H4330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 13, 2000 Committee on Armed Services' Sub- tions qualified him for the award. The tleman from New York (Mr. LAZIO) is committee on Military Personnel, I Army thought so much of these two recognized for 5 minutes. worked with the gentleman from New men that they named forts after them. Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield to York and former Pennsylvania Rep- Yet despite the preponderance of evi- the gentleman from Indiana. resentative Paul McHale, the Roosevelt dence and the endorsement by these Mr. BUYER. Moreover, it is my sin- family, representatives of the Theodore two Medal of Honor awardees, the War cerest hope that the award ceremony Roosevelt Association, authors and his- Department never acted upon their rec- will be conducted here in Washington torians to correct a historical over- ommendation. I believe there is cred- as befits a celebration that honors a sight. Our crusade has been to see that ible evidence that politics, not an hon- truly larger than life American. Last- then Colonel Teddy Roosevelt be est assessment of Colonel Roosevelt's ly, I spoke with Tweed Roosevelt awarded the Medal of Honor post- valor, was the prime reason the rec- today, a direct descendant of Teddy humously for conspicuous gallantry at ommendation for the Medal of Honor Roosevelt, and I endorse the Roosevelt the Battle of San Juan Heights during was never approved. The McKinley ad- family's desire that President Roo- the Spanish American War. ministration's fear of a yellow fever sevelt's Medal of Honor permanently On July 1st of 1898, Colonel Roosevelt epidemic prompted them to delay the reside next to his Nobel Peace Prize in led the First United States Volunteer troop's return from the war, a decision the Roosevelt Room of the White Cavalry Regiment, the Rough Riders, that Roosevelt publicly criticized. House. That is the working room of the into action alongside Army regulars at Seeking to quickly defuse the issue, West Wing just off the Oval Office. I San Juan Heights outside Santiago, the McKinley administration reversed can think of no better tribute to the Cuba. During the battle, the Rough course and brought the troops home. greatness of President Roosevelt than Riders encountered a regular Army The then Secretary of War, Russell to bring together in one room the acco- unit that was reluctant to press the at- Alger, resented the public embarrass- lades that he received as both a warrior tack. Roosevelt boomed, ``Step aside ment that he received as a result of the and as a peacemaker. What finer exam- and let my men through,'' then pro- criticism from the hero of San Juan ple could we offer the leader of our Na- ceeded to lead his men through a hail Heights, Teddy Roosevelt. Lacking tion, what better inspiration for our fu- of enemy gunfire during the assault up records to substantiate why the deco- ture Presidents to strive for excellence Kettle Hill, one of two hills comprising ration was disapproved at the time, I in their quest of the greater under- San Juan Heights. His leadership was believe that Secretary Alger had the standing. Mr. Speaker, I would like to com- so compelling that many of the regular opportunity and motivation to deny mend Congress for its work to secure Army officers and men fell in line with Teddy Roosevelt the Medal of Honor by the Medal of Honor for Teddy Roo- the Rough Riders. simply just not acting on it. sevelt. We have attempted to right a Mr. Speaker, Colonel Roosevelt's he- Mr. Speaker, the Medal of Honor is historical wrong and we have come to roic performance on that day is well this Nation's highest military award learn more about why Theodore Roo- documented, but I believe it is enlight- for bravery in combat. Since 1863, more sevelt was one of our greatest histor- ening to review some of the historical than 3,400 extraordinary Americans ical figures. He displayed the qualities details: have been awarded the Medal of Honor of a great leader: courage, cunning, in- Number one. Roosevelt's actions by the President in the name of the tellect, boldness and charisma all demonstrated an utter disregard for his Congress. President Theodore Roo- founded on deep moral purpose. His own safety and were consistent with sevelt's name would be an honorable courage and the enthusiasm that his the actions of those that were awarded and noteworthy addition to this most the Medal of Honor during the Spanish courage generated motivated his hallowed of lists. His raw courage and Rough Riders on the battlefield at San American war. Of the 22 officers and the fearless, bold decisiveness that he soldiers who were awarded the Medal of Juan Heights and inspired a generation demonstrated while leading his Rough of Americans as they emerged from the Honor that day, 21 received it because Riders up Kettle Hill on horseback al- chaos of the late 19th century. they gave up cover and exposed them- tered the course of the battle, saved Mr. Clinton, we urge you to avoid selves to enemy fire. Once the order to American lives and epitomized the self- further delay and expeditiously award attack was received, Colonel Roosevelt less service of all Medal of Honor the Medal of Honor to Colonel Theo- mounted his horse and rode up and awardees. dore Roosevelt. down the ranks in full view of enemy On February 22, Secretary of Defense Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gunners. During the final assault on William Cohen forwarded a memo- gentleman from Indiana, and I want to Kettle Hill, he remained on horseback, randum to President Clinton recom- begin by acknowledging his terrific exposing him to the withering fire of mending that Theodore Roosevelt be work in terms of bringing this issue to the enemy. If voluntary exposure to posthumously awarded the Medal of the forefront of this Congress and all of enemy fire was the criteria for award Honor. I join the gentleman from New his partnership with me in these last 3 of the Medal, then Colonel Roosevelt York (Mr. LAZIO) and former Rep- years as we have been fighting for this clearly exceeds the standard. resentative Paul McHale in com- sense of justice. People say why do we By driving his Rough Riders through mending the Department of Defense for care about giving Theodore Roosevelt the ranks of a stalled regular Army following the lead of Congress by the Congressional Medal of Honor 102 unit to pursue the attack on Kettle choosing to acknowledge President years after he earned it. I think it Hill, Colonel Roosevelt changed the Roosevelt's heroic leadership and cour- comes down to simple justice. The fact course of the battle. This is what a age under fire during the Spanish is that Theodore Roosevelt is one of decoration for heroism is all about, the American War. He will join 109 other our greatest Americans. His face ap- raw courage to make decisions and put soldiers, sailors and Marines who were pears on Mount Rushmore. He has been your life in jeopardy to win the battle. awarded the Medal of Honor for their known as one of America's greatest His decisive leadership in pressing the actions during that conflict. Presidents. Before that, he was a Gov- attack saved American lives and However, it troubles me that for ernor of the State of New York. He was brought the battle to a successful con- some inexplicable reason that Presi- a great conservationist and a reformer. clusion. dent Clinton has delayed acting upon b The extraordinary nature of Colonel Secretary Cohen's recommendation. I 2340 Roosevelt's bravery was confirmed by urge President Clinton to announce the He was the architect of the modern two Medal of Honor awardees who rec- award now. Navy, and in many ways help shape ommended him for the Medal of Honor f American foreign policy as we entered on that day: Major General William the global age. But it is for none of Shafter and Colonel Leonard Wood, AWARDING MEDAL OF HONOR TO those reasons that Theodore Roosevelt original commander of the Rough Rid- PRESIDENT THEODORE ROO- deserves the Congressional Medal of ers and later military governor of SEVELT Honor. It is for the facts that the gen- Cuba. Both men were eminently quali- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a tleman from Indiana (Mr. BUYER) has fied to judge whether Roosevelt's ac- previous order of the House, the gen- laid out. VerDate 01-JUN-2000 04:55 Jun 14, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13JN7.333 pfrm02 PsN: H13PT1 June 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H4331 On that day, on July 1 of 1898, when Now is a time to correct that record San Juan Heights and in close proximity to a volunteer Lieutenant Colonel Theo- to see that justice is done and for the Camino Real, the principal route to dore Roosevelt led his men up a hill, a President Clinton to give him his due, Santiago. The assault would be made by the regular infantry under the command of Brig- strategic hill to secure that high the Congressional Medal of Honor. We adier General H.W. Lawton and supported by ground which saved many American call upon the President to do that. an artillery barrage from a battery under the lives that day, and contrary to public Mr. Speaker, I would like to include command of Captain Allyn K. Capron Sr.
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