WORLD HEALTH ORGAN1 SATION MONOIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANT~ REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE BUREAU REGIONAL DE LA EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN MEDITERRANEE ORlENTALE REGIONAL CoMMrmm FOR TEE EM/~c~~A/M~.5 EAmMEDrnRRANEAN December 1s4 Fourteenth Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Held at the Buildlnff of the Nursing Institute, SulaibiWlat, Kuwait on Wednesday, 7 October ls4, at l2.X pame 1. Adoption of the Report 2 Closure of the Sessfon Representatives of Member States Government Representative, Alternate or Adviser CYPRUS EL'HIOPIA Ato Hailu Sebsebie FRANCE M6decin Lieutenant -Colonel: ~Corrstant IRAN Dr. A. H. Samii Mr. 2. Davidian Dr. Sabih Al-Wahbi Dr. Saban Taj-al-Din JORDAN Dr. Khald El Shami KUWAIT Mr. Youssef Jassim Hi JJ i Dr. A. Kamal El Boxlai Dr. Ehia Sk&,er- m-. y. AmfKa&el? Dr. Akg-mgi m; ~abik*mat I;EBANON Dr. Jamil Anouti LIBYA ;D;. Awul Plegid Abdel Hadi PAKISTAN Colonel A.F.M. D~rhuddin Dr. S. Mahfuz Ali SAUDI ARABIA SOMALIA 'H. E. Mr; Abdullahi Issa Mohammud Mr. Adan Farah Abrar SUDAN Dr. Zein EL Abdin lbrahim SYRIAN ARAB REWBLIC Dr. M. A1 Lahham Mr. Rassem Raslan TUNISIA Dr. M. T. Hachicha UNITED RRPa REPUBLIC Dr. Mohammed Abdel Wahab Shukry Dr. Sayed Sweilb Dr. I-lashern Mahmoud El Kadi Dr. Abdul Azim Hussein El Gholmi Dr. Abu El Fotouh Shaheen Dr. Imm Zaghboul El Sayed UNITED KINGDm OF GREAT MITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Dr. C.R. Jones Representatives of Associate Member States QATAR Dr. Mahmoud EL Mishad World Health Organization Secretary to the Sub-Cormittee Dr. A. H. Taba, Regional Director Representative of the Director- Dr. P, M. Kaul, Assistant Director- Gene pal General Deputy Secretary to the Dr. A. A. El Halawani, Deputy Regional Sub-cornittee Director United Nations and Specialized Agencies UNITED NATIONS and TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE BOARD (UWTAB) Mr. S, K~P UNIm NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF ) UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGm (WA) DF. M, Sharif Representatives and Observers of International Non-Governmental, Inter-Governmental and National Organizations LEAGUE OF liFlAB STATES Dr. Ghaith El Zerikly INTERNATIONAScASSOCIATIONFORT~ Ih?.TouficTurk PREVENTION OF BLINDNESS INTERNATIOML DENTAL F'EDERATION Dr. George Soudah LEAGUE OF FLED CROSS SOCIE;TIE3 Dr. Sabih A1-Wahbi US NAVAL MEDICAL RF,SMCH UNTT No.3 (US NAMRU 31, Cairo Dr. J.D. Northway 1. KDOPTXON OF THE REPORT: I'iem 14 ol' the Agenda (Document EM/Rc~~A/~~/D) The CHAIRMAN invited the Sub-Comrni,ttee to consider the drai't report, contained in document EM/Rc~~A/J/D. Dr. EL BORAI (~uwait)said h? -~ished.to propose that -the subject for Technic a1 Discusriorls in 1366 (~escluLion D!/RC~~A/R. 15) be changed Tram " ~ir ~ollution"to "Health Aspects of Industrialization in relation to Air ~ollutioa", but wondered whether that ~ouldrequire re-opening of the discussion by a two-thlrds majority. The REGIONAL Dj3lKTOR said that, as %he proposal was nok to change the subject substantially but onljr 'to wider1 its scope, re-opening of 'the discussion was perhaps not necessary. The rn~difiedtitle might indeed cover the interest of all Member States more fully. Colorlel BOWANUDDlN (~aki5thn)'poin~edout a clerical error in the title of the draf-L report. Decision: The draft report, :~i-Lhthe amendment proposed by the Representative of Kuwait and the correction indicated by the Regresen't~tiveof Pakistan was adopted unanimously. 2. GLOSURE OF THE SESSION Dr. ZEIN EL ABDIN TBRAHIM (~udarl)stated that the Fcur'ieenth Session of the Committee had beer1 a ppeat success. He paid tribube to the manner in which the Chairmarl artd Vice-Chairrnm had coar?uctrd their busfness, the efficiency of the Secretariat arld the great value of thc 1)aper:. strbmitted bjr the representatives and observers. He expressed appreciation of Lhe willel@; assistance given by the Organization Lo coun'tries of the Rcgion md the vaiuablc cor~tributionof UNICEF and the United Nations, under its Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance. He also thanked thor Regional Office, under its efficient Regional Director, for their wise guidance, fn coaclusion, he thank& tne Government of Kuwait for i-ts hospitality and efficient arrangements Tor the work of the meeting, His Highness the Prime Minister of Kuwait for the great honour he had conferred upon them, arid His Highness hi^ Al Sabah for his cortl.ia good bgishes. They had all been highly impressed by the great progress bcirig made in Kuwai-i; . Dr. fiNOWI (Lebanon) proposed a draf-1; resolutiorl thanking the Government of Kuwait for its generous hospitality =id the excellen* faciliLies provided for the Session, Dr. SlWKFiI (United Arab Republic) on his own behalf and on that of his delegation, thanked the Chairman for his admirable conduct of the meetings, thanks to which it had been possible to reach decisions that would have a far-reaching effect on public health in the Region. EIe also thanked the Regional Director and his staff for their tireless efforts on behalf of member countries. Finally, he thanked the Government and people of Kuwait not only for their generous hospitality but also for the opportunity to see at first hand the admirable progress they were making in the health and social fields. He wished all members of the Sub-committee a pleasent journey home. Dr. EL BORAI (~uwait) said he did not know whether to begin by saying goodbye to his fellow representatives or thanking them for the pleasure they had given his Government by their visit, which had been too short. The lively discussions that had taken place had not only made an important contritution to the progress of their work, but had also served to strengthen the bonds of friendship further. The Session was over, but the common struggle for better health and living conditions would continue with even greater vigour. He thanked all the staff of the Organization, and particul?rly the Regional Direotor for the guidance he had given to the Sub-committee in all its work. He asked Dr. Kaul, who had come from Headquarters to attend the Session, to convey the greetings of the Sub-Committee to the Director-General and to stress to him the importance to its Kembers of provision for the use of the Arabic language. He looked forward to meeting all the members of the Sub-Cmittee soon in brotherhood and friendship. Dr. MISHAD (Qatar) said that, at the close of the first session of the Regional Committee which his country had attended as an Associate Member, he wished to thank the Chairman, the Representative of the ?irectar-General, the Regional Director and all the Secretariat for their contribution to the success of the proceedings. He expressed his deep gratitude to the people and Goverrxnent of Kuwait for their warm hospitality. I!e also expressed appreciation of the full participation by all delegations which had made technical discussions so interesting. Finally, he wished all countries in the Region a speedy realization of their hopes for better health and living standanis, Mr. flBRAX (Somalia) associated himself with the tribute paid to the work of the Secretariat and the Chairman's able conduct of the meetings. He had been greatly impressed by the generous hospitality of the people of Kuwait, to whom he wished a successful and prosperous future. Dr. EL SFAT1 (~ordan)and Dr. ABDEL HRDI (libya) seconded the draft resolution proposed by the Representative of Lebanon. Decision: The draft resolution was adopted unanimously. The REGIONAL DFRECTOR thanked represe2tatives on )=is own behalf and that of the Regional Office and f ie.ld staff for the kind and appreciative references to their work. The discussions had been very illuminating and had provided indication of the views of governments which would be borne in mind in planning and operating programmes in the Region. He thanked the Chairman and Vice-Ckcirmgn of the session 2nd the Ch~im~c?rior Lhe Sub-Division on Pr~yr?~mneaid of the Technical Discussions for their very commendable gu1:iance md conduct of work. Their helpfulrless was much appreciated. The CHAIEFUIAN said that if the session had proved a success it had been due to the effods of all members of the Sub-Committee. He thanked the Regional Director and his staff for their untiring efforts to reach the goal of better health in the Region. He also expressed the confidence of a31 Member States in the Director-General, represented at the Sessian by Dr. Kaul. Finally, he asked all representatives on returning hwne to convey to their Governments the best wishes of the Ruler and Govement of Kuwait. The meeting rose at 1.00 p.m. .
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