h r| assus ar arrrs Pagead 1 The Sundancepage 12 Times 75¢ Thursday, May 28, 2020 Volume 136 • Issue No. 22 Thursday, May 28, 2020 Thesudas Sundance Times Some uy rs h rsrs semblance of normal ment of Health announced All seems back another death, this time in to business, Washakie County. The older man was a resident of a long but the virus is term care facility where test- ing had already identified five still here – and cases among the staff and six now, so are the among residents. Data from the Department tourists of Health suggests more than half of Wyoming’s confirmed cases have come from contact Things seem even closer to with a known case, while one normal this week as summer- in five is due to community time arrives in Wyoming and spread. The largest age group brings with it a slow and care- to have returned positive lab ful return to tourist season. At results is 19 to 29 years, ac- the same time, the COVID-19 counting for 18.9% of cases; pandemic has continued to the smallest group at 3% is make itself felt with new cases, aged 80 years or over. more deaths and a call from Infection numbers have con- Governor Mark Gordon to fol- tinued to rise over the last low social distancing guide- week, now in a more erratic lines as a “sign of respect” to manner than has been seen our friends and neighbors. during most of the pandemic. Two more deaths have been On Wednesday and Thurs- added to Wyoming’s tally over day, laboratory confirmed Jeff Moberg photo the last week, bringing the cases stuck to double figures, Mrs h u a r h urhus du ruar usss, u sa dsa s s rurd total to 12. The first was an- climbing by 13 and 12 respec- nounced on May 20 and in- tively. mon areas of the courthouse and visit the keeping the ADA compliant bathroom volved a hospitalized adult Friday was the first day since The county has reopened access to its offices inside when conducting regular open to the public, for the safety of staff man in Fremont County who the pandemic reached this buildings, but will continue to impose business. and visitors. Chairs have been removed was reported to have had an part of the world on which no restrictions for the time being. A resolu- According to County Clerk Linda Fritz, from the common area to discourage existing health condition. tion passed during a special meeting on efforts have been made to rope off the The next day, the Depart- See COVID-19: page 11 Friday allows the public to enter the com- bathrooms and employee break area, while See urhus: page 12 Going with the fire flow Raising concerns County Clerk Linda Fritz. If the County debates commissioners opted to give a blanket 2% raise instead, salary upgrades this would drop by around a for the year half; the third option would be to give each department ahead head $1000 per employee and leave it to them to allocate the funding in the best manner At a special meeting on Fri- possible. day, the county commission- There was some debate as to ers chose to address raise whether the county should be requests for the next fiscal year considering raises at all this by allocating an amount per year, considering the fiscal employee to be distributed by climate. Commissioner Kelly the head of each department. Dennis felt it would lead to This cuts a significant chunk “personnel cuts a year from from the amount originally re- now” because things are not quested while allowing elected going to get better between officials to continue their ef- now and then considering the forts to bring salaries in line effects of the pandemic and the internally and ensure they are state of the energy industry. competitive. “I just can’t justify it,” he Jeff Moberg photo The total originally requested said. r has u saa a ar r h hydra ad r u d y Ths as dd by the various county depart- Sheriff Jeff Hodge agreed, ssary y h sa r arshas sur hr s adua r h d ud r r r ments to go towards raises s ar as dd r h ar ha ss d y, h y ard h r this year was $101,000, said See aars: page 7 a ad auh y u Neiman to run for House rep seat Thanks to the bills passed a week ago by the Chip Neiman, current chair- coach to serving with his wife With a following wind and a lot of hard work, legislature during special session, a program of man of the Crook County Joni as teen youth leaders at the financial aid programs authorized by the rapid assistance will aim to get $325 million to Republican Party, has an- Hulett Assembly of God. Wyoming State Legislature are set to go live businesses across the state, “providing a lifeline nounced his candidacy for “My leadership in the county on June 1. Businesses that have suffered fi- to our main streets”. Numerous hours have Wyoming House District 1 serves as a record of my com- nancially through the COVID-19 crisis, as well been put in by the governor’s office, committees, in the upcoming Republican mitment to traditional family as those whose housing situation has been business people and more, said Dorrell, and “the Primary election to be held values, private property rights, impacted, are expected to be able to apply for result is a program that rapidly puts money into August 18, 2020. fiscal responsibility and the assistance beginning on that date. the hands of businesses” while cutting down Neiman currently serves on Constitution,” Neiman said in Speaking last week, Josh Dorrell of the Wyo- on the red tape that typically gets in the way. the Crook County Weed and a press release. ming Business Council commented that busi- The goal, he said, is for a “smooth and simple Pest Board, has served on the “As we emerge from the cur- nesses across the state have been “dramatically process”. Crook County School board, rent man-made crisis, we must impacted” by the pandemic. And by businesses, Three programs will address three specific ar- Hulett Airport Advisory Board, do so with a laser focus on he said, what we really mean is people. eas: the Wyoming Business Interruption Stipend Greater Hulett Community keeping our Constitutionally Owners, employees, graduates looking for a Program will provide $50 million for businesses Center Board, Hulett Assembly granted freedoms intact.” first opportunity – Wyoming has worked hard to with 50 employees or fewer, offering a one-time of God Board of Trustees/Dea- Neiman has developed a remain open, he said, but the health challenges stipend as well as an additional amount per cons, Vocations for Orphans reputation in the county for “have indeed taken a toll”. employee. Preference will be given to those who Trustee and numerous other his insistence on remaining “Balancing lives and livelihoods is a tough servant positions, from Crook Courtesy photo task,” said Dorrell. See ds: page 9 County 4-H Livestock Judging See a: page 3 h a ra ahr , M T T T 88 The Sundance Times Page 2 Thursday, May 28, 2020 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE Obituary TREATMENTS Crook County Road & Bridge is now taking orders for Susan Symonds privately funded magnesium chloride treatments on Susan Joann (Cheshier) Sy- Bell Phone Company and the bun and Bo Lewis Rathbun; county roads. Forms are available on the county website or can be emailed to you upon request. Orders must be monds age 63 of Hulett, Wyo- United States Postal Service. brothers, Glen (Kay) Cheshier, 1,000 feet minimum. Must have order turned in by May ming, passed away at home In later years Suzie babysat Jerry (Susan) Cheshier, Ron 29, 2020 to be considered for treatment. You will be billed surrounded by her loved ones, for many families in Hulett. (Sue) Cheshier, Roger (Dar- after treatment for the actual gallons applied. on May 8, 2020, after fighting In 1985, Suzie married Ben- lene) Cheshier; sister, Norma a courageous battle with can- jamin Lewis Symonds. They Svoboda; extended family Bri- cer. raised four children in Hulett: anna and Emmalyne Gose, Suzie was born October 24, Troy James, Walter Marvin, Beau Brashears and Jake 1956, in Belle Fourche, South Kyle Lewis and Shelly Ilene. Essert and numerous aunts, Dakota to Walter and Virginia Suzie is survived by sons, uncles, cousins, nieces and (Schlosser) Cheshier. She was Troy, Walter (Betsy) and Kyle nephews. She is preceded in the youngest of seven chil- and daughter Shelly (Rog- death by her parents; brother, dren. Suzie grew up and at- er); grandchildren, Hailee Bob Cheshier; husband, Ben tended school in Hulett Wyo- Rain Cheshier, Tegan James and father in law, Marvin Sy- tablished at the Summit Na- ming, graduating in 1975. Cheshier, Dixey Rae Rathbun, monds. tional Bank in Hulett, Wyo- Suzie worked for Mountain Rowdy Lee Benjamin Rath- A memorial fund will be es- ming Peek at the Past This Week at Your Library 100 Years Ago Monday, June 1, we will be open BY APPOINTMENT May 26, 1920 ONLY for patrons to enter. Our hours will go back to 9 Information just reaches the Times that the body of Laben a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call 283- Wood, whom it has been suspicioned the past two weeks or 1006. more was a victim of foul play, was found in or on the bank Our guidelines: of the North Fork of the Little Missouri river.
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