r T- I I I B TILE WASHINGTON TiMLCS TUESDAY MAY 12 1903 SENATORS IN t IO DD o MEXICANS Jn B Asr ALL HARD LUCK Q 00 FINE WIN Doe MORTON C STOUT l4 CO GOLF TURF YAGHTIJVG 1 Makers of Garments That fi + 1sT Dressy LOUIS WHITEWASHES M VvlN RUSSIAN TAKES LEAD WASHINGTON FANS IN STANDING OF TEAMS- XICANS fiNE Styles IN BOTH LEAGUES in English FREDPOSTALS PETS AT f SLOUGH OP UIIRI8 PARK Jill CHESS TOURNAMENT I I DESPOND AMERICAN Worsted Won Lost Pet I Chicago 11 c 647 Hope Home Club Fin ¬ TOWNSEND Up Philadelphia All of JACK Senators However Put Good 12 7 632 Stamps Him as a Formidable Can¬ International KingsGambit Match I Now York 8 I Ball- 9 529 TROUSERS ishing Better Than Last Game of Boston 9 r 500 didate for the Withers Oil at Vienna St Louis 7 7 soo About Abandoned Gather Detroit 7 10 412 St 2 Washington 0 Cleveland 6 S 382 Louis NEW YORK May 12The last race VIENNA May 12 The chess masters Made clbout The Times Boara to connect I to The Senators were unable WASHINGTON 5 11 313 at Morris Park yesterday which was engaged in the International Kings yesterday for safely with Sudhofs benders run over the Withers mile although- gambit tournament under the auspices Your Order- Nels consequence were decorated with I and in NATIONAL a handicap proved In reality a public of the local club played the seventh a coat of at Very calcimine trial for two of the prominent candi ¬ round of the contest yesterday Pills The game was a pitchers battle tin Won Lost Pet New York 14 4 778 dates for the Withers Stakes of Sat ¬ bury and Marco drew as did Maroczy Special Prices Townsend Pitches Fine Game St Louisan having a shade the helter Chicago urday 14 8 636 I next Mexican and River Pirate and Mieses Swlderski had beaten of who pitched his best game Nobby stripes Townsend Pittabur 11 9 609 Mexicans form had been the better as a Schlectcr Gunsberg went down before cheeks and and Is Well Supported But of the season The contest was devoid- Brooklyn 10 10 500 twoyearold mixtures in proper weights Boston ooo until he was retired early Teichman and Marshall lost to Tschi for of errors and the play fast and snappy 9 9 from the summer wear and at 111 Luck Cincinnati J 9 11 450 battle ground whereas River orln very much Still Pursues the Washington but four binglcs secured St Louis i 6 16 273 Pirate had only commenced to show his The Russian took the lead In the less than their actual value off thus Team Gossip Sudhoff while the Cardinals copped Philadelphia j 5 15 250 firstclass form toward of of Old I the close the tournament I Choice only five delivery hits off Townsends season when there was no chance for The record up to date fIll Timers This youngster struck his gait late in the two to come together S6SO Values RESULTS OFf GAMES Won Lost Today for a the season last year and threatened to The J 5 start was good and down the Tschigorin 5 1 00 outpitch them all even Cy Young Jack PLAYED YESTERDAY backstretch and around the bend the Marshall 5 2 Choice of When a man out every- ¬ 2 750 and is down and got his start yesterday It is to be H race was a hot one between the two Mimics 4 ½ Values body and everything seemingly goes Pillsbury 4 2 ½ KI hoped he will keep going since a few rivals solely with ¬ Today for AMERICAN- Mexican always main- 3 I 6 4 50 against him It is the same thing with- more games Teichman on the left side of the taining a slight advantage They ran 3 4 fit a losing ball club St Louis 2 Washington 0 Marco Cut to and hang perfectly club standing table are badly needed Philadelphia 4 2 thus until making Into the Maroczy 3 3 ¬ Yesterday Townsend pitched a game Chicago thebend Better make your selection to The fielding of the Senators yesterday Clevela d 6 Boston 5 straight when at the quarter pole both Swiderski S 4 day at St Louis which would have won nine ¬ was superb New 8 2 Knight Schlechter 1 5 They dug hard hit balls York Detroit of Harlem and Zoroaster Joined- ¼ tynine times out of a hundred He had out of the dust and whistled them across in the fray Gunsberg 6 ½ perfect With Knight of Harlem MORTON C AND CO control mixed them up slow to first in dead earnest Martin is NAT ONAL the effort was an expiring gasp but STOUT and fast wide and narrow and kept the plugging up the hole at second in great New York 9 Br oklyn 1 with Zoroaster the case was far differ- ¬ YOUNG CDRBETT AND Tailors Cor 12th and F Sis hits down to a minimum The team shape 3 1 I Pittsburg ent he not only forged his way past W C JONES Manaasr back clay- ¬ of him though crippled and The score River Pirate but at the furlong pole ing out of position gave H BEN TO him giltedged ST LOUIS AB U IB PO A E GAMES SCHEDULED- actually headed the erstwhile leader JORDAN FIGHT h support and yet he Burket If 4 0 1 1 0 0 lost Mexican It was a nip and tuck strug- ¬ Hard luck the very hardest kind of Hcidrick cf 4 1 0 1 0 0 TO BE Hemphill rJLAYED TODAY gle between the three of them as they San Francisco Club to Have Champion ¬ luck It is not In Townsend to pitch if 4 0 0 3 0 0 Anderson Ib 4 0 1 14 0 0 raced head and head down the stretch many such games In a season and the ship Bout in November Wallace ss 3 0 0 1 2 0 AMERICAN and only those who sat abreast of them I EVI iiEWMYiE Solons will need every winning game McCormick 2b 2 1 2 1 3 0 N Y R- Washington at S Louis could tell for the time being which was L 425 9th St they can possibly to help drag Friel 2b 2 0 0 0 1 0 NEW YORK May 12 Ben Jordan the corrall Philadelphia at Chicago In the lead Jockeyship eventually told them out of slough despair and Kahoe c 3 0 1 G 0 0 English featherweight champion and the of New ork at Detroit the tale and It was due to place them once more in good standing Sudhoff p 3 0 0 0 5 0 Burns tine Young Corbett champion of the S loston at Cleveland handling that Mexican eventually ¬ SERG with the supporting fans at home finish United States will likely be snatched I All the Natty Blues and Totals 29 2 5 27 14 0 ed with his head In front of Zoroaster Some one once said Washington is the NATIONAL to fight twenty rounds before the San Tailored WASHINGTON An R lB PO A E whereas River Pirate had to succumb- Backs best ball town In the five leagues In Francisco Athletic Club next Novem- ¬ Robinson ss 4 0 1 2 3 0 Pittsburg at Phi delphi by a like narrow margin to the old war- Properly m many respects is When is consid ¬ Selbach 4 0 ber Corbett who is now in Victor Col Jt it rf 1 2 0 0 Cincinnati it New York horse It was a glorious and Some at SI8OO have never Delehanty If 4 0 0 0 0 II Chicago trial and who next yester ¬ ered that the local rooters at Brooklyn Mexican In consequence many is due here week had anything but a losing team to pull Ryan cf 3 0 1 3 0 0 St Louis at Boston has made day accepted the offer of the club which Carey Ib- 3 0 12 friends for Saturdays race for year after year It is surprising in 0 0 0 I calls for 124 pounds at 3 oclock in the Coughlin 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 W C Whitneys colors were to the extreme to find even a corporals the afternoon on the day of the contest Martin 2b 3 0 1 2 4 0 fore in the second race with the two guard the ball park when the Sena ¬ Drill c 3 0 0 S 0 0 William A Pierce of Boston is Ben at yearold Leonidas by HamburgBoise- tors play at home Townsend p 3 0 0 0 2 C HARVARD EI TWILL Jordans representative in this country which Is one of his principal rep ¬ The man who appreciates Its gate receipts compare favorably stake and he will meet Corbett on his arrival SO 0 4 24 1Q 0 resentatives and again in the l a good honest drink always with the best and with a team that nor began swinging his arm for Cleve- ¬ Totals third race In this city and be ready to bind tho I for maidens with Reliable years phones West 12 to the could even put up a bluff at playing land in 1S90 St Louis 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x 2 GO TO 8ENLEY IN 1904 three match Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 old by Watercress Arnette Both won winning ball thje fans would turn out ls well kncwn in country very handily and Leonidas especially Jordan this en masse and standing room would bo- Daly One of the Vets Earned runsSt Louis 2 Twobase Union Boat Club to Send Over Octet aaj a good man despite the fact that Arlin27ton hits Anderson and McCormick ¬ promises to make a very useful colt a premium at American League Sacri Efrdle Santry ¬ at park Tom Daly is the veteran of the Chi fice Double play Anderson of Veteran Oarsmen his four and a furlongs knocked him out In six Many of the most ardent supporters- hitFriel half being run teen rounds He is pounds man cago White Sox and has been in the unassisted First base on balls Off in 53 seconds the best Brewing ¬ Co 1 of the national game are about disgust- game since 1SS7 and Is still a good ball- Townsend Struck outBy Sudhoff5- 12 in his clas In England If the match is by 2 BOSTON May Several veteran Backers had a field day with five ed now however Each afternoon they player Jack McCarthy of the Cleve Townsend Left on basesSt winning made Young Corbett will probably I Louis 5 Washington 5 Umpire Mr Harvard oarsmen ate identified with the favorites and the sixth the Rosslyn Va I pace past The Times bulletin board cast lands has been in the game for Just second Mexican Three out of not fight any of his American rivals Sheridan Time of game 1 hour and 15 fast eightoared crpw which the Union unapproach- ¬ furtive glaces at the score and pass about ten years the five were at odds on for the next twelve months Theres a certain minutes Boat Club of thIs city is to able flavor about our products on Their loyalty brings them back has no antiques at all New planning I Detroit send
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