IMA/CNMNC List of Mineral Names

IMA/CNMNC List of Mineral Names

IMA/CNMNC List of Mineral Name s compiled by Ernest H. Nickel & Monte C. Nichols Supplied through the courtesy of Materials Data, Inc. ( and based on the database MINERAL, which MDI makes available as a free download to the mineralogical community Status* Name CNMNC Approved Formula Strunz Classification Best, Most Recent or Most Complete reference. A Abelsonite NiC£¡H£¢N¤ 10.CA.20 American Mineralogist 63 (1978) 930 A Abenakiite-(Ce) Na¢¦Ce¦(SiO£)¦(PO¤)¦(CO£)¦(SO¢)O 9.CK.10 Canadian Mineralogist 32 (1994), 843 G Abernathyite K(UO¢)AsO¤•3H¢O 8.EB.15 American Mineralogist 41 (1956), 82 A Abhurite (SnÀÈ)¢¡Cl¡¦(OH)¡¤O¦ 3.DA.30 Canadian Mineralogist 23 (1985), 233 D Abkhazite Ca¢Mg¥Si¨O¢¢(OH)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 A Abramovite Pb¢SnInBiS§ 2.HF.25a Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchetstva 136 (2007) (5), 45 D Abrazite K,Ca,Al,Si,O,H¢O 9.GC.05 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 D Abriachanite Na¢(Fe,Mg)£(FeÁÈ)¢Si¨O¢¢(OH)¢ 9.DE.25 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 D Absite (U,Ca,Y,Ce)(Ti,Fe)¢O¦ Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 92 (1963), 113 A Abswurmbachite CuÀÈ(MnÁÈ)¦O¨(SiO¤) 9.AG.05 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 163 (1991), 117 D Abukumalite (Ca,Ce)¢Y£(SiO¤,PO¤)£(O,OH,F) American Mineralogist 51 (1966), 152 D Acadialite (Ca,K,Na)(Si,Al)£O¦•3H¢O 9.GD.10 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 G Acanthite Ag¢S 2.BA.30a Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 1 (1990), 1 A Acetamide CH£CONH¢ 10.AA.20 Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 104 (1975), 326 G Achavalite FeSe 2.CC.05 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte (1972), 276 D Achiardite (Na,K,Ca)¥(Si,Al)¢¤O¤¨•14H¢O 9.GD.40 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 * A = Approved by CNMNC, D = Discredited by CNMNC, G = Grandfathered (original description preceded the establishment of the CNMNC in 1959, and generally regarded as a valid species) , GROUP = A name used to designate a group of species, H = Hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, etc.), I = Intermediate member of a solid-solution series (e.g. oligoclase, a member of the albite-anorthite series), N = Published without approval by the CNMNC, Q = Questionable, Rd = Redefinition approved by CNMNC, Rn = Renamed with approval by CNMNC. 3/11/2009 Copyright © 2009 Materials Data, Inc. ( Status* Name CNMNC Approved Formula Strunz Classification Best, Most Recent or Most Complete reference. D Achlusite Na,K,Al,Si,O(?) 9.CE.10 Canadian Mineralogist 36 (1998), 905 D Achrematite Pb,Mo,As,O,Cl American Mineralogist 62 (1977), 170 D Achromaite Ca¢(Mg,Fe,Al)¥(Si,Al)¨O¢¢(OH)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 D Achtaragdite Ca,Mg,Al,Si,O 9.AD.25 Canadian Mineralogist 44 (2006), 1557 D Acmite NaFeÁÈSi¢O¦ 9.DA.25 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 A Actinolite Ca¢(Mg,FeÀÈ)¥Si¨O¢¢(OH)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 85 (2000), 1239 D Actinolitic hornblende Ca¢(Mg,FeÀÈ)¤(Al,FeÁÈ)(Si§Al)O¢¢(OH,F)¢ 9.DE.10 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 219 D Actinote Ca¢(Fe,Mg)¥(Si,Al)¨O¢¢(OH,F)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 D Actynolin Ca¢(Fe,Mg)¥(Si,Al)¨O¢¢(OH,F)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 D Actynolite Ca¢(Fe,Mg)¥(Si,Al)¨O¢¢(OH,F)¢ 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 A Acuminite SrAlF¤(OH)•H¢O 3.CC.10 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte (1987), 502 G Adamite Zn¢AsO¤(OH) 8.BB.30 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 4 (2000), 2 D Adamsite (of Shepard) KAl¢(Si,Al)¤O¡(OH)¢ 9.EC.15 Canadian Mineralogist 36 (1998), 905 A Adamsite-(Y) NaY(CO£)¢•6H¢O 5.CC.30 Canadian Mineralogist 38 (2000), 1457 G Adelite CaMgAsO¤(OH) 8.BH.35 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 4 (2000), 3 D Adelpholite (Y,Ce,U,Fe)£(Nb,Ta,Ti)¥O¡¦ Bulletin de la Commission Géologique de Finlande 218 (1965), 201 D Adipite Ca,Na,K,Al,Si,O,H¢O 9.GD.10 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 A Admontite MgB¦O§(OH)¦•4H¢O 6.FA.15 Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 26 (1979), 69 I Adularia KAlSi£O¨ 9.FA.30 Rock-forming Minerals (Deer, Howie & Zussmann), 2nd ed., 4A (2001) D Aedelforsite (of Retzius) Na,Ca,Al,Si,O,H¢O 9.GB.10 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 * A = Approved by CNMNC, D = Discredited by CNMNC, G = Grandfathered (original description preceded the establishment of the CNMNC in 1959, and generally regarded as a valid species) , GROUP = A name used to designate a group of species, H = Hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, etc.), I = Intermediate member of a solid-solution series (e.g. oligoclase, a member of the albite-anorthite series), N = Published without approval by the CNMNC, Q = Questionable, Rd = Redefinition approved by CNMNC, Rn = Renamed with approval by CNMNC. 3/11/2009 Copyright © 2009 Materials Data, Inc. ( Status* Name CNMNC Approved Formula Strunz Classification Best, Most Recent or Most Complete reference. D Aedelite (of Kirwan) Na¢Al¢Si£O¡•2H¢O 9.GA.05 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 D Aedilite (of Kirwan) Na¢Al¢Si£O¡•2H¢O 9.GA.05 Canadian Mineralogist 35 (1997), 1571 A Aegirine NaFeÁÈSi¢O¦ 9.DA.25 Mineralogical Magazine 71 (2007), 321 Rd Aegirine-augite (Ca,Na)(FeÁÈ,FeÀÈ,Mg)Si¢O¦ 9.DA.20 Australian Journal of Mineralogy 14 (2008), 43 D Aegirine-hedenbergite (Ca,Mg,Fe)¢Si¢O¦ 9.DA.15 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 D Aegirite (of Dana) NaFeÁÈSi¢O¦ 9.DA.25 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 D Aegyrite NaFeÁÈSi¢O¦ 9.DA.20 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 A Aenigmatite Na¢(FeÀÈ)¥TiO¢[Si¦O¡¨] 9.DH.45 European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008), 983 Rd Aerinite (Ca¥´¡Na´¥)(FeÁÈ,Al,FeÀÈ,Mg)(Al,Mg)¦[HSi¡¢O£¦(OH)¡¢][(CO£)¡´¢(H9.DB.45 European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (2009), 233 Rd Aerugite Ni¨´¥(AsO¤)¢AsÃÈO¨ 8.BC.15 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 4 (2000), 4 Rn Aeschynite-(Ce) (Ce,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)¢(O,OH)¦ 4.DF.05 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 3 (1997), 3 A Aeschynite-(Nd) Nd(Ti,Nb)¢(O,OH)¦ 4.DF.05 Scientia Geologica Sinica (in Chinese) (1982), 424 Rn Aeschynite-(Y) (Y,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)¢(O,OH)¦ 4.DF.05 American Mineralogist 51 (1966), 152 H Afanasyevaite Ca¨(Si¢O§)¢•Cl¢O 9.HA.30 Doklady Akademiia Nauk, SSSR (USSR) (in Russian) 343 (1995), 94 A Afghanite Na¢¢Ca¡(Si¢¤Al¢¤)O©¦(SO¤)¦Cl¦ 9.FB.05 European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997), 21 G Afwillite Ca£(SiO£)¢(OH)¢•2H¢O 9.AG.75 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 2 (1995), 7 D Agalite Mg,Si,O,OH 9.DA.05 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 D Agalmatolite Al,Si,O,H¢O(?) 9.EC.10 Canadian Mineralogist 36 (1998), 905 A Agardite-(Ce) (CuÀÈ)¦Ce(AsO¤)£(OH)¦•3H¢O 8.DL.15 Aufschluss 55 (2004), 17 A Agardite-(La) (CuÀÈ)¦La(AsO¤)£(OH)¦•3H¢O 8.DL.15 Lapis 1 (1984), 22, 37 * A = Approved by CNMNC, D = Discredited by CNMNC, G = Grandfathered (original description preceded the establishment of the CNMNC in 1959, and generally regarded as a valid species) , GROUP = A name used to designate a group of species, H = Hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, etc.), I = Intermediate member of a solid-solution series (e.g. oligoclase, a member of the albite-anorthite series), N = Published without approval by the CNMNC, Q = Questionable, Rd = Redefinition approved by CNMNC, Rn = Renamed with approval by CNMNC. 3/11/2009 Copyright © 2009 Materials Data, Inc. ( Status* Name CNMNC Approved Formula Strunz Classification Best, Most Recent or Most Complete reference. N Agardite-(Nd) (CuÀÈ)¦Nd(AsO¤)£(OH)¦•3H¢O 8.DL.15 Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte (2002), 107 A Agardite-(Y) (CuÀÈ)¦Y(AsO¤)£(OH)¦•3H¢O 8.DL.15 Bulletin de la Société Française Minéralogie et de Cristallographie 92 (1969), 420 D Aglaite Li,Al,Si,O 9.DA.30 Mineralogical Magazine 52 (1988), 535 A Agrellite NaCa¢Si¤O¡F 9.DH.75 Canadian Mineralogist 14 (1976), 120 A Agrinierite K¢(Ca,Sr)(UO¢)¦O¦(OH)¤•5H¢O 4.GB.05 Mineralogical Magazine 38 (1972), 781 G Aguilarite Ag¤SeS 2.BA.30b Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 1 (1990), 2 A Aheylite FeÀÈAl¦(PO¤)¤(OH)¨•4H¢O 8.DD.15 Mineralogical Magazine 62 (1998), 93 G Ahlfeldite NiSeO£•2H¢O 4.JH.10 Materials Research Bulletin 40 (2005), 781 G Aikinite CuPbBiS£ 2.HB.05a Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte (2001), 115 G Ajoite Na£(CuÀÈ)¢Al£Si¢©O§¦(OH)¡¦•8H¢O 9.EA.70 American Mineralogist 66 (1981), 201 A Akaganeite (FeÁÈ,NiÀÈ)¨(OH,O)¡¦Cl¡´¢¥•nH¢O 4.DK.05 American Mineralogist 88 (2003), 782 A Akatoreite (MnÀÈ)©Al¢Si¨O¢¤(OH)¨ 9.BH.15 American Mineralogist 56 (1971), 416 A Akdalaite (Al¢O£)¤-¥•H¢O 4.FL.05 Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 99 (1970), 333 G Åkermanite Ca¢MgSi¢O§ 9.BB.10 American Mineralogist 92 (2007), 1685 A Akhtenskite MnO¢ 4.DB.15b International Geology Review 31 (1989), 1068 A Akimotoite MgSiO£ 9.DA.05 American Mineralogist 84 (1999), 267 G Akrochordite (MnÀÈ)¥(AsO¤)¢(OH)¤•4H¢O 8.DD.10 Handbook of Mineralogy (Anthony et al.), 4 (2000), 8 A Aksaite MgB¦O§(OH)¦•2H¢O 6.FA.05 American Mineralogist 48 (1963), 930 N Aktashite Cu¦Hg£As¤S¡¢ 2.GA.30 Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Sections 206 (1972), 127 D Aktinolitischer tschermakite Ca¢(Mg,Fe,Al)¥(Si,Al)¨O¢¢(OH,F) 9.DE.10 American Mineralogist 63 (1978), 1023 * A = Approved by CNMNC, D = Discredited by CNMNC, G = Grandfathered (original description preceded the establishment of the CNMNC in 1959, and generally regarded as a valid species) , GROUP = A name used to designate a group of species, H = Hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, etc.), I = Intermediate member of a solid-solution series (e.g.

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