies to establish- ty from Fire, NFPA 101—1970. ments where pulp, paper, and paper- (iii) Safety in the Handling and Use board are manufactured and converted. of Explosives, IME Pamphlet No. 17, This section does not apply to logging July 1960, Institute of Makers of Explo- and the transportation of logs to pulp, sives. paper, and paperboard mills. (b) Safe practices—(1) Lockouts. De- (2) Standards incorporated by reference. vices such as padlocks shall be pro- Standards covering issues of occupa- vided for locking out the source of tional safety and health which have power at the main disconnect switch. general application without regard to Before any maintenance, inspection, any specific industry are incorporated cleaning, adjusting, or servicing of by reference in paragraphs (b) through equipment (electrical, mechanical, or (m) of this section and in subpara- other) that requires entrance into or graphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph and close contact with the machinery or made applicable under this section. equipment, the main power disconnect Such standards shall be construed ac- switch or valve, or both, controlling its cording to the rules set forth in § 1910.5. source of power or flow of material, (3) General incorporation of standards. shall be locked out or blocked off with Establishments subject to this section padlock, blank flange, or similar de- shall comply with the following stand- vice. ards of the American National Stand- (2) Emergency lighting. Emergency ards Institute, which are incorporated lighting shall be provided wherever it by reference as specified in § 1910.6: is necessary for employees to remain at (i) Practice for Industrial Lighting, their machines or stations to shut A11.1—1965 (R–1970). down equipment in case of power fail- (ii) Scheme for the Identification of ure. Emergency lighting shall be pro- Piping Systems, A13.1—1956. vided at stairways and passageways or (iii) Safety Code for Elevators, aisleways used by employees for emer- Dumbwaiters, and Moving Walks, gency exit in case of power failure. A17.1—1965, including Supplements Emergency lighting shall be provided A17.1a—1967, A17.1b—1968, A17.1c—1969, in all plant first aid and medical facili- and A17.1d—1970. ties. (iv) Practice for the Inspection of (c) Handling and storage of pulpwood Elevators (Inspector’s Manual), A17.2— and pulp chips—(1) Handling pulpwood 1960, including Suppelements A17.2a— with forklift trucks. Where large forklift 1965 and A17.2b—1967. trucks, or lift trucks with clam-jaws, (v) Safety Code for Conveyors, are used in the yard, the operator’s en- Cableways, and Related Equipment, closed cab shall be provided with an es- B20.1—1957. cape hatch, whenever the hydraulic (vi) Power Piping, B31.1.0—1967 and arm blocks escape through the side addenda B31.10a—1969. Fuel Gas Piping, doors. B31.2—1968. (2) Handling pulpwood with cranes or (vii) Identification of Gas-Mask Can- stackers. (i) Where locomotive cranes isters, K13.1—1967. are used for loading or unloading pulp- (viii) Prevention of Sulfur Fires and wood, the pulpwood shall be piled so as Explosions, Z12.12—1968. to allow a clearance of not less than 24 (ix) Installation of Blower and Ex- inches between the pile and the end of haust Systems for Dust, Stock, and the cab of any locomotive crane in use, Vapor Removal or Conveying, Z33.1— when the cab is turned in any working 1961. position. 696 VerDate Nov<24>2008 13:35 Aug 19, 2009 Jkt 217113 PO 00000 Frm 00706 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\217113.XXX 217113 cprice-sewell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with CFR Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1910.261 (ii) The minimum distance of the (vi) A derail shall be used to prevent pulpwood pile from the centerline of a movement of other rail equipment into standard-gage track shall be main- cars where persons are working. tained at not less than 81⁄2 feet. (5) Handling pulpwood from trucks. (i) (iii) Logs shall be piled in an orderly Cutting of stakes and binder wires and stable manner, with no projection shall be done in accordance with para- into walkways or roadways. graph (c)4(iii) of this section. (iv) Railroad cars shall not be spotted (ii) Where binder chain and steel on tracks adjacent to the locomotive stakes are used, the binder chains shall cranes unless a 24-inch clearance is be released and the stakes tripped from maintained, as required in paragraph the opposite side of the load spillage. (c)(2)(i) of this section. (iii) Where binder chains and crane (v) The handling and storage of other slings are used, the crane slings shall materials shall conform to paragraphs be attached and taut before the binder (c)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section with re- chains are released.
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