' '..S\ ■ < / V \ ■ \ ■ -V ■ PAQS SIXTEEN FilDAYrJUI,Y 10. 1969 lEttPttinQ il|(ralit Average Daily Net Preaa Rtw For tha Weak Badad Memb^ o the 8th Dwtnct Majr 88rd. I9M The Weather poo] open for the summer season bridge, eonUlna sn gdditlona] da- roraesat of 0. a. Waa^W Bmntm About Town rtw Dept. stVfhing to paructpete Swim Hours will be presented for consideration nomination called "re*’’ (the La­ CHARGE YOUR In tHe pernri ^cW indiwr L.nrk* by the Board of Dtrectora July. 21' tin word for king). It ranks ba^ Police Arrests should x ie ^ a f 't jfe ftn.ouse to­ 12,925 by the Advisory Park and Recrea­ tween spades snd no-trumps.' In PRES^FTIONS HERE Partly dandy. dRblar toalght. Mlw HeJ«n Jkitibach. JM Mr- morrow jjtgfit at, 5; 30. tion Commission. Some Directors Extended for playing the gama, rak is a no- Mam bar of tba Andit ^ Low hi 8S«. Stmday partly cMaf^, 'Xm St., and VIm Ulliah Ptetro>v» : have favored the appropriation. Police arrested Carlyle P. Tea- Burakn af CtrenlaUoa trump declaration In which the to, 18. ' Ha»ardville, last night *k5.-IM'br't 8t> ^«?t today from ''Mwa Brenda Mill*., -llfca Mayor Eugene T. Kelly has said Hlsh near SO. < king is the . highest card in each and chargeo him with driving Manehester-^A City of Village Charm, "^School Pool he feels the'town Is obligated to suit and the ace is the lowest, in a c r u l« -to the Bahnnas.,..,^ ^ W'oodbrfdRe S ^ f^ m e d a keep open the pooL wttlKHrt headllghU at night. ^ PINE - y yie bidding, three-rex will overcall Polics said Teabo was bean p r a k m a c t ,-f ' ‘ posit —on ■—-«'>■-pn-fhr rtwrirs^ hslU-. for .w-the Director Francie Mahoney said The Manchester High School three spades, but three no-trump driving on Manchester streets VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 239 TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY AllU1 memliera pf -unna and Me-Jsprtrspring: 'Ser’ Mter «t T-*arhera Col- a full season's use was the inten­ will dvercall thire, rex. T^rpe rex MANCHESTER, CONNh SATURDAY. JI LY U,;l959 (Ctaaalflad AdvartiamK oa Paga It) swimming pool will he open'slx tion of his Directors' Swim Pool about 9:3P without benefit of PRICE FIVE CENTS mortalrtal UHtee*.'"Knlghtf of Pyth-] ippr’ of prifn«ct1cul In I'.'ew Brit- is enough for game, since It scores 664 CENTER ST. las, who-eM intereeted In helpirur^ain. hours daily starting Jlofrday. subcommittee in ,,racOmrnencfing headlam-'j. He W due lu coi.rt July that the pool he used this summer. as no-trump. form a junior dodfce will meef'at The hours now- are p m. 2p. All., i Mti-i • f ^ t The 1*^1 will stay'* open until i Usedv___ ______ 1 ________Hot _____Water First home of Howard S m tl1 y ^ ‘ Robert B Donovan, eon of Da­ for rhildred.' Slartlng-Monday. the Steel L^or GOP to Opp ose Unton St , at 7.30 tpmdfrow;#i1ght the tini^'the Directors consider the 1 vid J. Donovan, 85 Alton St. le pool wUr also be .open from 8 to spproprfatton. i attendlnu the Air Force Academ.v 8 p.m. on a family basis for- ‘TT* 2 - New Wage Bill at Colorado Springs, Colo, Hla ad­ adults and chlTdren with adults. Hex Bridge from Sweden Negotiators Banker Foils Pair dress la Basic Cadet Robert B. This schedule Is based on a 3- Donovan, .34lh Squadron, R ,oom Closed Mondays During July and August L T. WOOD CO. dav week. .Stockholm- Rex bridge, a iSfiw. As Inflationary^ 8D74. A .'F , Cadet Wing, USAF A cost estimate for keeping the ICE PLANT Academy, Colo. ----------- --------- _■— ^ ------------- .Swedish variation of the game of-i Still StaUed SI B1S8KLL BT. O p e lii TuOSe thru Sat. — Open Thurs. till 9:00 In Holdup, Kidnap Washington,'July 11 (/P)— ' Cube»-Cru»hed‘Blockf The Kl* anls Club will New York, July 11 (JP)— Senate Republican Leader Tuesday at 12:13 p.m. at the Man­ E n fs a ^ e d Steel labor hieiarotiators faced Eclectic, Ala., July 11 (/W—- Everett M. Djrksen (K-III) chester Country Club. A Pan NOW'S THE TIME TO STOCK UP DURING an uphilijight today to win a A youDg gmall-town banker said today the administration A lerican A ii.-«y fi1;n on ToK'yo, The engagement of Miss Sandra would atrongly opmae the re­ .lapan, wlH , be shown. - Ellen Rudar, to Jon U. Rylander is 1 settlement formula in time to early today shot and killed one Of Accord at announced hy her narenl*. V -. and HALE'S JULY avoid starting mill shutdowns holdup man and wounded an­ vised Democratfc-spon.sored Mra. Erie Riidar.. 62 Winter St. Y j PRE-SEASON this weekend. other who had kidnaped a minimum wage bill as infla­ • Her fiance i.« the eon of .Vti, and With an Industrywide strike policeman and robbed a bank tionary. ; Mrs. Norman Rvlander, 126 N. Elm threatened at midnight Tuesday, Blit Sen. John F. Kennedy -tD- SI. of $250. progress so far could be measured Before he shot the two ban­ Masai, cnief author «f"lh« lewrit- V , DON'T Miaa ' Rudar. IS a graduate of ten measure said it was reason-1 Manchesler High School, class of in Inches—with about a mile left to dits, 3l-year-ol’d Carl Ray Barjter Set to Seek Still plenty of wear left In WHITE SALE go. subdued one of them by throwing able legislation needed to insure a , lfl!58. .'the is presently employed at shoes when brought here for Mucl^ haggling over side issues bare living standard for many low-1 expert repairing. ' the Southern New England Tele- Another shipment, closeout patterns of reifu- scalding water in hla face and paid workers'. phone Co. Her fiance attendedioeal during the past few days has cre­ beating him on the head with the Open 3lniNUys .All Oa.v lar $1.49, $1.98.'12.49. F.xtra htrjie beautiful ated a situation, however, where an The bill would raise the M an , Reasonable arhools and ia with the IT.S. .Navy, robber'a own pistol. hour minimum to $1,25 for most Closed Wednesday qualil.v. Industry money offer could as­ I Barker is cashier and general Afternoons stalinrted at Norfolk, Va erriployea coyered by the Wages i The wedding will take place semble the pieces of a new con­ manager of the bank of Eclectic. tract jigsaw puzzle quickly into and Hours Act, and extend cover- L Sept, ,'^^lh the Second Congrega­ He killed the other bandit with age to lO million additional work-1 Agreem ent S A M Y U L Y E S tional Church. CANNON place. I a shotgun charge in the chest and era. So' far, it was reliably reported “ SHOC RKPAIRING seriously wounded the scalded, Dlrkgen told newsmen President. OF THE BETTER KINn" from, both industry .and union badly beaten holdup man with a By LEWI8 GUUCK I Music for dancing at the parly I BATH TOWELS aourcea,.the top dozen steel firms Hisenhower could not go along Waahinjfton. July 11 (/P)— 2.3 OAK s t r e e t ■at the Army and Navy Cluh f o - ; charge of No. 4 birdshot in the with an increase in the mandatory ' m Sam's Side as Watkins have Blood firm on their refusal to I morrow night will he furnished by j Each 24*’ X 48” Size. I hip. minimum wage and still seek to. SecrptSry of State Christian Oven cooking raiae wages or benefits resulting in I The dead man was identified by hold the line against price boosts ! Diha Ido's orchestra. any cost increases. A. Herter. took o ff today for *100 papers in his wallet as J a m e s in the private industry. the Big Four talks at Geneva is oosy today... instead, the industry bargaining Franklin Bray. 25. of Miontgome- team headed by R. Conrad Cooper, This was an appare.nt reteience Oiir -Ith shipment of these wonderful closeout ry. Taken to Kilby Prison at to adminiairation pleas 'or a steel; with a pledge to strive for "a rnnnon towels. Solid colors; myriad of stripes, U.,S. Steel Corp. vice president, has rea.ionable agreement with been insisting on contract changes Montgomery in serious condition wage dispute settlement which I 'jacquard patterns. Not all coIom in each style. from loss of blood and other in­ would not lead to any price in- ! the Soviet Union on the prob­ that would give steel firms more creaaes. leeway in making work assign­ juries wa.s a man who gave the lems of Germany and Berlin.” 2 FAMILY HOUSE name of VVilliam D. Hayward. 26, The 'aooi- subcommittee'headed i But. Herter said he. haa "no O rR CO.MPI.ETE STOCK Regular 49c I^ rtex Solid Color ments and otherwise slashing op­ by Kennedy approved the bill yes­ erating costs. also of Montgomery, ! great expectations for succaaa" ■The two holdup men kidnaped terday after making a number of ONE IL p C K FROM CENTER David J. -McDonald, Steelworkers changes. i and that bargaining with the Sort- OK l.ARtlK 36" X 72” Kifchen “Blotter” \ City Policeman Maxie Taunton eU require "infinite patience and SIX RGOMS EACH SIDE Union p'lesiden't. has pledged "no Kennedy said the changes were I backward step'' from present con- ' after a.-king.him to drive them i long labor.” out on a highway where they approved unanimously and that he : Herter epove at Andrews Air CntKl lnvrKtnii*nt Property BEACH TOWELS THSH TOWELS Regular'$39.98 Value tract terms.
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