THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL ENGLISH DE PARTICENIr 50 CENTS A YEAR NOVEMBER 1929 VOL. XII, No. 3 and guilty, our ancestors and their descendants circles as "log-rolling". In the language of alike, of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus of the street. he is "Letting George do it." If LETTING GEORGE DO IT Nazareth. Mr. Shwayder only. knew how serious and solemn is the question he is trying to handle, And for nearly two thousand years, the he would never be so flippant as to make the Children of Israel, in all generations have been Solomon Shwayder has a strange notion. He proposal that some impersonally appointed compelled to stand mute and silent to all these is a Jewish lawyer of Denver, Colorado. Last group of Jews shall make a decision which in violent accusations, because the little band of Spring. shortly before the •Passover season, he its very nature must be made by Mr. Shwayder sent out a remarkable invitation to a selected Jews, scattered broadcast throughout the Christ- himself! Pilate tried that trick when he came number of prominent Jews. The invitation ian world, dared not to speak and give their out before the mob and asked them, "What answer, and defend themselves in the presence read as follows:— shall I do then with Jesus which is called of the vast numbers of hostile Gentile peoples Christ?" and .the mob howled back at him, Imitation. In the Name of God, Amen. that surround them." • "Let him be crucified". And Pilate's name You are invited to attend and participate in a And here Mr. Shwayder lets the cat out of has come down to us thru these 1900 years meeting at my home, 663 Fillmore Street, Denver. the bag! He thinks that the "Christian World" as the greatest coward tha;- ever lived! Colorado, on the Sunday of the next Passover has hated the Jews because of the charge that 5689, C. E. April 28, 1929, at 6 p. m., which Mr. Shwayder, the question still comes to the Jews crucified the Lord Jesus Christ; and meeting is hereby called for the purpose of dis- you and to each individual Jew_ who reads that if this charge were once quashed and de- cussing and deliberating upon the organization these lines, "What shall I do with Jesus which of a Jeuish Society for the promotion of the clared untrue, the whole world would love is called Christ?" No committee, no Sanhed- Divine Mission of Israel. the Jews, and everything would be rosy! rin, no assembly of any kind of Jews, however In furtherance Of that purpose, this society will Now there are two fallacies in Mr. Shway- in due time select a representative who shall smart, however wealthy, however important proceed to Jerusalem to confer with our brethren der's reasoning. In the first place, his premise in the affairs of the world, can ever answer there, who will thereupon issue a Call from is utterly false. /t simply is ?tot true that that question for Mr. Shwayder, or for any Jerusalem to all Israel throughout the Nations Christians hate the Jews for any cause what- Jew. God will never hold Mr. Shwayder res- of the world, for the assembly of our Great In spite of all the repeated assertions Sanhedrin at the Holy City of Jerusalem, to soever. ponsible for what a Jewish Committee decides, review the. jurisdiction, judgments and decrees by Jewish Rabbis and other Jewish leaders, but God will hold Mr. Shwayder responsible of the Sanhedrin acting at Jerusalem during the we challenge any Jew to give us a single in- for what Mr. Shwayder decides. It is a no- Power and Domination of Rome. and especially stance where a true Christian ever hated a Jew. torious fact of history that majorities have to consider and retiew the life and trial of Jesus The one foundation commandment that the of Nazareth. always been wrong. The decision was made, Lord Jesus Christ gave to His followers was And the Great Sanhedrin, after the impartial Mr. Shwayder, 1900 years ago, when Pilate - reception of all evidence appertaining thereto. that they love their fellow-man. declared, "I find no fault with this man." and after the consideration of the historical cir- Jews were hated and persecuted long before The question therefore still presses for the cumstances surrounding these events, and after the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. Did hearing every argument by all competent Christ- answer, "What shall I do with Jesus which is ian as well as Jewish scholars, learned upon the Nebuchadnezzar seize and torture Jews because called Christ?" subject, the Great Sanhedrin shall, after due and they crucified Christ? He lived seven hundred Mr. Shwayder, upon your answer to this careful deliberation, render a true decision, and years before Christ! Did Rome conquer Judea righteous judgment therein. question and upon the answer of every Jew because the Jews crucified Christ? No, Judea in the•world to this question, depends the wel- All of which acts, decisions and judgments. was a Roman subject nation before Christ the Great Sanhedrin shall carefully review and fare of our people. God grant that your answer CONSIDER IN THE LIGHT OF THE HOLY came. What then is the answer? The true may be "I will accept Him as my Saviour, the and in the light of the recent an;wer is, that we Jews have been a disobe- only begotton Son of God, the Lamb of tremendous events arising from the World War, dient, stiff-necked and hard hearted nation. my atonement who taketh away the sins of which have-profoundly affected the life of all We have sinned against God, and 'God told Nations, and which have deeply altered the vital this world." currents of World History. And after due and us that He would punish us for our Sins. So, careful deliberation upon all these matters, the our account is to be settled not with "Christian Great Sanhedrin shall fearlessly render true nations," but with God Himself! Read the decision and righteous judgments therein and terrible punishments God faithfully warned us. thereby promote the spiritual welfare of all BETH SAR SHALOM Israel throughout the world. He would bring upon us if we disobeyed Him, May the Lord our God guide and bless all and then ask yourself if we have not Him with Throop Avenue and Walton St. acts and deliberations serving to promote these whom to make our settlement: matters to a good and righteous conclusion. Brooklyn, N. Y. AMEN. The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten be- (Signed) SOLOMON SHWAYDER. fore thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way Chairman Organization Committee. against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of Issued at Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. on the earth . And thou shalt become an Come to Our Meetings Purim, 5689 (C. E. March 26. 1929). astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee .. EVERY FRIDAY Accompanying this Invitation, was a long And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye 8 P M. letter of explanation. One paragraph in that were as the stars of heaven for multitude; be- EVERY SUNDAY 8 P M. letter gives such a striking revelation of Mr. cause thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Shwayder's mental processes, that we print it Lord thy God . And among these nations EVERY MONDAY shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of 8 P M. here, and will make comment on it:— thy foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee "Since the destruction of Jerusalem by the there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and ALL WELCOME Roman Power, and in every generation there- sorrow of mind. Deuteronomy 28:25, 37, 62, 65. after, and for nearly two thousand years, In the second place, and this seems to us since the forcible dispersion of the Jewish still more important, Mr. Shwayder, in making people . among the Gentile nations, violent such a proposal with regard to the Sanhedrin Plaza Branch, 235 South -WI-Street, at. blood accusations have been hurled against is really trying to dodge this issue. He is re- the Jewish people, holding them all responsible sorting to the old manoever known in political Williamsburg Bridge Plaza • Published Monthly. except bi-mombly during August and September, by the Wassnsburg idission to die Jews, 27 Throop AM, Brooklyn, N. 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