9582 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. AUGUST 27, Jacob J. Kesel, The following-named second lieutenants to be first lieutenants James Carbary, in the !\fa.rine Corps, for temporary se1'vice : 1\lurl Corbett, Clifton B. Oates and \Villiam H. Scl1midt, jr:, George T. Hall. Ray Rindfleisch, The following-named officers of the l\farine Corps Reserve to \Villiam P. Grow, be second lieutenants in the l\larine Corps, for temporary Eugene \Vest, service: Amor L. Sims, \Vllliam EngUsh, Robert C. Pitts, George W. Hopke, Joseph B. Carhart, Frederick Israel, George L. Brown, Carl J. Norsh·and, Howard L. Vose, , Cecil J. Widdifield, Emmet Trainor, Robert C. Babcock, Earl T. 1\lartineau, Dave \V. McClain, Kenneth \V. Harding, Frnnk Neider. ,Joseph F. 1\Iaher, l\lorris C. Richardson, Peter 1\lorgan Goerge Belmont, Henry L. Nabbe!eld, George B. Batten, Hugh P. Kidder, John ~r. Foster, William A. Zook, \Villiam Zoltowski, George Bower, Rus ell l\1. FrederiC'l~, Charles W. Brooks, Edward E. Lindgren, Ben L. Taylor, Bayard Vasey, \Villirun F. Dummer, Jes e L. Crandall, IJoyd E. Battles, Vincent A.. Brady, Jay Van Housen, Edward F. Dunk, Palmer Ketner, jr., Harry L. Smith, Henry P. Cottingham, Hobert L. Young, Arthur C. Cooper, Charle S. Thompson, Charles H. Ray, Terrence J. Callan, .John Groff, Paul J. Oguen, Henry P. Glendinning, 3Iaurice E. Barnett, jr., \Villis H. Prather, \Villiam W. Rogers, Prentice S. Geer, George F. Stockes, In-ing G. Beckwith~ William J. Whaling, and William n. Bockus, Curtis T. Beecher. George \V. \Valker, Richard 'R. Day, Marshall E. Simmons, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES~ George Draine, William A. Bradley, TUESDAY, August B7, 1918. George R. Rowan, Leonard E. Rea, Tile House m~t at 12 o'clock noon. Harry G. Lane, The Chaplain, lleY. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offereu the fol­ James E. Stunners, lowing prayer : Clell G. Johnson, Our Father in Hea-ven, impart unto us, we pray Thee, gmcc Lucas I. Bruns, sufficient unto the needs of the day; wisdom unto these HeJwe­ Richard H. Schubert, sentatiYes of a great people to gu~de them in all their legislatiYe Herbert V. Hansen, acts; patriotism unto the American people, so pure, so ueep, so Egbert J. \Vood, broad, so strong, that we, in conjunction with our allies, may 1\lelvin E. Fuller, gain the ,yar for humanity; in His name. Amen. George E. Gardner, The Journal of the pro·ceedings of yesterday was renu anLl ap­ Holton Y. Ditto, proyed. Claude B. Taugher, MOTIO~ TO DISCHAUGE A COll"lliTTEE. \Villiam B. Kinkead, lli. DOOLITTLE. l\Ir. Spe..'lker, a parliamentary inquiry. Bruce C. Luber , The SPEAKER. The gentleman 'viii state it. Thomas R. Wert, l\Ir. DOOLITTLE. There has been pending in the Commiltee Charles F. Dalton, on A.gricnlture for several months a bill introduced by my col­ Samuel K. Eaves, league, 1\lr. AYnES, of Kansas, a re olution fixing the prl(•e gen­ Charles l\1. Adam , erally on articles enumerateu in the bilL No action ha. !Jcen Earl F. Lucas, taken in the committee. Repeated attempts have been maue Axel G. John on, by members of the committee, including myself, to get action Bert 0. Herreid, upon it. The gentleman from Kansas [1.\It·. AYREs ·! has filetl a \Villiam K. lUacNulty, motion to discharge the Committee ou Agriculture from fur­ Edwin J. Davenport, ther con. ideration of the resolution No. 253. Quer.r: When Hamlet C. Sharp, would it be in order to ask for reco~nition on hi motion to <lis­ Edward C. Fowler, and charge the committee? Richard Cornelius. The SPE.A.KER It can not be done except on the fir~t and First Lieut. Earl C. Nicholas to be a captain in the Marine third Mondays, and it could not he done then until the whole Corps, for temporary service. Unanimous Consent Calendm· has been disposeu of and motion. First Lieut. Frank F. 7.J.ssa to be a captain in the l\Iarine to su pend the rules are disposed of. It comes thirtl in order. Corps, for temporary service. If "-e ewr get a cbnnce to clear up the CalenU:.u· for Un:mimong First Lieut. Martin J. Kelleher to be a captain in the 1\larine Consent and there are not enough motions to . nspenu the rules Corps, for temporary service. to take up the balance of the time, then that p:1rticular li t of · First Lieut. l\Iartin Canavan to be a captain in the Marine motion will be takeu up; I do not lmo'v how many at·e petuliug. Corps, for temporary service. Mr. DOOLITTLE. It coul<1 not be taken up prior to thnt Quartermaster Clerk David L. Foru to be a second lieutenant time except by unanimous cousont? in the l\Iarine Corps, for temporary service. The SPEAKER _,_To . The Clerk informs me that thc!re are Second Lieut. Josephus Daniels, jr., Marine Corps lle en-e, 33 motions on the list. to be a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, for temporary l\lr. DOOLIT'.rLH The only way it coul<l be taken up i ~ by service. unanimous con. ent? The following-name!l first Ueutenants to be captains in the The SPEAKER. Yes; am1 thnt is Yery doubtful. The Chair Marine Corps, for temporary sen· ice: 'Tould haYe to look into that an!l see whethe1· it could be <lmlC'. Newton Best and A former Speaker, l\fr. _\1'\xox. once nnnounce!l that ron C'o :tld Angus A. Acree. put anything through the Hou.:e hy unanimous con.·:mt, e,· n an 1918. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 9583 elephant, but the Chair doubts -very much the correctne~s of that JESSIE T. LO\ELL. decision. 1\Ir. PARK. l\Ir. Speaker, I present n privileged report (H. PA.ms. Rept. No. 761) from the Committee on Account:;, wilich I end The Chair wishes to make a further statement. Two or three to tile desk and ask to haye re-ad. times lately there has been a sort of commotion about pairs. The Clerk read as follows: The Chair has stated half a dozen times that the Ohair has House resolution 423. nothing on earth to do with pairs and neither has the House Resolved, That the Clerk of. the House of Representatin~s be, aml he except as stated in the rules. The other morning the gentleman is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of the contingent fund from Texas [l\1r. GA.BNER] asked unanimous consent that the of the House, to .Jessie T. Lovell, clerk to .James II. Da~idson, a Repre­ sentative from the State of Wisconsin at the time of his death, August 6, Speaker inform the pair clerks that they must not pass up any 1918, the sum of $166.66, being an amount equal to· one month's salary pairs except those signed by the Members. That is precisely of a clerk of a Representati\e in Congress. what the rule provides now. It is one of those things that Tho SPEAKER The question is on agreeing to the resolu­ the Chair does not have always in mind unless attention is tion. called to it. The rule provides: Mr. GILLETTE. 1\Ir. Speaker, I will ask t11o gentlcm:m from Pairs shall be announced by the Clerk after· the completion of the Georgia if this is the usual practice? second roll call from a written list furnished him and signed by the l\1em1Jer making the statement to the Clerk, which list shall be pub­ Mr. PARK. It is. lishecl in the RECORD as a part of the proceedings, immediately follow­ The resolution was agreed to. ing the names of those not ~oting, provided pairs shall be announced but once during the same legislative day. ORDER OF BUSlKESS. And then in Rule XV it provides- Tile SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri [1\Ir. HAMLIN] and thereafter the Speaker will not entertain a request to record a is recognized for 30 minutes. vote or announce a pair unless the Member's name has been noted Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Missouri under clause 3 of this rn1e. [Mr. HAMLI.l~], I believe, is first in order in remarks that are to The Chair lmows, and everybody else knows, that as a matter be made to-day. Mr. lLua.IN is a gentleman who has had a of practice a l\Iember will go to the pair clerk and say, "Pair long and distinguished career here in the House, and I know me with Representative Jones, Smith, or Brown," or whoever his remarks will be of very great interest to the membership. the Member may be. The difficulty about the pair business I think we ought to have a larger attendance, and I therefore comes where the pairs do not indicate which way the Member make the point of order that there is no quorum present. would vote if he was here. The Chair does not see how a man The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Massachusetts makes can tell what is going to come up in the three or four weeks the point of order that there is no quorum present. EYidently that he may be ab ent when making a pair for that length of there is not. time. He can not go off and expect the pair clerk to knqw how Mr. FOSTER. hlr. Speaker, I move a call of the llou e. he would \Ote. In the opinion of tho Ohair the whole thing is The motion was agreed to.
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