SOUTH BULLETIN Published by the South Centre ● www.southcentre.org ● 13 May 2013, Issue 72 China’s President Xi Pledges Support for South Centre The Chairperson of the Board of the South Centre, former President of Tanza- nia H.E. Benjamin Mkapa, met with the new President of China H.E. Xi Jinping, when he visited Tanzania. President Xi pledged to continue to support the South Centre to promote South-South cooperation. XinhuaNews ·Pages 2-3 South Centre Conference: The Board and Council of The South in the Global the South Centre Hold Economic Meetings in Geneva Crisis Pages 3-5, 15-18 Pages 6-14 Investment Agreements: The First BRICS towards a A New Threat to the TRIPS South Bank? Flexibilities? • Pages 23-25 Pages 19-20 BRICS Bank: Doing LDCs Request to Extend WTO Development Differently? -TRIPS Transition Period Pages 20-21 Pages 27-28 South Centre Chairperson Holds Meeting with President of China Xinhua News Agency Report of the Meeting between Chinese Presi- dent and South Centre Chairperson AR ES SALAAM, March 25 D (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday met separately with Ali Mohamed Shein, leader of Tanzania's Zanzibar, and former Tan- zanian President Benjamin William Mkapa. In a meeting with Mkapa, Presi- dent Xi praised the former Tanzanian president as an old friend of China, as Xinhua well as an advocate and a witness of the China-Africa and China-Tanzania South Centre Chairman Benjamin Mkapa greets China’s President Xi JinPing in Dar Es Salaam. friendship. he Chairperson of the Board ment that China has achieved, Thanks to the joint efforts by gen- T of the South Centre, former which has fortified his determina- President of Tanzania H.E. Ben- tion to explore a development path erations of leaders from both coun- jamin Mkapa, has met with the that fits the basic situation of his tries, the China-Tanzania all-weather new President of China H.E. Xi country. friendship has enjoyed constant devel- Jinping, when he visited Tanza- opment, said Xi. “He also hailed President Xi's nia. The meeting took place on The Chinese President believed 25 March in Dar Es Salaam. visit to Tanzania as a new mile- stone in bilateral ties, which will that with concerted efforts from both President Mkapa briefed Pres- vigorously enhance bilateral coop- sides, the bilateral comprehensive ident Xi on the work of the South eration. cooperative partnership based on mu- Centre and asked for China’s tual benefit and win-win results participation and support for ex- “Mkapa promised that he would would undoubtedly move forward. continue to contribute to the devel- panding South-South cooperation Mkapa, who served as president of with the South Centre. opment of Tanzania-China rela- tions and that the South Center Tanzania from 1995 to 2005, is cur- According to a report from Chi- would like to strengthen its coop- rently chairman of the South Center, na’s Xinhua news agency: eration with China.” an intergovernmental organization of developing countries with its head- “Xi spoke highly of Mkapa's The South Centre believes that quarters in Geneva. efforts as the South Center chair- this meeting will greatly contribute man in promoting South-South to the further cooperation between Xi spoke highly of Mkapa's ef- cooperation and increasing repre- the South Centre and China. forts as the South Center chairman in sentation of the developing coun- promoting South-South cooperation tries, adding that China is willing The meeting of President Xi and increasing representation of the to continue to provide help within and Chairman Mkapa was also developing countries, adding that its capability to the South Center. highlighted on prime time TV in China is willing to continue to pro- China (in the TV station CCTV) in vide help within its capability to the “Mkapa said he has visited the 7pm news of that day. South Center. China many times, and could, on each visit, witness the develop- Page 2 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 72, 13 May 2013 Mkapa said he has visited China many times, and could, on each visit, witness the development China has achieved, which has fortified his deter- mination to explore a development path that fits the basic situation of his country. He also hailed President Xi's visit to Tanzania as a new milestone in bilat- eral ties, which will vigorously enhance bilateral cooperation. Mkapa promised that he would continue to contribute to the develop- ment of Tanzania-China relations and CCTV that the South Center would like to strengthen its cooperation with China. The South Centre Chairperson (left) and the President of China holding talks during the President’s visit to Tanzania in March 2013. The Board and Council of the South Centre Hold Meetings in Geneva The end of January and the beginning of February 2013 saw the South Centre organising a series of events centred around the 30th meeting of its Board and the XIVth meeting of its Council of Representatives, and included a reception for the Member States and a holding of a South Con- ference on the global economic crisis and review of multilateral negotiations. Board meeting and reception the Commonwealth of Nations and a ples' International Centre for Policy former Ambassador of Jamaica to the Research and Education). Under the chairmanship of South Cen- UN and WTO in Geneva, and Ms. Vic- tre Board Chairman Benjamin William A reception was hosted by the toria Tauli-Corpuz of the Philippines, Mkapa, former President of the United South Centre at its office on 29 January. Founder and Executive Director of the Republic of Tanzania, the Board of the It was attended by the Board members, Tebtebba Foundation (Indigenous Peo- South Centre held its 30th meeting on many ambassadors and senior officials 29 and 30 January 2013 in Geneva. The Board is the governance body of the South Centre that is tasked to review and approve the work programme and the annual budget of the South Centre, and report on these to the Council of Representatives of the member States of the South Centre which serves as the highest policymaking body of the or- ganisation. At its 30th meeting, the Board re- viewed the Centre’s activities that were undertaken in 2012 and approved the work plan for 2013. The Board also re- viewed the Centre’s financial status and approved its budget for 2013. The Board also agreed to nominate two new Board members. They are Mr. Ransford Smith who was the Deputy South African Ambassador and South Centre Convenor H.E. Mr. Abdul Minty (centre, with micro- Secretary-General of phone) speaking at the reception. Page 3 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 72, 13 May 2013 from the permanent missions of the member States of the South Centre and other developing countries, and of in- ternational organisations and NGOs based in Geneva. At the reception, Chairman Mkapa stressed the crucial importance to the South Centre of the continuing support being provided by its member States and other develop- ing countries in enabling the South Centre to carry out its mandate to strengthen South-South solidarity and unity in today’s global context. Chair- man Mkapa expressed his appreciation for the work of the Board and of the Secretariat. Many ambassadors also made speeches appreciating the South Centre’s work and reaffirmed to con- South Centre Executive Director Mr. Martin Khor (left, standing, with microphone) with Board Chair- tinue providing support to the Centre. person H.E. Mr. Benjamin W. Mkapa (right. sitting) at the South Centre reception. Iranian Ambassador H.E. Mr. Seyed Mohammad Reza Ecuadorian Ambassador to the WTO H.E. Mr. Miguel Carbo Sajjadi (with microphone) speaking at the reception. Benites (with microphone) speaking at the reception. Ecuador Indonesian Ambassador H.E. Mr. Triyono Wibowo Iran is the current Chair of the Non Aligned Movement . is the current Chair of the G77 and China, Geneva Chapter . (with microphone) speaking at the reception. Chinese Ambassador to the WTO H.E. Mr. Yi Xiaozhun (with microphone) speaking at the re- Board Vice-Chairperson Prof. Deepak Nayyar (with microphone) speaking at the reception. ception. Page 4 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 72, 13 May 2013 Meeting of the Council of Rep- resentatives The 14th meeting of the Council of Rep- resentatives of the member States of the South Centre took place on the after- noon of 31 January 2013 at the Palais des Nations, and was attended by the ambassadors and senior officials of the member States. It was chaired by the Convenor of the Council, Ambassador Abdul Minty of South Africa. The Council elected Mr. Dilip Sinha, Ambassador of India to the UN in Ge- neva, to serve as the Vice-Convenor of th the Council for a three-year term. The 14 meeting of the Council of Representatives of the member States of the South Centre was held on the afternoon of 31 January 2013 at the Palais des Nations. The Council then heard the report of Mr. Martin Khor, Executive Director sentatives for their quality, usefulness, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, China, Cuba, of the South Centre Secretariat, on the and ability to provide developing Barbados and Ghana. country perspectives on global issues. Centre’s activities and financial situa- The Chairman of the Board then The member States also appreciated tion. The Convenor and the Chairman put forward for the consideration of that the Centre’s financial situation of the Board encouraged all member the Council of Representatives the had improved, with an increased oper- States to ensure their continued finan- Board’s nomination of Ms. Victoria ational surplus in 2012 following on cial support to the Centre as the best Tauli-Corpuz and Mr.
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