•V ■,1 ■ ^ WEDNESDAX, APRIL ?5',*1954~ ife;E TWENTY-EIGHT . '< ^ ^anrh^Btrr If^rolb Arenixe Daily N ft Prem Ran -■ Far Urn Week Ended The Weather April SI. lU d ' Bhreeaet ef IJ. 8. Weather OareM light rain ending Inte In nfto^ 12,021 noen, elondy tonight. Low In lew 48*. rxeudy. foggy Friday nmm- Member ef the Audit Ing. partly cloudy by noon, warm- Burto* ef arculattaa or. High near SA. Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm VpL. LXXV, N0U17$ (TWENTY-FOURa PACES—TWO SECTUINS) MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 195$ (L'laaalfled AdrerUttaa ea Paae 81) PRICE FIVE CENTS' Parakeet Itescued .S.Push By Friendly Pussy Berlin, April M (P>—A iMt parakeet liaa ‘ a temporary Bares home here today because of a friendly eat. Cut Talk Mrs. Robert Clapp of Old Toll Oat# Farm and Jtcr sons, Rogar and Bart, raturnad uhr- in every By THE ASapCIATED .PREHH from a shopping trip'today to H a r t ^ E,; Stassen and Andrei Gromyko held a apecial find theU- pet ca t Tabby, p r iv a ^ meeting today in London, in an effort to break the playing with the bird and showing no cannibalistle In- QIVEN V^ITH CASH SALES ALL E aajt^est deadlock over disarmament. Stassen, President tentiona. ^denhower’s special assistant on that subject.and Gromyko, Tha cat apparently found “ oviet deputy foreign minister,4'—^-----------------------------------' the bird out of dewre and AtTheJ.W,HaleCorp. DAY THURSDAY, APRIL 26-- ^head the American and Soviet dele­ brought It Into the house. gations In current disarmament The green and yellow para- talks here. Seven Qiildren Iteet has band No. H-B-941U. They opened the|r diacusaiond at Mrs. Clapp aaya tha bird Probers Hear Gold, One Group Of Now FAMOUS BRANDS FLAT and FITTED SHEETS and PILLOW-CASES Lancaster house 30 mihutes before wlH have a horns until Its Sportswear Specials sitting down with their British, Alone in House owner claims it. Canadian and French colleaguqa on T Y P E 1 3 0 " T Y P E 1 4 4 / T Y P E 1 8 0 the U.N. -subcommittee that la Call on Greenslass GROUP OF DRESSES SPRING COATS REDUCED seeking to end the world arma Die ini Flames LADY PEPPERELL / LADY PEPPERELL rare. They were flanked by their ----^------/ / D A N RIVER Dag Peace V u te ^ el fltMes m 6 REGULAR $45.00 VALUES. SUPERPINE MUSLIN ^ COMRED PERCALE . full delegations. , Toledo, Ohio, April 28 (8T—Fire $3.99,. $5.99 Waabington, April 26 (4>)—-Hkrr>' Gold, convicted itomie VataM to $ 1«M ................... NOW NOW ....................................................... Their meeting w m * direct fol- , oni-ifory cinder- $ 3 3 .0 0 low-up of Stasstn sI imrpriseaurpriae 2-hour; ,____ ^ .s__________ «py, 8kid today that Soviet agent* In thia country ensnared Reg. 82.28. 81 x 1 8 8 ............. $ 1 . 8 . 9 Keg. 82.90. 72 x 108 . $ 2 . 4 9 Reg. 88.09. 72 X,I08 . $ 2 . 5 9 block home eight miles northwest talk with Soviet Communist leader Plan Gains him in an espionage net lyork by handling him "like a vir­ REGULAR $.35.00 and $39.98 VALU ES. ^ 2 0 QQ o t hWe early today, killing seven BLOUSES Reg. 82.48. 22 x 188 .............. $ 1 . 9 9 Reg. 88.80. 81 x 108 ......... $ 2 - 2 9 Nikita Khrushchev and Premier tuoso woMld play a violin,” Re|. 8840. 81 X 1 0 8 ............. $ 2 . 6 9 Bulganin at a Russian reception Negro children who were alone In 8m m aU tUk, M the house. Gold, now serving a 30-year prison sentence, was brought $199 ,.$3.99 REGULAR $29.98 VALUES. aX ClaHdge’s Hotel Tuesday night. VUaw to $«.M. Reg. 82.88. 81 x 108 ............. $ 2 . 1 9 Reg. $8.60. 90 X 108 . $ 2 . 9 9 Reg. $8.80. 00 X 108 . ----- $ 3 " ^ 9 Russia wants an agreelnent on Fire Chief Richard Gampbell at In Jorda n here from the Federal Penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa. Flanked NOW ....................................... .................... $ 2 5 .0 0 disarmament before an agreement Sylvania, whose men Joined a Reg. 50c. 42 X 88 eaaea , . ..Each ' 4 9 c Reg'.'70c.. 42 X 88)', Case* .. .Ep<b 6 9 c by two U.S. marshals, he testified at a hearing of the Senate Reg. 80c. 42 X 88 mse* ....E ach 5 9 c on control and balks at including Whiteford Township, Mich., com- Amman, Jordan, April 26 ALL SALKS FINAL Pkli.V..Jp fighting the blaze Just Internal Security subcommittee) which is investigating the GROUP OF SKIRTS President Eisenhower’s aerial aui-.; (/P)— U;N. Secretary General vey control plan immediately. It north of the Michigan-Ohio bord­ u«e of American citizens for Soviet intelligence purposes. Oattoa. waaL tofrcta, faille. QA 0 0 T Y P E 1 3 0 T Y P E 1 4 4 T Y P E I B O promlaea only to consider the uae er, said the father, John Cooper, Dkg Hammarskjold chalked A former Philadelphia chemist, Gpld related in detail how Yahiaa to $ 1 M ...................... NOW* ^ I.T T to of *‘air sentinels" at somh future. 33, was taking his Wife, Laurel, 20, up more progress in his mid- Taffaia aad faille in aiiea la and SO only. Other* In alie* 10 to SO. he first became involved in industrial espionage* for Com­ One Group Of Now LADY PEPPERELL : 1 LADY PEPPERELL date. '.-■■J... to work in a Toledo cafe when the eastern peace mission today D A N RIVE* fire broke out. munist Russia and later went on to participate fn military SUPERFINE MUSLIN COMIEIKPERCALE Meanwhile, Khrushchev was re­ af he wound up talks with FITTED BOTTO.MS \ Dead were - Brenda Joyce, 8 ; espionage. -------------- w o o l EMd CORDUROY ported to have told leading Brit­ 'The Russians did # superb psy­ FITTED BOTTO.M8 . f i t t e d ' b o t t o m s ish ROfialiata the Kremlin might Har,Vitoh Leonardo, 9; Jacqueline, Jordanian leaders. ^ SPRING SUITS, REDUCED 8; '-'dahn. 4; Sherrely Jean' 3; Although nothing official was re­ chological Job on me," Gold aald try to negotiate a peace aettle- at a one-man hearing conducted BERMUDA SHORTS neg, 12.49. T\«Id $ 1 . 9 9 Reg. 12.99. T«vln .......... $ 2 . 4 9 Reg. 98.09. ir.ent directly with West Germany Georgia Marie, 2, andCarter Step­ vealed regarding Hammarskjold'a China Review REGULAR $45.00 VAI,UES. hen, 2 months. Cambell said he talks In Amman.v weil-informed My Sen. Welker (R-IdaMo). While If the Western allies stick to their Welker was-the only subcommittee NOW ..........................; ............. $ 3 3 0 0 $ 2 . 1 9 believed Harrison Leonards had sources reported Jordan is willing ValaMto|4.0B. .......................... .......................NOW $ 2 . 9 9 Ueg. at.aa. Pnu Reg. U.29. Full .......... $ 2 . 4 9 -Reg. 98JI97 Full present policies. to go along with a pledge of a member preient the hearing room Editor Charged r !* Quoted by I.«b«rite been orphaned and wba being REGULAR $35.00 and $39.98 VALUES. reared by the Coopers. He did not cease-fire and.-general armlatice ob* wSa overflowing with apectatora. AA Laborite officials said the .So­ aerv(|nce. The subcommittee aald that at SMAU GROUP OF ' NOW .......... .............. .......... ^ a O oVU SAN FO R I^ COMIINATION know W’hether the child had been Lady Popporoll viet Communist party boss mpde adopted officially. Bet to Avoid lacldeats ani>lher hearing tomorrow, David With Sedition the statement Monday night at a Oreertglaaa, also a key figure in REGULAR $25.00 VALUES. In Michigan, Monroe County These sources added Jordan also MATERNITY ITEMS-$2.99/ dinner party .given him and Bul- sheriff's deputies said Copper was was ready to agree, for local Com. the Rosenberg atomic apy caae,. MATTRESS PAD and COVER ' gaflin by the high command of the Ban Francisco, April 28.(M (— NOW ............................................................... $21.00 COMBED YARN PERCALE being held for invcatigatlon. The mandCra to seek ways of avoiding will be queationed, A former Army John W. Rowell, former aditer'pf British labor party. deputies said State Police wanted incidents along the frontier, and corporal, he drew a 15-year prison ■’> Tweed*, wool erepe* and gabardine#. REGULAR $.5. Stassen pronounced that disarms-' tha China Monthly Revlaw In Itid CORDUROY BOLEROS to determine why the children possibly to an increase' In the num­ term after pleading guilty to an Shanghai, waa tndlctad yaatarday SOLID COLOR SHEETS and* CASES TWIN BED SIZE ment discussion so important that ber of U.N. truce observers on the WaasIH Kowalew of Pater­ ALL SAIJSS FINAL * were left alone. ' eapionaga c h a r g e .... on chargaa of aediUon by using tha AMortal ealar* la amall, medlnm. large *lee*. Beautiful, smooth,, luxurious l.ady Prppcrell pastel rolorod he’ cabled Elsenhower all aibout it Monroe County Coroner Harold border, son, N, J., and hla wife dtaplay AecHaail Sli^r $ 3 . 9 9 REGULA^(i.98. and arranged the talk with Gromy­ Revlaw to obstruct Amtrica» RegalaHy fSM . ............... .......... ■heel* and caaes. Pink, rose, blur, Nile green, orchid and yellows Maurice scjieduled an inquaat for Probe Figures After a final conference with a torn shirt, after telling Sen­ GreengUuM. waa tkc chief ac­ armed forcet In the Korean War. FULL SIZE ko. The fact that he and Gromyko today. Premier Samir el Rifal,' the Secre ators they believe five Soviet cuser of his sister, Ethel Rosen­ . , r rm H $ 5 .4 9 got together so quickly was taken Herman Kravitz, (above) o f Powell called the chargaa "com­ AIX SALES FINAL . VALUES TO S5.00— CLEARANCE SALE Bodies In Bed.
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