Published by the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. APRIL 24, 2015 5 IYARwww.jewishlouisville.org 5775 Community 1 INSIDE Republic Bank Players Challenge STORY, PG. 4 Yom HaShoah STORY, PG. 10, 11 NCJW Marks 120 with Judy Chicago Communit■ ■ y STORY, PG. 13 FRIDAY VOL. 40, NO. 08 5 IYAR 5775 APRIL 24, 2015 Julie E. Linker Community Relations Young Leadership Award Winner Jessica Goldstein Goldstein to Receive Julie E. Linker Award by Shiela Steinman Wallace Editor he phrase tikkun olam, the re- pair of the world is often heard in the Jewish world as something T to which we should all aspire. Phyllis Green, center, and Marcy Rosengarten presented a memory book to Annette Sagerman containing me- When it comes to Jessica Goldstein, this Memories for Annette mentos and notes from people who came to know her during her 65 years of working at the Jewish Community year’s Julie E. Linker Community Rela- Center. See photos and story, pages 6 and 7. see GOLDSTEIN page 8 Garmon Award Goes to Laina Meyerowitz; Nisenbaum Award to Bradley Schwartz and Fink Scholarship to Elana Wagner for Their Leadership by Shiela Steinman Wallace Community. Editor All these awards will be presented at the Jewish Com- With 123 teens participat- munity of Louisville Annual ing in BBYO this year, this Meeting, Sunday, June 14, at program can attribute a large 9:30 a.m. at the Jewish Com- part of its success to a devoted munity Center. The commu- cadre of teen leaders who plan nity is invited. engaging programs, strive to Ellen Faye Garmon Award – make all members feel includ- Laina Meyerowitz ed and important and ensure Laina Meyerowitz, 16, is a Jewish content is a key to what Laina Meyerowitz Bradley Schwartz Elana Wagner sophomore at Ballard High they do. Each spring, BBYO School and a leader in Jay honors the best of these leaders – who go to Bradley Schwartz and the Joseph Levine BBG. A native Louisvillian who execute their responsibilities well and Fink Community Service Scholarship has been involved in the Jewish commu- inspire others to follow their examples. will go to Elana Wagner. The Stuart nity since she was little, she is the first in Pressma Leadership Award winners and This year, the Ellen Faye Garmon her family to be involved in BBYO. Elsie P. Judah Award Winner Rosita Kaplin Award will go to Laina Meyerowitz, the the Tony Levitan Award winners will This year’s Ellen Faye Garmon Award Stacy Marks Nisenbaum Award will be announced in the May 22 edition of winner joined the chapter two years ago. Since she already knew most of her Kaplin Tapped for Jewish peers in her grade, she joined be- INDEX cause she saw BBYO as “an opportunity Elsie P. Judah Award JCRC Update ......................................2 to be with them and see them more. by Shiela Steinman Wallace JFCS Food Pantry Wins Award ..........3 “It turned into so much more,” she Editor JCC Gets Subaru Grant .....................3 continued, “because I had the opportu- Penner Named to REC ........................3 nity to meet new people – not only from For Rosita Kaplin, the Jewish Com- Calendar of Events ..............................5 Louisville, but across our region, across munity Center is a special place. It is the POSTAGE MOSAIC Awards .................................5 KENTUCKY place where she met her husband, when LOUISVILLE the country, and even some other coun- PERIODICALS Festival of Faiths .................................5 tries.” it was called the YMHA and located on KI Honors Vets ....................................5 In addition, BBYO gave Meyerowitz Second Street. “We used to play ping Confirmation Lists ...............................6 valuable leadership experiences. Since pong,” she said. Temple Shalom Music and Magic ......6 see KAPLIN page 15 JCC Pegasus Parade Float .................6 see TEEN AWARDS page 24 Senior University .................................8 Noga Peled Will Be Shlicha ................9 Finke Named Bronfman Fellow Yom HaZikaron Essay .........................9 by Shiela Steinman Wallace, Editor Making Anne Frank Relevant ............12 Brandeis Medal Event .......................14 Each year, the Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Naamani Lecture ...............................16 Israel accepts just 26 outstanding North American Counting the Omer............................17 Health Care Leaders .........................18 teenagers to participate in its prestigious yearlong Capilouto Woos Student Prospects 19 program. This year, Jacob Finke was chosen for this JFCS Calendar ..................................20 honor, only the third Louisvillian to make the cut. Teen Topics/Shoah Museum Trip .....21 The two prior fellows were Abraham Levitan and Ja- Newsmakers/Chavurat Shalom ........22 cob Emont. Israeli Plays Soccer Here ..................22 Bronfman Youth Fellows participate in a rigorous Around Town ............................... 23-24 academic year of seminars including a free, five-week Lifecycle ...................................... 25-26 trip to Israel between the summer of their junior and D’var Torah ........................................27 Jacob Finke see FINKE page 14 2 Community APRIL 24, 2015 5 IYAR 5775 Communit y Community is published monthly by the Jewish JCRC UPDATE Community of Louisville, Inc., 3630 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY 40205-3216. by Matt Goldberg, Director USPS #020-068 at Louisville, KY. Jewish Community Relations Council The Jewish Community of Louisville is a nonprofit organization. $26 of your pledge Israel Advocacy Two Ways is for a subscription for Community. Israel advocacy comes in many forms, For more information, call and this past month I had the privilege 502-459-0660, fax 502-238-2724, e-mail [email protected] or check out of participating in two very different but the website www.jewishlouisville.org. equally important forms of it. POSTMASTER – Send address changes to Meeting with Rep. John Yarmuth Community, 3600 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, In light of recent activities of Prime KY 40205-3216. Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, both in Washington and back in Israel, we felt it COMMUNITY DEADLINES important to reach out to our local Con- Deadlines for the next two issues of Community gressional leadership to discuss Iran, Is- for copy and ads are: MAY 15 for publication on rael and our concerns that an agreement MAY 22 and JUNE 19 for publication on JUNE 26. to curb Iran’s nuclear program and pre- Community publishes News makers and Around vent it from obtaining the ability to pro- Town items at no charge. Items must be duce a nuclear weapon is comprehensive submitted in writing. Please include your name and absolute. and a daytime telephone number where you As many of us know, Rep. John Yar- can be contacted in the event that questions arise. Community reserves the right to edit all muth was highly critical of the Prime submissions to conform to style and length Minister’s appearance before Congress requirements. and did not attend his speech. A group of us met with Rep. Yarmuth Israeli artist Ada Flor worked with JCC ELC student Ethan Reynolds on a cardboard dove. ADVERTISING INFORMATION in his office for just such a discussion. over Congress. is transforming some of the cardboard To advertise, please contact our sales In our conversation, we expressed our While we may not always agree with produced on the kibbutz and tailoring representative at 502-418-5845 or e-mail expectation that a deal with Iran con- our elected leaders, particularly on Isra- it for art projects. Ada took these proj- [email protected]. tain necessary safeguards and checks el, our JCRC will continue our dialogue ects to our JCC Early Learning Center The appearance of advertising in Community to verify compliance with a deal to limit with them, hold them accountable when and worked with the kids on producing does not represent a kashruth endorsement. their nuclear program. Rep. Yarmuth we feel their words and actions are in- cardboard doves, which the children expressed his confidence that the deal congruent with the views and values of then colored and decorated. It was a EDITORIAL POLICY currently under discussion will accom- the Jewish community, and express our great experience for the preschoolers to Community accepts letters to the editor plish all the goals we share … that Iran support and thanks to them when we be exposed to Israel, Israelis and art. It for publication. All letters must be of interest to will not be in a position to weaponize feel they are acting in our community’s was also great for Ada to meet with our the Jewish community or in response to their nuclear program. best interests. children. an item published in the paper. They must be He further expressed his dismay that no longer than 300 words in length and signed. Israel advocacy is not just about tra- relations between Israel and the U.S. Israeli Artist in Louisville ditional lobbying efforts (as when we Name, address and daytime phone number must have become a bit strained and politi- This past month, we were honored to be included for verification purposes only. meet with our elected leaders), political cized in light of Netanyahu’s visit to Con- host Ada Flor, an artist from Kibbutz discourses and persuasion or op-eds Community reserves the right to refuse to gress, and he is confident that relations Ein HaMifratz in our Partnership2Geth- publish any letter, to edit for brevity while in newspapers. It is also about peo- between our two countries are, and will er region of Israel, the Western Galilee. ple-to-people contact, not colored by preserving the meaning, and to limit the number This kibbutz is very special because of of letters published in any edition. be, strong. politics, exposing as many average Lou- Rep. Yarmuth also expressed his re- its unique industry – the production of Mail your comments to: Community, isvillians to average Israelis as possible, gret for a statement he made regarding cardboard. to learn about our many differences and Letters to the Editor, 3600 Dutchmans Lane, any undue influence AIPAC may have As an artist, one of Ada’s specialties Louisville, KY 40205-3216.
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