South Carolina Libraries Volume 0 Issue 61 South Carolina Librarian v.11 n.2 03/ Article 1 1967 3-1967 South Carolina Librarian v.11 n.2 03/1967 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/scl_journal Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation (1967) "South Carolina Librarian v.11 n.2 03/1967," South Carolina Libraries: Vol. 0 : Iss. 61 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/scl_journal/vol0/iss61/1 This Complete Issue is brought to you by Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in South Carolina Libraries by an authorized editor of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. South Carolina Librarian v.11 n.2 03/1967 Abstract South Carolina Librarian v.11 n.2 03/1967 Keywords South Carolina Library Association This complete issue is available in South Carolina Libraries: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/scl_journal/vol0/iss61/1 Vol. II, To. 2 NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK, April 16-22 , 1967: Mrs. M. H. MIMS, Edgefield South Carolina, Executive Director; Miss CAROL YNA HARPER, Columbia, Assistant; Mr. JOHN K. CAUTHEN, Columbia, Chairman , NLW S. C. State Committee, 1967 (See page 4). Official U. S. Navy Photograph NATIONAL Ll BRARY WEEK TOUR, April 21, 1966, Charleston, S. C. Front row, left to right: Mrs. Martha Brown, sst. Librarian, t. Andrew Parish High School; Miss Caro­ lina Triest (with scarf) Librarian Charle ton High School; Mrs. Bertha ain, Librarian, Moultrie High School; Melissa Peigler, Moultrie High chool; and Evelyn Condon, Bishop England High School. (See page 5 ). OCEAN FOREST HOTEL-MOTEL, MYRTLE BEACH, S. C., where SCLA's Forty-Fifth Meeting (Is+ Biennial) will be held October 5-7 , 1967. SOUTH CAROLI Vol. II, o. 2 EDITORIAL This issue is a new experience for us - the first time since March, 1959, when "we" began, there are Editor Herbert Hucks, Jr. no Annual Meeting Minutes, Reports, Addresses, Wofford Co ll ege Library peeches, pictures, etc., to help "round out" this March EDITORIAL BOARD issue, because of our first biennial session. everal Miss J ose ph ine C rouch (ex offiico) Aiken-Bamberg- friends have "chipped in" with articles, book reviews, Barnwell -Edg efiel d Re gion al Library Miss Rache l Martin Furm an Un iversity Library and news items, including the News for Public Li­ Mrs. Miria n P . Steadman Arc udia -Saxon Elementary Schools braries of the South Carolina State Library Board Mrs. Verona M. Thomas Spartanburg County Library (from which we really get lots of "news") - all of SECTIO N REPORTERS which have been received gratefully, and are passed Coll ege: Miss Desmo nd Kos ter Med ical College of on to our readers. So uth C aro li na Public : Miss Marg ie E. Herron South Carolina Mi sing in the October, 1966 and this issue is State Library Board Mitchell Reames' South Caroliniana bibliography. We School: Miss Mary L. Hetheri ngton Chicora High School, understand Mitchell, the added duties in your new Charleston Hei ghts Special : Mrs . Sarah T. Kirven ... Fort Jaclcson position as Associate Director for Reader Services in Library Trus tee: Miss J ean A. Galloway . Greenvill e County Library the McKissisk Library at the University of South Bus iness Manager: C . Merle Bachtel l Carolina. We hope that before the October, 1967 Greensboro, N. C . issue you will have caught you r breath and we'll have Pub li sher: Joseph Ruzicka a triple treat for that issue! Greensboro, N. C . We watch with interest the plans and progress Officia l Publi cation of the So uth Carolina Library Association made in CLA: the First Biennial and Forty-Fifth Meeting. Miss Josephine Crouch President, and Mrs. Published in March and October H. Scott. Jr., President-Elect and Program Chair­ Mem bersh ip of $2 .00 per Yea r man, ection hairmen, and their helpers are hard Includes Su bsc ription to at work, night and day, with plans for the October THE SO UT H CAROLINA LIBRARIAN 5-7 gathering in the Ocean Forest H otel-Motel at (Note: Signed articles reflect th e writers' opinions, and not i\fyrtle Beach. Good luck! those of the South Caroli na Library A ssociation). Mrs. M. II. Mims, Edgefield, NLW Executive Director, 1967 for South arolina; her A istant, Miss Carolyna ll:trper, Columbia; and Mr. John K. Cauth­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT en, ulumbia, Chairman 1L W tate ommittee for J 967, are all working hard for the finest TL W in "1 othing in the world ca n r esist the c umulative ardor its ten-year hi tory. \ Ve thank them and their col­ of a u[ficiently la rge number of enlightened minds work­ leagues over the state for their efforts! ing together in organized g rou ps ." Through the combined To JO EPH RUZI K , Inc., we extend sympathy efforts and energies of a s ubsta ntial proportion of our mem­ in the loss of its senior member, Mr. Joseph Ruzicka. be rs significant progres mh as been ade in the reorgamza­ i\nd thanks again to JO EPH RUZI KA, Inc .. tion of the o uth Carolina Libra ry Association in the past and to the patient lr. Merle Bachtell, for publishing yea r - the fi rst year of the biennium. the South Carolina Librarian - Mr. Bachtell has the headaches connected with address plates, ZfP CODES, D uring 1967 the Association w ill continue its efforts etc. And again to our friends at Simpson-\Voodell, and programs, endeavoring to f ulfill its f unction a s a pro­ Printers Royal to the outh Carolina Librarian, we fessio nal organization vi tall y interes ted in promotin say "Thank You" for your help! g li­ brarie and library service in outh Carolina a nd in in iti at­ ing new and d iversified activities. ot any p rogram i a ll new every year. Many p rogram must co ntinue for several years to obtai n their objectives and to achieve their pur­ Gale Research o., Book Tower, Detroit, Mich., poses. 4 226, will gi'e single copies, gratis, to Librarians and others on request ClliLDRE BA TD OK : One of the most anticipated events fo r t his yea r will be the 1967 GALE LITERARY DATEBOOK. Addi­ the First Biennia l Conve ntion (forty-fift h meeting) of the tional copies are available at 25 cent each, or six outh Ca rolina Library ss iciation t o be held October 5 for $1.00, postpaid. It's nice! 6, 7, 1967, in Myrtle Beach, South arolina at t he Ocean Forest Hotel. Plans fo r an exciting a nd outstanding m eeting 2 Vol. II, I o. 2 are being formulated. Chairmen of the Convention Com­ PROPOSED PROGRAM mittees are: SOUTH CAROLINA LIBRARY ASSOC. Program. Mrs. H. colt Jr. Vice-Preside11t - President-Elect FIRST BIENNIAL CONVENTION Local Arangements .. Mr . Catherine H. Lewi FORTY-FIFTH MEETING Exhibits . I iss Desmond Koster OCTOBER 5, 6, 7, 1967 The officers and conu11ittees of the CLA are listed in THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 the October, 1966 and the March, 1967 SOUTH CARO­ 9:00A.M. Registration Begins LINA LlBRARIAN. Four additional pecial Committees 11:00 A.M.-12 :30 P.M. Executive Committee Meeting have been appointed - a Standing Rules Committee, a (old and new) Handbook Revision Committee, a Convention Financial 1:00 P.M. Convention Exhibits Open dvisory Committee, and a Scholarship Review Committee. 1:00-2:00 P.M. Luncheon Meetings The various committees of the SCLA are performing 2:00-3:30 P.M. Trustee Section Meeting their important and useful work in a most admirable man­ 4:00-5:30 P.M. Public Library Meeting ner. Several of the committees have been hard at work 6:00-8:00 P. f. lJospitality Hour since last year, others will start 'hard work" immediately. Executive Committee Dinner for To expedite the task of reorganization, a large number of Visiting Speakers committee members have been drawn from the ranks of the 8:00P.M. General Session Executive Committee. The reason is necessity - each mem­ FRiDAY, OCTOBER 6 ber must be completely familiar with and have accurate 9:00-10:30 A .M. Committee Meetings knowledge and facts pertaining to the numerous changes 10:30 A.M.-12:00 Toon School Library Section Meeting and revisions that are continuously being reviewed and Special Library Section Meeting recommended during each Executive Committee meeting. 12:30-2:30 P.M. Luncheon Meeting As a comment, these meetings have been long and the pace (all conference participants) of work fast and hard - often almost frenetic. 2:30-4:30 P.M. Biennial Business Meeting It has been observed that effective organization ac­ 4:30-5:30 P.M. Recreation complishes work and as ure success through the accumula­ Visit Exhibits tion of expertness and the coordination of purposes. The in­ :00 P.M. Banquet dividual can accomplish little until his insights are joined SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 with others who share the same quest. Thus the South 9:00-10:00 A.M. Planning Committee Meeting Carolina Library Association is demonstrating that THE­ 10:00 A. f.-12:00 Toon General Session ORY can become F CT. 12:00 Toon onvention Adjourns Josephine Crouch, President South Carolina Library Association March, 1967 A. L. A. COUNCILOR'S REPORT By MARGUERITE G. THOMPSO SLB TO TEST ALA president Mary Gaver announced at Midwinter MAGNIFAX TELECOPIER Board meeting in New Orleans in January the appoint­ ment of a committee to begin planning for the Associa­ oon aher the fi rst of the year a Zerox Magnifax tion's 100th anniversary in 1976.
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