FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 9, 2012 CONTACT: Division of Agriculture Peggy Hunt, Agronomist II, 907-745-8721, [email protected] State hosts April 16-27 sale of Alaska native grass, grain, and flower seeds The Alaska Plant Materials Center (PMC) will soon open its annual request period for “foundation” and “selected class release” germplasm of seeds of grass, grain, and flowers (forbs). The sale runs from April 16–27, 2012. At that time, the lists of the available seed lots – including quantities, varieties, and prices – will be posted on the Division of Agriculture and PMC web pages (http://dnr.alaska.gov/ag/ and http://plants.alaska.gov). The seed will be available for pickup after the seed sale ends at the PMC, located at 5310 South Bodenburg Spur in the Butte area of Palmer. The PMC produces “foundation and pre-certified” classes of seed, which in turn are sold to commercial growers. The growers then produce “certified seed” which eventually is sold to farmers, landscape companies, revegetation contractors, or construction companies. A ready market exists for those willing to take the time now to plant for the future. Demand can exceed the available supply of seeds. If this occurs, the Allocation Committee will determine the allocation. The committee consists of the Division of Agriculture Director and representatives from the University of Alaska, Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, the Alaska Seed Growers Association, and the PMC. This seed is for commercial growers only. For smaller amounts of seed, please contact businesses listed on the “Native Plant Source Directory”, http://plants.alaska.gov/native/index.php. Grains can be ordered in 100-pound units and grasses and flowers (forbs) are sold in one-pound units. To order seed, fill out the online order form at http://plants.alaska.gov, contact Peggy Hunt at 745- 8721 or [email protected], or fax a request to 746-1568. Orders must be placed by April 27. After that date, seeds are distributed according to the available seed and the number of orders requesting the same lot. Payment and pickup of seeds is expected within two weeks of notification. ### State of Alaska, Plant Materials Center, 2012 Forb Seed Sale To order, contact Peggy Hunt, 745-8721, [email protected], or by web-site, plants.alaska.gov. by April 27, 2012. Scientific Name Common Name Release Name Lot # Purity % Viability % Pounds Available Price/ lb. Adj. 2012 Price/lb. Artemisia tilesii Tilesii's Wormwood 'Caiggluk' 06PMC107 91.79 67 10.6 81.72 $ 50.26 Artemisia tilesii Tilesii's Wormwood 'Caiggluk' 07PMC109 92.10 98 30.26 81.72 $ 73.76 Artemisia tilesii Tilesii's Wormwood 'Caiggluk' 08PMC128 99.44 83 11.74 81.72 $ 67.45 Oxytropis campestris Field locoweed Black Rapids 09PMC112 99.84 87 1.68 190.68 $ 165.63 Oxytropis campestris Field locoweed Black Rapids 10PMC128 99.77 91 1.5 190.68 $ 173.12 Oxytropis campestris Field locoweed Black Rapids 08PMC114 97.17 69 1.3 190.68 $ 127.85 Oxytropis campestris Field locoweed Black Rapids 11PMC110 97.70 84 3.6 190.68 $ 156.49 Polemonium pulcherrimum Jacob's Ladder Butte 06PMC119 99.40 75 2.75 290.56 $ 216.61 Ligusticum scoticum Scottish licorice-root Casco Cove 08PMC107 85.50 58 7 181.6 $ 90.06 Oxytropis deflexa foliolosa Nodding locoweed Franklin Bluffs 08PMC105 99.83 94 0.64 190.68 $ 178.93 Oxytropis deflexa foliolosa Nodding locoweed Franklin Bluffs 04OXDEF3 98.47 90 2.1 190.68 $ 168.99 Solidago multiradiata Northern Goldenrod King Salmon 08PMC117 95.71 72 1.17 190.68 $ 131.40 Iris setosa Wild Iris Knik 06PMC125 99.72 80 5 49.94 $ 39.84 Iris setosa Wild Iris Knik 05PMC101 99.59 90 8.00 49.94 $ 44.76 Tripleurospermum maritima False Mayweed Kotzebue F1TRPH02 86.90 60 12.85 190.68 $ 99.42 Potentilla bimundorum Staghorn Cinquefoil Mentasta 09PMC100 95.39 79 38.9 190.68 $ 143.69 Potentilla bimundorum Staghorn Cinquefoil Mentasta 09PMC101 99.83 85 9.5 190.68 $ 161.80 Potentilla bimundorum Staghorn Cinquefoil Mentasta 10PMC102 99.33 59 10.2 190.68 $ 111.75 Astragalus alpinus Alpine Milkvetch Norton Sound 07PMC114 99.38 42 4.8 208.84 $ 87.17 Hedysarum alpinum Eskimo Potato Paxson 5PMC117 99.64 91.67 1.32 240.62 $ 219.78 Hedysarum alpinum Eskimo Potato Paxson 09PMC113 96.34 71 4.69 240.62 $ 164.59 Achillea millefolium borealis Boreal Yarrow Twenty Mile 04PMC13 70.75 77 8.91 45.4 $ 24.73 Achillea millefolium borealis Boreal Yarrow Twenty Mile 03PMC121 91.66 82 13.03 45.4 $ 34.12 All information is based on April 2012 Seed Sale. Purchases must be 1 pound or more and are limited to commercial growers only. State of Alaska, Plant Materials Center, 2012 Grain Seed Sale To order, contact Peggy Hunt, 745-8721, [email protected], or on line at plants.alaska.gov by April 27, 2012. Scientific Name Common Name Variety Lot # % Purity % Germination Pounds Available Adjusted 2012 Price/cwt Hordeum vulgare Common Barley Lidal 07PMC04 99.68% 88% 2911 $72.71 Hordeum vulgare Common Barley Otal 03PMC17 99.88% 78% 939 $67.62 Hordeum vulgare Common Barley Datal 07PMC02 99.93% 91% 1155 $70.44 Hordeum vulgare Common Barley Datal 04PMC08 99.61% 95% 434 $70.44 Hordeum vulgare Common Barley Thual 07PMC03 99.91% 65% 1347 $42.26 Triticum aestivum Common Wheat Ingal 05PMC01 100% 66% 5000 $50.25 Triticum aestivum Common Wheat Nogal 05PMC02 99.70% 85% 4000 $89.88 Avena sativa Common Oat Nip 09PMC01 99.70% 98% 3500 $55.83 Avena sativa Common Oat Toral 09PMC02 99.74% 95% 2260 $74.32 All information is based on April 2012 Seed Sale. Varieties, species, amounts, and prices are based on current inventory and market. State of Alaska, Plant Materials Center, 2012 Grass Seed Sale To order, contact Peggy Hunt, 745-8721, [email protected], or on line at plants.alaska.gov by April 27, 2012. Scientific Name Common Name Variety Lot # % Purity % Germ Pounds Available Base Price Adj. Price/lb. Arctagrostis latifolia Wideleaf polargrass Alyeska 09PMC04 96.32 95 87 $ 72 65.88 Poa macrocalyx Largeglume Bluegrass Andrew Bay F1POMA98 85 46 5.18 $ 36 14.08 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 05PMC113 98.28 85 6.28 4.35$ 3.63 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 02PMC09 97.12 86 11.26 4.35$ 3.63 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 03PMC01 98.76 92 26.2 4.35$ 3.95 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 03PMC02 98.95 92 43 4.35$ 3.96 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 04PMC01 97.63 90 112.62 4.35$ 3.82 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 04PMC02 94.47 88 34.86 4.35$ 3.62 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Arctared 10PMC109 90.48 93 11.8 4.35$ 3.66 Leymus innovatus Downy ryegrass Cantwell 07PMC120 99.89 88 11 $ 62.93 55.32 Leymus innovatus Downy ryegrass Cantwell 08PMC100 99.57 84 13 $ 62.93 52.63 Poa arctica Arctic Bluegrass Council 11PMC104 94.05 85 3.3 $ 60 47.97 Poa arctica Arctic Bluegrass Council 06PMC124 97.81 80 2.7 $ 60 46.95 Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass Egan 10PMC03 96.83 91 25 $ 57.99 51.10 Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass Egan 08PMC112 93.39 96 2.3 $ 57.99 51.99 Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass Egan 11PMC105B 96.38 96 18 $ 57.99 53.66 Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass Egan 11PMC105A 94.71 94 27.8 $ 57.99 51.63 Beckmannia syzigachne American Sloughgrass Egan 10PMC132 99.48 94 3.7 $ 57.99 54.23 Poa alpina Alpine Bluegrass Gruening 03PMC25AA 94.6 75 2.99 $ 57.99 41.14 Poa alpina Alpine Bluegrass Gruening 10PMC125 99 94 8.8 $ 57.99 53.97 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Henderson Ridge 06PMC109 96.02 75 9.5 $ 30 21.60 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Henderson Ridge 07PMC118 92.44 89 3.4 $ 30 24.68 Festuca rubra Red Fescue Henderson Ridge 10PMC121 99.49 92 6.4 $ 30 27.46 Arctagrostis latifolia Kenai Polargrass Kenai 09PMC134 99.5 81 7.5 $ 39.28 31.66 Arctagrostis latifolia Kenai Polargrass Kenai 10PMC126 97.96 97 36 $ 39.28 37.32 Arctagrostis latifolia Kenai Polargrass Kenai 10PMC103 99.26 96 4.2 $ 39.28 37.43 Hordeum brachyantherum Meadow Barley Lowell Point 08PMC134 96.86 82 2.8 $ 24.14 19.17 Hordeum brachyantherum Meadow Barley Lowell Point 10PMC110 99.88 68 3.65 $ 24.14 16.40 Puccinellia nutkaensis Nootka alkaligrass Ninilchik 01F1PUNU01 96.01 84 7.87 $ 40 32.26 Puccinellia nutkaensis Nootka alkaligrass Ninilchik 11PMC102 98.96 94 23.2 $ 40 37.21 Puccinellia nutkaensis Nootka alkaligrass Ninilchik F1PUNU99 92.09 71 5.38 $ 40 26.15 Poa glauca Glaucous Bluegrass Nome 11PMC109 96.04 76 1.65 $ 54.48 39.77 All Information is based on April 2012 Seed Sale. Varieties, species, amounts, and prices are based on current inventory and market. State of Alaska, Plant Materials Center, 2012 Grass Seed Sale To order, contact Peggy Hunt, 745-8721, [email protected], or on line at plants.alaska.gov by April 27, 2012. Poa glauca Glaucous Bluegrass Nome 08PMC119 97.3 93 3.5 $ 54.48 49.30 Deschampsia beringensis Bering's tufted hairgrass Norcoast 03PMC13A 97.98 62 176.8 $ 43.08 26.17 Deschampsia beringensis Bering's Tufted Hairgrass Norcoast 09PMC08 97.16 85 21 $ 43.08 35.58 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 03PMC46 99.47 61 200 $ 43.08 26.14 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 05PMC13 99.17 67 252 $ 43.08 28.62 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 05PMC14 98.53 60 172 $ 43.08 25.47 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 08PMC03 95.62 77 166 $ 43.08 31.72 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 08PMC04 94.67 74 146 $ 43.08 30.18 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 11PMC01 98.33 89 63 $ 43.08 37.70 Deschampsia caespitosa Tufted Hairgrass Nortran 10PMC02 98.06 83 74 $ 43.08 35.06 Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass Nugget 03PMC29 99.81 85 2.6 $ 18 15.27 Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass Nugget 11PMC117 TBA TBA 4.8 18 TBA Calamagrostis
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