Technical Report RAL-TR-2014-005 How to use Mantid for low energy inelastic neutron scattering data analysis on indirect geometry instruments Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay April 2014 ©2014 Science and Technology Facilities Council This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Enquiries concerning this report should be addressed to: RAL Library STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Oxford Didcot OX11 0QX Tel: +44(0)1235 445384 Fax: +44(0)1235 446403 email: [email protected] Science and Technology Facilities Council reports are available online at: http://epubs.stfc.ac.uk ISSN 1358-6254 Neither the Council nor the Laboratory accept any responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of information contained in any of their reports or in any communication about their tests or investigations. How To Use Mantid For Low Energy Inelastic Neutron Scattering Data Analysis On Indirect Geometry Instruments Version 1.0 Sanghamitra Mukhopadhyay ISIS Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom. April 24, 2014 1 Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 General Overview of QENS Analysis 6 3 Overview of the Data Reduction 7 3.1 Instruments : IRIS and OSIRIS . .7 3.2 Conversion to Energy . .9 3.3 S(Q,!)............................... 10 3.4 Calibration . 11 3.5 Indirect Diffraction . 12 4 Overview of the Data Analysis 13 4.1 Theory . 13 4.1.1 S(Q,!).......................... 14 4.1.2 I(Q,t) . 16 4.1.3 Bayesian analysis . 18 4.2 Corrections . 21 4.2.1 Absorption . 21 5 How to Start 23 5.1 Download Mantid . 23 5.2 Installing Mantid . 23 5.3 Load Data . 25 5.4 Plot Data . 30 5.5 Save Data . 32 5.6 Python Scripting . 35 6 Data Reduction 37 6.1 Convert to Energy . 37 6.2 Calibration . 40 6.3 Diagnostics . 42 6.4 Transmission . 43 6.5 S(Q; !).............................. 43 7 Data Analysis 47 7.1 Basic Analysis . 47 7.1.1 Elastic Window Scan (Elwin) . 47 2 7.1.2 Mean Square Displacement (MSD) . 49 7.1.3 Intermediate Scattering Function (I(Q; t)) using Fury . 52 7.1.4 Fitting I(Q; t) using Fury Fit . 53 7.1.5 Fitting S(Q; !) using ConvFit . 57 7.2 Advanced Analysis . 60 7.2.1 Normalisation using resolution function (ResNorm) . 60 7.2.2 Advanced fitting of S(Q,!) (Quasi) . 62 7.2.3 Alternative fitting of S(Q, !) using advanced stretched exponential function (Stretch) . 64 7.2.4 Model Fitting for diffusion analysis (JumpFit) . 66 7.3 Calculate Corrections . 68 7.3.1 Apply Corrections . 69 8 Indirect Diffraction 71 A Appendix 73 A.1 Customising Interfaces . 73 A.2 MODES Equivalence . 74 A.3 Important Algorithms . 76 References 77 3 Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Dr. Spencer Howells, Dr. Victoria Garcia- Sakai, Dr. Franz Demmel and Dr. Felix Fernandez-Alonso for many useful discussions and suggestions. Special thanks will go to Spencer and Felix for reviewing the earlier version of the manuscript. The author also would like to thank Mr. Tendekai Kachere and Mr. Samuel Jackson for contributions in the Mantid code and writing some documentations for the Mantid website. 4 1 Introduction The Mantid project provides a framework that supports high-performance computing and visualisation of scientific data. Please see the Mantid Web- page http://www.mantidproject.org/Main Page for the latest information and updates. Mantid software is used to manipulate and analyse Neutron and Muon scattering data at ISIS. It is an open source software and is supported on multiple target platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac. The implementa- tion of the framework is an application written in Python, C++ and QtiPlot. Users can access the framework either through scripting, using Python, or through MantidPlot GUI available on MantidPlot. The aim of the Mantid framework is to provide a single platform for data reduction and analysis of neutron and muon scattering data across instru- ments and facilities across the world. Currently it has three main partners, ISIS, SNS and HFIR. More partners, such as ILL, PSI and MacStas have joined recently. Apart from data reduction and analysis, Mantid is now ex- tended for data interpretation and visualisations. The Mantid application software is in its development phase and is being improved across versions. More and more interfaces and algorithms are being added and some of the interfaces, GUI and dialogs are being redesigned. At the time of writing of this document Mantid version 3.1 was in use. How- ever, this manual is the first systematic and comprehensive documentation of principles and techniques of the software and is aimed to equip the user with the knowledge to effectively apply the powerful software to solve their problems. 5 2 General Overview of QENS Analysis At ISIS quasielastic (or low energy inelastic) neutron scattering (QENS) data are collected from IRIS and OSIRIS instruments. Data handling of QENS experiments can be divided into two parts: reduction and analysis. Data reduction involves conversion of the raw time-of-flight data into an instrument-independent scientific function, such as S(Q, !) which depends only on the dynamics of the sample measured. The operations include: • Conversion from time-of-flight to energy transfer (or other unit such as d-spacing) • Summing of spectra into groups and conversion from detector angles to momentum transfer (Q) values • Correcting for container scattering (if necessary) • Correcting for absorption (from sample and container) and multiple scattering In the package the data after these processes are saved in After reduction, subsequent analysis involves operations on intermediate files which, in general, are smaller than the original raw files. Analysis is considered as reference to science-based interpretation of the reduced data. In quasi-elastic scattering this is dominated by methods of measuring the peak shapes and widths, and relating these to some theoretical model for the dynamics. This can take the form of: • Fitting quasi-elastic peaks using a convolution method • Calculating peak parameters using Bayesian techniques • Performing transformations from S(Q,!) to I(Q,t) • Fitting S(Q,!) and I(Q,t) using various models 6 3 Overview of the Data Reduction 3.1 Instruments : IRIS and OSIRIS IRIS and OSIRIS are two high resolution, indirect-geometry low energy and inelastic neutron scattering spectrometers with long-wavelength diffraction capabilities [1, 2, 3]. They share the N6 beamline on ISIS Target Station I and receive neutrons moderated by a liquid hydrogen moderator cooled to 25K. The schematic of these two beamlines are shown in Fig. 1. Figure 1: IRIS and OSIRIS primary spectrometers. Neutrons are transported from the moderator to the sample by curved neutron guides. IRIS uses a Ni-plated guide terminated with 2.5m of Ni- Ti super-mirror focusing guide as shown in Fig. 1. OSIRIS utilises an m=2 guide terminated by an m=3.5 focusing guide section. Two choppers, at 6.3m and 10m, are used to define the incident wavelength band and prevent frame overlap. Wavelength-band selection defines the energy transfer range for quasi- and inelastic scattering and d-spacing range for diffraction. Neutrons of wavelengths between 0.9 and 20A˚ can be used for measurements. Both spectrometers work on the principle that neutrons scattered by the sample are energy-analysed by means of Bragg scattering from a crystal- analyser array and use time-of-flight for energy analysis. The final energies (Ef ) for both spectrometers are determined by the re- flections of cooled pyrolytic graphite crystals, where Ef =1.845 and 7.38 meV for reflection plane setting 002 and 004, respectively. The position of these analysers are shown in the schematics of the secondary spectrometers given in 7 Figure 2: IRIS and OSIRIS secondary spectrometers. Fig. 2. This design offers resolutions of 17.5 and 54.5µeV for IRIS and 25 and 99µeV for OSIRIS for 002 and 004 reflections, respectively, and corresponds to the analyser settings pg 002 and pg 004 as discussed in section 6.1. The primary setting in both instruments is 002 and in this case higher order reflec- tions are suppressed by a cooled Be filter which is lowered in place between the sample and the analyser bank. Neutrons are detected over an angular range of 200 to 1500. IRIS has an additional Mica analyser bank (muscovite or fluorinated crystals upon request) to achieve higher energy resolutions of 11µeV (006 reflection Ef =1.857meV), 4.5µeV (004, Ef =0.826meV) and 1.2µeV (002, Ef =0.207) at the cost of reduced intensity. IRIS has 7 diffraction detectors at backscattering geometry with 2θ = 1700, while OSIRIS has a large diffraction detector (960 tubes) of about 1 m2 in a ring around the incident beam at 2θ from 1500 to 1710, with a resolution at best of ∆d=d = 2:5 × 10−3. OSIRIS also has an extra analyser bank which is more than twice higher than that in IRIS. That larger analyser bench, combined with the super-mirror guide, provides higher count rate on OSIRIS, in particular at shorter wavelengths. At ISIS, these two spectrometers provide high resolution spectroscopy with a flexible energy transfer range, which provides overlap with other spec- trometers at ISIS, such as LET and TOSCA, with simultaneous diffraction capabilities. 8 3.2 Conversion to Energy The first step of the data reduction is the conversion of the time-of-flight raw data to energy transfer. At this stage instrument parameters and the parameters of the analysers are used. The flight paths and scattering angles on IRIS and OSIRIS, are fixed and are used for data reduction [1, 2]. If the primary flight path from the moderator (M) to the sample (S) is L1 and time of flight is t1 and secondary flight path from the sample (S) to the detector (D) is L2 and time of flight is t2, then the final energy detected by any detector can be written as: 2 2 Ef = (1=2) mn v = (1=2) mn (L2=t2) (1) where v is the velocity of the neutron and mn is its mass.
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