2017 Timetables in the Alps Bohinj Lake © Matjaž Dovečar Cable car Vogel © Andrej Zupanc Hop-On Hop-Off bus Radol'ca © Archive Tourism Radovljica Cycling path of three countries © Matjaž Vidmar Grahovo © Archive Tourism Bohinj 2 SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY IS OUR FUTURE Z navado do cilja Alpski prostor je zaradi naravnih in kulturnih danosti ter privlačnosti pod vedno večjimi pritiski. Spodbujanje trajnostnega prometa je ena izmed šestih prioritet večletnega programa Alpske kon - A journey of a vencije 2017 – 2022 s ciljem zmanjševati prometno obremenitev Alp. thousand miles Netrajnostne mobilnostne navade posameznikov lahko močno vplivajo na prostor in mu s tem nižajo stopnjo privlačnosti. Vsak se raje sprehodi pod krošnjami dreves, kot pa med gosto parki - begins with a ranimi avtomobili. S spremembo mobilnostnih navad ne pripomoremo zgolj k zmanjševanju single step. ogljičnega odtisa in onesnaženosti zraka. Prispevamo tudi k izboljšanju kvalitete bivanja in k zmanjševanju hrupa ter pritiska mirujočega prometa in posledično privlačnosti alpskih pokrajin. S (Chinese proverb) to knjižico želimo skupaj z vami spodbuditi več trajnostnih in naravi prijaznih obiskov tako Alp kot ostalih gorskih območij. 3 Z odločitvijo za trajnostno mobilnost pomagamo okolju na preprost, vendar učinkovit način. Zahvaliti se želimo vsem partnerjem, ki so aktivno prispevali k izdaji devete izdaje knjižice Vozni © Matjaž Dovečar redi v Alpah; Alpski konvenciji, Slovenski turistični organizaciji, Planinski zvezi Slovenije, Triglavskemu narodnemu parku, Kärnten Bus, lokalnim turističnim organizacijam Bled, Bohinj, Bovec, Idrija, Jesenice, Jezersko, Kamnik, Kranj, Kranjska Gora, Ljubljana, Luče, Maribor, Preddvor, Radovljica, Slovenj Gradec, Solčavsko, Sotočje, Tržič. Hvala! Prijetne vožnje vam želi, team CIPRA Slovenija Timetables in the Alps 2017, CIPRA Slovenija KAZALO 2 The map of Slovenia of public transport routes in the Alps 3 Introduction: Sustainable mobility is our future 6 Bicycle rental 7 Taxi service 8 Lifts for passenger transport 9 Tourist boats for passenger transport 10 Train Direction: Villach (AT) - Jesenice - Ljubljana (cross-border route) 11 Train Direction: Ljubljana - Jesenice - Villach (AT) (cross-border route) 12 Train Direction: Jesenice - Nova Gorica 13 Train Direction: Nova Gorica - Jesenice 14 Train Direction: Ljubljana - Zidani Most 15 Train Direction: Zidani Most - Ljubljana 16 Train Direction: Zidani Most - Maribor - Leibnitz (AT) (cross-border route) 18 Train Direction: Leibnitz (AT) - Maribor - Zidani Most (cross-border route) 20 Train Direction: Ljubljana - Kamnik and return trip Apiary © Andrej Zupanc 4 21 Train Direction: Villach (AT) - Tarvisio (IT) - Udine (IT) and return trip (cross-border route) 22 The map of western Slovenia of public transport routes in the Alps 23 Bus Direction: Jezersko - Preddvor - Kranj and return trip TNP Triglav national park 24 Bus Direction: Kranj - Preddvor - Bašelj The Park is the only Slovenian national park. It 25 Bus Direction: Bašelj - Preddvor - Kranj extends in the south-eastern section of the Alps. Its territory is nearly identical with that occupied 26 Bus Direction: Brnik Airport - Ljubljana by the Eastern Julian Alps. The park covers 880 27 Bus Direction: Ljubljana - Brnik Airport square kilometres. The Triglav National Park is 28 Bus Direction: Kranj - Brnik Airport - Kranj (round trip) among the earliest European parks; the first pro - 29 Bus Direction: Klagenfurt Airport (AT) - Kranj - Brnik Airport - Ljubljana and return trip (cross-border route) tection dates back to 1924 when the Alpine 29 Bus Direction: Bohinjska Bistrica - Rudno polje and return trip (Hop-On Hop-Off) Conservation Park was founded. 30 Bus Direction: Bohinjska Bistrica - Bohinj - Slap Savica and return trip (Summer bus) 31 Bus Direction: Bohinjska Bistrica - Bohinj - Bohinjska Bistrica (round trip) 32 Bus Direction: Bohinj - Bled - Ljubljana TIC Tourist info center in the city 34 Bus Direction: Ljubljana - Bled - Bohinj Through the booklet you can find the contact 36 Bus Direction: Bled - Radovljica - Bled (round trip; Hop-On Hop-Off) of the city tourist info center (TIC) and tourist 36 Bus Direction: Blejski Vintgar - Bled and return trip associations (TA) for additional information 37 Bus Direction: Radovljica - Kropa - Podnart and return trip about the transport and the city in general. 38 Bus Direction: Tržič - Radovljica and return trip 39 Bus Direction: Kranj - Tržič - Podljubelj / Jelendol and return trip 42 Bus Direction: Kranj - Škofja Loka Non-working days in Slovenia in the year 2017 43 Bus Direction: Škofja Loka - Kranj 1st January - New Year 44 Bus Direction: Škofja Loka and surroundings 2nd January - New Year 46 Bus Direction: Škofja Loka - Železniki - Zali Log 8th February - Prešeren Day, Slovenian Cultural Holiday 16th April - Easter Sunday 47 Bus Direction: Zali Log - Železniki - Škofja Loka 17th April - Easter Monday 48 Bus Direction: Škofja Loka - Gorenja vas - Žiri 27th April - Day of Uprising Against Occupation 49 Bus Direction: Žiri - Gorenja vas - Škofja Loka 1st May - Labour Day 50 Bus Direction: Krnica - Bled - Radovljica - Jesenice 2nd May - Labour Day 51 Bus Direction: Jesenice - Radovljica - Bled - Krnica 15th May - Pentecost 25th June - Statehood Day 52 Bus Direction: Rateče - Jesenice - Kranj - Ljubljana 15th August - Assumption Day 54 Bus Direction: Ljubljana - Kranj - Jesenice - Rateče 31st October - Reformation day 56 Bus Direction: Rateče - Jesenice - Koroška Bela and return trip 1st November - All Saints Day 57 Bus Direction: Kranjska Gora - Vršič - Bovec and return trip 25th December - Christmas 58 Bus Direction: Bovec - Tolmin - Nova Gorica 26th - Independence and Unity Day 60 Bus Direction: Nova Gorica - Tolmin - Bovec 62 Bus Direction: Tolmin - Podbrdo and return trip NOTE: During non-working days timetables changed, 62 Bus Direction: Idrija - Nova Gorica and return trip which is indicated in legends. Non-working days are 5 63 Bus Direction: Tolmin - Cerkno - Idrija hereinafter referred as holidays. Workdays are days from Monday to Friday. 64 Bus Direction: Idrija - Cerkno - Tolmin 65 Bus Direction: Idrija and surroundings (round trip) 66 Bus Direction: Idrija - Godovič - Logatec - Ljubljana 67 Bus Direction: Ljubljana - Logatec - Godovič - Idrija All rights and changes reserved. Up-to-date information 68 The map of eastern Slovenia of public transport routes in the Alps available on the bus and train stations and on bus and 69 Bus Direction: Slovenj Gradec and surroundings rail company websites. 70 Bus Direction: Ljubljana - Kamnik - Kamniška Bistrica / Gornji Grad and return trip 71 Bus Direction: Kamnik - Volčji Potok and return trip Suggestions and comments about the brochure can be sent to [email protected]. 71 Bus Direction: Kamnik - Snovik - Vransko and return trip 72 Bus Direction: Logarska Dolina - Luče - Mozirje - Celje Published by: CIPRA Slovenia, Association for the 74 Bus Direction: Celje - Mozirje - Luče - Logarska Dolina Protection of the Alps 76 Bus Direction: Lovrenc na Pohorju - Ruše - Maribor Design: Daša Novak Edition: 3.626 77 Bus Direction: Maribor - Ruše - Lovrenc na Pohorju Year of publication: 2017 79 Bus Direction: Radlje ob Dravi - Ribnica na Pohorju - Josipdol and return trip Printed on recycled paper. 79 Bus Direction: Rogla - Zreče - Slovenske Konjice and return trip Timetables in the Alps 2017, CIPRA Slovenija Bicycle rental BLED IDRIJA JESENICE KAMNIK PREDDVOR Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled EL Bikeways Rental Point Zadlog Jesenice bikes (TIC Jesenice) TIC Kamnik EL TIC Preddvor EL Ljubljanska cesta 27, Bled Zadlog 75a, Črni Vrh nad Idrijo Cesta maršala Tita 18, Jesenice Glavni trg 2, Kamnik Dvorski trg 3, Preddvor T: 00 386 (0)4 578 02 05 T: 00 386 (0)4 586 31 78 T: 00 386 (0)1 831 82 50 T: 00 386 (0)59 14 88 46 Kolesarski center Bonča TIC Bled EL Kosovelova ulica 10, Idrija Projekt Natura KRANJ SLOVENJ GRADEC Cesta svobode 10, Bled T: 00 386 (0)70 818 301 Cesta Cirila Tavčarja 8 Jesenice T: 00 386 (0)4 574 11 22 T: 00 386 (0)41 694 217 KRsKOLESOM MKC Hostel Slovenj Gradec TIC Idrija Sistem izposoje koles Ozare 18, Slovenj Gradec Turistična agencija Helia EL Mestni trg 2, Idrija Svet športa Jesenice www.krskolesom.si T: 00 386 (0)2 884 62 90 Trubarjeva cesta 8, Bled T: 00 386 (0)5 374 39 16 Prosvetna cesta 6a, Jesenice T: 00 386 (0)4 576 56 00 T: 00 386 (0)70 608 834 Zavod za turizem in kulturo Kranj EL TOLMIN JEZERSKO Glavni trg 2, Kranj BOHINJ KOBARID T: 00 386 (0)40 664 015 Maya team Hostel - kamp Stara Pošta Volče 87c, Tolmin Alpinsport Zgornje Jezersko 124, Jezersko Emotion Sport MARIBOR T: 00 386 (0)51 312 972 Ribčev laz 51, Bohinjsko jezero T: 00 386 (0)70 542 123 Mučeniška ulica 3, Kobarid T:00 386 (0)4 572 34 86 T: 00 386 (0)41 408 140 Bike center Maribor EL Veb company TIC Jezersko EL Erjavčeva ulica 5, Maribor Cankarjeva ulica 3, Tolmin 6 Kamp/Campsite Danica EL Zgornje Jezersko 57, Jezersko Positive sport T: 00 386 (0)2 420 18 36 T: 00 386 (0)5 381 14 64 Triglavska cesta 60, Bohinjska Bistrica T: 00 386 (0)51 219 282 Manfredova ulica 2, Kobarid T: 00 386 (0)4 572 17 02 T: 00 386 (0)40 654 475 Center mobilnosti Maribor TRŽIČ LESCE Partizanska cesta 21, Maribor TIC Bohinjska Bistrica - LD Turizem X point T: 00 386 (0)59 178 577 TPIC Tržič EL Mencingerjeva ulica 10, Bohinjska Bistrica Kolesarski center Lesce Stresova ulica 1, Kobarid Trg svobode 18, Tržič T: 00 386 (0)4 5747 600 Železniška ulica 5, Lesce T: 00 386 (0)5 388 53 08 Turistično informacijski center Maribor T: 00 386(0)4 597 15 36 T: 00 386 (0)4 535 38 18
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