2 3 W h i t l o c k PAT’D AUG. 3,1926. REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. WATERFLEX — /4 gmde fo r each type o f service = £ ■ (ORDACIl | A MAJORITY | Thoroughly water-resisting | of the world’s important | Permanently lubricated ■ ocean and lake vessels J Easy to handle and splice—wet or dry 1 are lubricated with | Does not swell, harden or kink I Gargoyle Marine Oils. | Always remains flexible Lasts longer — Serves better m They are dependable J Costs no more Write for descriptive folder | VACUUM OIL COMPANY | W hitlock Cordage Co. |j New York, U. S. A. jj 46 South Street, New York Branches ^ Gargoyle Marine Oils are available |j Factory and Warehouses Chicago, Boston, Kansas City H at all Great Lakes Ports. Jersey City. N.J. ’an({ Houston THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. A LIST Wholesale Dry Goods OF OVER 1200 VESSELS We make a study of your special OF THE requirements and know how to GREAT LAKES provide what you need in the with the name of following lines. OWNER, CAPTAIN and ENGINEER For Officers, Passengers and Crews of EACH VESSEL Bleached Linen Damasks for Table Cloths Basco Damasks and Napkins Colored Damasks for Table Cloths Complete Port Directory Cotton, Part Wool and All Wool Blankets Complete Shipyard Directory White and Colored Sheets Mosquito Netting Curtain Materials Face Towels Dresser Scarfs Bath Towels Rugs Copyrighted 1930 Roller Towels Carpets The Penton Publishing Co. Dish Towels Linoleums Bed Spreads Cocoa Mats Pillow Cases Wash Cloths Pillows Oil Cloth Season of 1930 Mattresses and Springs Combs Ducks and Canvas Soaps Steamer Rugs Brushes To find the name of owner, captain or engi­ Comfortables Cook s Caps neer, refer to the name of the vessel in the Cheese Cloth Aprons alphabetical list. Following the name of Laundry Bags — made from duck each vessel is a number. The number refers to the fleet to which the vessel belongs, and We are always prepared to submit will be found preceding owner’s name in samples promptly. fleet list. Shipyard Directory follows Capacity Phone or write us when you are ready. of Ore Carriers. Telephone MAin 4405 Published by THE ROOT & McBRIDE CO. * Marine Review Wholesale Dry Goods CLEVELAND 1250 W est 6th St. Cleveland, Ohio 6 7 Index to Lake Fleet Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Aberdeen ......*........ 141 Ann Arbor No. 3.... 9 Abernethy, John .... 212 Ann Arbor No. 4.... 9 Acadialite ................ 158 Ann Arbor No. 5.... 9 Acadian .................. 38 Ann Arbor No. 6.... 9 Ace ............................ 232 Ann Arbor No. 7.... 9 Acme ....................... 104 Anticosti ............... 38 A. D........................... 251 Aragon ................... 105 Adams, Cuyler .... 351 Arcturus ............... 281 Adriatic ................... 281 Argenteuil ............. 230 Adriatic .................. 332 Argo ....................... 251 Aetna ........................ 226 Ariel ....................... 288 You can bank your money Affleck, B. F 285 Arlington .............. 215 by m ail with the Society for Agassiz, R. L 139 Arnold, Fanny ..... 34 Savings just as safely, con­ Agoming ............... 160 Arvida ................... 38 veniently, and privately as Alabama .................. 120 Ashbay ................... 364 in person. Alabama ................ 131 Ashcroft ................. 38 Alaska ...................... 244 Ashland ................. 323 Write for complete infor­ Alaska ...................... 330 Ashland ................. 330 mation, or send first deposit Albatross ................ 8 Ashley, J. S............ 176 in shape of post office or Alberta .................... 45 Ashtabula ............... 131 express money order, check Alert ........................ 25 Ashtabula ............... 275 or bank draft. Alert ........................ 127 Aspen ..................... 380 Resources Over 109 Million Dollars Algomah .................. 169 Assiniboia ............... 45 Alice ........................ 290 Atacas .................... 40 Since Jan u ary 1, 1923 divi­ Allan, Sir Hugh .... 141 Athabasca .............. 45 dends todepositorshavebeen Allan, No. 2........... 34 Atlas ....................... 171 at the rate of 43^% a year. Alpena .................... 131 Atterbury, W. W... 132 Alpena ...................... 405 Atmosphere ........... 346 Amaranth ............. 380 Atwater, Wm. C... 399 Amazon .................... 156 Aube ....................... 209 Amberg, W. A 139 Aubrey ................... 8 America .................. 15 Augustus ............... 330 America .................. 131 Augustus, A. A 156 in corporate* J8 4 9 America .................. 311 Aurelia ................... 393 Americana ............. 221 Aurora ................... 71 Anderson, John .... 385 Aviso ....................... 299 la tW Otg of CtevetonA Andrews, Matthew 337 Andron, L............... 330 B7 ........................... 127 Angeline ................ 62 B. S. L. No. 1 ....... 208 Anglin, R................ 76 Back Bay ............... 341 8 Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Badger ..................... 250 Bertier ..................... 230 Badger State ....... 127 Berwind, Ed. J 18 Bailey ...................... 193 Bess, Earl ............... 208 1 3 9 t h Y e a r Bailey, F. A............. 60 Bessie M.................... 113 Bainbridge ........... 120 Bethalma .............. 141 Baird, Frank B 23 Bethlehem ............. 16 Baker, George F 285 Betty D ................... 112 “America’s Oldest Fire and Ball Bros................. 351 Bielman, C. F 306 Ball, Frank C.......... 71 Bielman, Jr., C. F. 20 Marine Insurance Company” Ballcamp ................. 109 Bienville ................. 192 FOUNDED 1792 Baltimore ............... 25 Billings, Frank .... 156 Barbara Jo.............. 303 Binning, J. R 142 Barkhamstead ....... 293 Birch ....................... 379 Barlow ...................... 109 Birchton ................. 215 Barlum, John J 12 Black, Clarence A. 285 Insurance Company of Barlum, Thomas .... 12 Black, H. F 60 Barnum, G. G 357 Blanche ................... 212 Barrallton ............. 109 Block, Joseph ....... 155 North America Barrie ....................... 38 Block, L, E............. 155 Barth, L. L 71 Block, Philip D 156 PHILADELPHIA Bartelme, M. J ...... 386 Bluebell ................... 362 Batavia .................... 191 Boardman, J. W 154 Batchawana ........... 84 Boeckling, G. A 15 Capital - $10,000,000 Bathalum ............... 109 Boland, John J 22 Battle, James ....... 87 Boland, John J. Jr. 237 Baymead ............... 109 Bos, C. J .................. 387 Place your business in Bay State ............... 77 Bowden, W. A 84 Bayton .................... 215 Bowers, L. M 349 a co m p an y that has Bay View ............. 52 Bowman, A. F 330 proven its dependability. Beaverton ............. 38 Bradley, Carl D 245 Beauvais, Ernest E. 118 Bradley, C. H 21 Becker, W. H 224 Bradley, M. A 258 Exceptional Marine Bedell ...................... 254 Brainard, Katie ..... 393 Beechbay ............... 365 Brandon ................. 341 Facilities. Belgium .................. 130 Brant ....................... 39 Bell, Clara ........... 303 Brazil ....................... 157 Bell, Sir I. L 285 Brentwood ............. 38 Western Marine Department Belleehasse ............. 230 Bricoldoc ............... 270 Belvoir .................... 161 Brighton ................. 330 209 W. Jackson Boulevard Benmaple ............... 287 Brignogan ............... 38 Bennet, F. R 200 Britannia ............... 86 Chicago, 111. Bennington ........... 341 Britannic ............... 238 Bernon, L ................ 330 Britt ......................... 384 Berryton ................. 215 Britten, Fred A 78 Vessel Fleet No. Vessel Fleet No. Broad, Max M. Calgadoc .............. 270 (nee Wm. P. Calgarian ............... 38 Palmer) ..............240a California ............. 131 Brockton .................. 341 Calkins, Bertie ..... 202 Brockville ............... 175 Callender, D. E 885 Bronson, H. F 330 Calumet ................... 127 Brookton .................. 215 Calumet ................... 281 Brower, Henry F.... 133 Calverley, J r ............ 156 Brown Brothers .... 145 Cambria ................. 16 Brown, Fayette ..... 281 Campbell, J. A 281 Brown, Harvey H. 281 Camrose ................. 38 m l snodVBrown, N viaN H. W i 240 Canadian ............... 38 Brown, J. J. H 28 Canadiana ............... 32 Brulin ...................... 301 Canadoc ................... 270 Bruxelles ............. 208 Canatco ................... 36 Bryn Mawr ........... 285 Canmore ................. 38 Buckley, Ed............. 274 Canopus ................... 281 Budd, Ralph ..........132a Cape Eternity ....... 38 Buffalo ...................... 390 Cape Trinity ......... 38 Buffington, E. J 285 Caribou ................... 91 Bug .......................... 343 Carl ......................... 325 Bunce, E. M............ 226 Carlotta ................... 74 Bunsen, R. W. E.... 285 Carney, Fred ......... 70 Burger ...................... 106 Carolina ................. 120 Burgess, Rose ....... I ll Cartier, Jacques .... 298 Burke, J. P ............. 237 Cartierdoc ............. 270 Burlington ............. 341 Carrington, M. D.... 396 Burma .................... 330 Carroll, J. E 33 Burton .................... 390 Carroll, W. M 33 Butler, Bessie ..... 84 Casco ....................... 188 Butler, Jr., J. G 156 Case, J. 1.................. 330 Buttercup ................ 109 Casey, T. L............. 390 Buttercup ................ 362 Cassidy, James H.. 127 Butterfield ............. 253 Cayuga ................... 21 Byers, A. M............. 308 Cayuga ................... 38 Cedarbay
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