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In Ordering Rings t eel fe, , t to area{ the 112).4 e Careful that the my ` Iro at the mama Joint. ena tñoet[nD of Daper ty e \ The Tifnitè t ;ern f-- www.americanradiohistory.com November, 1916 THE ELECTRICAL. EXPERIMENTER 300 -PAGE ELECTRICAL DUCK'S BEGI.lo and WIRELESS CATALOG MORE THAN EVER JUSTIFIES YOUR VERDICT THAT IT IS THE ONE CATALOG WORTH WHILE 150 pp. Wireless In- stru ments. 150 pp. Electrical Sup- plies. Over 40 pp. of Wireless Instruments. 15,000 of our catalogs Only 8c. in stamps ready for delivery to will bring this unri- eager electrical and valled catalog to your home. The great cost wireless enthusiasts of catalog and the ex- in all parts of the ceptionally low prices (oftentimes fully 25% world, One of ten below usual retail price) consecutive ship- prohibits its distribu- tion otherwise. You ments of catalogs to may deduct the 8c. on our patrons during first $1.00 purchase. last November. WHAT OUR BÌG CATALOG CONTAINS 150 pp. Wireless Instruments, magnet wire of all kinds, raw material, storage batteries, telegraph instruments, battery motors, commercial motors and gen. erators, sewing machine motors, telephones, step -down transformers. massage vibrators, bells, push buttons, auto accessories, flash lights, hand lanterns, auto and miniature lamps, Xmas tree outfits, voltmeters, ammeters, lighting plants, Victrolas, air rifles, electric aeroplanes, model builders, electric railways,elec- trical and mechanical books and general electrical supplies. ST, The William B. Duck Co., 230 TOLEDO, OH OR The Moorhead Tube Patent Pending The MOORHEAD tube must not be confused with the two member valve, as it is inopera- tive without the outer electrode, or do not class it with the Trons or three member detectors as it is far more sensitive than either, in fact it is the most constant, stable and sensitive detector that has been developed. A wonderful feature of the Moorhead tube is the static elimination. On the nights when static make the reception of stations with the ordinary detector impossible, the Moorhead tube brings the signals in with a marvelous clearness. The initial cost of the Moorhead tube is low when the guaranteed long life is considered, and the fact that each Moorhead tube is a guaranteed DETECTOR, AMPLIFIER and OSCILLATOR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE UNTIL JAN. 1, 1917 $ 6 .50 PREPAID AND DELIVERY a17 U GUARANTEED WE REPLACE ANY DEFECTIVE TUBES WITHOUT QUESTION Write for circulars on the MOOR HEAD tubes and Special sets Pacific Research Laboratories, Sole Manufacturers PACIFIC LABORATORIES SALES DEPARTMENT 534 Pacific Building SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. You benefit by mentioning "The Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com 466 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER November, 1916 (EARN ELECTRICITY ::- WICKS ICKS tesson. Sson t$o 5 WICKS Lesson No. IS \\ rite me at once-TODAY! Just send the coupon or a postal. I will give you 20 complete lessons in practical electricity FREE! Think of it ! My personal and individual instruction for 20 lessons without a cent of cost to you if you act quick. No charge to you for these 20 lessons now or later. I make this sensational offer to secure a few more live students-to show, too, how quickly I can make you a Master Electrician no matter where you live, or what you do. But you must act at once! This offer closes in 23 days I Remember these free lessons are not merely sample lessons, but are a regular part of my full and complete course in electricity. Send the coupon without delay- TOD.A1'I Earn X2,500 to X4,000 a Year You can now qualify at home during your spare time, and without giving up your present position or occupation, for that most wonderful of all fields open to the ambitious man -the great and growing field of Electricity! Yes, no matter if you don't know a thing about electricity or never had a bit of electrical experience, I will take you in hand and make you an Expert Electrician so that you should easily earn $2,500 to $4,000 a year and more. And I'll do it so quickly and with so little effort on your part, that you'll wonder how it was possible. No hooks or tools to buy. I Train You By Mail! Men Wanted A. W. WICKS, E. E. instruct you p r,unally the whole I will -make Wherever you go there's always urgent demand Formerly with the General matter so simple for you that you can't help but Electric Co.; former General learn. When you have finished my instructions for Expert Electricians and at big pay. That's Manager of company ,na,tu- of Jacturing Jenncy Electric Mo- you are an Expert Electrician -ready to take a because the watchword the age is, "DO IT tors; also formerly with Fair- big paying job or start in for yourself. I show ELECTRICALLY." The field of electricity is banks, Morse R Co.; now Con- not only how to do practical electrical work, you broadening so fast that there's a big shortage of sulting Engineer and Director but how to estimate on jobs so that you can take of the !licks Electrical Insti- competent electricians. And the demand is in- tute. contracts at big profits. That's what it means to be trained by a man of my practical experience. creasing every day. Mail Coupon Today I YOU MUST ACT QUICK Mail coupon today. I want to hear from you immediately. Don't miss my offer of 20 personal lessons free. Remember this offer is strictly limited A. W. WICKS, E. E., Director, Wicks Electrical Institute to 23 days. Write for all particulars at once. Here's your chance! No 81 W. Randolph St. Dept. 226 Chicago, Ill. obligation to you. Send coupon or postal NOW! Without any obligation to me whatever, please send me full descrip- tion of your personal instructions in Electricity and particulars of your I A. W. WICKS, E. E., Director special offer of 20 of your lessons free. I Name Wicks E lectrical Institute I 81 W. Randolph St., Dept. 226 Chicago, 111. Street and No City State You benefit by taentio,tng "Í be Electrical Experimenter" when writing to advertisers. www.americanradiohistory.com he Ellectilicail Experimenter 233 Fulton Street, New York. Published by Experimenter Publishing Company, Inc. (H. Gernsback. President; S. Gernsback, Treasurer; M. Ilymes, Secretary), 233 Fulton Street, New York Vol. IV Whole No. 43 CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1916 No. 7 FRONT COVER-, "LIGHTNING MADE TO ORDER." UNCLE SAM'S NEW 40 -MILE AN -HOUR ELECTRIC BATTLE - From a painting by George Wall. CRUISER By_I1. Winfield Secor and Arthur C. Doyle. 478 WIRELESS AND AEROPLANES All) EUROPEAN "GUN DR. CHARLES P. STEINMETZ (Our Supplement feature) 481 SPOTTERS" 469 NEW ELECTRICAL METHOD OF CLEANING SILVERWAILE- HOW ELECTRIC CURRENT CONTROLS GREAT "MOVIE" A HELP TO MOTHER 482 BATTLE SCENES 470 THE SPERRY 1.280,000,000 C.P. SEARCHLIGHT THROWS BEAM ELECTRICITY IN THE TREATMENT OF INFANTILE OVER FIFTY MILES 484 PARALYSIS 471 TIIE MARVELS OF MODERN PHYSICS THE TELEPHONE VALUABLE IN TARGET PRACTICE 472 By Rogers D. Rusk B.Sc. 485 ELECTRIC DEVICES HELP THE HOUSEWIFE 473 BARON MÜNC1-IIIAUSEN'S NEW SCIENTIFIC ADVENT(JRES. LIGHTNING MADE TO ORDER By IIugo Gernsback. 486 By Samuel Cohen. 474 WHEN AMATEUR WIRELESS WAS YOUNG.... By H. de Scott.
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