Transfers of major weapons: Deals with deliveries or orders made for 1970 to 1996 Note: The No. delivered and the Year(s) of deliveries columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. The Comments column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL 5 <http://www.sipri.org/contents/armstrad/sources-and-methods>. Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database Information generated: 21 December 2017 10 Year(s) Recipient/ No. Weapon Weapon Year of No. supplier (S) ordered designation description of order delivery delivered Comments 15 Angola S: France (180) HOT Anti-tank missile 1985 1986-1987 (180) For 6 SA-342K and possibly 6 SA-365N helicopters Argentina S: France (20) R-530 BVRAAM (1970) 1972-1973 (20) For Mirage-3E combat aircraft 20 (30) AS-12 ASM/anti-ship missile (1973) 1974 (30) For SA-319B helicopters (75) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1975) 1976-1981 (75) For Sheffield (Hercules or Type-42) destroyers and D'Orves (Drummond) corvettes and for modernized Gearing (Py) and Sumner (Bouchard) destroyers 25 (15) R-530 BVRAAM (1977) 1980 (15) For Mirage-3E combat aircraft (80) SS-11 Anti-tank missile (1977) 1978 (80) For SA-319B helicopters (30) AM-39 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1979 1982-1983 (30) For Super Etendard combat aircraft (60) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1980) 1983-1984 (60) For MEKO-360 (Almirante Brown) frigates (84) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM (1980) 1981-1983 (84) For Super Etendard combat aircraft 5 (80) Roland SAM 1981 1982-1983 (80) Australia S: France (550) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM 1981 1982-1983 (550) $14 m deal (120) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1983) 1985 (120) AUD6 m deal (incl 12 launchers) 10 Austria S: France 500 Mistral Portable SAM 1993 1993-1996 (500) Part of $129 m deal (incl EUR87 m for RAC; offsets $344 m) incl 22 RAC radars and MITS-2 night sights; deal incl also 63 or 76 launchers 15 Bahrain S: France (20) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1979) 1984 (20) For TNC-45 (El Fateh) FAC (30) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1985) 1986-1989 (30) For MGB-62 (Al Manama) corvettes and TNC-45 (El Fateh) FAC 20 (30) R-440 Crotale SAM (1994) 1995 (30) Supplier uncertain Belgium S: France 714 Mistral Portable SAM 1988 1991-1995 (714) $93 m deal (incl 118 launchers; offsets 75% incl production of components in Belgium) 25 (40) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1973) 1978 (40) For Wielingen frigates (25) L5 533mm AS/ASW torpedo (1975) 1978 (25) For Wielingen frigates; L-5 Mod-4 version (300) MILAN Anti-tank missile 1978 1978 (300) Deal also incl 30 launchers (3300) MILAN Anti-tank missile 1979 1981-1982 (3300) Deal also incl 330 launchers 290 Mistral Portable SAM 1991 1993-1994 (290) Deal incl also 24 ATLAS launchers 30 Brazil S: France (30) R-530 BVRAAM 1970 1972-1973 (30) For Mirage-3E combat aircraft (576) SS-11 Anti-tank missile 1972 1973-1975 (576) Possibly incl for MB-326GB (EMB-326 Xavante) trainer/combat aircraft (20) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1975) 1978 (20) For Niteroi frigates 5 (80) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1986) 1989-1991 (80) For Inhauma and modernized Niteroi frigates (25) AM-39 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1989) 1991 (25) For S-61/SH-3D helicopters (160) Mistral Portable SAM 1994 1994-1997 (160) For use with naval SADRAL and SIMBAD launchers; incl on modernized Minas Gerais aircraft carrier 10 (57) Eryx Anti-tank missile 1995 1996 (57) (100) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1995) 1996-1997 (100) Brunei S: France (16) SS-12M Anti-ship missile (1970) 1972 (16) For modernized Soloven (Pahlawan) Class FAC 15 (12) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1976 1978-1979 (12) For Waspada Class FAC Cameroon S: France (40) HOT Anti-tank missile 1980 1982 (40) For SA-342L helicopters (15) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1981) 1984 (15) For P-48S (Bakassi) FAC 20 (60) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1982) 1982 (60) Deal incl also 6 launchers Canada S: France 4500 Eryx Anti-tank missile 1994 1994-1999 (4500) FFR250-350 m deal (incl 425 launchers; offsets 100%) 25 Chad S: France (400) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1986) 1986-1987 (400) Aid against Libyan invasion and Libyan supported GUNT rebels 30 Chile S: France (15) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1973) 1974-1975 (15) For modernized Almirante destroyers (150) AS-12 ASM/anti-ship missile 1974 1975 (150) Status uncertain (15) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1976) 1978 (15) For Leander (Condell) frigates (60) R-440 Crotale SAM 1981 1982 (60) (21) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1988) 1989-2000 (21) For modernized Leander (Condell) frigates 5 (750) Mistral Portable SAM 1989 1991-1997 (750) For Mygale SAM systems (30) AM-39 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1990) 1991 (30) For AS-532SC helicopters China S: France . R-440 Crotale SAM (1978) 1990-2016 (2275) Incl R-440N version; Chinese designation HQ-7 (US 10 designation CSA-4 and CSA-N-4); possibly later production in China is modified Chinese design based on R-440 Crotale (250) HOT-2 Anti-tank missile 1987 1988-1989 (250) Part of$29.7 m incl 8 SA-342L helicopters 15 Colombia S: France (30) R-530 BVRAAM 1971 1972-1973 (30) For Mirage-5 combat aircraft (70) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1980) 1983-1984 (70) For FS-1500 (Padilla) frigates Cote d'Ivoire 20 S: France (25) SS-12M Anti-ship missile (1977) 1978 (25) For Patra (L'Ardent) FAC Cyprus S: France (1200) HOT-2 Anti-tank missile 1987 1988 (1200) For SA-342L helicopters and VAB-VCAC-HOT tank destroyers 25 (250) MILAN Anti-tank missile 1987 1987-1988 (250) MILAN-2 version (90) Mistral Portable SAM (1988) 1989 (90) Deal incl MANPADS and ATLAS launchers 24 MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1989 1994 24 For Exocet coast defence system; MM-40 Block-2 version 30 Ecuador S: France (125) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM (1977) 1979-1982 (125) For Mirage F-1 combat aircraft (25) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1974) 1976-1977 (25) For TNC-45 (Quito) FAC (75) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM 1974 1977 (72) For Jaguar combat aircraft (75) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1979) 1982-1984 (75) For Esmeraldas corvettes (60) Super-530F BVRAAM 1979 1980-1982 (60) For Mirage F-1 combat aircraft 5 (150) HOT Anti-tank missile (1981) 1982-1983 (150) For SA-342 helicopters (20) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1991 1991 (20) For Leander (Alfaro) frigates (5) MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1995) 1996-1998 5 Egypt 10 S: France (100) R-530 BVRAAM 1974 1973-1980 (100) For Mirage-5 combat aircraft (1440) HOT Anti-tank missile 1975 1976-1978 (1440) For 24 SA-342L helicopters 4150 MILAN Anti-tank missile (1975) 1976-1979 (4150) (250) R-440 Crotale SAM 1976 1977-1979 (250) For Crotale SAM systems (180) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM 1977 1980-1983 (180) For Mirage-5 combat aircraft 15 60 Otomat-2 Anti-ship missile 1978 1980-1981 (60) For Otomat coast defence systems (1440) HOT Anti-tank missile 1981 1984-1985 (1440) For 24 SA-342L helicopters (40) AM-39 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1982 1982-1983 (40) (125) R-440 Crotale SAM 1982 1982-1983 (125) (125) R-440 Crotale SAM (1982) 1984-1985 (125) 20 (120) AS-30L ASM (1983) 1986-1987 (120) For Mirage-2000 combat aircraft (120) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM 1983 1986-1987 (120) For Mirage-2000 combat aircraft (50) ARMAT ARM 1984 1986-1987 (50) For Mirage-2000 combat aircraft (80) Super-530D BVRAAM (1984) 1986-1988 (80) For Mirage-2000 combat aircraft 25 Finland S: France (540) Mistral Portable SAM (1989) 1990-2002 (540) For Sako (modified SADRAL) SAM system on Hamina FAC, Hameenma and modernized Pohjanmaa minelayers and on modernized Helsinki and Rauma FAC 30 Gabon S: France (10) SS-12M Anti-ship missile (1976) 1978 (10) For Omar Bongo FAC (40) MILAN Anti-tank missile 1985 1986-1987 (40) Deal incl also 4 launchers (60) Mistral Portable SAM 1985 1988 (60) Status uncertain 5 Germany (FRG) S: France (1500) AS-20 ASM (1962) 1964-1975 (1500) For G-91 and F-104 combat aircraft; incl production of components and assembly in FRG (17500) SS-11 Anti-tank missile (1961) 1961-1971 (17500) For HS-30 (JPz-3) and JPz-4 tank destoyers 10 (320) AS-30 ASM (1969) 1969-1970 (320) 150 MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1970 1972-1975 (150) Deal worth $9.3 m; for Combattante-2 (Type-148 or Tiger Class) FAC 150 MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1976 1976-1978 (150) Deal worth $13.4 m; for Type-143 (Albatros Class) and Type-143B (Gepard Class) FAC and Hamburg 15 Class frigates Greece S: France 26 MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1969 1972 26 $2.2 m deal; for Combattante-2 (Navsithoi) FAC 50 MM-38 Exocet Anti-ship missile (1971) 1972 50 For Combattante-2 (Navsithoi) FAC 20 (2900) MILAN Anti-tank missile 1974 1977-1983 (2900) Deal incl also some 300 launchers (240) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM 1974 1975-1978 (240) For Mirage F-1C combat aircraft (30) AS-12 ASM/anti-ship missile (1975) 1975 (30) For SA-319 helicopters (360) R-550 Magic-2 SRAAM 1986 1988-1992 (360) For Mirage-2000EG combat aircraft (40) MM-40 Exocet Anti-ship missile 1991 1993-1994 (40) For Exocet coast defence systems 25 (150) Super-530D BVRAAM (1994) 1995-1997 (150) For Mirage-2000 combat aircraft India S: France (7000) SS-11 Anti-tank missile 1972 1974-1983 (7000) (22250) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1979) 1984-2016 (21200) MILAN-2 and MILAN-2T version; ordered from French-FRG company; most produced in India; incl for BMP-2 IFV 1836 SS-11 Anti-tank missile 1968 1970-1972 (1836) $7.5 m deal 5 (1800) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1979) 1982-1984 (1800) Ordered after delays in production in India (due to technical problems) (1000) R-550 Magic-1 SRAAM (1979) 1981-1990 (1000) For Jaguar and Sea Harrier and probably Mirage- 2000 combat
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