Offprints Alpha List (by Author) Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder [Canaanite Magical Text and Incantation] Journal of Near Eastern Studies 138/16 [Magazine] Stadtblatt Stadtblatt July 19 138/8 [Materials relating to Ancient Phoenecia 137/14 Seafaring and Colonization: The Parahyba Inscription] [Prints of Ugaritic Cuneiform Tablets] Syria 1932-1 Plates 137/20 [Translation, Transcription, Transliteration of 138/14 the Karatepe Inscription] [Ugaritic Transcription and the Parahyba 138/6 Inscription] A Restoration Proposal in AQHT Biblia Hebraica 1-4 128-46 Border-cases of Ugaritic comparative Studies Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration 31935 73-10 141/20 Society Dahood Bibliography 1967-1 128/36 Jo Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 1 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Kettaba' Kadisha': Kettaba' Deditika' 'Atika' 136/8 Wahadita Lecture Supplement #8: M. Sukkah 5:1-4: 139/1 simhat bet hasso'ebah Philo Encyclopedia Judaica1971-1 408-4 127/11 Phonizische Elfenbeine in Karlsruhe Zeitschrift Fur Archaologie und 4 1973 21-27 131/32 Urgeschichte Religious Studies News 139/10 Some Investigations on Babylonian Ritual 136/15 Intercourse Ugaritica V Leshonenu 34 1969-7 2-18 130/42 xx von Hess J.J. Uber das prafigierte und infigierte x im Zeitschrift fur Semitistik und verwardte 2 1924 219-2 126/13 Arabischen Gebiete Aartun Kjell Beitrage zum ugaritischen Lexikon Die Welt des Orients4/2 1968 278-3 113/37 Aartun Kjell Ugaritisch b k m Bibliotheca Orientalis24/5-6 1967 288-2 113/35 Aartun Kjell Zur Erklarung des Aramaischen Adverbs Oriens 18-19 1967 347-3 107/4 Kaddu Aartun Kjell Zur Frage des Bestimmten Artikels im Acta Orientalia24/1-2 5-14 107/5 Aramaischen Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 2 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Acheson DeanG Mr. Justice Cardozo and Problems of Proceedings of the Bar and Officers of the 1938 1-26 108/16 Government Supreme Court of the United States Ackerman Robert Frazer on Myth and Ritual JHI 36 1975 115-1 103/3 ADC ADC Backgrounder: Israel's War on Lebanon 140/7 in the Press ADC ADC Media Monitoring Guide June 19 140/1 ADC American-Arab Anti-Discrimination 5-10 140/6 Committee Background Papers ADC American-Arab Anti-Discrimination 4,7,8,10,11,11981-1 140/8 Committee Reports ADC Grosset & Dunlap Publishes Racist Attack on 140/5 Arabs Ahituv Shmuel The Meanings of Semadar Lesonenu 89 1974-7 90/17 Ahmed Maher P.H.R.C. Program 1983 Palestine Human Rights Newsletter3/1 1983 1-7 99/20 Aistleitner JosephS. "Ugaritische Epen", "Ugaritische Gebete", 64-82 137/11 "Ugaritische Hymnen", "Ugaritische Mythen" Aistleitner Joseph Das ugaritische hinweisende Furwort hn Der Eigentumubergang Beim kauf nach 11-12 113/39 den Hethitischen Gesetzestexten Aistleitner Joseph Die Anat-Texte aus Ras Schamra 193-2 113/33 Aistleitner Joseph Gotterzeugung in Ugarit und Dilmun Acta Orientalia3 1953 285-3 118/6 Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 3 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Aistleitner Joseph Lexikalisches zu den Ugaritischen Texten Acta Orientalia Hungaricae9 1960 29-34 113/34 Aistleitner Joseph Studien zur frage der sprachverwandtschaft 251-3 51/20 des ugaritischen 1 Ajjan Loy Notes Ugaritiques 19831-21 116/28 Al-Azm Sadik A Critique of 'Analysis and Critique of University Christian Center Special Forum 1967 1-8 119/24 A.U.B.'s Centennial Symposium on God and Program Man in Contemporary Christian Thought' by Albright WilliamF A Catalogue of Early Hebrew Lyric Poems The Hebrew Union College Annual 23/1 1951 1-39 84/40 (Psalm LXVIII) Albright WilliamF Archaic Survivals in the Text of Canticles 1-7 90/8 Albright WilliamF Baal-Zephon Festschrift fur Alred Bertholet 1950 1-14 107/7 Albright WilliamF Gilgames and Engidu Journal of the American Oriental Society 40 1920 322-3 88/28 Albright WilliamF New Material for the Egyptian Syllabic Journal of Semitic Studies 2/2 1957 113-1 108/17 Orthography Albright WilliamF Northwest-Semitic Names in a List of Journal of the American Oriental Society 74/4 1954 222-2 107/6 Egyptian Slaves from the Eighteenth Century B.C. Albright WilliamF Notes on Psalms 68 and 134 3-12 85/1 Albright WilliamF Progress in Palestinian Archaeology During Bulletin of the American Schools of 33 1929 1-10 34/2 the Year 1928 Oriental Research Albright WilliamF Some Canaanite-Phoenician Sources of Vetus Testamentum 3 1955 1-15 103/6 Hebrew Wisdom Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 4 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Albright WilliamF The Bible After Twenty years of Archaelogy Religion of Life xxi/4 1952 537-5 51/8 Albright WilliamF The Biblical Tribe of Massa and Some Studi Orientalistici in onore di Giorgio 1 1956 1-14 107/9 Congeners Levi Della Vida Albright WilliamF The Early Alphabetic Inscription from Sinai Bulletin of the American Schools of 110 1948 6-22 98/42 and Their Decipherment Oriental Research Albright WilliamF The Early Alphabetic Inscriptions from Sinai Bulletin of the American Schools of 110 1848 6-22 80/29 and their Decipherment Oriental Research Albright WilliamF The Goddess Anath, Canaanite Epics of the Journal of Cuneiform Studies VI/3 1951 134-1 49/5 Patriarchal Age. Texts, Hebrew Translation, Commentary and Introduction Albright WilliamF The North-Canaanite Epic of Al'Eyan Ba'al Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 12 1932 185-2 113/21 and Mot Albright WilliamF The North-Canaanite Poems of Al'Eyan Ba'al Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 14 1934 101-1 113/20 and the "Gracious Gods" Albright WilliamF The Old Testament and Canaanite Language Catholic Biblical Quarterly 7 1945 5-31 85/18 and Literature Albright WilliamF The Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions and Their Harvard Theological Studies 22 1966 89/28 Decipherment Albright WilliamF The Role of the Canaanites in the History of Studies in the History of Culture 1942 11-50 103/7 Civilization Albright WilliamF The Syro-Mesopotamian God Sulman-Esmun AOF 7 1931-1 164-1 90/16 and Related Figures Albright WilliamF The War in Europe and the Future of Biblical Willoughby: The Story of the Bible Today 1947 162-1 84/39 Studies and Tomorrow Albright WilliamF Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan SS 7/1 254-2 90/10 Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 5 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Albright WilliamF Zur Chronologie des vorislamischen Arabien Von Ugarit nach Qumran 1958 1-8 107/11 Alexander Lancelot The Depatrializing Principle in the Song of 1-16 83/10 Songs and Selected Texts of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 2 Proverbs31;10-31 Algazy Joseph Prisoners of War: A Report from the Israeli PHRC Special Report1983 1-3 99/22 League for Human and Civil Rights Al-Khalesi Yasin The Bit Kispim in Mesopotamian Mesopotamia 12 1977 53-80 8/15 Architecture: Studies of Form and Function Alkim UB Karatepe Kazisinin Arkeolojik Sonuclari Belleten 7 1948 533-5 103/20 Alkim UB Third Season's Work at Karatepe Belleten 8/50 1949 365-3 104/4 Alonso-Schokel Luis God's Answer to Job 45-51 17/29 Alster Bendt Paradoxical Proverbs and Satire in Sumerian Journal of Cuneiform Studies27 1975 201-2 114/8 Literature Alt Albrecht Die phonikischen Inschriften von Karatepe Die Welt des Orients4 1949 272-2 104/6 Alt Albrecht Hohe Beamte in Ugarit Studia Orientalia1983 1-11 113/32 Altmann Alexander Moses Narboni's "Epistle on Shi'ur Qoma" Studies in Religious Philosophy and 1769 180-2 88/25 Mysticism Amalorpavadass DS Ecumenism in Perspective Ecumenical Movement 2 1976 1-64 123/24 AMU The Link 12-14 140/12 Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 6 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder AMU The Link 15-181982-1 140/13 Anderson BernhardW Confrontation with the Bible Theology Today 30/3 1983 267-2 84/38 Anderson BernhardW Some Aspects of the Uppsala School of Old Harvard Theological Review 43/4 1950 239-2 85/20 Testament Study Anderson BernhardW The Problem of Old Testament History 1965 4-11 84/37 Anderson BernhardW The Struggle Between Faith and Culture Understanding the Old Testament 1957 102-1 88/27 Anderson FrancisI. Moabite Syntax Orientalis 35 1966 81-12 137/25 Andoral Tor Mohammed: The Man and His Faith Arabia at the Time of Mohammed16-19 88/23 Andre Richard Spiritual and Sexual Love in the Song of Songs 1-8 83/4 Andrews PB The Myth of Europa and Minos Greece and Rome 16/1 1969 60-63 109/5 Andrews SusanL Both The Blameless and the Wicked… An 1978 1-41 66/27 Exploration of Suffering as Undeserved and Deserved Angi BettyJ The Ugaritic Cult of the Dead: A Study of 1971 1-93 122/1 Some Beliefs and Practices that Pertain to the Ugaritians' Treatment of the Dead Antal Jim The Lord Gave and the Lord has taken away; 19751-9 81/17 Religious Dispositions and Capacities in Job Arbeitman Yoel Look Ma, What's Become of the Sacred Maledicta 4 71-88 97/17 Tongues? Friday, February 24, 2006 Page 7 of 360 Author Title SourceTitleVol/Number Date Pages Box/Folder Arbeitman Yoel The Hittite is Thy Mother: An Anatolian Bono Homini Donum: Essays in Historical 1981 889-1 108/15 Approach to Genesis 23 (Ex Indo-Europea Linguistics in Memory of J. Alexander Lux) Kerns Arbeitman Yoel The Suffix of Iscariot Journal of Biblical Literature122-1 85/19 Arberry AJ The Divine Colloquoy and Islam BJRL 39/1 1956 27-28 115/32 Arbex EdwardP Translating the Old Testament out of the The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 1945 49-75 84/25 Original Languages Arbez EdwardP A Study of Psalm 1 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 7/4 1945 398-4 84/26 Arbez EdwardP Genesis I-XI and Prehistory Parts I, II, and III The American Ecclesiastical Review 123/2 1959 81-92, 84/36
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