TheThe LeodLeod VoiceVoice Clan MacLeod Societies Canada National Council Newsletter # 51 FALL, 2009 This photo reminds me of the world-wide nature of our heritage Fall, 2009 Page 1 President’s Report by Don M. McLeod recombined and diluted (definitely a good thing for other reasons) and the longevity gene is not always expressed as well as we want. This is why “Nutrigenomics” will play a big role in helping us all with our future health. Many MacLeods will inherit problems with lipids (cholesterol) and glu- cose (sugar). Remember the Viking The Immortal MacLeods diet that shaped our past. It was any of us have been exposed fish. We need to keep up with our to “the Highlander” stereo- Omega-3 wild fish oils and we need typingM of MacLeods. We do not to limit our other saturate fats from admit to being immortal and clan greasy meats and dairy products. policy is to continue denying im- Our best source of protein could mortality. still be from eggs (not Gannett) At gatherings, we collectively and from fish, lean meats, nuts and grieve the losses of our “Flow- grains and our best source of sugars ers of the Forest” because we would be the low glycemic index value the experience and wit of our vegetables (they only slowly raise elders. The seniors of our family are our sugar levels). always respected and remembered Don’t cook any of your food with fondness as they propagate at extreme heat to prevent toxic the lineage with all the traditions cancer-causing changes to our that they tell us are genuine. Who food. Also avoid overdoing the al- are we to disturb any of these tra- cohol on a daily basis. The research ditions as we pass them on to the continues to show daily two ounces next generation. One attribute that of wine intake is the only safe al- we do not question is the longev- coholic beverage to not increase ity of our clan folk. All of us have the risk of liver disease, cancer and relatives that have lived to ripe old diabetes. This is unfortunate for our ages, many with expression of the “water of life” tradition. MacLeod longevity gene. There The missing piece to the puzzle was no mistake when Connor for our expression of longevity MacLeod was chosen as the hero is to continue the daily intake of of the immortals. Obviously many antioxidants to counter all the of our genes are being shared, toxins from our environment and CMSC Newsletter # 51, Page 2 to counter all the leftover toxic abundance. chemicals from metabolism within Keep on learning, take another our cells. Our internal production stab at Gaelic, bagpipe playing of antioxidants drops as we age and Scottish dancing or even golf. and when we get into our 40s, Your brain will form new Scottish we need supplemental help and connections that will give you one a much better diet. Eat the best more step down the road of longev- antioxidant foods. Berries, garlic, ity. Immortality is for the Clan but curry powders, colored vegetables we are the link to the future. and non-contaminated foods are Hold Fast to your health and all important but adequate doses of vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid and any other combination supplements are a necessity as we age. My entire career as a doctor has been involved with lifestyle management and slowing the aging process of the body and the brain. Research is slowly proving all the theories to be correct. I marvel at the intellect and wonderful brains of the active senior MacLeods. Haggis and Scotch were given to us to talk about and to taste on very “Captain” Don addresses the CMS USA special occasions. We all know gathering in St. Louis that we always want the treats then poses with Don Mac & Katherine that usually are not good for us in (Texas) and his wife Chris Fall, 2009 Page 3 CMS BC Van Island mountain highway) for the first time in years and on their return home had terrible car problems and had to be towed. Randy Stewart (and children Holly and Lachlan), who heads up the Stewart Clan on the Island By Malcolm & Karen joined us since he has MacLeod Maceod roots from Gesto. He brought with n the September 26, we had him some of his museum which a very nice Clan MacLeod he takes to the Victoria Highland gatheringO on Vancouver Island at Games, it was very impressive as MacLeod’s place on Islay Street he always takes first prize for his in Duncan. (where else?) The day Clan tent display. started with the arrival of Neil R. The fare was burgers and hot and June and Judy Tipple. Dr. Don dogs expertly cooked by Shaun and his daughter Skye arrived later Lahay, accompanied by salads, dips on with their pipes. and complimented by some beauti- This turned out to be a beauti- ful smoked salmon brought by Rick ful day and although we had many and Bev MacLeod from Bamfield. displays inside the house, the clans- Karen and I recently discovered men chose to stay outside on our that fresh haggis can be procured patio and then moved out into the from one of our local butcher shops sun around the fire pit. Neil R. had and is very good. some Clan MacLeod paraphernalia Dr Don piped while I proudly to offer for sale which was well carried the Haggis in and then received and people watched our Roderick Beaton did an abso- photos of Clan MacLeod activities lutely wonderful job of the Ad- scrolling on the TV. dress to the Haggis. There were Amongst some of our new some here who had not tasted the members there was keen interest in puddin’ afore and were suitably genealogy and Catherine MacLeod impressed. Now it was time for Chapman had a wonderful family the cake which was donated by tree that harkens back to Storno- my dad Neil, decorated with the way. Sisters, Janet and Dorothy Harris tartan and dispatched by Dr. MacLeod from Victoria who we Don’s scalpel. At this point it was have met at the games for years, planned to have our friend Laurel ventured over the Malahat (a steep Lahay (nee Beaton) do a power CMSC Newsletter # 51, Page 4 point presentation on genealogy few minutes later joined the gather- but the pipes took precedent since ing properly attired in his Wallace some had to leave to catch ferries. tartan vest. Many a picture was We had Dr. Don and his daughter taken during the day, especially of Skye, Heather, the daughter of Rick the haggis, the cake and the piping and Bev from Bamfield and our son and a good time was had by all. Callum giving us a wee concert in After most had fled we were our driveway. Skye, Heather and treated to Laurel’s presentation of Callum are all close in age and her paternal genealogical studies. competed against each other sev- The search took her to Scotland eral years ago at different games. twice where she knocked on strang- Also in attendance were John ers’ doors many times until the McLeod (a long time member) mystery slowly unfolded through our daughter Kirstie, Frances (my old pictures and conversations. mom), Roderick’s wife Marny, There were many, many hours Bobby Mawdsley, (Bob Tanner’s spent on the computer as well. daughter) and Gerard (Catherine’s Laurel did find her dad’s birthplace friend). A neighbor, Alvin Wallace and is very ecstatic about the results was attracted by the pipes. Dorothy of her efforts and encourages any and Janet had noticed him riding who would like to do as she did. by, shirtless on his bicycle and a Go for it! Christine, President Dr. Don, Neil, Francis, Karen and Malcolm (MacLeods all) at Victoria Highland Games Fall, 2009 Page 5 CMS SOUTHERN ALBERTA By Alma MacLeod ways have a raffle at our meetings, e meet every two months on and try to stick with the Scottish or Wdates that we arrange every MacLeod theme. It gives us a bit of November, so that everyone can money for extra expenses, and cre- make their plans accordingly. We ates a bit of fun too. We also try to meet in the Kensington Legion, have a book exchange, also mainly early Sunday morning and enjoy in Scottish themes. Get some great a scrumptious brunch, then we reading that way. settle down with our coffees for The Barracks Project in Fort our business meeting, followed by Macleod that Randy and I are so in- a social time. All in all, about three volved with is going through major enjoyable hours. Unfortunately, problems, so we don’t see much of both our President Randy MacLeod it these days. But there is one point and Vice President Mike MacLeod of interest that readers would be work out of town, so we don’t see interested in. The records on Fort much of then. Randy is working out Macleod showed that Jerry Potts’ of Fort McMurray and Mike is very residence was still standing, and busy setting up business offices in about to be demolished. Jerry was Beijing, China of all places. So I Col. MacLeod’s friend, guide and seem to be the leader, so to speak. mentor. Well, Randy and I agreed Both Randy and Mike keep in that this was of historical value and touch via their computers, which is should be preserved, so we both very helpful. I have submitted my contributed financially, and for resignation twice in this past year, Randy, also manually, to help move not because I don’t like the job, but the building to the Barracks site.
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