YUMMY Isn’t ittime you introduced your tummy to the yumminess of Money’s mushrooms? MAKEMEALS LOUS. US. VOLUME 45, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 1988 4 ALUMNI PRESIDENT'S COLUMN 8 PLANTING THE SEEDS AT UBC Keen 14 LETTHE CREDITS ROLL! Norman President John Diggens views new beginnings positively minds who took advantage of what they learned. By Campbell, Canada's premier producer-director, has the Steven Chess Midas touch. By Kim Murray de la Roche 5 ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS 10A NEW BEGINNING TheVancouver Art 17 CLASS ACTS 7 NEWS IN BRIEF Gallerfsnew direction is heavily influenced by UBC graduates. By Robin Laurence 22 WHENCARPOOLING WAS KING And getting to UBC was half your education. By Kerry McPhedran ACTING EDITOR Deborah Nicholson ART DIRECTOR RandVWl CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Published quarterly by Pdac West Design for the Alumni kodation of Steven Chess. Kim Munay de la Roche. Robin Laurence, K~ny the Univmof British Columbia, Vanmw Canada The copyright of all McPhedran, Chris pettv contents is registered. BUSINESS AN0 EDITORIAL OFFICES Cecil Green COVER Park 6251 Cecil Green Park Road,Vanmuw, B.C. V6T lW5.laWl2283313. MonthambRt Photography Circulation: 9l.OOl. PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ILLUSTRATORS Nic4 Bantock Dorian Melton, Roxanna Bikadomff, John Oresnik SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Alumni Chmnideis sent free of chqe to alumni of Kathy Boake, Mike McKinndl, Oan Murphy the university. Subscriptions are milable to others at $10 ayear in Canada, PRODUCTION $15 (in Canadian funds) elsewhere. Student subsuiptions $2. ADORES louise Camll CHANGES: Send new address with old address label il available to Alumni Remrds, 6251 Cecil Green Pdrk Road, Vancow, B.C. V6T 1W5. ADDRESS CORRECTION REOUESTEO: If the addressee. or son or daughter who is a F'dcilic West Design. 681-5361 TREASURER Jane Duncan. General Manager David Coulson, B.Comm76. UB'BO UBCgraduate, has mod. please notify UBC Alumni Records so this .. Keirstead Farris magazine may be forwarded to the correct address Postage pad at the VICE PRESIDENT COMMUNICATIONS BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Shayne Boyd. BComm'R1 Third Class Rate Permit No. 5914 RETURN REOUESTED. Member, Council for the Advancementand Support of Education.Indexed in Mi 1988189 MEMBERSAT-LARGE 1987-69 Education Index. ISSN 08241279. PRESIDENT Sandra James, BAlHonsl'@lCarltonl. MA'U3 John Diggens. BSc'68, DMD~Z.Msm%uW), FRCD.IO Bill Richardson, WcW Printed inCanada. PAST PRESIDENT AMSmw, UB'61 Lyle Stevenson, Wc7tMSC(BusAdmin)75 MEMBERSAT-LARGE 198890 SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Godwin Eni, MSc'81, phi37 Ann M~A~W,~~'62, ~~'67. ~hm5 Janet Gavinchuk BComm77,MEA86 VICE PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATION/ Oscar Snklai, MF61, PhD'64, BSHSopmnl CHAIR OF FUND ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EriVance, BA75. MK81 Deborah Apps 3 c portant part in the development of UBC in I the coming years. We represent Alumni You've heardof from all periods of UBC's history, from the Diggens first graduates in the 1920s to those stu- dents who went through commencement Discovery Parks this past May. The University means many different things to graduates, and it is the Now how much task of the Association to keep graduates abreast of new directions at UBC, to bring do you know? them those elementsof the University that evoke their fond memories and to encour- How are DkcoveryPark y new beginning as President of age them to become involved in the Uni- Q. dorentfrom conventional the AlumniAssociation has all versity's growth, evolution and support its Industrial Parks? positive aspects. We arefaced long term plan. The Alumni Association Discovery Parks are conducive to with a challengingand exciting year acts as a bridge that connects thetraditions A. research and development with ahead, but the excellent work done by Lyle of UBC with the dynamic changes UBC is direct access to government, industry, Stevenson and theoutgoing Board of Man- undergoing now. I am excited by this role and other support services. agement gives me and the new Board a and see the Association as a vital part of a Dkcovery Parks are adjacent to running start on thenew year. I would like growing University. what imtitutions? to thankLyle and his team for their energy UBC is a leader in Pacific Rim research Q. and good management. and development and one of the goals of UBC, SFU and BCIT. Tbvo more the University is to further expand influ- Discovery Parks are planned to UBC as an institution is experiencing a A, new beginning of its own. The University ence in this area. The Alumni Association open soon at UVlC and the Pacific fully supports that goal and will help the Biological Station in Nanaimo. went through a period of sustained and moderate growth duringthe 1950s and University, through an improved and ex- Can Dkcovery Parks accommodate 1960s. But the mid 1970s and early 1980s panded Branches programme. I visited our Q. both start-up companies and brought economic recession toCanada, Hong Kong Branch recently, and can tell multi-national CoTorations? and UBC, like many other Universities, was you that the enthusiasm anddedication of Discovery Parks have space avail- forcedto cut back on building, pro- Branch members there is exciting and ex- A, able from 200-15,000 square feet grammes and new development. This re- tremely encouraging. in multi-tenant facilities, courtyard trenchment was difficult for everyone, but I invite your participation in the exciting leases for buildings 20,000-50,000 sq. we emergedfrom that experience a new beginnings of the AlumniAssocia- ft. and acreage sites for facilities stronger institution, able to operate with tion.. 40,000-160.000 Sq. ft. considerable energy in a leaneconomic How do Dkcovery Park environment. John Diggens 0,. tenants obtain special technical The Alumni Association will play an im- President. UBC Alumni Association andsnancial assktance? Through the Discovery Foundation A, network, tenants have access to venture capital, market opportunities and government funding programs. How successfuul k Dkcovery 0,. Park 'S advanced technology incubatorfaciliiy? The Discovery Park Multi-Enant A. Facility is recognized as one of Canada's best incubators.60 companies in 3%years have been accommodated with a less than 10%failure rate. ""I To know more... Call and I discover how established companies, developers or I stan-upsall can benefit from the resource rich Discovery Parks. I Call or Write: Tad Rustad I WmPreddentqfMafke~,DISCOVERY PARKS, I #22&3700 CUmore Way, Bumaby, B.C. Canada I V5G4M1 (604)430-3533 I GEARS PLAN EVENTS Threeweekend colloquia will bepre- Class of ’69 to join them in a summer sented (“Culturesin Conflict,”“The Body as reunion planned for August 6. The Engineer’s Division of the Alumni As- System,’’ and “The Semiotics of Represen- Class of ’78 Commerce will be holdingits sociation, in its never-ending effort to bring tation”), and aDistinguished Visiting ten year reunion on October 29 at Cecil laughter,good fellowship andgrand old Speakers serieswill be held each Thursday. Green Park. times to its members,has two deluxe All are open tothe public. Class of ’78 Law is holding its reunion on events in the hopper for the summer and An international roster of semioticians June 17 at the Faculty Club and on June18 early fall. has been assembled by the conference or- at theLaw Courts Inn. The first is the Engineer’s Annual Sum- ganizer, UBC Professor Lorraine Weir, and Class of ’78 Agricultural Sciences A mer Picnic. This hot season highlight will includes Canadian architect Arthur Erick- great deal of interest has been shown for be held on thecool, spacious lawns outside son, Hugo Award winning science fiction this reunion. Please call Agnes Papke for Cecil Green Park House on July 8, 1988, at writer Samuel R. Delaney and Italian Pro- further information. 6:OO. Tickets are 512 each, and include a fessor Patrizia Violiwho workswith author Homecoming 1988-Every fall UBC stu- sumptuoussteak dinner and your first Umberto Eco. dents welcome back UBC’s alumni during drink. The conference will be held at UBC for Homecoming Week, October 1-8, with The second is their gala Homecoming the first time in its ten year history.For events such as TheArts’2O Relay Race, The Event. They will gather this year at the moreinformation call Professor Weir at Great Trekker Award Dinner, and Just Des- Cheeze Factory (the oldest original build- 228-5157. serts, to name afew. ing on campus).The format is open house, The Audiology and Speech SciencesDi- and the Cheeze Factory will be open from AGGIE DIVISION AGM vision are holding their annual dinner at 11:OO a.m. till time runs out. More details The Agricultural SciencesAlumni Division Cecil Green Park on Saturday, June 11, at on Homecominglater. held its firstAGM on April 27at Cecil Green which time tribute will be paid to Director Contact MaureenBurns at the Alumni Park House.Members electedthe division’s John Gilbert who steps down on June 30, Association (228-3313) for Summer Picnic first Board of Directors. 1988. tickets. President: ShentonTan ‘83,MSc’88 The P.E. and Recreation Divisionwill be OLD RUGBY TYPES TO SCRUM Vice-presidents: Janet Rothwell’73 busy the weekend of July 8-9, with a golf AGAIN Murray Duggan ’76 tournament, a dinner at the Arbutus Club, Rugby players, current and past,will gather Secretary/Treasurer: Dave Stephens ‘85 and a tennis tournament. on September 3, 1988, to partake in the Members-at-Large: Peter Nishihama’85 The third annual Medicine Golf Tourna- finest traditions of UBC Rugby: reminisce, Kanval Hindal’84 ment is scheduled for September 8 at the quaff a few ales and play a little of the old Margaret Crowley ‘87 University Golf Club. game. Lora Chow ’84 The ArchitectureDivision is holding Wolfson Fields, UBC, will witness a vari- Dean Jim Richards was praised by new their Great (Survivor’s)Reunion on June 19 ety of events includingOld Timers’ games, President Shenton Tan for his past support at 7:30 p.m.
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