Annual Report Consolidated Financial Statements Of

Annual Report Consolidated Financial Statements Of

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Customers like Allegrini – and millions of others in 33 countries around the world – shop at one of our stores every day: in our Metro Cash & Carry wholesale stores, our Real hypermarkets, our Media Markt and Saturn consumer electronics stores, or our Galeria Kaufhof department stores. Our innovative sales formats and consistent customer focus have made us one of the world’s most important international retailers. And we want to improve even further. Shape 2012 is our programme to boost efficiency and increase value. It is helping us to sharpen our customer focus, step up our market proximity and raise overall profitability. As well as benefiting customers like Paolo Allegrini, this is good news for our employees and shareholders. This magazine describes a day in the life of Paolo Allegrini and the daily routine at his trattoria. After all, his success story forms part of our own; and the newest chapter in this story is Shape 2012. And who better to ask for a reference than our customers themselves? But let us start by describing Shape 2012 in a little more depth. THE VARIETY OF METRO GROUP FRESH THINKING : SHAPE 2012 IS TAKING US FORWARD → p. 02 Customer focus + internationalisation = more growth momentum 101 You can also find an overview of what we have achieved so far with Shape 2012 on our Internet page. FRESH THINKING : SHAPE 2012 IS TAKING US FORWARD → p. 03 On the left you can see our formula for success. “Is it that simple?” you may ask. And our answer is: “Yes, the truth is always simple!” Dr Eckhard Cordes, Chairman of the Management Board, explains what it’s all about – turn the page to find out. FRESH THINKING : SHAPE 2012 IS TAKING US FORWARD → p. 04 What are the benefits of Shape 2012, Dr Cordes? Five questions for the Chairman of the Management Board of METRO AG → What is Shape 2012 all about? Shape 2012 is our programme to boost efficiency and increase value. Our aim is to focus even more strongly on our customers and markets. → What does Shape 2012 mean for the Company? We are simplifying structures, making them as decentralised as possible and as centralised as necessary. This will make us more flexible, more transparent and more efficient. We are cutting our costs and, at the same time, gaining market shares. Shape 2012 generates sustainable and international growth – it already started bearing fruit in the financial year 2009. → What role do the sales divisions play? They have assumed complete responsibility for their operational business – from procurement and logistics to sales. After all, they know best what their customers want. And they are close to the market. → What will change for staff? Our employees need to be able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner. With Shape 2012, we are giving them the freedom to do just that. Their commitment and passion for our business are crucial to our success. → And how will your customers benefit from Shape 2012? They will find all the products and services they want at our stores – at attractive prices! FRESH THINKING : SHAPE 2012 IS TAKING US FORWARD → p. 05 “As decentraly as possible, as centraly as necessary” Dr Eckhard Cordes outlines the main focal points of Shape 2012. NEW MANAGEMENT MODEL prroommotese markek t and cuusttomo ere cennttricciti y + UNDIVIDED RESPONSIBILITY foor saalel s diviv siiono s inin thee opep raatit onnalal bussinnese s + STREAMLINED ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE for finnannce andd como plpliancn e + REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO AS A PROFIT CENTRE maakingn its ownn cono trributu ioon too vala uee + CENTRAL RETURN TARGETS for sttrrictt maanagagemmennt = Pootentn ial prrofifitat biilityy inccreeaase fromo 20112 ono waw rdds: A YEAR PAOLO IS OUR BEST ( DIGITAL PHOTO FRAME FROM SATURN ) CUSTOMER* * WELL, ALMOST ( PROSECCO FROM METRO CASH & CARRY ) FRESH THINKING : SHAPE 2012 IS TAKING US FORWARD → p. 07 We give our all – for Paolo’s trattoria! 102 For almost 20 years now, Paolo Allegrini has been We spent a day with Paolo Allegrini, his regu- living in Rome’s Via di Monte Giordano where he lars and his kitchen staff to see if we could find runs a small trattoria.

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