NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English 000 GENERALITIES 1 India. Ministry of Culture The Indian National Bibliography: January 2012 to December 2012 / Ministry of Culture, India.-- Kolkata: Central Reference Library, 2012. v.p.; 28cm. Separately bound from January 2012 to December 2012. R 015.54 IND C72885-C72896(Ref.) 2 Murti D.V.R. Gandhi and journalism / D.V.R. Murthy and Y.D. Ramdas.-- New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 2013. vii, 142p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 130-138. ISBN : 978-81-8457-424-1. 070.4G MUR-g B204258 Price : RS.***450.00 3 Abdul Kalam, A.P.J. Squaring the circle: seven steps to Indian renaissance / A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.-- Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2013 x, 277p.: plates: figs.; 24cm. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in dialogue with Arun Tiwari. ISBN : 978-81-7371-891-5. 080 ABD-s B204180 Price : RS.***295.00 4 Gandhi, Gopalkrishna, ed. My dear Bapu...: letters from C. Rajagopalachari to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Devadas Gandhi and Gopalkrishna Gandhi / edited by Gopalkrishna Gandhi.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2012. 343p.: plates; 23cm. ISBN : 978-0-670-08501-9. 080G GAN-g C71183 Price : RS.***599.00 5 Gupta, K.K. ed. Rare support materials for manuscripts and their conservation / edited by K.K. Gupta.-- New Delhi: National Mission for Manuscripts, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 2010. xv, 104p.: plates: tables; 23cm. (Samraksika series; no. 2). Co-published by DevBooks;includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81-904029-2-7. 091.0954 GUP-r C71177 6 Garai, Indrajit The alchemy of well-being / Indrajit Garai.-- New Delhi: Penguin Ananda, 2012. x, 265p.: tables; 20cm. ISBN : 978-0-14-341566-4. 158 Q2 C71184 Price : RS.***299.00 7 Chaturvedi, Mithilesh, ed. Bhartrhari: language, thought and reality / edited by Mithilesh Chaturvedi; foreword by G.C. Pande.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2009. xxxii, 615p.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 557-612; Proceedings of the International Seminar Delhi, Dec. 12-14, 2003. ISBN : 978-81-208-3399-9. 181.4 P9 C71222 Price : RS.**1595.00 8 Grimes, John A concise dictionary of Indian philosophy: Sanskrit terms defined in English / John Grimes.--new and rev. 3rd ed.-- Varanasi: Indica Books, 2009. 454p.; 23cm. Bilingual: Sanskrit-English. ISBN : 81-86569-80-4. 181.403 P9 C71178 Price : RS.***795.00 9 Sen Sharma, Debabrata An introduction to the Advaita Saiva philosophy of Kashmir / Debabrata Sen Sharma.-- Varanasi: Indica Books, 2009. 180p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 177-180. ISBN : 81-86569-89-8. 181.482 P9 C71179 Price : RS.***350.00 200 RELIGION 10 Gupta, Abhinava Sri Tantraloka: text with English translation / Abhinava Gupta; translated by Gautam Chatterjee.-- Varanasi: Indian Mind, 2008. 2pts.; 23cm. (Abhinava Gupta tantra series, no. 1 and 2). Contents: pt. 1Chapter one; pt.2 Chapter two, three, four Bibliography: p. 237-244. ISBN : 81-86117-05-9. 294.5514 P8 C71194,Pt.1; C71195,Pt.2 11 Rama Murti, N. tr. Sree Lalita Sahasranamam (with meanings and commentaries in English): with transliteration of Samskrit verses/names a lucid English rendering and commentaries / translated into English by N. Ramamurthy.-- Nagercoil: CBH Publications, 2011. 753p.: plates; 23cm. A translation of the book written in Tamil by Sree S. Ganapatisubramanian and Sree M. Sundararaman mainly based on "Soubhagya Bhaskaram" the commentary in Sanskrit by Sree Bhaskaraya. ISBN : 978-81-910336-0-1. 294.592 Q1 C71221 Price : RS.***800.00 12 Kameswari, V., ed. Vedas: traditional and modern perspectives / edited by V. Kameswari.-- Chennai: The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, 2007. viii, 311p.; 22cm. Some papers in Sanskrit and one paper in Tamil also. ISBN : 81-85170-35-0. 294.5921 P7 C71182 Price : RS.***250.00 13 Sehgal, Krishan Science and system of the upanishads / Krishan Saigal.-- Delhi: Yash Publications, 2008. 174p.; 23cm. ISBN : 81-89537-23-7. 294.59218046 P8 C71180 Price : RS.***495.00 14 Krishnamurti, T.S. Dramatis personae of Valmiki Ramayana / T.S. Krishnamurti -- Hyderabad: Sanskrit Academy, 2010. 156p.; 22cm. (Snskrit Academy series; 75). ISBN : 81-8182-058-4. 294.5922 Q0 C71223 Price : RS.***190.00 15 Raghavan, V. Studies on Ramayana / V. Raghavan.-- Chennai: Dr. V. Raghavan Centre for Performing Arts, 2009. vii, 449p.; 23cm. Dr. V. Raghavan Centenary celebration 2008-2009. ISBN : 978-81-921994-8-1. 294.5922 P9 C71145 Price : RS.***450.00 16 Lal, B.B. Historicity of the Mahabharata: evidence of literature, art and archaeology / B.B. Lal,.-- New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2013. xiii, 104p.: illus.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 99-100. ISBN : 978-81-7305-458-7. 294.5923 Q3 B204005 Price : RS.***995.00 17 Unni, N.P. Tantra literature of Kerala / N.P. Unni.-- Delhi: New Bharatiya Book, 2006. viii, 480p.: plates; 25cm. ISBN : 81-8315-043-8. 294.595095433 P6 C71160 Price : RS.**1800.00 18 Ruthven, Malise Islam: a very short introduction / Malise Ruthven.--2nd ed.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. xvii, 177p.: plates; 18cm. ISBN : 978-019-964287-8. 297 N7;Q2 B204070 Price : RS.***165.00 19 Muzaffar Ali, ed. A leaf turns yellow: the Sufis of Awadh / edited by Muzaffar Ali; foreword by Karan Singh.-- New Delhi: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. 274p.: plates: illus.; 34cm. ISBN : 978-93-82563-28-0. 297.4095417 Q3 B204060 Price : RS.**3995.00 20 Raziuddin Aquil Sufism, culture, and politics: Afghans and Islam in medieval North India / Raziuddin Aquil.--pbk ed.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012. xiii, 268p.; 22cm. (Oxford India paper backs) Bibliography: p. 238-256; Originally published in 2007. ISBN : 0-19-806915-4. 297.40954 Q2 C71206 Price : RS.***375.00 21 Raza, Moosa In search of oneness: the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran through sufi eyes / Moosa Raza.-- New Delhi: Penguin Ananda, 2012. xiii, 241p.; 20cm. Bibliography: p. 231-241. ISBN : 978-0-14-341783-5. 297.41845 Q2 C71186 22 Ali Riaz Faithful education: madrassahs in South Asia / Ali Riaz.- New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2013. xii, 289p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 259-278. ISBN : 978-0-8135-5422-8. 297.770954 Q3 B204051 Price : $ ****39.00 300 SOCIOLOGY 23 Sujatha, A.S. Social freedom and social justice / A.S. Sujatha.-- New Delhi: ALP Books, 2013. 287p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-82215-63-9. 303.3720954 Q3 B204207 Price : RS.**1050.00 24 Madhok, Sumi Rethinking agency: developmentalism, gender and rights / Sumi Madhok.-- New Delhi: Routledge, 2013. xvi, 237p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 211-230. ISBN : 978-0-415-81192-7. 303.440954 Q3 B204075 Price : RS.***695.00 25 Shambaugh, David China goes global: the partial power / David Shambaugh.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. xvi, 409p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-0-19-986014-2. 303.48251 Q3 B204181 Price : RS.**1195.00 26 Raghavan, V.R., ed. Consequences of longterm conflicts in Northeast India / edited by V.R. Raghavan.-- New Delhi: Vij Books India, 2013. xviii, 132p.: plates; 25cm. Published for Centre for Security Analysis, Chennai. ISBN : 978-93-82652-02-1. 303.609542 Q3 B203929 Price : RS.***795.00 27 Gillion, Daniel Q. The poltical power of protest: minority activism and shifts in public policy / Daniel Q. Gillion.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xiv, 191p.: figs.: tables; 22cm. (Cambridge studies in contentious politics). ISBN : 978-1-107-65741-0. 303.61 Q3 B204035; B204165 Price : $ ****27.99 28 Milligan, Tony Civil disobedience: protest, justification, and the law / Tony Milligan.-- New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 176p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p. 159-162. ISBN : 978-1-4411-3209-3. 303.610973 Q3 B204033 Price : PD ****17.99 29 Eckstein, Susan Eva, ed. How immigrants impact their homelands / edited by Susan Eva Eckstein and Adil Najam.-- Durham: Duke University Press, 2013. xvi, 261p.: figs.: tables; 24cm. ISBN : 978-0-8223-5395-9. 304.8 Q3 B204054 Price : PD ****16.99 30 Zachariah, K.C. Diaspora in Kerala's development / K.C. Zachariah and S. Irudaya Rajan.-- Delhi: Daanish Books, 2013. vii, 244p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 230-231. ISBN : 978-93-8144-23-7. 304.8095433 Q3 B204071 Price : RS.***550.00 31 Bradley, Harriet Gender / Harriet Bradley.--2nd ed.-- Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. xiii, 254p.; 22cm. (Key concept series). ISBN : 978-0-7456-6116-2. 305.3 P7;Q3 B204059 Price : $ ****22.95 32 Evans, Mary, ed. Gender: the key concepts / edited by Mary Evans and Carolyn H. Williams.-- London: Routledge, 2013. xv, 277p. 22cm. (Routledge key guides.) Bibliography: p. 223-258. ISBN : 978-0-415-66962-7. 305.4 Q3 B204057 Price : PD ****19.99 33 Waylen Georgina, ed. The Oxford handbook of gender and politics / edited by Georgina Waylen...[et al].-- New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. xi, 872p.: tables; figs.; 26cm. ISBN : 978-0-19-975145-7. 305.42 Q3 B204218 Price : $ ***150.00 34 Weir, Allison Identities and freedom: feminist theory between power and connection / Allison Weir.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. x, 176p.; 24cm. (studies in feminist philosophy). ISBN : 978-0-19-993688-5. 305.42 Q3 B204183 Price : $ ****24.95 35 Chandra, Seema Gender and development / Seema Chandra.-- New Delhi: ALP Books, 2013. v, 303p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-82215-76-9. 305.420954 Q3 B204204 Price : RS.**1050.00 36 Dutta, Mondira, ed. Gender and human development in Central and South Asia / edited by Mondira Dutta.-- New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2013. x, 299p.: tables: figs.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-81-8274-716-6. 305.420954 Q3 B204081 Price : RS.***995.00 37 Ramaswami, B. Women's movement in India / B. Ramaswamy.-- Delhi: Isha Books, 2013. 340p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 305-315. ISBN : 978-81-8205-533-9. 305.420954 Q3 B204080 Price : RS.***990.00 38 Rathee, Manjeet Women, media and society: issues of survival and representation / Manjeet Rathee.-- New Delhi: Alfa Publications, 2013. xvi, 227p.; 23cm. Bibliography: 213-227.
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