NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS OCTOBER 1976 VOL. XX NO. 5 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • Marian C. Donnelly, President • Editor: Thomas M. Slade, 3901 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 • Associate Editor: Dora P. Crouch, School of Architecture RPI, Troy, New York 12181 • Assistant Editor: Richard Guy Wilson, 1318 Qxford Place, Charlottesville, Virginia22901. SAH NOTICES 1977 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles-February 2-6. Adolf K. CONTRIBUTIONS OF BACK ISSUES OF SAH Placzek, Columbia University, is general chairman and David JOURNAL REQUESTED Gebhard, University of California, Santa Barbara, is local chairman. The Board of Directors of SAH voted at their May, 1976 Sessions will be held at the Biltmore Hotel February 3, 4 and 5. meeting to request those members who have the back (For a complete listing, please refer to the April1976 issue of the issues of the SAH Journal listed below and are willing to Newsletter.) The College Art Association of America will be part with them to donate them to the central office: Vols. meeting at the Hilton Hotel (a few blocks from the Biltmore) at I-VIII (1940-1949)- all numbers; Vol. IX (1950)-nos. 1, 2, 3; Vol. X (1951) - nos. I & 3; Vol. XI (1952)-nos. I, 2, the same time. As is customary, registration with either organiza­ tion entitles participants to attend either SAH or CAA sessions, 4; Vol. XII (1953) - no.-2; Vol. XIII (1954) - nos. I & 2; and a fruitful scholarly exchange is anticipated. Vol. XIV (1955)- all numbers; Vol. XV (1956)-nos. I, 2, The local committee is planning several exhibitions, as well as 3; Vol. XVI (1957)- nos. I, 2, 3; Vol. XVII (1958)-nos. numerous tours of Los Angeles and surrounding cities. Tours in I, 2, 3; Vol. XVIII (1959) - nos. I & 2; Vol. XIX (1960)­ the greater metropolitan area of Los Angeles will include Beverly nos. 1, 2, 3; Vol. XX (1961)- all numbers; Vol. XXI Hills , Santa Monica, architecture of the 1920s and '30s from the (1962) - nos. I, 2, 3; Vol. XXII (1963)- no. 1; Vol. XXIV Los Feliz area to Beverly Hills, the Silverlake District, (1965) - nos. 1 & 2. Pasadena, and Wilshire Boulevard. On Sunday, February 6, three all -day bus tours are being arranged: the San Diego-La Jolla central office (address above) no later than November 15 , 1976. area; Santa Barbara and environs; and a tour to Ojai. We urge prospective employers to remember this deadline SAH members will receive the preliminary program, ac­ and to submit listings of positions open (under categories companied by registration form and hotel reservation card, of Academic, Business and Professions, Government, and by late October. To insure places on the tours and attend­ Other), which will be published free of charge. ance at functions where numbers are limited, members are urged to preregister promptly. Abstracts of Papers Presented at Philadelphia Meeting. Sets of abstracts are available from the central office of SAH 1978 Annual Meeting, San Antonio-April 5-10. Adolf K. (1700 Walnut Street, Room 716, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103) at $3 .00 Placzek, Columbia University, will be general chairman of the postpaid. All orders should be prepaid. meeting. O'Neil Ford of Ford, Powell and Carson will be honor­ ary local chairman, and Mary Carolyn Jutson will act as local American Friends of Attingham, Inc. For the eighth consecu ­ chairman. tive year, a tuition-scholarship will be awarded by the American Friends of Attingham to an SAH member for the 1977 Attingham 1977 Annual Tour-Upper Hudson Valley (Troy-Albany­ Summer School (July 6-25). The course offered in 1977 will be the Schenectady-Saratoga Springs and vicinity)-August twenty-sixth annual course of the Attingham School, which con­ 24-28. A. Donald Emerich will serve as chairman. Announce­ centrates on the historic houses of England, their architecture, ment of the tour will reach the SAH membership by April 15, contents and social history. 1977 . SAH members may obtain full details and application forms from the Executive Secretary, American Friends of the Atting­ 1977 Foreign Tour-Sicily (Ancient, Medieval and ham Summer School, Inc., 41 East 65th Street, New York, N.Y. Baroque)-June 10-28. Spiro Kostof, University of California, 10021 , and completed applications must be returned there by Berkeley, and Henry Millon, American Academy in Rome, will February 15, 1977. The SAH committee which will review aU serve as co-chairmen. applications has been appointed by President Marian C. Don­ nelly: Billie Britz, Selina Little and Roy E. Graham, chairman. 1977 Special Tour-Newfoundland (July 24-30). DouglasS. Richardson, University of Toronto, will serve as chairman of the SPECIAL OFFER tour. He will be assisted by Shane O'Deaand George T. Kapelos. Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain Pre­ SAH Placement Service Bulletin No. 3, October 1976 is en­ publication Offer. Modern Houses in Britain, 19/9-39, by J. H. closed with this iss.ue of the Newsletter. The next Bulletin will Gould (72 pages of text, 24 pages of plans and forty plates, appear with the December 1976 issue. Deadline: position­ gazetteer of more than 300 houses- address of each house, available and member-applicant listings must reach ·the SAH name of architect and client, dates of construction-and index of architects) will be published early in 1977, and will be uniform vania, MELANIE L. SIMO has been appointed administrative with Architectural History, the first volume of a new series of assistant to the chairman of the bo;ird of county commissioners monographs. The special price will be $10 to members of of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh). SAH-GB and $14 to nonmembers. (The post publication price will be $25.) Requests, enclosing a cheque or money order for the AGNES ADDISON GILCHRIST proper amount, should be sent to The Honorary Editor, Society of Architectural Historians in Great Britain, Courtauld Institute Agnes Addison Gilchrist, a founder and first woman President of of Art, 20 Portman Square, London W1H OBE, England. To the Society of Architectural Historians, died suddenly July 3, obtain the special price all requests must be received by January 1976. 31, 1977. Inclusion in the list of subscribers, however, cannot be Born in Philadelphia, Agnes graduated from Wellesley in 1930 guaranteed after November 30, 1976. and received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1938. She studied at the Courtauld Institute in London and at the NEWS OF MEMBERS Institute d'Art et d'Archeologie in Paris. Her teaching career was in Denton, Texas, at Randolph­ In New Jersey Governor Byrne has appointed DAVID V. Macon, the University of Pennsylvania and New York Univer­ ABRAMSON, restoration architect with the Department of sity. While at Randolph-Macon she wrote several articles for the Planning and Development, Trenton, to a two-year term on the Alumnae Magazine and did research for the Catalogue of Historic Sites Review Committee ... JOHN BOLLES has pub­ Randolph-Macon Woman's College Collection of American lished a work on the Nunnery at Chichen Itza, called Las Mon­ Paintings. jas; it is Volume 139 of the University of Oklahoma's Civilization Her full-length biography of William Strickland, first pub­ of the American Indian series ... RICHARD N. CAMPEN lish~d in 1950, was re-issued in 1969. She had been at work on the spoke to the Cleveland Restoration Center about the local ar­ New York Architect, McComb, before her death. chitectural firm of Walker and Weeks (1911-1941) ... Recipient In addition to her book on Strickland, she wrote: Romanticism of a Design Fellowship oft he National Endowment for the Arts is and the Gothic Revival (1938), Portraits in the University of JEAN PAUL CARLHIAN of SHEPLEY BULFINCH Pennsylvania (1940), and many articles and book reviews. RICHARDSON AND ABBOTT, Boston; he will study the influ­ More recently she had also catalogued the work of Daniel ence of French classical teaching on American architecture from Huntington and chosen seventy-five of his works for a potential 1886 to 1936 ... The American Council of Learned Societies has exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington. As one awarded Grants in Aid to the following SAH members: ERIC G. of the founders of the Society, she served as Secretary­ CARLSON (The abbey church of St.-Etienne, Caen), Treasurer, Vice President and President. At the time of her death LEONARD K. EATON (Warehouses and warehouse districts in she was a member of the Society's Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Western Canada), SUZANNE S. FRANK (The Amsterdam Award Committee. School of Architecture), DORA L. WIEBENSON (The origins Although her teaching career was interrupted by marriage and of the integration of vernacular architecture with French "classi­ children she continued her research, in the late fifties and early cal" architecture); these grants are funded by the Ford Founda­ sixties working for Sleepy Hollow Restoration in Tarrytown, tion and the National Endowment for the Humanities ... Joseph New York, almost commuting to Holland. From 1962-64, she did Esherick ofESHERICK HOMSEY DODGE AND DAVIS, San research for the New York City Landmarks Preservation Com­ Francisco architecture and planning firm, has been elected an mission and was a Director of The Municipal Art Society of New Associate of the National Academy of Design. Esherick's firm York, 1951 -58. has been honored by an Heritage Award of Merit for urban One of her important contributions to architectural history was conservation in the remodeling of an old loft building in San through the Historic American Buildings Survey where she Francisco into the Far West Laboratory for Educational Re­ worked with former SAH President, Charles E. Peterson, who search and Development .
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