■> ,V 9261 t,Z%Zi NSESTP’ ^ - \l 900^ / VOL. XX., 20th 'year . No . DUNCAN, B. C.. THURSDAY, l-KllKU.VKY 1920. Subscription $2.00 Yearly in Advance s^A. (,’0WICH.\X SliEI>L\ DISTRICT NTIiSE UKITEl) FARMERS OF B.C. xoimi (jmviniAX S1’()RTS.1IE_X-S CUB Financial Aid To Forward Movement Improvements and Wild Land Values Formed To Protect Fish and Game —Quotas Surpassed Up-Improved Und Down of Cowichan Presidpiit ami Vicc-I’resideiit .-Iddioss (iatlicr- Following are thercsullt> at a glance a special mccring of thedistrict The North C-ovirhan court of ri- Twenty-five residents of Cowichan of the Forward Movement's financial mirsc committee held last week. Miss .-i.m Sill on .Monday, H.evv Hvnl, iii? of .As'riciiltmisls in Dmican lowed ibeir inleresi in local game side; — Barker, district nur-e. applied for four rs. Carr Iliilon and Smith pre-eut. affair- by jitlending a i-iyeting called I’arish Asked Given months' leave of absence, having heen Ii-.n (he v.-irious ehnnge- in the as- s organize firft -t forltakin idea that then- j by .Mr. Thom.-ts Pin. mayor of Diin- Preshjierian-Duncan S 900 $1,350 of lb<- twelve nurses sdecl.-d by •ng the faniuTs." he said. "It is -Siiiem for IV2(I were rmally pas-ed. n Tue-.lay evening la-i for the • dictate what the farmers shall Methodist — Duncan. Yoimc. provincial health officer, surprising how many Muses we have The alterations made iu .\«scs-or purpose „■ f..rmiuL- a local fish and H all thefarmers of theprovince Somenos, Mdpic Bay. a course of training at the B. C dug up from the liulru-.lu-s who can l-.v.ms' figitres show that wild land dull. Cowichan ................. SUSO $1,950 l.'nivcrsity. Dr. Young had offered to in one organization then, if the has been reduced $lfl2.510. improved ■t up ami explain tlicnisclves—im-ii ,-a- prop.,-ed by Mr ,1. Maitlaml- Baptist-Chemainus... $ 130 $ 160 provide a subMitiilr, question of going into prditics comes ;alilied m ripresi-m us anywhere. land $59,057. but improvements were Dougall. seconded by Mr R. O. Mcl- Miss Barker was to take up the increased by $98.80R. up. every man will havebis say. The There is no man in thecounlo' who lin. and unanimmisly carried, that an Ihemainus ..... $1,000.00 $1,166.00 course on March 1st. hut. at a me Thetoi.-i!s for this year are:—Wild thing now is t.» complete organi ­ thinking than the farmer. as-ocialion. to be known as "Tbe Cow ­ Wcstholme ..... 1.000.00 1.6Sa50 ling of the committee on Tuesday land. $495219;improved land. $2,455.- zation." The business man lias no time to think ichan District Fish and Game .\sso- Somenos ........ 1.250 00 951.25 Duncan, no word had been received Thus Mr. R. A. Copeland. Lumhy. of public affairs." improvvinenis. $2,672,228; total. ciatinn." he formed, and the following Duncan --------- 2.250.00 3.051.75 regarding a substitute. The matter $5,622,847. president of the U. F. B. C.. in reply Farmers were unjustly called profit- ere elected charter memhers:— Quamtehan ..... 1.250.00 2,000.00 will be taken up further withthede ­ Compared withlast year, wild land Messrs. T. Pitt. M. K. Macmillan. query by Mr. John Reade. Cow ­ rs. "True, the politicians and manu ­ U50.00 U15.3S partment. has hern raised $87,529. and improve ­ . West. J Boak. L. Bonsall. W. H. ichan Station, as to how the voice of facturers don't like us. They don't 1.000.00 604.00 Application to the city and muni ­ ments havegone up in value $978,593. Alington. E. Stock, H. R. Garrard. the farmers could he heard if they independent farmers' 1,000.00 435.00 cipal authorities for a grant towards Improved land has been reduced by J. Marshall. D. Plaskeit, F. U did not run candidates. organization. It might do sometl^ing !xpenses was decided upon. $105,349. Kingston. W. Thompson. W. Hcy- The meeting at the Odd Fellows' naughty. They said 'Let farmers de ­ Totals _____ $10,000.00 $11,203.85 A satisfactory report for February Thetax rate bylaw hasto be passed worth, ,Al .Anderson. H. W. Dickie, hall. Duncan, last Friday night, drew velop muscle, not brains. We will do vas given by thenurse. Many calls i- March 15th. so thatit is probable Powel. J, .Anderson. J. Mail- nearly a hundred farmers irom all the thinking.' Orand totals ___ $12,180.00 $14,663.85 ire made upon her for consultation, that the rate will be struck at the land-Dougall. R. G. Mcliin, Col. C. E. parts, but particularly from those dis ­ goirtg to stand for it? Qesterons Response and she has assisted quite a fev riuncil's regular meeting next Mon ­ Collard. C.B.. the Rev. F- G. Christ- tricts boasting a local union. Some- The old hayseed has taken root and families. day. \V. Revan. B. C, Walker. P It will be seen from the above that . Glenora. Cowichan Bay. Cowirh- growing. Before long you will i Cowichan Station school cbildrei Wb;'hat changes may he made arc Chapman. Dr. H. T. Riuherfoord, C the whole district has responded t Station and Sahtlam were all n- all the farmers in the Dominion rc examined by hermonthly. prnlilenintical, but it <• conceded that D. Sproi, L. A. Helen. B. Helen. generously to this call. presented. united body. Then there will be The treasurer reports the finaners ibere will be an increa-e in the rates Langtry. W. L. B. Young. H L The canvassing of rrcsbyierians Cop -land ami Mr. J. L. I'rid- I s.ilisfactory and thecommittee :.und Burden Burgess. C. W. Pin, Ashdown hara. first vice-president, were both Copeliland favoured confident thework can be carried Green. A W. Lchm.m. R. Glen- suffering fro-n colds and (hr effects of with the Canadian Council of .Agricul ­ this manner until the proposed denning. be extremely gratifying to all con* addressing far-spaced meetings, but ture rather than the formation nf a healthcentre work is established. AT VITl'DRU ,\ll ibc ofiices are strictly honorary cerned. their efforts were heartily appreciated. B. C. council. Farmers were accused of organizing balloiing wa- necessary. Theelev- The Methodist canvassers were as Mr. W. Paterson was in the chair and Member for Cowichan Comments i for political purposes. Thedirectors ,n resulted as follows: T. Pitt pre.si- follows: —Duncan. Messrs. £. \V. Lee, Mr. C. G. Palmer, first president of Incidents —Questions SHEEP STE.4L1N(1 had never discussed it. If theUnited ni: the Rev. F. G. Christmas, vice- P. McIntyre, F. W. Anglim. and A. the union, was with the speakers. Farmers ever thought of it. it would president: M. K. Macmillan, secrciary- Brownaey. Congan Shmld Beware When Tour ­ .\fter the main speeches, recounting Inu-rviewed last week-end. Mr. ! Maple Bay. Messrs. R. A. Thorpe ing Near Maple Bay the work of the central body during « he party politics. IrcasurcT- . Duncan. M.L..A.. stated that the the past year. Mr. Palmer said that Whyshould theyorganize? Farm- A coniiniltee was then appointed, and Arnold Flett. agricultural rominitiee of the bouse, Mr. James Noury. the well known s were fixtures and could not es­ ilh power to add to its number and Somenos-Mr. P. Auchinaehie. the best way to give vitality to the Maple Bay fisherman, figured in an­ of whichheis a member, would begin appoint representatives for thevari- Cowichan Station —Mrs. George movement whs to attend to the social cape taxation. It had heen doubled > sessions this Owens. Mrs. H. Excell. Miss M. Gra­ other panther chase last Friday. Hi: side. on them. If they could speak with IS districts to act with them. The dogs, thespaniel and little Pom ­ Commenting on. theincidents of the commiuee was compo-cd of theabove ham. Miss Bartlett. Messrs. William Paterson explained the decen ­ one voice they could find out whether eranian, whichtracked down a large previous week, be said that Mr. Bow officers and Messrs. E. Stock. W. Bartlett and A. S. Fadfield. tralization of the Duncan local. “Many that was justified or not. beast last year, took the war path speech was one of general criti­ Thompson. W. H. .Alington. F- L. TheBaptists had no canvassers. The people think that the Cowichan He was not criticising the govern ­ withhim. cism. It was of thedestructive order Kingston. J. Boak and L. Dnnsall. announcement was made and subscrip- Creamery is sufficient to took after ment. It was just what they had made Mr. Joseph Chisholmmissed one ol the end of it. theleader of the Tbe comniiliec were then reque-ted lions were sent in. the farmers’ interests. It is a grave t. They, as voters, had never as- his lambs and withhisbrother, Den­ opposition said it might might -how to draft a constitution and bylaws for __^CowJrtan Anglicans wefe expected mistake. Such people are not doing ‘umed their proper responsibility, hut nis. and a dog. took counsel with ME thepoints of w-e.ikne«s in thegovern- the associalion and report same at a to sci'a good example. They may their hit. Thfl union is going had gone 'like a flock of sheep.' Noury who had just returned from adminisiralion. and that the meeting lo lie held two weeks lienee, fairly claim to have done derm the country. ” Hia PoUrital Views Victoria. The track* of the cougar "1 say to you. hrnihrrfarmers, let opposici'in were prepared to assist on March9ili, aggregate. The record of All Saints.
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