SCIENCE FICTION summer "DT717T171X7 number 59 1986 It. Pi V lUi VV $2.50 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW ISSN ” P.O. BOX 11408 MAY, 1986 — Vol. 15, No. 2 WHOLE NUMBER 59 PORTLAND, OR 97211 RICHARD E. GEIS—editor & publisher PHONE: (503) 282-0381 PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR COVER BY MARCO BIANCHINI PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FEB., MAY, AUG., NOV. 3 TEN YEARS AGO IN SF - 1976 46 AND THEN I READ... SINGLE COPY - $2.50 By Robert Sabella Reviews By Richard E. Geis 4 ALIEN THOUGHTS 51 RAISING HACKLES By Richard E. Geis By Elton T. Elliott SUBSCRIPTIONS 7 PAULETTE'S PLACE 54 OTHER VOICES SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW By Paulette Minare1 Book Reviews P.O. BOX 11408 By John Shirley PORTLAND, OR 97211 8 YOU GOT NO FRIENDS IN THIS Robert A. W~ Lowndes WORLD Dean R. Lambe' For quarterly issues #60, 61: By Orson Scott Card Charles de Lint $4.50 in USA (1986 issues) Neal Wilgus US$7.00 Foreign 18 INTERVIEW: Stuart Napier For monthly issues #62-73: TIM POWERS Alma Jo Williams $15.00 USA (1987). & JAMES P. BLAYLOCK Alan Varney $18.00 Foreign. Conducted By Andy Watson Mark W. Antonoff and J.B. Reynolds Paul McGuire Canada & Mexico same as USA rate. Keith Soltys 27 Review of FORSAKE THE SKY Clifford R. McMurray 1986 issues mailed second class. By Tim Powers Andrew Andrews 1987 issues will be mailed 1st class Review of HOMUNCULUS Foreign will be sent airmail By James Blaylock NEXT ISSUE 28 SUFFERING FOOLS, NOT GLADLY ALL FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, INCLUDING By Gregory Benford A CONVERSATION WITH FREDERIK CANADA AND MEXICO, MUST BE PAID IN POHL US$ cheques or money orders, except 29 SPACEFLARE THE CHANGES I'VE SEEN to subscription agencies. A Poem By Blake Southfork By Robert A. W. Lowndes LARRY NIVEN’S REVIEW OF CONTACT 29 THE DISORIENT EXPRESS THE VIVISECTOR By Neal Wilgus By Darrell Schweitzer And a lot of Richard E. Geis 30 SMALL PRESS NOTES IF YOU MOVE WE NEED YOUR FORMER ZIP- By Richard E. Geis CODE AND YOUR NEW COMPLETE ADDRESS. NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED 33 NOISE LEVEL ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW AND OLD, By John Brunner ARE HONORED AND FULFILLED ON AN Second Class Postage Paid ISSUES NUMBER BASIS. 36 LETTERS at Portland, OR 97208 By Gregory Benford Fred Fowler Joel Rosenberg Alexis A. Gilliland Copyright (c) 1986 by Richard E. Lynn Mims Geis. One-time rights only have Tim Hessje been acquired from signed or cred¬ Poul Anderson ited contributors, and all other Clifford R. McMurray rights are hereby assigned to the Bruce Berges contributors. Ronald R. Lambert Alan Dean Foster Darrell Schweitzer SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published Robert Bloch at 1525 N.E. Ainsworth, Portland, Carl Glover OR 97211 Neal Wilgus Ed Meskys POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW 44 ONCE OVER LIGHTLY POB 11408 Reviews By Gene DeWeese Portland, OR 97211 2 REVIEWS- SIGHTSEEING: A SPACE PANORAMA..59 LAST WORDS THE BEAST OF HEAVEN.7 CHAMPIONS OF THE SIDHE.60 TAILCHASER' SONG.7 MASTER OF THE SIDHE.60 These last two issues—64 pages THE JOHN W. CAMPBELL LETTERS ... SO DEVIL ON MY BACK.60 each---have been extraordinary. PHILIP K. DICK NEWSLETTER 9/10.30 THE CROSS-TIME ENGINEER.60 Fine issues, if I do say so nyself. THE MAGAZINE OF SPECULATIVE DRAGONSBANE.60 This issue is so jam-packed...even POETRY.31 DARK OF THE MOON.60 with reduced type beyond former is¬ UNDERGROUND CLASSICS #2, #3....31 WIZARD OF THE PIGEONS.61 sues. THE FIRST KINGDOM #23.31 FACES OF FEAR.61 However, SFR #60 and #61 will MERCHANTS OF VENUS.31 THE HOUNDS OF GOD.61 have to return to the 48-page for¬ THE SOUND OF WONDER Vol..1-2...31 COUNT ZERO.62 mat in order to save some money for OUT OF MY HEAD.32 GODBODY.62 1987. SPACE 5 TIME #70.32 NEBULA AWARD 20.62 I had to pull A CONVERSATION TNFF/TIGHTBEAM.32 FIRST EDITIONS: A GUIDE TO WITH FREDERIK POHL and THE CHANGES AUSTRALIAN SF REVIEW.32 IDENTIFICATION.63 I'VE SEEN by Robert A.W. Lowndes RIVERSIDE QUARTERLY.32 SCHISMATRIX.63 from this issue to make room for FACTSHEET FIVE #17.32 TOTENTANZ.63 the longer tlian expected Orson A GUIDE TO THE COMMONWEALTH.... 32 THE WRITER'S ADVISOR.63 Scott Card short fiction colurai. FANTASY BOOK #20.32 INSIDE OUTER SPACE.63 And this issue will probably be a- STARQUAKE.44 BYTE BEAUTIFUL.63 bout five days late due to a week¬ EON.44 end arid an unavoidable delay the JACKLEEN J. O'MALLEY FOR nature of which I shall keep to my¬ CONGRESS (RARNABY #3).44 INTERIOR ART- self. Five days isn't so bad, is THE LEGION OF TIME.44 TIM KIRK-2,4,6,46 it? CONTACT.44 ALEXIS GILLILAND- —5,8,9,19,21, I want to call your attention... HUMAN ERROR.45 23,25,28,32,33,34,35,37,38,48, "Here, Attention! Here! Come to VOYAGERS II: THE ALIEN WITHIN..4S 50,51,52,53,54,60 Geis! Here boy! Here girl!"...to MOONDUST AND MADNESS.45 BRAD FOSTER-7,43, the heading for TEN YEARS AGO IN SF THE SONGS OF DISTANT EARTH.46 DAVID TRANSUE-11,18,20,22,24,31, below, as that for the INTERVIEW GALAXY JANE.46 49,55,56,57,59,61 WITH TIM POWERS AND JAMES P. BLAY¬ GOODMAN 2020.46 MICHAL DUTKIEWICZ-13 LOCK and NOISE LEVEL by John Brunner. MISSION EARTH: These were done for me (and many The Invaders Plan WILLIAM ROTSLER-14,32,41,44,47, 48,58,62,63 others in future will be) by BLACK Black Genesis.47 SLT-26,45 DAWN GRAPHICS using a computer and AT ANY PRICE.47 MARK BONDURANT- —29,61 a laser printer/copier. They also NEUROMANCER.48 RICHARD BRUNING-36 do typesetting, layouts, printing THE ODYSSEUS SOLUTION.48 GEORGE KOCHELL-39,40 and (I suspect) things one can only CLOSED SYSTEM.49 STEVEN FOX—-4 2 whisper about in secrecy. Their HARD SCIENCE FICTION.49 OLE PETTERSON-45 address is: BLACK DAWN GRAPHICS, DAD'S NUKE.49 P.0. Box 94, Long Beach, CA 90801- SOME KIND OF PARADISE: THE 0094. Phone: (213) 590-0486. EMERGENCE OF AMERICAN SF.49 SF, FANTASY, AND WEIRD FICTION MAGAZINES.49 ONE HUMAN MINUTE.50 Ten Tears Ago In Science Fiction - 1976 STARMAN.50 THE MESSIAH STONE.S3 By Robert Sabella ISAAC ASIMOV PRESENTS THE GREAT SF STORIES #14.53 CLOSED SYSTEM.53 Davis Publications announced a major The Hugo Awards for 1975 were announc¬ THE KIF STRIKE BACK.53 new science fiction magazine. In keep¬ ed: Best Novel was THE FOREVER WAR by Joe IN ALIEN FLESH.53 ing with their policy of naming magazines Haldeman; Best Novella was "Home is the BRIDGEHEAD.53 after prominent people (Ellery Queen, Al¬ Hangman" by Roger Zelazny; Best Novelet¬ THE HUGO WINNERS, Vol. 5.53 fred Hitchcock), it would be called ISAAC te was "The Borderland of Sol" by Larry MASTER OF SPACE AND TIME.54 ASIM3VS SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE. George Niven and Best Short Story was "Catch Scithers was the editor. That Zeppelin!" by Fritz Leiber. In a ma¬ THE MAN WHO MELTED.54 jor upset, Tom Reamy won the John W. Camp¬ THE SECRET OF LIFE.54 New writer C.J. Cherryh released bell Award for Best New Writer over John SF,FANTASY, AND WEIRD FICTION her second novel in less than six months; first was her debut fantasy GATES OF IV- Varley. MAGAZINES.55 REL followed by her first SF novel BROTH¬ Important publications included JERUSALEM FIRE.56 ERS OF EARTH. She was the second major Frank Herbert's bestselling CHILDREN OF MYTHAGO WOOD.56 science fiction writer to burst into prom¬ DUNE which was announced as the conclusion WITH A TANGLED SKEIN.56 inence in less than eighteen months. The of the "Dune Trilogy," Joe Haldeman's HUMAN ERROR.56 first -- John Varley -- took the tradition¬ MINDBRIDGE, Larry Niven's A WORLD OUT OF THE SKEPTICAL INQUIRER.57 al route of publishing a series of first- TIME and Phillip K. Dick and Roger Zelaz¬ CHALLENGE OF THE CLANS.57 rate stories in the science fiction pro- ny's DEUS IRAE. zines. Cherryh achieved recognition en¬ SO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL tirely through publication of original THE FISH.57 LETTER FRCM ROBERT SABELLA: Feb. 17, 1986 novels, a route pioneered by Ursula K. Le- 'By the way you made a small typo in MAGICIAN: MASTER.57 Guin with the publication of THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS in 1969. It became an increas¬ my review of THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FIC¬ SILVERTHORN.58 TION that blew my critique of John Varle/s A DARKNESS AT SETHANON.58 ingly comnon route in the late Seventies "Press EnterO." I stated that it was and Eighties as the prozines steadily wan¬ atypical Varley, but you added a space and HEART OF THE COMET.58 ed in influence. Following Cherryh, writ¬ EROS DESCENDING.59 ers such as Stephen Donaldson, John Crow¬ made it a typical Varley, just the oppos¬ PRIVATEERS.59 ite meaning. But that's the first typo¬ ley, R.A. MacEvoy and Tim Powers achieved graphical complaint I've had with your ENTERING SPACE: AN ASTRONAUT’S prominence without appearing in the pro- editing in five years of columns/reviews, ODYSSEY.59 so what the heck I' LIFE IN SPACE.59 ouew THOUGHTS I RICHARD E. GEISI ALTER-EGO RsR (Ranting & Raving) "I'm going to rant about the could stand to live in for long. books I started and didn't or could¬ They ignore basic truths about human n't complete.
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