uri- .'-7- ^ I T ^ .y > ‘ " - NWTPRBSS-RITNr VaB^WEATIIBR AVERAGE OAILV OllU^ULATION Fovecaat kr (T. 9. Weather Binvaiit for the month of Augnsti 1028 ! New Havca Bain tonight And Friday; not 5,125 mach change in temperature; mod* erate east and northeast 'winds. Meaiber'ef th* Aodit Baroee of i.) ; CtrcoUiHoo* \ _ -— 7 'v- ' 7'>. - : . ^ . r • • - • VOL. XU I.. NO. 289. (Classified Adyertislng on Page 12) MANGHESTERreONN;, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928. (VQUiRTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS HOOVER PLANS COAST TO COAST SKY DERBYITES ROWUNDIS INVASION OF STILL AHEAD REPUBUGANS OF “SOLD) SOUTH” INJ^DERBY GATHER IN NEW HAVEN ■ a I G. 0. P. to Make Strennous Lands in St. Louis Fourteen 1 Rumors Fill Air as Dele­ Effort to Smash Barriers Minutes Ahead of Dake; gates Arrive— Walcott Below the Mason and Bad WeaAer Stops Start The citizenry, of; tke -town, roadway and barring access to Given Best Chance for U. the north end in particular, the' deadly railroad tracks at Dixon Line. of Class B. Oakland street. Were there continues to be riled today some one man with the neces­ S. Senator Nomination; over that fatal Oakland street sary qualifications to lead railroad crossing. Within tljree them' there is no doubt they Washington, Sept. 6.— The great­ Lambert Flying Field, St. Louis, Rogers for Lieutenant- ' “ ‘ ‘ it months five persons ha've been would, very qquickly do that est Republican effort since the Civil Sept. 6.— Still blazing the trail in killed there and .today n fine, very thing. War to smash down the Democratic the Trans-Continental Air Derby, clean-cut youth Ubs; in the Me­ .To Force Action Governor; Trumbull Alone barriers of the Solid South will be for prizes aggregating $40,000 Earl morial hospital fighting for life , One man of considerable in­ launched with Herbert Hoover’s perhaps crippled lor the rest fluence in the / north end is Rowland of Whichita Kansas, of his days. Two Manchester rounding up the Citizenry to In Field for Renomina­ speech at Elizabethtown, Tenn., on brought his Cessna monoplane to children would be living today make a concerted effort to October 6, it was indicated today. rest here at 10:22 this ricrning. and this third youngster would have something done about tion— To Name State be safe and sound, if tbe right that' crossing, right away. Not Although Hoover has decreed Central Standard Time. that the fight to capture southern kind of action had followed next month or even next week, states must be conducted under lo­ Rowland left Terre Haute, the the tragedy of May 26— over but Tight away. The Select­ Ticket Tomorrow. cal leadership, the Republican na­ first stop today at 8:56 a. m., for three months ago. ' men' will probably be petition­ tional committee will lend every ef­ St. Louis. Need Leader ed by this group to force ac­ fort and encouragement to the lo­ So angry are some of the tion from the proper authori­ Robert Dake, of Pittsburgh, fly­ New Haven, Sept. 6.— The sound cal organizations in the hope of re­ ing an American . Moth, and who citizens in the north end they ties So that death trap on Oak­ turning Hoover victories below the Ten of the aviators who flew followed Rowland into Dresser were at the' point today of land street will no longer re­ of war and of rumors of war rose Mason-Dixon line. The fight in the away from Long Island in the rield, Terre Haute, also trailed erectikg a fence across the main. and fell in certain sections of New south, the Hoover leaders felt, also New York-to-Los Angeles air Rowland into the field here. Dake races are pictured here. The ten Haven today as Republicans will augment the favorable chances whose plane was the second of the for Republican victories in the bor­ photos provide a most interest­ gathered for the biennial conven­ ing study in aviation faces. In Class A airplanes to reach St. Louis, tion in which they will nominate a der states of Maryland, Kentucky, arrived at 10:36, just fourteen LONERGAN, O’ SUIHVAN Missouri and Oklahoma. the center is a view of compet­ minutes after Rowland had dipped state ticket to contest the Novem­ Hoover personally discussed the ing planes lined up on Roosevelt Field for the get-away in the his Cessna monoplane gracefully to ber election. In a town accustomed southern situation with J. Hill Tay- to caring for conventions by the yor. Republican leader of Tennes­ Class A event. Reading from left earth, lor a landing. WOULD HURT AL HERE half-dozen at a time, the Republi­ see, and Senator Fred M. Sackett, to right in each case, the flyers The third plane in was that of William Emery, Jr., of Bradford, can hosts were not observable out­ of Kentucky. They assured him that are: Top, C. W. Holman, H. C. V the Republican Party has excellent Grevenberg, “ Red” Jackson, Le­ Pa., a Travelair, which arrived at side the hundred yards that chances of carrying Tennessee, a roy Putnam; middle, M. H. 10:49. separate the Hotel Taft, where pre­ “ doubtful” state in presidential “ Moon”" Mullins, Earl Rowland, liminary meetings will be held, and years, and was certain to carry M. B. Allen; bottom, Charles W. the Hyperion theater where the Kentucky, one of the border line Meyers, Mrs. Theodore Kqnyqn, AT TERRE HAUTE formal sessions are to be staged. In Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. C.— Still sue Would Subtract ^ . that hundred yards however the states that goes Republican but sel­ James S. Charles, Earl Rowland Democrat Rents Her Home for dom. took an early lead among the leading the Class A airplanes in the tides of war ebbed and flowed from Watching Texas Class A racers. Pretty Mrs. Ken- Trans-Contlnnental Air Derby and Strength From Ticket If Hoover Headquarters in late yesterday afternoon. The Hoover leaders also were ypn accompanied her husband, a favored by ideal weather condi­ The noise of the war echoed more watching the Texas situation. They Boston entrant. “ Red” Jackson, tions, Earl Rawland of Wichita, loudly In other Connecticut towns were cheered considerably by tbe of St.,Louis, did some sensation­ Kansas, swooped gracefully down Either Wns Chosen. Washington, sept. 6.— some than it did in New Haven. For once statement of Mrs. J. Griswold, Re­ al night Hying between Kansas on Dresser Flying Field in his of the Hoover money may be New'Haven, which has furnished a publican national committeewoman City and St. Louis during the Cessna monoplane at 8:37 a. m.. used to help finance Gov. A1 large share of Connecticut’s execu­ from Texas, that Hoover has a Republican National Convention, Central Standard Time today, and Smith’s campaign. tives, stands without an apparent “ good chance” to carry the “ Lone transporting conventioh pictures after refuelling hopped off for St. Hartford, Sept. 6 — Thomas‘ J. This was indicated today desire to be represented on the Star” state. for The Herald and NEA Serv­ Louis at 8:56 a. m. Spellacy, Democratic national com­ with the announcement of ■state ticket. With Hiram Bingham Mrs. Griswold told of the organ­ ice. Five thousand spectators cheer­ mitteeman, today issued a formal Mrs. Francois Berger Moran, in the United States Senate, and ization of women’s Hoover clubs all ed Rowland as he brought his plane statement declaring_^thg1;. the can­ froih whom the Hoover head­ with John Q. Tilson,'4b«^chief Con­ over Texas. Most of the members, down. quarters ;in Massachusetts necticut friend of TTerUSrt Hoo'Vbf, 'she said, were Democratic women, didacy of both Augustine Lpnerggn, qyenue is rented, that she in­ Nine minutes after Rowland ar­ of Hartford, and P. B. O’Sullivan, having the whip-ha'nd over the who refused to support Governor rived Robert Dake o ' Pittsburgh, tended to vote for the Demo­ Lower House in Congress, the New Alfred E. Smith and who had of Derby, for nomination as United cratic nominee. in an American Moth, came whizz­ States Senator, “ would not add to Haven leaders appeared to he satis­ pledged themselves to vote for ing through the sky in close pursuit Mrs. Moran explained she fied with things as they are, and to Hoover. She declared “ the intensity Husband O f Ruth Elder !IE V .J.P .m S the Smith strength in Connecticut rented her 50-room house to of the flight u ader. • but would subtract from^ il in view let the up-state wing of the party of the Hoover seatlment that has A few minutes later W. H. the Republicans to help her ^ do the fighting this time. The fight­ swept over Texas” has forced the of the religious issue openly inject- grandson, Jack Hudkins, Emery of Bradford. Pa., landed in eu Into the campaign.” * ing however is expected to be end­ local Democratic leaders to call in Files Suit For Divorce TO BECOMEmrOK a Travelair machine. “ swing a deal.” ed by 10 a. m. tomorrow and Senator Joseph T. Robinson, the Mr. Spellacy said: “ I toli Jack to go back to 41 Rowland was accompanied by ■'•Carry, Connecticut for Smith state ticket decided upon that cap Democratic vice presidential nom­ Bill Kowalski, of Detroit, a me­ Republican headquarters and inee, in an effort to save the state has been one of the requirements of tell them I was r.enting the be nominated harmoniously a short Balboa, Canal Zone, Sept. 6.— Ain Hollywood, Calif., making movie chanic. Both men reported stormy DemocratSv< .1 do not f^el it .is the time ’.aftoward..' . for Smith.
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