Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1960-1961 Student Newspapers 10-20-1960 ConnCensus Vol. 46 No. 4 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "ConnCensus Vol. 46 No. 4" (1960). 1960-1961. 8. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1960-1961 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. lOeper eop1 Vol. 46-No. 4 New London, Connecticut, Thursday, October 20, 1960 Science Fellowships Offered; Giulini Will Announce ETS Teacher Exams Conduct Israel The National Academy of Set- stipend for postdoctoral Fellows ences-National Research Council is $4500. Limited allowances will Philharmonic has again been called upon to also be provided to apply toward Carlo Marla Giullnl will con- advise the National Science tuition, laboratory fees, and trav- duct the Israel PhUhannonic Or- Foundation in the selection of el. Dr. Weiss to Speak on "The chestra for the opening program candidates for the Foundation's Further information and appli- of the twenty-second annual Con- program of graduate and post- cation materials may be obtained Creative Life" tonight at 8 doctoral fellowships. The Fcunda- from the Fellowship Office, Na- necticut Orchestra Concert Series tion plans to award approximate- tional Academy of Scienees-Na- o'clock in Palmer Auditorl· on October 26, In Palmer Audi· ly 1,200 graduate and 150 post- tional Research Council, 2101 urn. torium at 8:30 p.m. doctoral fellowships in these two Constitution Avenue, N.W., Wash- programs during the 1961-1962 ington 25, D.C. The deadline for Arturo Toscanni conducted academic year. I the receipt of applications for this orchestra of 100 members Committees of outstanding sci- regular postdoctoral fellowships for its first concerts after being entists appointed by the Acade- is December 19, 1960, and for founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Hu- my-Research Council will evalu- graduate fellowships, January 6, berman. ate applications of all candidates; 1961. The orchestra presents its reg- final selection will be made by The National Teacher Exami- ular subscription series of con: the Foundation and awards an- nounced on March 15, 1961. nations, prepared and adminis- certs in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and .rer- tered annually by Educational PROFESSOR PAUL WEISS usalem, plus over 200 extra con- These fellowships are open to . citizens of the United States and Testmg Service, will be given at certs each year in villages and applications are evaluated solely 160 testing centers throughout settlements from Galilee to the on the basis of ability. Fellow- the United States on Saturday, Negev. ships may be applied to advanced February II, 1961. Wig and Candle Will Present Since its start, the orchestra study in the mathematical, phys- At the one-day testing session has been conducted by nearly ev- I ical, medical, biological, and en. a candidate may take the Com- Two Productions This Season ery major conductor, - including gineering sciences, including an- mon Examinations, which include Serge Koussevitsky, Eugene Or- thropology, psychology (exclud- tests in ProressionalJnforrpatlon, Wig and Candle has announc- to us through differing interpre- mandy, Charles Muench, William I' ing clinical psychology), and the General Culture, English Expres- ed the casts for its two Fall tations of God's true character. Steinberg, Alfred Wallenstein, Sally Stammler will make use of following social sciences: geog- ston, and Non Verbal Reasoning; shows. Cynthia Nichols, a new Leonard Bernstein, Paul Paray, I some unique costume designs for raphy, mathematical economics, and one or two of thirteen Op- campus talent joins old timers and "Josef "Krips. Ir econometrics, demography, infor- tional Examinations designed to in Robert Frost's A MASQUE this production while Sandy Far i- I: matron and communication the- demonstrate mastery of subject OF MERCY to be given in nola handles the stage managing. For its concert at Connecticut, ory, experimental and quanttta- matter to be taught. The college the Chapel on November 9. Rehearsals are also in progress the orchestra will first play I tive sociology and the history ana which a candidate is attending, or The characters are revealed sym- for Wig and Candle's major Fall "Overture to 'Der Freischutz'," philosophy of science. They are the school system in which he is bolically as the apostle, Paul, the production, THE LITI'LE FOX- by Carl Maria von Weber (1786- open to college seniors, graduate seeking employment, will advise Biblical characters, Jezabel and ES, by Lillian Hellman. This 1826), followed by "Symphony and postdoctoral students, and him whether he should take the Jonal, and the image of My powerful drama of the South at No. 94 in G major, and 'Sur- i others with equivalent training Na·tional Teacher Examinations Brother's Keeper. Four schools of the turn of the century' was prise' ," by Franz Joseph Haydn and experience. and which of the Optional Exami-. Christian thought are thus repre- awarded a Pulitzer Prize for (1732-1809) . All applicants for graduate nations to select. sented in Frost's play, which re- Drama in 1939. The conflict of Following the intermission the I (predoctoral) awards will be re- A Bulletin of Information (in volves around "the mercy-justice "them that eat the earth and orchestra will continue with two quired to take the Graduate Rec- which an application is inserted) contradiction" that is presented them that don't" is brought to the symphonic. movements fro m ord Examination designed to test describing registration proced- stage by a dynamic cast of char- "Psalm" (Songs of Degrees): "... scientific aptitude and achieve- ures may be obtained from col- Dr. Gordon A. Craig to acters. The ruthless Regina, a Out of the deptbs have I cried ment. This examination, adminis- lege officials, school superintend- Lecture on Diplomacy role created by the incomparable unto thee, 0 Lord . ." (Molto tered by the Educational Testing ents, or directly from the Nation- Tallulah Bankhead in the orig- adagio) and: inal New York production, will be Service, will be given on Janu- al Teacher Examinations, Educa- This Tuesday Evening "When the Lord turned again the ary 21, 1961, at designated cen- tional Testing Service, 20 Nassau On Tuesday, October 25, Dr. played by Dorothy Hearn, one of the campus' most talented per- captivity of Zion, ters .throughout the United Street, Princeton, New Jersey. Gordon A. Craig will give the an- we were like them that dream States and certain foreign coun- Completed applications, accom- nual Lawrence Memorial Lecture formers. She will be joined for co-starring billing by George "Then was our mouth filled with tries. panied by proper examination at 8:00 p.m. in Palmer Auditori- laughter, and our The annual stipends for grad- fees, will be accepted by the ETS um. Pugsley, the Waterford school teacher who has gained immense tongue with singing" (Aile. uate Fellows are as follows: office during November and De- Dr. Craig, currently a profes- gro molto vivo). $1800 for the first year; $2000 for 'cember, and early in January so sor of history at Princeton Uni- popularity since his first appear- the intermediate year; and $2200 long as they are received before versity, will speak on "The Role ance here in UNDER MILK- These selections are by N oam WOOD. Returning to the stage of for the terminal year. The annual January 13, 1961. of Diplomacy in the East-West Sheriff (b. 1935), The program Struggle." He has been a visiting Palmer Auditorium once again will conclude with the playing professor at Columbia and taug will. be William Burke, last seen of "Symphony No.4 in G major," at Yale for several years. In in the successful production of hy Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904). THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING 1956 he received a fellowship The orchestra is in America The Rev. W. S. Coffin of Yale EARNEST and Jack Norwood, from the center for Advanced for a short tour during October who has not appeared here since Study- of Behavioral Sciences. under the auspices of the Ameri- THE ENCHANTED. Denise Boi· Dr. Craig has written several can-Israel Cultural Foundation, Speaker at Sunday Vespers tel takes on the important books on diplomacy. Among which provides the group's major character role of Birdie. New- The speaker at Vespers on Sun- them are Makers of Modern financial support. day, October 23, will be the Rev- Strategy, The Diplomate, 1919- comers Ronald Coleman and GinaBenamati play the in- erend William Sloane Coffin who 1939. Politics of the Prussian Anny, 1640·1645. and America genue leads, while the new was recently appointed chaplain and the Peace. Dr. Craig received faces of William Rabinovitch, Jo- President's Report of Yale University. Mr. Coffin re- his doctorate at Princeton and sephine Johnson, and Elizabeth ceived his bachelor of arts de- his Bachelor of Literature at Ox- Robin round out the cast. The Awarded Citation gree from Yale in 1949 and his ford University. victorian set will be designed by The Lawrence Memorial Lee- Jill Dargeon who is joined by bachelor of divinity degree from. By lVational Group tureship was founded in honor Yvonne Aslanides on Lights, Connecticut College was award-, the Yale Divinity School in 1956. of Henry Wells Lawrence, a for- Mary Wofford and Sheila Scran- ed a citation for its 3.959 Presi- While a divinity student, Mr. Cof- mer professor and chairman of ton, the Director of senior Melo- the department of history at drama, on Props, Anna Manzoni dent's Report by the American fin was assistant chaplain of College Public Relations Associa- Phillips Academy at Andover, Connecticut College.
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