3356 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 9, 1861. Samuel Jordan Bowden, formerly of Duke-street, Stockpor*, Bethesda-street, Burnley aforesaid, then of the same Cheshire, Journeyman Hatter and Carrier, afterwards of place, Commission Agent, and late of Heli-na-s'reer, the Shepherd, Wellington-road, South- Stockport afore- . Burnley aforesaid, Commission Agent (sued as John said, Beer-seller and Carrier, and late a lodger in Tip- ! Dodgson). ping-street, Ardwick, Manchester, out of business. Mary Lightfoof, formerly of Saint James'-street, Liverpool, Henry Taylor, formerly of Rutland-street, Hulme,-Man- in the county of Lancaster, Ironmonger, and late of chester, in the county of Lancaster, Assistant to a Chemist Upper Hill-street, Toxteth-park, Liverpool aforesaid, out and Druggist, then residing and occupping a shop, at of business. No. 40, .George-street, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, William Ulyaft, formerly of the Coach and Horses, Todd- afterwards residing at No. 128, Lower-Moss-lane, Biilme, street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Licensed Manchester aforesaid, then residing and occupying a shop, Victualler and Auctioneer, then in lodgings at No. 12, at No. 80. City-road, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, after- Sidney-street, Ilulme, Manchester aforesaid, a part of wards residing in Duke-street, Hulme, Manchester afore- the time Auctioneer, aud afterwards whilst at the said, and late in George-street, Hulme, Manchester latter place, occupying an office, No. 30, Hopwoods- aforesaid, and •whilst at the four latter places occupying avenue, Market-place, Manchester aforesaid, Commission the said shop, No. 40, George-street, Hulme aforesaid, Agent, and late in lodgings at No. 40, Stock-street, Chemist and Druggist. Cheeiham-hill-road, Manchester aforesaid, a part of the Walter Glover, formerly a Prisoner for Di-bt, in Her time in no business or employment, and afterwards Majesty's Gaol, the Castle of Lancaster, Lancashire, then' Commercial Traveller. of Hodge-lane, S&lford, Lancashire aforesaid, out of John Pickup, formerly of Abbey-street, Accrington, in the business, then of the same place, having a Mill and pre- county of Lancaster, Grocer and Draper, and. late of mises at Trumpet-street, Gay thorn, Manchester, Lanca- . Melbourne-street, Accrington aforesaid, Grocer and shire aforesaid, Silk Finisher, afterwards of Liverpool- Draper. ; street, and then of Repent-road, both in Salford a'bresaid, Thomas Groves, formerly of Renshaw-street, Hulmp, out of employment, and late of Hodge-lane', Salford afore- Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, at the same time said. Commercial -Traveller. • ' occupying a Stall in London-road Market, Manchester Joseph Bradshaw, formerly of Waste-lane, Sulford, in the aforesaid, then of Saint Silas-street, Ashton-road, Ard- county of Lancaster, Labourer, then of Dawson-street, wick, Manchester aforesaid, afterwards of Garden-street, Manchester, in the said county, Labourer, then of Liver- Ardwick, Manchester aforesaid, then of Droylsden, near pool-road, Manchester aforesaid, Labourer, and late in Manchester aforesaid, afterwards of Every-street, Great lodgings in Joy-court, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, Ancoats-street, Manchester aforesaid, and late of Pinmill Labourer. * Brow, Ardwick, Manchester aforesaid, and whilst at all Alixander Cairn ross. formerly, No. 13. Dansic-slreet, Gill- the before-mentioned places occupying a Shop at Pinmill street, Liverpool, iu the county of Lancaster, Baker and Brow, Ardwick aforesaid, Butcher, and Cattle Dealer. Flour Dealt-r. and late in lodgings, at No. 33, Juno-strcct, John Duckworth, formerly residing in Clopton-street, Edge-hill, Liverpool aforesaid, out of business (sued as Hulrae, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, then at Alexander Cairn-Cross). No. 1, Bank-street, Red-bank, Manchester aforesaid, and Robert Black well, formerly of the Joiner's Arms, Waterloo- late in lodgings in Ormond street, Chorlton-upon-Med- road, Cheapside, Stockport, in the county of Chester, lock, Manchester aforefatd, and whilst at all the before- Grocer, Provisiou Dealer, liccrseller, and Joiner, and late mentioned places occupying a Workshop in Park-street, of the Joiners' Arms, Middle HillgRte, Stockport afore- Red-bank, Manchester aforesaid, Boiler Maker. said, Grocer^ Provision Dealer, Beerscller, Joiner, and Furniture Broker. William Gilford, formerly of Settle Craven, in the county Hanson Hamilton, formerly of Croft House, and occupying of York, then of No. 3, Chester-road, Hulme, Manches- Brickfields -in Rochdale-road, • Wash-lane; Blackford- ter, in the county of Lancaster, afterwards of Dolefield, bridgo, and Broad-rod, afterwards .of the Hollins, Whitc- Manchester, aforesaid, then of Oxford-road, Hulme, Man- house-Gardens, Pilckington, and occupying. Brickfields at chester aforesaid, afterwards of Park-street, Hulme, Man- Broad-rod and Blackford-bridge, all in or near Bury, in chester aforesaid, Cattle Dealer and Carcase Butcher, and the county of Lancaster, Brickmaker and Brickl iyer, late of No. 23, Wilnurn-street, Regent-road. Salford, in afterwards a Lodger in Paddington, Middlesex, Journey- the said county of Lancaster, Commission Agent. man Bricklayer, and late a Lodger- at the New-Market John Fishwicke, formerly residing in George-street, Inn, Market-street, Bury aforesaid, out of business or Chapel-street, Salford, in the county of Lancaster, a part employment. of the time carrying on business and occupying a ware- William Parker Webster, formerly of Great Grimsby.m the house, No. 2, Johnson-street, Cannon-streef, Manchester, county of Lincoln, Joiner and Builder, then of Pollard- in the said county, and afterwards another warehouse No. street, Great. Ancnats-street, Manchester, in the) county 53, Cannon-street, Manchester aforesaid, and late residing of Lancaster, Journeyman Joiner, using and known by at Blackley, near Manchester aforesaid, and whilst re- the name of William Parker then of Oldhara-road, Man- siding at the latter place carrying on business and occu- chester aforesaid, Journeyman Joiner, using and known pying the said warehouse, No. 53, Cannon-street, Man- by the name of William Parker, then of Bridge-street, chester aforesaid, in the name of John Fishwicke and Salford, in the said county, Cabinet Maker and Furniture Company, Merchant. Broker, using, known, and trading under, the names of Thomas Meadowcroft, late of Liverpool-street, Salford, in Wil.iam Parker and William, Waters, then of Bridge- the county of Lancaster, Cotton Spinner, Grocer,, and street, Salford aforesaid, Cabinet Maker, using and Provision Dealer. known 'by the names of William Parker and William Ralph Newsham Hall, formerly of No. 29, Bank-parade, Waters, and late of Byroin-street, Manchester aforesaid, Chapel-strce*, Salford, in the county of Lancaster, Grocer out of business. and Provision Dealer, and late in lodgings at No. 12, James Urine, formerly in lodgings, at N.o. 3, Hope-street, Alma-street, Hulme, Manchester, in the said connty of Oldfield-road, Salford, in the county of Lancaster, Coal Lancaster, out of business. Dealer, then of. the Prince of Wales, Hope-street, Old- James Butterworth, formerly of Yorkshire-street, Rochdale, field-road aforesaid, a part of the time Beerseller and in the county of Lancaster, afterwards of Tontine-street, Coal Dealer, and afterwards Beerseller only, and. late in Saint Helen's, in the said county, Currier and Leather lodgings at No. 4, Hope-street, Oldfield-road aforesaid, Dealer, and late of Tontine-street, Saint Helen's afore- Labourer. said, 'Currier and Leather Dealer, carrying on business John Hears, formerly of High-street, Stockton-upon-Tees, in the name of Joseph Butterworth. •• in the county of Durham, then in lodgings at No. 19, Stretford-road, Hulme, Manchester, in the county of William Thompson, formerly of Morton-street, Salford, Lancaster, and late of Green-lane, Ardwick, Manchester, then of Howarth-street, Manchester, and having a Shop aforesaid, Travelling Auctioneer, Licensed Hawker, and in Greengate, Salford aforesaid, and then of Greengate, Hardware Dealer. Salford aforesaid,. also a portion of the time carrying James Salter, formerly of Nos. 14.and 16, Sackville-street, on business in Garden-street, Manchester aforesaid, Portland-street. Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, in copartnership with George Thompson, under the Baker and- FJour Dealer, then of Rochdale-raid, Colly- style or firm of G. and W. Thompson, as Curriers and hurst, Manchester aforesaid, Grocer, Provision Dealer, Leather Dealers, and late of Greengate, Salford aforesaid, and Baker,.and late of No. 162, Great Ancoats-street, all in Lancashire, out of business. Manchester aforesaid, linker, Flour Dealer, and Cheese James Rawlinson, formerly of Blucher-slreet, Burnley, in and Bacon Fac-tor. _ the county of Lancaster, Leather Dealer, then of the William Williamson, .late of No. 28, Wild-street, London- same place and trade, and also carrying on the business road, Liverpool, in the county, of Lancaster, at the same of Cotton Spinner and Manufacturer, in copartnership time occupying a shop, No. 10, Lavrton-street, Liverpool, with Caleb Lancaster and Joshua Lancaster, under the aforesaid, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter. style or firm of Lancaster and Company, then or Hlucher- John Uodgson, formerly of. Westgatu, Burnley, in the sireet aforesaid, Leather Dealer, and late of Hill Top, county of Lancaster, out of business, then of the same Burnley aforesaid, out of business: place, Cotton Manufacturer, carrying on business in Samuel Martin, late of Church-street, Whaliey, near King-street, Burnley, then of the same place, Power Clitheroe, in the connty of Lancaster, Boot and Shoe Luom and Machine Maker, carrying on -business in Maker, •.
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