Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 23, Number 25, June 14, 1996 The Britishfraud behind Harvard'sGoldhagen provocation by Anton Chaitkin This report is divided into the following sections: the United States. 1. Preface: Neither the book, nor Harvard, are American By investigating the sponsorship of the Goldhagen provo­ 2. Meeting with Goldhagen cation, we are better enabled to see through some other false, 3. Official story: Why Germany pays Goldhagen's salary "American"disguises, as well; how Britain's policy of auster­ 4. What does Germany say about this? ity and deindustrialization is carried out against the world's 5.Guido Goldman versus Nahum Goldmann nations by Harvard's Prof. Jeffrey Sachs and his cohorts; and 6. The Brits dance on JFK's grave: Lord Harlech, Harri­ how the U.S. Democratic Party is directed against the outlook man, Kissinger of Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. 7. British Empire war against the nation-state Meanwhile, the financing of the Goldhagen book itself 8. That Nazi money behind the book: Is it "atonement"? unearths within Germany strong traces of the original Lon­ don-New York-German apparatus which sponsored Nazism, whose exposure will be embarrassing to the present British 1. Preface: Neither the book, nor policy domination of Germany. Harvard, are American 2. Meeting with Goldhagen This is a report from an ongoing investigation into the actual origins of a literary dirty trick. The 1996 book Hitler's This author met with Daniel Goldhagen on May 17, near Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germansand the Holocaust, Goldhagen's office at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for Eu­ by Harvard University Assistant Professor Daniel 1. Gold­ ropean Studies at Harvard. The meeting was arranged after a hagen, is an incitement to ethnic and religious hatred and message was left with Professor Goldhagen, stating that the internationaldestabilization. The book alleges, absurdly, that author's father, Jacob Chaitkin, had been an anti-Nazi strate­ the Nazi mass murder of Jews stemmed from the supposed gist employed in the 1930s by Jewish leader Nahum Gold­ intrinsic anti-Semitism of Christianity, from the supposed in­ mann and his associates. Nahum was the father of Guido trinsic anti-Semitism of the German nation and people, and Goldman, who now heads the German studies program at the indeed, from "nationalism" in general. de Gunzburg Center and who pays Goldhagen his salary. Goldhagen denounces as "anti-Semites" those Germans The discussion lasted a half-hour. Goldhagen is about 35 who resisted Hitler, as well as those 18th- and 19th-century years old, and has been affiliated with Harvard University as Germans who sought the emancipation of the Jews. an undergraduate, graduate student, and associate professor. In the second half of the book, he cites case after case of That is, his only adult activity has been under the direction of Nazi shootings of helpless, terrorized civilians. The method Harvard personnel. is to bludgeon the reader with the record of such gruesome He was asked, regarding the implications of his book, crimes, so that the reader suspends his reasoning and accepts where we go from here, with respect to Germany? Goldhagen the outrageous "explanation" of these crimes which Gold­ said that Germany today, is a different country. It poses no hagen offers in the first part of the book. real problem. This is a stance which he now takes in public Such a blatant anti-German provocation, in an American­ forums, and on media interviews. That this contradicts the authored book, leads to the suspicion that it is intended to entire thesis of his book does not bother him. Perhaps it is bring on a German reaction against America, or a reaction thought that he can thus not be reproached for his work, it is against Jews. It turns out, not surprisingly, that the book is "only history"; that he is not biased against Germany. not American at all; rather, it is one project from a center of What would he have done, had he been in charge of the British intelligence projects, a center organized at Harvard as Nuremberg trials? Would he have conducted a general inquiry part of a scandalous fraud perpetrated by British geopoliti­ into the whole Nazi phenomenon, including its origins? This cians and their agents, a fraud against Germany and against would have led to some shock, concerning Western sponsor- EIR June 14, 1996 Investigation 59 © 1996 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. President John F. Kennedy with German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in Washington, December 1961. Kennedy's British enemies, from a nest at lfarvard, sponsored the Goldhagen provocation against the u.s.-German friendship. ship for Hitler. Goldhagen said no, he would have imposed country; Ohlendorf was simply blinded by the anti-Semitism, stiffer sentences,and put more defendants on trial. But there which, according to Goldhagen, arose from the historical was,he thought,a sufficient inquiry. mind of the German people. A discussion then followed concerning the thesis Gold­ In the book, Goldhagen writes that the Nazi Party "was hagen wrote in 1982 for his bachelor of arts degree, entitled founded as the German Workers' Party in Munich on Jan. 5, "The 'Humanist' As a Mass Murderer: the Mind and Deeds 1919 .... The 29-year-old Adolf Hitler, who, after having of SS General Otto Ohlendorf." Ohlendorf had ordered the served as a corporal in the war, was living in Munich,gravi­ shooting of tens of thousands of Jews, and the essay's title tated to it in September of that year as its seventh member. naturally appears to be an irony, pointing to an exposure of He soon was put in charge of the party's propaganda." Ohlendorfs false pretension to being a "humanist." But the The statement,that Hitler "gravitated to" the Nazi Party, essay text repeats the use of the word humanist,without quote is a clear error.Hitler was assigned to the party as a political marks.Goldhagen claims that Ohlendorf was in fact a human­ intelligence agent of the Nordic cultist Gen. Erich Luden­ ist and his only real failing was his anti-Semitism.Goldhagen dorff,who had a close affinity to Britain's rulers.Hitler offi­ describes Ohlendorf as a highly committed Nazi, a strongly cially continued in his army intelligence position until after ideological Nazi. becoming chief of the party's propaganda.This error in Gold­ In the Harvard encounter, Goldhagen was asked, how hagen's book is significant because it reflects an ignorance could he call a Nazi mass murderer a humanist? The Nazis of, or unwillingness to report, anything about the history of rained contempt upon the humanist tradition, which is the Nazism which does not fitwith the "sociological" propaganda precious heart and soul of our civilization.What of the Renais­ line against Germany. sance artist Albrecht DUrer, the poet of freedom Friedrich Asked about this error, Goldhagen seemed startled, and Schiller,the German Christian philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, asserted that the story of Hitler's assignment is not true. He or his follower the German Jewish philosopher Moses Men­ was told that the main historical sources,of the type he would delssohn? Mendelssohn criticized attempts to coerce Jews find acceptable,tell the story that way.He then said that,even into converting to Christianity; but he also wrote in German, so,Hitler still "gravitated to the Nazi Party." and urged Jews to learn and speak the beautiful German lan­ It is surprising,Goldhagen was told,that there is no refer­ guage,and to participate fully in German society.And wasn't ence in his book to eugenics. The British pseudo-science of Nahum Goldmann a humanist? eugenics, or "race-purification," has had its most important Goldhagen vaguely assented that there was something American center right there at Harvard since the beginning of known historically as "humanism," that this might have the 20th century. Hitler's race laws were written by Ernst something to do with Germany.But he insisted that Ohlendorf Rudin, an employee of this movement. And the movement was in that tradition,a decent man who sought the best for his continues fomenting race hatred and persecution through 60 Investigation EIR June 14, 1996 such Harvard channels as Prof. James Q. Wilson and his Harvard Yard. An official brochure of the Center is printed Aryan-race-style genetics posing as criminology; and Prof. each year and is available to visitors at the center. The bro­ Richard J. Herrnstein's Ku Klux Klan-line book, The Bell chure says that the Center, "organized within the Harvard Curve. Goldhagen said that this "racist thinking, such as with Faculty ... was established in 1969 to promote the study Herrnstein," goes far back in American and British tradition, of Europe." but it is "irrelevant-eugenics is not Nazism." The brochure further explains: "In 1989, through gener­ He was asked if he is familiar with the paper entitled ous endowment by the family of Minda de Gunzburg, the "Empires or Nations?" presented last year by the director of Center moved into its present quarters in the renovated the de Gunzburg Center, Charles S. Maier (see below for Adolphus Busch Hall." In fact (as one learnsfrom a privately a discussion of this paper). Goldhagen answered that he is printed book, available only as a display item in the Center's familiar with it. And does he agree with its point, that the lobby), the Center took on the name "de Gunzburg" in 1989, empire is to be preferred to the nation-state? After all, empires upon the receipt of construction money.
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