SOUTHERN AFRICA LITERATURE LIST Banned in South Africa, this new book on women in the struggle is now available from The Africa Fund. The Africa Fund 198 Broadway New York, N.Y. 10038 (2U) 962-1210 Fall 1988 ANTI-APARTHEID EDUCATION Audio Visual Materials STETSASONIC A.F.'R.I.C.A. 'Igaching Resources A.'F.R.I.C.A. The rap group Stetsasonic, has woduced n album and video tq prqtest US. support for South Afri e_a's wars aoainst th Frontline ates. The Africa Fond has produced a reaching guide for use in conjunction witb the record and vid~ . ~ AF.R.I.CA. by Ste sas5ni with Olatonj' antl th Drums of Pa ion. Tommy Bo Music t 87. Check one: 0 r<:lcord $5.0D 0 audiocassette $5.00. -~ A.F.R.LCA. Video (V HS only) by Stetsasonic featurin~ the Rev. J esse Jackson and Olatunji. Tomm Boy Mu:S ic 1987. $12.00 A. F.! R .I.C.A. TEACHING GUIDE The Africa Fund 1988, .20p . $3.00, S,un City Teaching Resources Sun City is a powerful musical statement l;ly over fifty popular artists. It has been on radio, TV and in the news. Ther ·sa record. a video, a book and a teaching g!.i·tle . ~ The "Sun City Record Manhattan Records). $6.95. Specify: D AlbuJJl 0 Audiocassette _ ··sun City' Sing! ( 12''1 3.9. _ The, "Sun ity" Videocassette (Karl-Lorillilar 5 min.) $16.95. Spe. ify VHS 0 Beta [J _ The "Sun City" Book (Viking-Pen um" 2c pp., 1/>xll " J $6.95. _ The "'Sun ~ ity ' ' Teachm Guide. 'rile Africa Fund, 6pp.) $1.00. Sp eiall,v recommended with both A,FR.I.C.A. and Sun City materials: _ ''Stranger In Their OwJl C untry· A Curriculum Guide on South Africa A1 rica World Press, 92pp." 8 1h xll ) $!2.95. SOUTH AFRICA - SOUTH AFRICA FACT SHEET (Africa Fund, 1988), 4pp. Facts and figures on population, removals, wages, repressive legislation, SA-US economic ties and more. 30~?. Over twenty. 15¢ each. SOUTH AFRICA: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON SANCTIONS by William Minter (Africa Fund, 1986), 6pp. An overview of the areuments for sanctions. 35¢. Over twenty, 20¢ each. ~ - DIVESTMENT ACTIONS MUST TARGET FRAN­ CHISE AND LICENSING AGREEMENTS AS WELL AS DIRECT INVESTMENT (Public Investment and South Africa Newsletter, ACOA, 1987), 4pp. Includes "Guidelines for Divestment" issued by five national anti-apartheid organizations in response to companies which have ended direct investment in, but continue to do business with . South Africa. 3011 each. Over twenty, 15¢ each. - SOUTH AFRICA: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON DIVESTMENT (Africa Fund, 1987), 4pp. 30¢. Over twenty, 15¢ each. VOICES FOR WITHDRAWAL, compiled by Stephanie Urdang and Donald Jamison (The Africa Fund, 1985), 6pp. Quotes from Nobel Peace laureates. South Africans as well as from prominent Americans in support of sanctions and divestment from South Africa. 35¢. Over twenty, 20¢ each. _ BLACK DISPOSSESSION I SOUTH AFRICA: THE MYTH OF BANTUSTAN INDEPENDENCE by Richard Knight (Africa Fund, 1984), 6pp. An overview of the "grand apartheid" system of bantustans with a special focus on Bophuthatswana. Includes information on the casino resort complex known as Sun City. 35¢. Over twenty, 20¢ each. UNLOCK APARTHEID'S JAILS (Africa Fund, 1987). A brochure for the campaign to free all political prisoners for distribution in your community. 15¢ each. Ten to ninety­ nine, $1.00 for each set of 10, one hundred to one thousand, $5.00 each set ...,f one hundred. _ SOUTH AFRICA INFORMATION PACKET, includes the above six items, the Unlock Apartheid 's Jails brochure and more. $2.00. Apartheid UNLOCK APARTHEID'S JAILS ORGANIZER'S PACKET (Africa Fund, 1987). For use in the campaign to free all political prisoners including the many on death row. Includes profiles of political prisoners in South Africa and Namibia. a list of detainees. organizing suggestions. $2.00. THIS IS APARTHEID: A PICTORIAL INTRODUC TION (lOAF. 1984). 40pp. $1.70 _ SOUTH AFRICA: A DIFFERENT KIND OF WAR by Julie Frederikse (Beacon, 1986), 192pp. A unique combina· tion of information. images and interviews on the resistance to apartheid since 1976. $12.95. IF THIS IS TREASON, I AM GUILTY by Allan Boesak (Afri<:a World Press, 1987). 134pp. Fifteen speeches and 'ermons by one of South Africa's best known anti-apartheid activists. $7.95. - APARTHEID: THE FACTS (lOAF. 1983). 112pp. A com- prehensive overview of South Africa. $7.00. _ KING SOLOMON'S MINES REVISITED: WESTERN INTERESTS A D THE BURDENED HISTORY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA by William Minter (Basic Books, 1986). 320pp. A comprehensive overview of southern Africa and U.S. involvement. Extremely useful in understanding the current situation. $21.95. - THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN DISEASE: APARTHEID HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES by Cedric de Beer (Africa World Press, 1986), 86pp. Documents the connec­ tion between disease and the unequal distribution of resources. $7.95. CRIPPLING A NATION: HEALTH IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA by Aziza Seedat (lOAF, 1984), IIOpp. $5.00. _ CHILDREN UNDER APARTHEID (lOAF. 1980) , 120pp. A book which reveals the effects of apartheid on children. Includes 110 photos. $6.00. _ APARTHEID'S PRIVATE ARMY: THE RISE OF RIGHT-WING VIGILANTES IN SOUTH AFRICA by Nicholas Haysom (Catholic Institute for International Rela­ tions. 1986), 141pp . $5.00. _ DIVIDE AND RULE: SOUTH AFRICA'S BANTUS­ TANS by Barbara Roger (lOAF, 1980), 136pp. $5 .00 . NO. 46-STEVE BIKO by Hilda Bernstein (lOAF. 1978), 149pp. $3.50. NELSON MANDELA: THE STRUGGLE IS MY LIFE (lOAF, 1978), 208pp. A collection of the writings and speeches of Nelson Mandela. a leader of the African National Congres;. who is currently in prison serving a life sentence as a result of his role in the freedom struggle. $5 .00. Economic Links _ THE UNIFIED LIST OF UNITED STATES COM­ PANIES DOING BUSINESS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA (Second Edition) by Richard Knight, The Africa Fund and Roger Walke. Pacific Northwest Research Center. (Africa Fund, 1988) Updated UNIFJE! LIST.. through mid-1988, this new IMITB1n.ra~ __ edition contains information soutH~..,,...._.. on companies with ownership, licensing, franchising, distri- bution, and loans in South Africa and Namibia. It also contains information on com- panies which have withdrawn. 650 companies profiled. 85pp. Institutions: $30.00. Indi- viduals: $8.00. _ UK COMPANIES AND THEIR SUBSIDIARY OR RELATED COMPANIES IN SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA (A nti-Apartheid Movement, London 1988). A list of British companies in South Africa. 58pp. $6.00. _ SUMMARY CHART ON PUBLIC FUND DIVEST­ MENT (ACOA), 14pp. (typescript) A summary chart of state and municipal divestment actions. including a sum­ mary of the action taken and amount affected. Updated annuall y. $1.00. SA CTIONS NOW. testimony of Robert Jones. Project Director of the American Commillee on Africa before the U.S. House of Representatives. June 9. 1988. 7pp. type­ script. $1.00. APARTHEID IN OUR LIVING ROOMS: U.S. FOR­ EIGN POLICY AND SOUTH AFRICA by Prexy Nesbill (Midwest Research, 1986), 58pp. An excellent concise intro­ duction to U.S. policy toward South Africa. $4.50. - COMPUTERS IN SOUTH AFRICA by Richard Knight (Africa Fund, 1986), 13pp. (typescript). Overview of US computer companies in South Africa with profiles of ten US corporations including Control Data. IBM and Hew len Pack­ ard. $2.00. THE ROYAL DUTCH/SHELL GROUP OF COM­ PANIES ALTERNATIVE CORPORATE REPORT 1987 (National Labor Boycoll Shell Commillee, 1987). 21pp . A comprehensive report on Shell's involvement in South Africa. extremely useful for all those involved in the Shell Boycott campaign. $1.00. ECONOMIC DISENGAGEMENT AND SOUTH AFRICA: THE EFFECTIVENESS AND FEASIBILITY OF IMPLEMENTING SANCTIONS AND DIVEST­ MENT by Jennifer Davis, James Cason and Gail Hovey (reprinted from Law and Policy in International Business. 1983) . 35pp. $2.00. Military BRUTAL FORCE: THE APARTHEID WAR MACHINE by Gavin Cawthra. (IDAF. 1986). 320pp. $13 .00 SOUTH AFRICA AT WAR: WHITE POWER AND THE CRISIS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA by Richard Leonard (Lawrence Hill. 1983) . 380pp. Examines the militarization of South Africa in its attempt to maintain apartheid . $8 . 95 . PORTABLE PHOTO EXHIBITS Produced by International Defense & Aid Fund, London. _ CHILDREN UNDER APARTHEID (II display sheets, each sheet 25 x 17'12 inches) For the large majority of chil­ dren in South Africa, life under apartheid. the South African government's official policy of racial segregation, means inadequate housing, poor education and little medical care. Areas covered by this exhibit include health , school family life, housing and refugees. $15.00. _ WOMEN UNDER APARTHEID 14 display sheets, 25 x 17 Y2 inches) Women suffer special hardships under white minority rule in South Africa. Areas covered include: the migrant labor system, family life, resettlement, women at work and women and the struggle against apartheid. $15.00. NAMIBIA IN STRUGGLE- A PICTORIAL HISTORY (16 display sheets. 25 x 17 1/2). Illustrates the Namibian people's struggle for freedom and independence. from Ger­ man occupation to the current illegal South African occupa­ tion. Same photos a' in the book of the same name. $22 .00. These sets have been designed for use in schools and colleges and by church , trade union, and anti-apartheid groups to serve educational needs and to provide a graphic backdrop to meetings and conferences. They are easily hung using either professional exhibition facilities or simple push pius. NAMIBIA _ CUTTING "THE WIRE:" LABOR CONTROL AND WORKER RESISTANCE IN NAMIBIA by Pippa Green. (Africa Fund, 1987) 6pp. 35¢ each. Over twenty, 20¢ each. _ THIS IS NAMIBIA: A PICTORIAL INTRODUCTION (IDAF, 1984), 40pp. $1.70. NAMIBIA: A VIOLATION OF TRUST by Susan Smith. (Oxfam . 1986!. 99pp. An extremely useful compi lation of information.
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