INDEX Aaker, David, 80, 81 process for generating, 97 American Heart Association, 69 AARP, 11 tools for developing, 93–96 American Lung Association, 103 ABC, 5 and typeface selection, 54 American Red Cross, 134 Accuracy (term), 67 visual communication of, 20 American Skandia, 66 Adams, Chris, 184 Advertising message, 18 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 197 adams&partners, 184–185 Advertising Week, 11, 136 American Urological Association, 133 The Ad Council, 3, 11, 12, 58, 81, 91, 98, 132, Adweek, 143 AMV BBDO, 218–219 134, 142 Aerial perspective, 37 Analogy, visual, 99 ADDigital Productions, 91 Aesop agency, 111 Anderson, Kilpatrick, 140 Adidas Originals case study, 120, 122–123 Aesthetic value (typefaces), 54–55 Andersson, Nils, 26, 56 Adkins, Doug, 66, 154 Afferent forces, 24 Andrews, Chris, 196 Adoption, of other visual arts forms, 140 Affleck, Ben, 213 Angeli, 25 Adventure, signifying, 84 Affordances, 201 Angelo, David, 176 Advertisements, 3 A42, 84 Anheuser-Busch, 143 deconstructing and categorizing, see Agassi, Andre, 94 Animation (animated cartoons), 64, 138, Deconstructing model formats Aimette, Michael, 59 172–174. See also Motion parts of, 18–20 Airbnb, 136 Anolik, Richy, 104 Advertising, 2–17 AKQA, 116, 117, 144, 180 Anomaly, 10 ad agencies, 10–11 Alach, Joanne, 96 Anonymous Content, 84 categories of, 3–4 Alejo, Laura, 131 Antfood, 131 creative brief sample, 13–14 Alexander, Shannon, 176 Anti-Defamation League, 11 “Creative Revolution” in, 6 Alice and Olivia, 142 APM Music, 176 creators of, 6, 9–10 Alignment, 34–36 Apps, 194 in digital age, 2 Alinsangan, Susan, 184 Apple, 133, 219 expected career competencies for, 12 Allem, Simone, 9 Applefield, Brandon, 192 forms of, 4–5 Allen, Craig, 203 “Apple” print, 37 media channels, 6–8 “All Six of Them” print, 58 Appropriation, 69 phases of projects, 12–13 Allstate, 11 Approximate symmetry, 25 purpose of, 2–3 AlmapBBDO, 25 Arby’s, 136 push and pull, 6 Alpargatas, 25 Arcade, 184 and social responsibility, 11–12 ALS Association, 12, 206 Archetypes, 119, 128 Advertising Age, 33 COPYRIGHTEDAltering images, 64–65 MATERIALAriely, Dan, 82 Advertising agencies, 1, 3, 6, 10–11 Alternate uses/audiences, 95 Arlow, Arnie, 84 Advertising campaigns, 3, 38–42. See also Alvarez, Marcelino J., 103 “Arming Women For the Battle Against Heart individual campaigns Alvio by Qol Devices, 117 Disease,” 69 Advertising idea/concept, 18, 90–107 Always, 181, 183, 206 Armstrong, Athila, 204 for animation or motion, 174 Amazon.com, 134 Arnold, Rosie, 32, 64, 168–171 as driver of all decisions, 172 American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Com- Arrangement, 33, 38 essential questions in ideation, 90–91 mittee, 11 “Arrogant” print, 31, 32 finding insights for, 91–93 American Association of People with Art, see Images kick-starters for, 98–103 Disabilities, 11 Art direction and copy phase, 13 Madden GIFERATOR case study, 106–107 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 70, Art directors (ADs), 6, 9, 10, 12 Oscar Mayer “Wake Up and Smell the 101 Arte Mexicano, 139 Bacon” case study, 104–105 American Express, 152 The Art of Shaving campaign, 156–157, 167 232 Landa Endmatter v3.2 232 October 6, 2016 3:45 PM The Art of Thoughtt (Graham Wallas), 97 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) / London, 14, 32, “Big Truck” print, 100 As-if frame, 159–160 169–171 Bird by Birdd (Anne Lamott), 119 Asmar, Mariam, 198 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH) / NY, 28 Blacc, Aloe, 140 Aspirations, 93 #Batkid Miles, 210–213 The Black Keys, 5 Assemblage, 64 Battersby, Will, 116 Blackletter typefaces, 54 Assessment and stewardship phase, 13 Bauhaus, 42 Bläck Studios, 180 As the World Turns, 4 Baxter, Jeff, 203 The Blair Witch Projectt (mockumentary), 142 Asymmetry, 25 Bayly, Rebecca, 196 Blakely, Brian, 130 Atmospheric perspective, 37 Bayne, Nick, 206 Blank, Zach, 203 AT&T, 120 Baysinger, Tim, 11 Blast Off Productions, 116 Attitude, 84 BBDO New York, 59, 132, 133, 149, 156, 167, Bleed, 66 Attribute listing, 162 208 Blom, Lizali, 40 Audience(s): BBH, see Bartle Bogle Hegarty Blommers, Anushka, 85 alternate, 95 “Be all that you can be” campaign, 101 Blomqvist, Ulf, 180 emotional connection with, 111 Beard, Sophie, 141 Blondes, Brad, 80 evaluating, 150–151 “Bear in Music Store” print, 150 BMP DDB/London, 23, 100 online, 110 Beauregard, Xavier, 118 BMW, 78, 119, 182, 183 point of view of, 92 The Beauty Inside (film), 94, 110 Bobbitt, Ashley, 104 and typeface selection, 54 “Beauty” print, 60 Boches, Edward, 39, 40, 135 understanding, 13 “Beauty Sketches” campaign, 114, 115 Bodérus, Adam, 180 Australian Football League (AFL), 96 Becker, Adine, 181 Body copy, 152 Australia Post, 141 Beckham, David, 134 Boeri Helmets, 135 Authenticity, 84 Beek, Quinten, 198, 202 Bogusky, Alex, 60 Automatic mapping, 160 Behavior patterns, 195 Boisvert, Emily, 192 Avnet, Mark, 104 Bell Media/TSN, 68 Boitte, Elisabeth, 118 Avum Inc., 48 Bendet, Stacey, 142 Bokor, Greg, 39 Awdry, Will, 169 #BendTheRules campaign, 209 Boldness (term), 67 Ayala, Robby, 209 Benefits, moving to insights from, 94 Bongiovanni, Katie, 192 Bennett, Chuck, 142 Booker, Christopher, 119 Baas, Willem, 202 Bennett, Matt, 116 “Boot” print, 81 BabyCenter.com, 6, 114 Beno & Wolf, 68 Borchers, Graeme, 9 “Baby & Me” video campaign, 132 Benson, Tyler, 203 Borders, for images, 66 Background, 36, 37 Bentham, Jeremy, 159 Bossa NUC, 79 Baclesse, Jessica, 84 Bentz, Geoff, 133 “Boss” Cotton Press, 134 Bagley, Jason, 203 Berger, John, 129 Boucher, Ron, 58 Baker, Jared, 104 Bernbach, Bill, 6, 33, 99, 100, 149 Boudreau, Michel, 196 Balance, 25–26, 44 Bernstein, Jeremy, 7 Boulton, Mark, 197 Baldwin, Eric, 203 Bessudo, Matthieu “Mcbess,” 180 Bourbigot, Chantal, 118 Bale, Christian, 213 “Beta-7” campaign, 140 A Boy and His Atom (animation), 86–87 Balsamello, Dave, 80 BETC Paris, 132 Boyle, Susan, 208 Baltus, Greg, 103 Betty Crocker, 133 Bozell Worldwide, 148 Balut, Cécile, 118 Beutelstetter, Coban, 118 Brady, Sheena, 141 Bamber, Lisa, 181 Beyoncé, 134 The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, BAM! Body and Mind, 91 Bias, 11 198 BankCab program case study, 88–89 BIC, 203 Brain, Marissa, 196 Bao, Andrew, 116 BIC Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG, 202 Brainstorming, 158–159, 162–163 Barber Spa case study, 167 Bick, Tom, 104 Brancheau, Jon, 114 Bareselfies, 208 Big Foote, 91 Brands: Barlow, Jamie, 131 Bignell, Edd, 180 branded entertainment sponsored by, 4 Barnum, P. O., 129 Big Sky Edit, 80 branded utilities, 4, 6 Barratt, Thomas, 140 Big Sky Effects, 80 cause advertising by, 3 Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), 168 Big Spaceship, 214–215 commercial advertising by, 4 INDEX 233 Landa Endmatter v3.2 233 October 6, 2016 3:45 PM Brands (cont.) Brown, Danielle, 206 Cartoons, 136, 138 consumer/user-generated content, 4 Brown, Laurie, 203 “Cartoonists” campaign, 25 messages about, 10 Brown, Wilson, 131 Casas, Sam, 176 parity of, 3 Bruene, Jake, 181 The Casbah, 31, 32 product placement, 4 Brunier, Jean-Paul, 118 Catchphrases, 148. See also Taglines social media use for, 219 Bruns, Sönke, 202 Cause advertising, 3 unique selling proposition of, 44 Brush, Jason, 46 Cawley, Tim, 39 Brand attitude, 80 Bryan, Sean, 80, 91, 133, 198 Celebrity endorsements, 134 BrandBuzz (Young & Rubicam), 74 Bryant, Kobe, 116, 117 Cemo, Sevda, 96 Brandchannel.com, 80 Bubbles (painting), 140 Centered alignment, 35 Branded entertainment, 4, 8, 143 Buchan, Hazel, 9 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Branded environments, 6 Buck, 136 91 Branded utilities, 4, 6 Budhiraja, Nitin, 65 Centrepoint, 134 Branded vertical site, 191 Bueltmann, 202 Cesar, Jonathan, 101 Brandeis, Louis, 155 Bullock, Sandra, 134 Chakarian, Erevan, 67 Brand essence, 80, 111 “Bunnies” print, 135 Chalkbot (Nike), 102–103 Brand icons, 133–134 Burchiel, Kim, 68 “CHALKBOT” project and films, 103 Branding, 79, 191, 194 Burger King, 140 Charlex, 91 Brandlive, Inc., 191 Burley, Alia, 180 Charmin, 6 Brand messaging steps, 2 Burrill, Anthony, 85 Charmin Restrooms, 82 Brand narrative, 78–89. See also Stories Burris, Susan, 206 Chart, 64 and brand storytelling, 86–87 Business model, disrupting, 94–95 Chayefsky, Paddy, 135 core, 111–114 Business to business (B2B) advertising, 4 “Check In. Check Out” print, 85 Renegade HSBC BankCab program case Butler, Jeremy G., 138 Chelsea Pictures, 181 study, 88–89 Butler, John, 11 Chelvanathan, Anthony, 68 in storybuilding, 111–114 Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners, 11, 20, 30, 35, Cheng, Leslie, 116 strategic approaches to, 82–85 81, 164–166 Chen Lei, 26, 56 strategic markers in, 81–82 Byfield, Tahirah, 180 Chen Mo, 26 strategic thinking underpinning, 78–81 Bygraves, Nick, 181 Chesterfield cigarettes, 134 Brand philosophy, 86 Chiat/Day, 133 Brand position, 79 Cadbury, 143 Chiellini, Giorgio, 206 Brand promise, 79, 80, 114 Cai, Joe, 116 Childhood Asthma, 98 Brand proposition, 190 Calamia, Marc, 104, 130 Ching, Wayne, 96 Brand storytelling, 79, 86–87 Calcao, Tony, 60 Cho, Yunsung, 91 Brand strategy, 78–81 California Lottery, 175–177 Chontos, David, 176 and approaches to brand narrative, 82–85 California Milk Processor Board, 148, 152 Christensen, Greg, 103 and strategic markers in brand narrative, Call to action, 3, 90, 173, 195 Christmas Price Index (CPI), 6, 7 81–82 Camera height, 176 Chronology, 172 Brand URL website, 190–191 Campaign-based microsite, 191 Chua, Josh, 104 Brand values, 111 Campbell, Joseph, 119 Chunking, 195 Branton, Joe, 106 Campbell, Matt, 106 Ciconte, Sandra, 206 Braque, Georges, 37 Campora, Stefano, 37 Cignini, Marco, 98 “Breasts “ print, 101 Canadian Cancer Society, 101 Cisco, 15–17, 42 Brebner, Patty, 84, 103 Cannes Lions, 46–47, 194 Civil Liberties
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