CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOL. 21, NO. 31. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBE~ 11, 1925. / TEN PAGES. corps of experienced children's work- Erie County, New York, July 2, 1849. i ers working out of each office, and She was united ,in marriage Nov. 4, longed to the 108 French Mortar Bat- i lllPt!lIIll HEIII II. five general traveling workers cover- IIIV RXPIYIII ill 1871, to Nicholas G, Decker of Lang- I lllll liST. tery, 33rd Division, serving overseas. f~d, N. ~-. She came w~n net hus- 1919. ...... s- the ...... ,,,~ appeal for band to Michigan in the spring of ilLl iLll II LLILIe the Santa Claus Fund for Homeless III[[ IIIII 1879, and settled on the farm where He was united in marriage with Children, the Michigan Children's Aid i LLY IEii TiiiiiY she resided until death. Mr. Decker i~nss Bessie Emigh on May 7, 1919. I08T[Y/IFTEi Society hopes to receive thousands of II • CO. ASSOCIATION HELD ANNU. died 24½ years ago on May 2, 19.,=. Mrs. MeQueen, with four children, contributions from all over the state. LARGEST CONTRIBUTORS TO Eight children ble.ssed this'union, DELEGATES. FROM SIX CHURCH- Donald A., Sarah Jane, Catherine J., AL MEETING AT COURT This money will be directly applied and John William, are left. FUNDS IN ELLINGTON, NO- two of whom, Martin and Neff, pre-{ NEW LAW PROVIDES PENALTY toward giving the children a happy ES REPRESENTED QUEEN HOUSE FRIDAY. ceded the mother in death. Those from a distance who attend- OF $2 FOR LATE PAYMENT Christmas holiday a~d if there is any - VESTA AND ELMWOOD. The su~¢iving members are: Peter,. ESTHER CIRCLES. ed the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. surplus remaining it will be used in a OF OWNER. • f of Peck, Mich.; Steven and Arthur of i Robt. McQueen, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. number of ways beneficial to poor MeQueen, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Ryan, The Tuscda County Holstein The Chronicle presents this week Greenleaf; Frank of Bad Axe; Mrs. The annual Port Huron District Breeders' Association held their an- children who need all sorts of com- John McQueen, and son, John W., all forts. the names of heavy taxpayers in I James C. Walker of Ubly,; and Mrs. Rally of the Queen Esther Circle of The following is a copy of Act. No. nual meeting at the Court House last / of Courtland, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- three townshxps .in the eastern part I C. Gracey of Detroit. She is also sur- the M. E. church was held in Cass 322, Sec. 6, Public Acts 1925, in Friday. This was one of the best Hoi- ry Harrison and daughter, Nina, Mrs. of Tusco!a county~Elmwood, Noves-I vived by 20 grandchildren and two City Tuesday evemng. A banquet which it states that there will be a stein meetings held in the county. Hiram Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Le- ta and Ellington townships~as pre- great grandchildren. '.was served at 7:30 to the company of penalty attached to all dog licenses The attendance at the meeting was Wins Prizes at land McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd pared by the three treasurers, W. C. I The funeral se~wices were held at 114. Besides the Cass City Queen Emigh and children, Miss Ida Mc- paid after January 10th, of $2,00 and good and the interest was keen. Downing of Elmwood, C. M. Fergu-/ St. Columbkil] church in Sheridan on Esther and Home Guard members, Queen, all of Port Huron, Mr. and up to IV[arch 1, after which time ~it Officers elected were as foliows:~ nternatmnM Show son of No~esta, and Geo. E. Hudson, I Dec. 5. S~turday, R~ev. James Carolan delegates were present from Hayes, Mrs. Lynn Proctor and David Emigh becomes a criminal offense and those President--V: 3. Carpenter, Cuss ~r., of E!lington. The names of heavy officiated. Interment was made in the E!kton, Bay Port, Bad Axe and Beth- of Pontiac, Mr. and iVlrs. Win. Brink- negligent are liable to prosecution. City. Among Michigan winners at the In- taxpayers of E!kIand to~mship were adjoining, cemetery, el. Vice President--N. A. Perry, Cuss ternational Live Stock Show at Chi- er and son, Clayton, Mrs. Mark Sto- Sec. 6 On or before the ist day of I printed in the Chronicle three weeks B'~rs. J. L. Hoffman of Elkton acted March, nineteen hundred twenty-six City. cago last week was Harry T. Crandetl ner, Mrs. Edw. Stoner, Mr. and Mrs. I ago. as chairman of t1~e program follow- and on or before the same date of (Sec.-Treas. Geo. Foster, Fostoria,. of Cuss City. He was awarded sec- Win. Simmons of Kinde, Mr. and each year t1~ereafter, the owner of Directors~E. A. R0hlfs, Akron; ond place on the Lincotn sheep flock. l E}mwood Township. ing the dinner. Miss Thelma Warn- i~h-s. Win. Sharron, Mrs. Nancy Har- any dog four months old or over Geo. Rumble, Unionville; W. J. Kirk, Third place for rams two years old t The following is the list of 29 of II, IIIII II I!II er, president of the local Queen Es- ris and son, Howard, Mr. and Mrs. or over; third place in the class for the heaviest taxpayers in Elrnwood: ther Circle, in we!l-chosen words wei-tFred Harris of Bad Axe, Mr. and shall, except as provided in section Fairgrove; John Stern~ Vassar~ RobL fourteen apply to the County Treas- Kirk, Fairgrove. ewes one year and under and for Albert Russell ............................ $252°56 corned the visitors to Cass City at the / Mrs. Emery Moody, Mr. and Mrs. urer in writing" for a license for"~each three year old ewe lambs. S. B. Catley .... :............................. 352.30 first rally ever held here. Miss F!or- I Arthur McQueen of Flint, Mr. and B. B. Reavey of Akron was again Iiii II III, II such dog owned or kept by him. Such chosen as county sales manager. Julius Fischer ............................ 371.84 ence Guinn of Hayes gave an inspira-IMrs. Geo. Sloat' and daughter, Mabte, application shall state the breed, sex, •The association also appointed W. L. T. Hurd ............ =..................... 483.21 e~onal talk on "What the Queen Es-iMr. and Mrs. Fred Redman, Mr. and age and color and markings of such R. Kirk, Fairgrove~ Vo 'Jo Carpenter., Jos. Quinn .................................. 315.94 V. A. FREEMAN TO G~VE AD- the,- Circle Means to Young People."i Mrs: Gordon Redman of Marlette. "We have not time to devote to all dog and the name and address of the Cuss City; Bert Thurston, Vassar; Patrick Phelan .......................... 309.23 !IIII[III[I II DRESSES ON FEEDING SWINE things, so we must choose those I last previous owner and shall be ac- Geo. Rumble, U~5onvilIe; and E. A. Thos. Freeman .......................... 348.06 companied by a fee of two dollars for Rohlfs of Akron to represent the as- AND STEERS. which a~e most worthy, and give our H. E. Lafave ................................ 308.76 yew best to them. To aid that whic~ each male dog, and $4.00 for each fe- sociation in promoting calf clubs in III Iiiliii IIIIL Frank Schobert .......................... 256.39 ~ brings health, happiness, and joy in- male dog, and two dollars for each their respective communities. B.B. IIIi IF IIi IIIII C. J. Hobar~ ................................ 296.92 V.A. Freeman, extension specialist to others' lives surely is worthy," she unsexed dog; Provided: That a penal- Reavey was elected to represent the Bartholomy Bros. - 311.07 from the Michigan State College, will said. Readings, musical numbers and ty fee of two dollars be eharged for association in promoting Holstein AS SEEN BY WILLIS CAMPBELL John Stapteton ............................ 317.60 be in Tuscola county next week to Circle reports were well received. ~E~E[Y ~1[1 each licenseapplied for after January bull clubs in the county. AND SEVERAL HIGH SCHOOL Marcella Toohey ........................ 339.65 give addresses on feeding swine and An interesting feature was the Jim Hays, State Holstein Fieldman, 10th, for any dog four months old or BOYS. Ezra Hutchinson ........................ 266.60 steers. Mr. Freeman will atso be pros- presentatio~ by Home Guard girls of over on that date, such penalty fees addressed the breeders, explaining Gagetown Elevator Co ............. 598.95 ent at the third annual swine breed- the work and needs of the various SHORT ITEMS CLIPPED FROM to be placed in the ~ general fund. what the National and State Associa- J. L. Purdy .................................. 536.40 ors' meeting to be held at the court missionary homes and schools spon- THE NEWSPAPERS OF THE tions were doing, the present market Oscar Guild Estate .................... 262.72 house, Caro on Friday, Dec. 18, be-!sored by the Circles. This was in the trend of pure bred cattle, and pointed Willis Campbell and the boys who Peddie Bros .......... ..................... 224.62 ginning promptly at 1:00 p.m. At i form of a radio broadcasted program, DISTRICT. out some things which the breeder attended the International Live Stock Bert M. Perry .............................. 252.54 this meeting he will discuss "Present loach school appearing in answer to Vassar •Odd Fellows :.: must keep in mind when a prospec- Show held in Chicago, returned filled Elmer Sting ................................ 210.81 Situation and Future of Swine Grow- its code. The initials only of the Frederick William Menzel, a well to Confer 2nd Degree tive purchaser is inspecting his herd. with enthusiasm for the pqssibilities Paul Schuell ................................ 220.55 ing." Immediately after Mr. Free- homes were given, the Circles guess- • : .: known farmer living near Kilmanagh, Mr.
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