• ' Vr li- - Sundc■nday Edition , Weatherr ^ M4>r0 N e w i ---Ji-MJl0j offr^/ioris- --------=--------- Cloudy, SR pw^ers^ ers'"^ >'-^4r Family/ Comics r y '. ----------------C oelerT^— ^—r7=— .— --ZSIifc _____ feature Scctloit •, TheT he MagicMag Valley Newspaperapir DedhDedicated to Sierving andind ProiPromoting the Growth ofif Nin'Nine IrrigaTed Idalio Counties ~ ’ TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNI TEN CENTS ^ V O l T ^ ^ , NO- 58 3 5 * » -------------------------- “ ' ' TW - -r ■ - - j M ilitaryt r y L e ai d d ( e r s l?'>r , i...■- ■; ■ i O r g a nl i i z z i n g NN ( e w ^ a m R ee g g i m e * SAIGON, South' Vlet Namam (.M*) — M ilitary leaders; Saturd;Salurday besan organizing a g n e w p o v o riitiio n t Ui r e p laI'l' i'i' ihoiho f.ilU-nf.i civilian iogiiiie,, but no one knew what form I it woiiUl lake, IJiig. Cien,I , NguyenNguyoi (. ,io Ky, coniniatulerder of tthe air force, was be- n n I lie v e d lo h a v e a s tr o n g voice o ic e Mlin iliveelin,”ili the shajie off thothe no'new governtnent. Wheth- |. er it would be iiiililaty orr civiii.iiicivili.m was unknown, A liiKhliigh govgovorniiient source indi- B calcd it probably would be I a military imo. A s k e d if HjH 3 there was a possibilily of « S return (o cotnpleiL' civilian• State Officercers Named "1—' ruirule Ik* .saul: ‘'llu* i^H'hlem jk right now is to \\ni tlu' \\:\v " / \ P l^reinu'r IMuin Huv Quat aiul: AtJ i \ . BPW MecMeet Here PhPhan Khac Sun. iliu-f of stau*.Uc, \ „ r , , ^ -<■ •.' - • -V »whose wh fciJtl a Cabujr!„,.i (See pictureire on I’aPage 10) shakeup promiiril th<.MU lo r.'-w- Di-llal),>| Hrileiibocker. Soilai!;i SpritiSprings, w as elected p resl­ « sign, agrcixl id ••uiv on ni carc- ileiu (if the Idaho i'ederationat ioii of B usiness nnd Profes- ^ taker roles unul tlu‘ new j;ov-'''' sion.ilj W’ciinen's Clubs .SalurdaySaliirday night us the group erniuent can rolling ly ^ On the fighiuij; front, thc Vu-t■ n., woiiiul up the second day of ils three-day convention Cong launclKHl a hcasy aiiaikml, IHMC.here, Josephine Kroush, l-:niniett,i:niniett, was named president- on VH'fnan)t“^t• paralroo{>«T>’» rs elcct;eleet; Louise Johnson. I:;ivinett,I-avinett vice president, and niirth of Donj* Xoai. scene of'( a HelenHclei' U. Kingsford, SodaI SirringsSirrings, corresponding secre- i bloody battle Thur.'.day and In' - lary.(jn-y The nnnounceinent of dav. and were reported driving.’ the.v,,, new* officers was made them back [a y A U.S, Air I'orce pilot was ilt •'a banquet Saturday Boys’O t State REMOVING THE BODY ot Angus YounYoung, Halley. who wass killed duriduring an law officerss and mine workers. Also killed1 In the bblast was Rodney Jay Utz, killedi^n when hi.s plane was shm,1,111 nigntnight in the Elks C lu b , . r explosion at the old Buttercup> mine, northnortheast of Fairfield, arejre Camas CCounty Fairfield. (Times-New:(Times-News photo by Annette Thornton)rh o rn to n ) downdo ill the viiinity, 60 milesilcs hliosic o ste d b y Ih e T w in F a l ls Has Sj3ecial ■. northnoi of Saigon, lie was thethc club. M arian Langdon, Twin ■ I 413th known U S, casually of thelhe Falls, is outgoing stale presi- TVTJ war. (lent.dent. Nighti ^ l Session Queen Rides M i] ] I Private I' ''iIn the nir, U S.jiilols reported |1.uella M cFettefrs, Coeuricur ~ M ine Blastlast That; KiK i l l e d 2 , ^ they sunk or'damaged 15 boals blic BOISE (AP) — The Gem Boys P A S A D K N A , Calif. , tht d'Alene, was chosenj as public "frrOiittermg ____ niPT^ — Tiiffv Truesdell. ii in an air strike about 120 miles ri'liiiinns rhairm an and Bess G.f; Slate Senate reconvened after ____ . 28, found out Friday nifibt~T^t T ms rnsrarKofiii"VKnnTOmr-iTiva-^^■ Himiphries, Idaho I'alTsl was" -ctesing—cerenw niea—fop— mOF«- ___ maneuvering on a reai^tX)rtion- : th.V~wlion' you light witnf—^ :• ~strTrt rny ed—three— eommumc-ationnarv nnn«srT5OTnitiTTtnmrriair------------- B i a n r e i Fo n ^ F a u lty T ' your pet bear, you had1 1'I' ^ubuildings and seven miliiary ment proposal Saturday night. Cavalcade -L>lc 1,11) The convention will conclude i barracks at Muong Sen. 1.11) But after a half-hour overtime ive fuse was blamed by Idaholaho Mine Inspector O. T. Hnn-In n - , b better do it in private. i *>a llie this morning wilh a. program “ ~7 ^ (See photo on P ag e 24) FAIRFIELD—AF A I R F defective fuse w ■ ' miles southwest of Hanoi, the 'his session, the minority "Gold” T.ONDON (A I^ — Queen Eliz-z- sens e n SaturdayS a tu r for the Buttercupercup mintmine explosion that killedilled two rmen Friday afternoon.DOn. , Truesdell, an animal; ■ : ^North Vietnamese capital. slarti;starting with 8 a.m. devotlonals 3 0 ^ ; trainer, was wrestling ! , the succeeded in adjourning nbeth II rode trffough London atIt TheT he defectivetlcfei fuse did not•t give the experienced miners—Rodners—Rodney Jay Utz. about 30. ^ * I South Vlet Nam's two feudinRlinp at the Elks Club, followed by the the‘ ^ ‘jmock student session with f „f ' with his ^87-pound Cana- f- , and Emblem breakfast at 8:.10 a.m., the head of a glittering caval-'■ Fairfield,Pairfield and Angus Young,ung, 37, HiHailey—the normalI seven mminutes to walic out of i ^ r; religions — thc Catholics and Knibl lub' token on the measure, ■ dian black hear as « ’ qu be hosted by the Gooding Club. cade of household cavalry Sat-^ the. mine.m in o’ Hansen said afterter a day-1day-long inspection. Therhe two rrmen had placed dyna- i p J : Buddhists — appeared lo be hostC( ere- During tho two-day Iegi.slative urday (or the traditional troop- . ' ' ' publicity stunt in front of‘ : ; j,,j,making a determined effortI to There will bc nn emblem cere- D**' inal session of boys state sponsored ing the color ceremony in honorir miteniite in in28 holes and con-Dn- , an automobile agency ' i 1head,^ off possible violence dur-ihir- monymony. a m em orial service, final of her official birthday. nectednected themth to a series of f ' ; wjion he was arrested. 1,,^ ical reports of tho credentials com-om- t’y“V **he A m erican Legion, bills ing the nation's latest political repor our- were passed favoring right to An hour-long downpour which:h fuses. HansenH e said the dy- ^ Truesdell was booked ; (.^1 mittee and a report of the cOur- were * I crisis. mitte- work laws and a constitutional had drenched the thousands lin- nam ite ir ;v Toll Reachesihes 16 in 3;■ on; suspicion of training 5 | Powerful leaders of both rell- lesy :resolutions committee. nam ite in some of the holesles revision commission, ing , the one-mile route from^ did not explode.^ J an animal for fighting. ^(,j( RionS appealed for restraint un- At 10 a.m. tliere will be the Buckingham Palace to the ' lil the outline of a new govern-ern- post convention meeting of the A bill favoring high tax ex- Horse Guards parade In White-I;, YoungYoung wasw buried under a ton I ^ ..................- — fn,ment ^merges. retire tirin g executive committeeIttee emplemptlons would be reduced over of rock and debris and Utz was“Texas Flashash Flood " nrd. a four-year period under tho hall stopped as the queen, ac- The Buddhists Issued a com-om- and of( iho retiring stale board, a companied by Prince Philip, her>r hit by“V flying‘*y' rock, according to SANDERSON,c a n i Tex. (AP)—SearAP)—Search partie's henxfed-I- by D Lmunique i a few hours after the The incoming executive com-;om- student measure until, the tax Jc Al Osborn, mine foreman. , DeGaiille to tors was the same as for estab< husband, emerged from thc Al Osborr red Texas Rangers found threeree more bodiesI Saturday, send-2 n d - . _ nnannouncement that the civiliani'inn mitteemitte and board of directors palace (jates. The crowd broke;e Young'sYoung's bodybc was not recovered iCXas J t 11 lished industry. ' ill to 16 in F rid a y 's flash flood Jk , government had quit urging; all willvyjn hold their meetings nt 11 into cheers and waved. untiluntil hourshours after the explosion,in. mging the known death toll to 16 ir , the The student Senato tlebBted southwest Texas railroad anda n d Request |Buddhists “to remain calm Of''and a.m..n.m,, the final activities on the Tli Watching for the first timele The accidentacci was discoveredred Whichwhich devastated this southwest clear sighted." conventionconvi program. the reapportionmcnt measur* from a window above the pa-a byby RonaldRonalc Utz. brother of ranchirranching center. The searcharch went on for about a score O Tha Rom an Cjilhglics, who TheTh< opening day of the 44th mosimost of Saturday afternoon, r©' ' rade ground, Prince’ AndrcwrS,5. Rndntfy'^y;Rodntfy'ltii The explosion wasv as of mis;missiixgTpersons. Thee hunt.cehunt.centered in the usually OSummit l Meet playedp, a m ajor role In forcing annual state convention of the cessicessed for closing ceremonies; j the queen\s son. saluted solemn-o- notnot heardheard ouLside the shaft andm d d r y ccanyon a i east of the devastated,devastatec saucer-shaped townown bcBONN, Germany (AP) ■—— lh the reslgnatinn o f Quat, had TdaTio~FCderation -of—BusinessIness -and then-TRconVRned._____ ly as the royal parents rodele RonaldRonald saidsa he first felt some- Qfof 2,3502 351 people.
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