Overwatch Bingo myfreebingocards.com Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. Your bingo cards start on Page 4 of this PDF. If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully. If you need to make any changes go to mfbc.us/e/vs3ff Play Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next two pages you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been called. Your bingo cards start on Page 4. Virtual Bingo Please do not try to split this PDF into individual bingo cards to send out to players. We have tools on our site to send out links to individual bingo cards. For help go to myfreebingocards.com/virtual-bingo. Help If you're having trouble printing your bingo cards or using the bingo card generator then please go to https://myfreebingocards.com/faq where you will find solutions to most common problems. Share Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link: mfbc.us/s/vs3ff Edit and Create To add more words or make changes to this set of bingo cards go to mfbc.us/e/vs3ff Go to myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator to create a new set of bingo cards. Legal The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at myfreebingocards.com/terms. Have Fun! If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on [email protected]. Bingo Caller's Card Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called. NOTE - Your caller's card continues onto the next page of this PDF. Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out. When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game. Mei No One Zarya Reinhardt Ana Zarya Ult Panic Blocking Charging to Shooting Bastion Her Own Ulted in Alone Missed Counter Team Pharah Alone To Die Her Ult Zarya Ult Zenyatta Standing in Symmetra "Heal Me" 1 Dead, Reinhardt Reinhardt Ults to Front of Doesn't Lucio is Charged Defending Save Reinhardt's Shield the the Only Asking Off the Himself Shield Team Healer for Rez Edge Nothing Mass Torbjorn Ults Mcree Roadhog Panic Ulting Died to Hooks, then with No without Their Own Panic Winston Level 2 Ults 1 Ults Doesn't Fire Enemies Turret Person Explosion Pharah Dying Torbjorn Falling D.Va Blindfire because Reaper Ulting 1 Someone Only off the Panic Inch Off Hanzo Teleports Else Shot into Death Armors Edge Ulting the Ground Ult Genji Himself Stacking Reaper Ana Ulting Teleporter Ults that Do Ignoring Walks Inside Sleeps a Foot Went the Same Mei The Team Then with No From Widowmaker Thing Unopposed Wakes Health Spawn Blaming "Heal Me": Joining Voice The Worst Attack Spamming Being Healed Chat Just To Player is Orders the / Fully Say Everyone the one Memes Turret Healer Healed Else Sucks Blaming Their "The Problem Name is Unintelligible Stereotypical Unnecessary is We Need to What they Yelling "Hacking" Voice Rage Communicate Stoner Play More" Bingo Caller's Card - Continued Way Why is Every Racial Sentence? Teabagging Too "Cancer" Their Is a Slur Into It Mic On Question? Bingo Card ID 001 Bingo Card ID 002 Overwatch Overwatch Mass Why is "Heal Me" Ulting Mcree Why is Way Ulting The Worst Racial Lucio is Player is Panic Their the Only with No Ults 1 Their Too with No the one Ults Mic On Slur Healer Enemies Person Mic On Into It Health Blaming Reinhardt Pharah Dying Died to 1 Dead, because Reinhardt Mass Charging Unnecessary Went Ulting 1 Ignoring Their Own Asking Rage Widowmaker Someone Defending Panic Explosion in Alone Inch Off Mei Else Shot Nothing To Die for Rez the Ground Genji Ults Falling Teleporter Reaper Blindfire Their Torbjorn Blindfire Zarya a Foot Name is Only Attack off the Teleports Hanzo Hanzo Stoner Ulted From into Death What they Armors Edge Spawn Ult Play Himself Turret Ult Alone Mcree Reinhardt Every Symmetra Symmetra Stacking Ulting Zenyatta Reaper Ignoring Charged Sentence? Doesn't Doesn't Ults that Do Ults to Ults 1 the Same with No Teleports Mei Off the Is a Shield the Shield the Save into Death Person Edge Question? Team Team Thing Enemies Himself Mei "The Problem Zarya Ult Ana Mei 1 Dead, Blocking is We Need to to Blocking Went Spamming Her Own Communicate "Hacking" Stoner Counter Missed Her Own Widowmaker Orders Asking Team More" Zarya Ult Her Ult Team for Rez Bingo Card ID 003 Bingo Card ID 004 Overwatch Overwatch Zenyatta Every Joining Zenyatta Symmetra Reaper Mcree Voice Chat Torbjorn No One Ults to Sentence? Walks Inside Ults to Ults without Stereotypical Doesn't Ults 1 Just To Say Voice Shooting Save Is a The Team Everyone Save Level 2 Shield the Himself Question? Unopposed Person Else Sucks Himself Turret Pharah Team Reinhardt Reinhardt Mei Dying Zarya Ult Torbjorn Reaper Roadhog Reaper Died to Ults without Charging Charged Walks Inside Blocking because to Counter Level 2 Teleports Hooks, then The Team Their Own Someone Zarya Ult in Alone Off the into Death Doesn't Fire Explosion Her Own Else Shot Turret To Die Edge Unopposed Team Genji Pharah Blaming Ulting D.Va Ulting "The Problem Every Stereotypical Reaper Ulting 1 the with No with No Teleports is We Need to Sentence? Voice Panic Communicate Is a "Hacking" Inch Off Healer Enemies Health into Death More" the Ulting Question? Ground Pharah Why is Falling Teleporter Reinhardt Spamming Racial Unintelligible Ulting 1 a Foot Spamming Orders Yelling Inch Off Memes Their off the Defending Slur From Nothing Orders the Ground Mic On Edge Spawn Symmetra Dying 1 Dead, because Ana Zarya Stacking Doesn't Panic Panic Unnecessary Ults that Do Panic Asking Shield the Someone Missed Ulted Else Shot Winston Bastion Rage the Same Winston for Rez Team Genji Her Ult Alone Thing Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006 Overwatch Overwatch Died to "The Problem No One Torbjorn Standing in "Heal Me" Zarya Ult Died to is We Need to Ults without Front of Lucio is Unintelligible Their Own Communicate Shooting "Cancer" Level 2 Reinhardt's to Counter Yelling Their Own Explosion the Only Zarya Ult Explosion More" Pharah Turret Shield Healer Stacking Reaper Ana Reinhardt Reaper Reinhardt Mass Reinhardt "Heal Me": Ults that Do Charged Went Walks Inside Charging Being the Same Teleports Missed Widowmaker The Team Defending Panic Healed / into Death Off the Nothing in Alone Thing Her Ult Edge Unopposed Ults To Die Fully Healed Standing in Symmetra 1 Dead, Reinhardt Front of Doesn't Attack Unnecessary Panic Ignoring Charged Unnecessary Stoner Reinhardt's Shield the Rage Asking Winston Mei Off the Rage Shield Team Turret for Rez Edge Mcree Why is Ana Dying Mcree Ignoring Ulting because Ults 1 Memes "Hacking" with No Their Missed Teabagging Someone Ults 1 Mei Else Shot Person Enemies Mic On Her Ult Genji Person Why is Ulting "Heal Me" Roadhog Every Torbjorn Symmetra with No Lucio is Panic Hooks, Sentence? Only Doesn't Their the Only Winston then Is a Stoner "Cancer" Armors Shield the Mic On Health Healer Doesn't Fire Question? Himself Team Bingo Card ID 007 Bingo Card ID 008 Overwatch Overwatch "Heal Me": Mei Falling Teleporter Mass Reinhardt Ulting Being Panic Went Blocking a Foot Panic Charging off the Panic with No Healed / Bastion Widowmaker Her Own From Bastion in Alone Fully Healed Team Edge Spawn Ults To Die Enemies Teleporter Their Reaper Reinhardt Blindfire The Worst Zarya Ult Panic a Foot Name is Walks Inside Charged Attack Player is Spamming The Team Hanzo to Counter Winston From What they Off the the one Zarya Ult Orders Spawn Play Unopposed Edge Turret Ult Blaming Zenyatta Torbjorn Standing in Roadhog Mcree "Heal Me": Front of Ults to Ignoring Stereotypical Only Being Hooks, then Ults 1 "Cancer" Voice Healed / Reinhardt's Doesn't Fire Save Mei Stoner Armors Shield Himself Person Himself Fully Healed Ana Reinhardt Torbjorn Torbjorn Ulting Way Spamming Sleeps Charging Racial Ults without Ults without Went Orders Then in Alone Level 2 Level 2 with No Too Widowmaker "Hacking" Wakes To Die Slur Turret Turret Health Into It Joining Every Symmetra 1 Dead, D.Va Voice Chat No One Reinhardt Reaper Stereotypical Sentence? Doesn't Unnecessary Voice Asking Panic Just To Say Shooting Defending Teleports Rage Everyone Is a Shield the Nothing into Death for Rez Ulting Else Sucks Question? Pharah Team Bingo Card ID 009 Bingo Card ID 010 Overwatch Overwatch Zenyatta Zarya Ult Reinhardt No One Zarya Falling Mei Stacking Ults to Unintelligible Attack Blocking Ults that Do to Counter Yelling Defending Shooting Ulted off the the Same Save Zarya Ult Nothing Her Own Himself Turret Pharah Alone Edge Team Thing Stacking Pharah Standing in "Heal Me" Pharah Blaming Reaper "Heal Me": Ulting 1 Ults that Do Ulting 1 Unnecessary Front of the Lucio is Walks Inside Being Went the Same Inch Off Rage Reinhardt's the Only The Team Healed / Widowmaker Inch Off Thing the Ground Shield Healer Unopposed Fully Healed the Healer Ground Reinhardt Dying Mei Ana Charging because Blocking Ana Someone Teabagging "Hacking" Ignoring Spamming Sleeps in Alone Else Shot Her Own Mei Orders Then Stoner Missed To Die Genji Team Wakes Her Ult Symmetra Reaper D.Va "The Problem 1 Dead, Ulting Reaper Teleporter Teleports is We Need to Doesn't a Foot Racial Panic Communicate Asking Shield the "Hacking"
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