r f ICCW DATrliArt, IMS * ThsWiBUmr iKmirIr»0t»r Cnttilttg IfmiUi Avstags Dally Net Preas Run ffismiil ag D. 8. WoaalHa 1 Far tka Maatb at Hardi. IStt Cfleady aad ana* mmmtma m m nia Final Offldal Board aaaat- Urn. la u QuUh a f «S Narth Tbs Kpiaiwth CSrols wlU meet ta Tbs Friendship Clrels af ths afteeaeaa thaa yeetordhy) 4iaBr’ Tha Bueklan4*OakUBd dub wlU School atraat waa tba winnar of ths banquet. hall ot the South SalvsUoa Arm y wlU hold a meet­ naat at tba adiod «n Wadnaaday ing of tha North MethOdiat church 9,740 and eeelee tonight: Wednaodikytabr s About Town win be held at 7:45 tonight. • man’a wrist watch and A . Zamal- MethOdiat chuiph. tonight Ht 7:48. ing in the CItsdel this svsnUig at avanbic at • o’cteck. A u ^ ta ala- loss Ruth Dowd aad Mrs. Herb­ 7:30 o’clock. IT at the Aedlt aala win follow the bua- tia o f 100 Oamhridga atraat was tha wlanar of tba lady's wrist ert MdClniMy. wlU be eo-hestsss- at r tiM'Scwtw On)* t f 0 » Om* jjiaaa aiaatliijr uul oiaaibara ara fo> A apodal maatliig o f tha South *'V .?iJfoheheiUili-^ 4 im .o t Mancheater Fire blatrict wUl ba watch at tba MfCIa SatuHay spon- Tha Junior choir of tha lacoad A«ito'LBthn«a viU auMtad to brlnf oaa or mora sorad by tha First District Damo- artldaa for the aala. Tht proflta hdd Tburaday at 8 p. m. in Hoaa CongregatiaiuU church win hava a 4A*- if ’ ■4, tiulgfcf t T-JOL > 1 ^ cratie oomttlttaa. Sherwood B. Ike Loyf] Orcle of King's rriiearasl at the church tomorrow (FOUR'rEEN PACES) PRICE FOUR CENTS win ba uaad for tba achool fund. Houae 8 to aae if the dlairict Wil! Advat Kalag aa M'AN{3n$TB|C)0(^^ HAY Id. tMt pay the Indebtedneaa and expenaea Cone, chairman o f tha diatrlet, D a u g h t^ will meet a t . the evening at 6:80, the seniors at 7:15, VOL. LXVUL, NO. 137 ‘ c ■ * Tka liitti'niriM CHm d u b wfll= of the dlatrict for the flacal year. wishes to thank al^ those resaonsl- ter OQngngatloaal church this end tho Board of Trustees will meet Giaea HJUaiy, dau*btar ot Ura. bla for making the raffia aacb a inMt At Um Bmamid' Lutbonn* The fire commlaalonera are expect­ sveniagh g at 7:48. I- at 8 o’clock. w M ia f at • OkkKk. iTrank H I U ^ o f U Munro atraat; great success. Mabratad bar IS birthday on Sat­ ed to recommend a two mill tax, In Doable Wedding Ceremony Start Battle urday with a dall(htful “ dog payable In October. reaat” for twelva of her asflool Sunset Itebakah LodgA 89, will Pact and Arms Aid matea. Aftar tha roaat, the young The Slaterbood o f Temple Beth held Assembly Officers’ Night on Governor Vetoes For Defense • a peopla atUndad the block Uv>ce Sholom will hold Ita meeting-in May 10 whan they will aatsrtain WE HAVE A SUCCESS COURSE FOR FCRSl which waa held by the Rotary dub the Temple Veatry tomorrow eve­ Prealdaat Harriet F. Ward ot Mys­ -TAMPAX on Uaia atreat. ning at 8. The elate of olflcera tic and her staff o f offlcars. Tba MOtwii $AHitA«r »toficnoN| for 1950 will be aubmitted for ap­ Rebekah degrsa will ba -loafarrad False Teeth Ban Of Hankow on a class o f candidates. Preced­ Not Vulnerable Line Mra. Frederick W. HoUoway wiU proval, and all membera are u rg ^ ing tha business nsaating, a ham laLLIlilERlZlKG! M N B lecture on “ Flower Arrangement” to attend thia Important meeting. jv n io B at tha May meeting of the Man- dinner will ba served for a nominal 600 CommunisU Drive cheater Garden club tbla evening fee. Reservations may ba.owda by For Technicians Tha Stanley Group of the at 8 In the Robbtna room o f Can­ contacting Mrs. Ruth Aaplnwall of Into Liangkniow About WSCS, South MethOdiat church, 3 Anderson street ea or bahira ter Cihurcb Houae. A aodal peri­ will hold ita election meeting 20 MUm North; Suf< Defense of Europe M ay 13. ■ouAxmniziJio fa just wlmt tks od with refraahmenU will follow Tueaday, May 10, at 7:40 in the ^ w le s Alao Returns to and membera planning to Invite ladlea’ parlor. Hoateaaea will be; furrier ordered to bring back life, Income Again fer 100 Casualties a guaat are requeated to notify Mra. Harold Carlaon, Mra. E. J. Mathew Men, veteran Dap<A General Asaembly Square barber, entared the Memo­ luads-snd supple, shimmering Mra. B. E. Klrkham of 300 Porter Ferria, Jr., Mra. Mather Harding Shanghai, May 10— (JT)—A Cen­ Both Connally and Van- ^1.19 rial hospital Friday for observa­ beauty to your fun. Without Signature Two atreet and Mra. John Matchett. Shows Decline FBI's Shadow tion. tral Newa agency dispatch from Lawyer Raps denberg Make Clear Membera of Linne Lodge, No. It’s more-thsa-a-cleaiiing Companion Bills; Ex­ Hankow today said the battle for 72, Knighta of Pythlaa, wlU meet The remaina of Firat Lieutenant the “ defense” of .that mid-Yang ^^laginot Line De* A w n f * 4 Mm Um Sapply William L. Anderaon will arrive in The Manchester Oouaeil of proosas. It gets right down to presses Belief Some Commerce Department Trial Fairness at Orange hall toitight at 7:30. churches will hold Ita annual meet­ tie industrial city started yester­ fense' Not Contem> From there they will march In a town 'niursday at 6:30. Lieuten­ the pelt itself and the lining too! Do You Know- . Controls Necessary Report Reveals Fall of ant Anderaon died in Australia on ing at the North Methodist church day. body to the Watklna Funeral Home plated; Banker Qarz* where they will pay their laat re- September 13, 1943. Arrangements on Wednesdsy at 7:80 p. m. All Order it Now! Don’t wait Two Billion in March The agency Mid 600 COmmun- Dwinell Testifies De- TM J W I I A M cOM delegates are requested to bo pres­ ,• That yoa can buy a G. E. Refrigerator for apecta to Oacar Dahlqulat, who waa in charge of the Holmea Funeral State Capitol, Hartford, lata drove into Liangkulow about tions Whether Plan to Home are incomplete. ent. for summer best and mptbs to a member. as little as $20 down with 24 months to pay May 10.— ( A * ) ^ o v e r n o r Waahlngton, May 10—«Pi-C on - 20- miles north o f Hankow. The at- fense Attorneys' Not threaten your fur eoet Send it to tackera suffered 100 casualties, Block Invasion at Bowles v eto ^ today the ton- aumer income dropped in March Given Enough Time us for sa/e atoisgt. Insuia its the balatace? said the agency, but were rein­ troversial bill prohibiting for the third consecutive month. forced. Frontiers of Europe ready-for-FslI beauty— • That Hale's will proteet you on any price dental technicians from mak­ faUing three per cent below the Another dispatch from Hankow Washington, May 10—CJ*»—Two by BOLLANDEUZINC. reductions made between now and Sept. ing or repairing false teeth peak reached laat December. quoted a government Arm y source lawyers who dispute whether Washington, May 10.— (/P)' without a prescription from a A fter the drop it waa atUl four The farawr Mra. Ella KNng, St. eobraoes OmrlM Oma (left) af Boa- aa saying a movement for a re­ German storm troopers were given —The Senate’s foreign poly, And of ceune, we’ ta equipped to gional peace in the area was “in « 30th on present models? licensed dentist. In his first per cent above March, 1948. Ion. Miman wMIr bar granddaughter, the former Edna Mnason, 21, ol ! s fair trial for the Malmedy mas­ icy leaders said today that: repair its daiest rip—or remodel Cortland, N. Y., Is kissed by Jay HntcUnga alter the couples were •ull swing.” veto message, the chief exec­ The Commerce department, re­ The Arm y eource told Centrals sacre were called before a Senate tlie North Atlantic .treaty^ • That no other refrigerator can match Gen­ wed In n double ceremony at the grandmatber's banse In Narth Braok- investigating committee today (I Hale’s it from top to hem. All ia our utive alao returned to the General porting thia today, said March con­ Xew’B Agency that' some of the and the proposed arma-foD* Seld, N . V. The ronpleB attended Mch ether and left together for n eral Electric's record for dependable, eco­ Aaaembly wlOtout hia aignature sumer Income feU 82,000,000,000 leading Hankow residents have p.m., e. s. t.i for more questioning. tradition of quality workmanship! Aoneymoan trip to Oleaa Fhlla, N- V ._ .(A P wlrepboto). I.t. Col. John S. Dwinell testi­ Europe program do not con-^ two oompaaion biUa. below February to an annual rate formed a “security maintaining fied yesterday that he and other (BQ1XA.NDE1UZ1NC IS perfect for nomical performance? ^ > BeRevea BOla “ Go Tom Far” of 8214,500,000.000. committee.” Committees o f this template a “ Maginot line de*’ defense attomeya in the military He expreaaed the belief that Declines in wages and salaries, nature ususily are formed to ad­ fense” of western Europ&z ‘ Observe your fur-trimmed cloth coats, tdo.) easily the biggest item of con­ trials were given insufficient time • That no other manufacturer has as many there ahould be aome leglalation minister cities between tbe time sumer Income, and in receipts of to prepare the case.
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