SOUTH WINGFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held at South Wingfield Parish Rooms Thursday 10th March 2016 at 7:00pm Present at the Meeting: Cllr P Jackson (Chair), K Lancashire, G Johnston, N Birkin, R Vaughan, V Thorpe, J Miln, M Renshaw and C Bonsall County Councillor David Williams Minutes prepared by the Clerk: K Furby 16/03/01 Apologies Received and Accepted by Councillors: Cllr G Johnston to leave at 7.50pm – Resolved 16/03/02 Variation of Order of Business: It was resolved to move Item 18(c) to after item 7 and before item 8. 16/03/03 Declaration of Members Interests: The following Councillors declared interest on a point on the agenda: - Cllr J Greenhalgh – on item 8 member of the S.W.A.G Group & item 9 member of the Neighbourhood Plan Group – Resolved - Cllr V Thorpe – on item 8(b) Member of S.W.A.G group, item 9(a) member of Neighbourhood Plan Group & item 20 member of Crich GP Participation Group – Resolved - Cllr G Johnston – on item 9 member of Neighbourhood Plan Group & 18(c) member of Pentrich & South Wingfield Revolution Group – Resolved - Cllr C Bonsall – on item 11(e) Partner has interest in providing a quote for utility bills – Resolved - Cllr J Miln – on item 11(d) Chair of the playgroup - Resolved 16/03/04 Public Speaking: (a) Three members of the South Wingfield War Memorial Working Group were in attendance to discuss item 7(a). (b) PCSO C Bannister was not in attendance. County Cllr D Williams had previously sent a copy of his monthly report to all members of the Parish Council and gave an update on the following, Borough Cllr V Thorpe was not in attendance and had previously sent a full copy of her monthly report to all members of the Parish Council. (c) No member prejudicial interests to report. 16/03/05 To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 February 2016: The Minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record of that meeting – Resolved 16/03/06 Any agenda items to be taken with the public excluded: Signed: ………………………….…………… Date: …………………………. N/A 16/03/07 Market Place (a) Re-development and War Memorial - Cllr Carole Bonsall visited Matlock Garden Centre for advice on plants for the Market Place. Matlock Garden Centre kindly donated a £50 gift voucher towards the project. Clerk to send letter of thanks. It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders. Three members of the South Wingfield War Memorial Working Group attended the meeting, Geoff Brown, John Hardwick and Yvonne Billetop to discuss a war memorial for the village. The group would like to have a memorial in place by November 2018 to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1. It was agreed that the Parish Council would work alongside the group and contribute where possible. Clerk to confirm with DALC if the Parish Council have the authority to place a memorial in the village. It was resolved to go back into Standing Orders. 16/03/18 Future Projects. (c) Information Board – Pentrich and South Wingfield Group - Cllr Geoff Johnston previously sent an email to the Clerk with costings of £1420.00 for the information boards which is inclusive of planning fees. It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders. John Hardwick explained to the parish council that the information boards would need to be maintained for a period of 5 years and the parish council may make a contribution towards this. Clerk to send a letter to the group to express that the council would like to be involved and on board with the project and offer assistance where possible. It was suggested that a member of the group would liase directly with the Clerk and advise of costings etc. It was resolved to go back into Standing Orders. 16/03/08 Proposed Development on Inns Lane (a) Update on Appeal Hearing - A decision on the appeal hearing is expected on or before 21st March 2016. (b) S.W.A.G Report – There are no updates at present 16/03/09 South Wingfield Neighbourhood Plan (a) Update from Group Meeting of 16th February 2016 – The group are in the process of forming working parties, clerk to circulate minutes from meetings. (b) Working parties – The group would like to invites councillors to join working parties, clerk to circulate details. (c) Constitution – Clerk to email Neighbourhood Plan Constitution to councillors for approval prior to meeting on 15th March 2016. 16/03/10 Finance (a) Banking – 1st to 29th February 2016 Bank Reconciliation (Period 11 – 2015/16). The clerk had previously presented members with the bank reconciliation for the period up to 29th February 2016 (Period 11 for 2015/16). The Council have payments to date of £33,848.00 and receipts of £39,151.00 to date with the current account showing £33,493.00 and total accounts showing £55,555.00 Signed ………………………………………. Date ………………………….. (b) HSBC Banking Mandate – Update – Ongoing, Cllr N Birkin to take updated I.D to HSBC prior to next meeting. (c) Grant Applications – It was resolved to contribute £300 to the South Wingfield Local History Group. (d) It was resolved that the following cheques should be paid: Community Account One – Payments Cheque No Payee Amount (£) HSBC Cheque No 100974 Clerk/Cleaner (Salary – February) £554.49* HSBC Cheque No 100975 HMRC (PAYE – February) £101.60 HSBC Cheque No 100976 Neil Green (Parish Room Hedge Cutting) £96.00 HSBC Cheque No 100977 PRS for Music (Tariff for Music) £326.78 HSBC Cheque No 100978 K Furby (Clerk Expenses) £159.98 HSBC Cheque No 100979 S Staley (Clerk Support) £59.60 *Clerk and cleaner salary amount are combined (cleaner is by standing order) It was also resolved to add the following Cheques: HSBC Cheque No 100980 South Wingfield Local History Group (Grant) £300.00 HSBC DD E.ON (Gas for February – Parish Room) £149.00 HSBC DD Plusnet (Broadband for February – Parish Room) £30.00 HSBC DD British Gas (Electricity for February – Public Toilet) £26.79 HSBC DD E.ON (Electricity Parish Room) £246.93 Income HSBC CR S Parker (Parish Room Hire) £48.00 HSBC CR C Hambleton (Parish Room Hire) £18.00 HSBC CR Co-Operative Bank (Close of Account) £156.22 Community Account Two – Payments Cheque No Payee Amount (£) None None None Income None None None 16/03/11 Clerks Report (a) Mapping Software / Data Capturing on Maps – Update – Councillors to submit any plotted map sheets to the clerk on an ongoing basis to be then be populated onto the mapping software. (b) Parish Website – Clerk to update Neighbourhood Plan details to Parish website. Clerk to confirm details for adding groups to the parish website. (c) Allotment Review – Clerk to obtain a copy of the contract to be discussed at the April meeting. (d) Playgroup Review – Clerk to obtain a copy of the contract to be discussed at the April meeting. (e) Review of Utility Bills – Clerk to look at reducing costs and obtain 3 quotes prior to the April Meeting. (f) Speeding Vehicles – Clerk to inform PCSO Bannister of volunteers and advertise for further volunteers in the village shop. Signed ………………………………………. Date ………………………….. 16/03/12 Parish Room (a) Brochue for Parish Room – No update on this item (b) Fixtures & Fittings – Clerk to contact Wayne Bramley for lighting options in the parish room, Cllr Lancashire to meet and discuss. Clerk to arrange for repairs to failed window pane, damaged alarm fitting and damaged disabled toilet door lock. Clerk to obtain quotes for replacing stage front and painting of cupboards. 16/03/13 General Village Appearance (a) Each Well Lane Development – No update at present (b) Village Annual Schedule of Works – Clerk to email schedule to councillors and start to log dates of when maintenance works are carried out. (c) General Village Maintenance Requirements – Clerk to email DCC reporting damaged railings on Church Lane that urgently need repairs. (d) Flooding Issues – A site meeting has taken place regarding flooding issues and enforcement action to be taken at Chesterfield Road near the Butchers Arms. (e) Floral Displays – Clerk obtained three quotes for hanging baskets in the village, it was resolved to order 40 units from Plantscape at a cost of £2,170.00 (f) Lamppost testing – it was resolved to have 20 lampposts tested, clerk to obtain an updated quote from Cubit Ultrasonic. (g) Wingfield Road, Oakerthorpe – DCC enquiry number 8173520, works will be carried out by DCC when this becomes dangerous, hedges cannot be cut during bird nesting season. (h) Inns Lane – DCC will be contacting the landowner regarding mud on the road, enquiry number F138299. 16/03/14 Village Road Collisions (a) Report of Incidents – Rocks Corner, Church Lane paint on the wall and damaged footway around 17th February 2016. Car accident at Holme Lane, South Wingfield outside the cricket ground on 25th February 2016. 16/03/15 South Wingfield Flood Prevention Association (a) Clerk to find out progress of maps with Bill Clay. 16/03/16 Footpaths (a) Footpath Report – Missing wooden post on the footpath from Wingfield Road to Alfreton Hall, clerk to report to DCC. (b) Footpath Inspector – Clerk waiting for information back from DCC regarding the job role. 16/03/17 Current Projects (a) Parish Room Car Park – application to be discussed at working party meeting on Tuesday 22nd March 2016. 16/03/18 Future Projects. (a) Village Information Signs – No update at present, a subcommittee meeting is required. (b) College Community Planting Project – no update at present, to be discussed at a subcommittee meeting. 16/03/19 DALC Circulars (a) Circular 04 and 05 for 2016 was previously sent to all Councillors.
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