BED BANS An Ideal Haw to Un All tiu New* of Located on the Beautiful BED BANK Shiewibury River, on* hour and Surrounding Town* • , from New York and provW- Told Fearleulr and Without BUM RED BANK REGISTER Ing every city convenience. Iiiuid WMUT. BnUnd u Steond-Olua UitUr it tit Post- Subscription Price. On. Ifo.i 12.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO, 34. offlca at Bad Buik, N, J, undu tht Act of March I, 1871. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1936. Si< Month. 11.00. Single Copr 4c PAGES 1 TO 12. Red Bank Woman E. Allaire Cornwell ADDRESSES TEACHEES. 'Orderly" Ticket Council Can Act SEIUOUS FIIIE AVERTED. Dr. Cordts of New York University Rug Over Furnnco Register Catches O'Brien Land Leased To Give Address New Member Of Speaks at Bed Bank. Is Victorious As Health Board, On Fire In Imlay Home. Dr. Anna D. Corts of New York What might have been a very eer- university was the guest speaker ious fire was averted Monday after- For Private Parking At College Service Local Law Firm Monday night at the regular meeting In Middletown Attorney Says of the Red Bank Teachers' associa- noon at the home of Kloyd Imlay pt tion held at the Junior high school Chestnut street. During the absence He u Now One of the Partners Lawrence W. Scott, Wardwell of Mr. and Mrs. Imlay, their eon Mr*. Walter W. Goiting Will auditorium. Her subject, which was John S. Applegate Writes Opin- thought he would do a good turn by Green Bros. Rent Area Formerly Uced Free of Charge Represent Alumnae in Dedi- of Applegate, Stevens, Foster "Reading Through the Grades," was G. Thomas, Schuyler Sickles ion Relative to Status of Fair assisting his mother in protecting of great Inspiration to the Mon- tho living room from collar dust by by Autoists—Chamber of Commerce Plans for cating Chimes in Memory of and Reuuille—A Life Long mouth county teachers who attended. and Irving Teeple Elected on Haven Body—Borough Pays Mrs. Barbara Kane, president, pre- 1936 County Taxes, pulling one of the floor ruga over the Former Dean of College. Resident of Red Bank. sided. School Board. pipelesa furnace register. Additional Land for Free Parking. At the close of Dr. Cordts' speech In an opinion read at Monday After covering the register he went Tho Associate Alumnae of New The law firm of Applegate, Stevens, the regular busltiess meeting was Lawrence W. Scott of Belford, night's meeting of the Fair Haven out to piay. Later his grandmoth- Latest developments in the Red the lessee and the mayor and coun- Jerse College for Women will dedi- Foster & Reussllle of Red Bank, has held. Miss Ruth LaWall, chairman Waodwell G. Thomas, Jr., of Middie- mayor and council on the legality of er, Mrs. Joseph Imlay, who lives next Bank automobile parking situation cil furnishing the money except for cate chimes In memory of Mabel :own village, Schuyler Sickles of door In the two-family house detect- are as follows: - few months lmmedaltelyv.after the announced the admission of E. Al- of the Welfare committee, gave a re- he mayor and council functioning ed smoke. Sho went in her son's Smith Douglass, founder and first laire Cornwell as a general partner. port stating the number of coats, Naveuink and Irving Teeple of Leon- ilso as a board of health, John S. Herman L. and Clifford A. Green, lease was drawn. During the short dean of the college, at their annual ardo were elected memberB of the home and found the rug-on fire and ice dealers trading as Green Eros., period referred to the rent waa paid Mr. Cornwell wafl admitted to the pairs of shoes, Bults of underwear, Applegate, borough attorney, upheld the floor covering around the regis- alumnae day, Saturday afternoon. bar of thla state as an attorney in dresses and suits that have been dis- Middletown township board of edu- :he council's action. His opinion was have leased from the O'Brien estate by a group of public-spirited mer- cation yesterday In a close contest. ter being badly scorched by the burn- the tract of land fronting on White chants. February 22. The dedication service, 1930 and aa a counsellor In 1931 and tributed by the association during a reply to a letter from Dr. A. W. ing rug. Her timely arrival prevent- which will be held In the Elizabeth has been associated with the firm the last month. She also expressed They defeated Alfred G. Luyster of Sweet, county health officer, who utrect which haa been used for free The rental was $1,000 and the Rodman Voorhees chapel at 4:30 the appreciation of those for whom Middletown village, John W. Kans- ed serious damage. Mr. Imlay was automobile parking. They expect to O'Brien estate was reimbursed for continuously since his admission to declared that the board of health as called home by telephone and it is open it for parking purposes about o'cloiilc, Is open to the public. DOOM practice. milk is being bought. ley of Riverside Heights and Clifford t is now is an illegal body. Part of the payment of taxes. The lease ex- will be open for alumnae, students F. Gordon of Leonardo. Mr. Teeple safe to flay that his son got a severe March 1 and to charge a fee for each pired last July and the Chamber of Gordon ran against each his opinion Is aa follows: reprimand. car placed there. and faculty from 4:00 o'clock to 4:16 r Several years ago the board of Commerce did not exercise an option and for tho public from 4:15 to 4.25. other as candidates for an unexplred "The directors of the Chamber of whereby it could have been renewed Elks Minstrels term of two years. All the other health in said borough was function- Commerce have passed a resolution at $2,300. However, an extension of Tho chimes will be placed In tho candidates ran for full terms of three ing In the manner and capacity to requesting the mayor and council to Elizabeth Rodman Voorhees chapel which you refer as the proper one. the lease was granted to January 1. years. Owing to the apparent Impossibility Candidates Of The negotiate with R. Hance & Sons and At that time the Chamber of Com- and will bo hoard dally on tho cam- This Saturday with Reuben White for additional pus. At tho dedication service they The result was a victory for what of getting the members of said board merce made a proposal to pay rent became known during tho campaign together and as a matter of fact School Board Win parking space with a White street en- of $1,500 but not the taxes. After will bo presented to the college by Blackface Show and Ball to be as "the orderly ticket." This nick- there were long periods of time when trance. This would enlarge the free the parking space was closed and the Mrs. Walter W. Gosling, '22, of Bed no meetings were held, the mayor parking space now in use back of a Held in Elks Auditorium— name was derived as a result of a An Easy Victory for Administra- mayor and council had adopted the Bank, president of tho ABsoclate circular which' waa distributed and council In order that the affairs number of Broad street stores to al- annual budget of expenses, including Alumnae, and will bo accepted by Maurice Schwartz to Serve as ot the board ot health might be prop- tion Ticket at Election at Red most the size of the O'Brien tract. throughout tho township urging the erly conducted appointed the entire among other things an appropriation Dean Margaret T. Corwln. Interlocutor. election of the four successful can- Bank—Albert S. Miller Elect- The Slgmund Eisner estate has of- of $2,000 for free public parking, the Dr. William H. S. Domarest, preBl- governing body, namely sevea mem didates mentioned above and stating bers, to' constitute said board of ed for Seventh Time. fered to rent to the Chamber of Com- Chamber of Commerce offered to pay dent emerltUB of Butgers university, Plans have been completed for an among other things that these can- health, with the result that meetings merce for parking space a plot of $1,500 and also the taxes. Last week will bo the speaker and Miss Kemp oldtime minstrel show and ball to be didates were "for orderly board meet- of said latter board were held at reg- land on the south side of White street several conferences were held by rep- Stllllngs, violinist and Instructor In 1 ular Intervals and the business of The school board or adminirittcUion between the former postofilce build- held Saturday night by the Red Bank ings.' candidates were successful by ma- resentatives of the estate and the music, tho aololst. The undergrad- Mr." Scott, Mr. Luyster, Mr. Rans- said board properly conducted. So ing and John H. White's building for Chamber, resulting in an offer being ute choir will bo augmented by a re- lodge of Elks in the Elks auditorium much for the reason of the govern- jorities of more than two to one at two yours at the rate of $760 a year, on Broad street. Harold A. Giblin, ley and Mr. Gordon were Indorsed by ing body- acting as said board of the election for members of the Red made to pay rental of $1,800 and the united alumnae choir and will be the Citizens and Taxpayers associa- the taxes to be paid by the chamber.
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