IRISH EXTRA: Penn State Preview Cold Mostly sunny but cold Friday. High in the low 30s. Fair and VIEWPOINT: The morality of ueath cold tonight. Chance of snow. the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Republicans against Gorbachev address Associated Press address a joint meeting of Congress of Dec. 9 during the WASHINGTON -The Washington summit “ would be likelihood that Soviet General a terrible mistake and I have Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev relayed my views to the State will become the first commu­ Department.” nist leader to address a joint Seventy-nine members of the meeting of Congress House, mostly Republicans, diminished Thursday as House signed a letter to President Republican Leader Robert Reagan urging that another Michel joined a GOP revolt forum besides a joint meeting against the proposal. of Congress be found for a Faced with the opposition on meeting between Gorbachev Capitol Hill, a senior White and Congress, said Represen­ House official said “ I would be tative Robert Walker. very surprised if he (Gorbachev) ever ends up ad­ The status of the invitation dressing a joint meeting.” remained unclear. Michel said in a statement that plans to ask Gorbachev to see GORBACHEV, page 6 Network prepares to boycott Coke By CHRIS JULKA “ I’m very confident that the Assistant News Editor students will be willing to sacrifice some small part of The campus Anti-Apartheid their meals in order to further Network is holding strategy the cause of human justice,” meetings, printing posters, and Checkett said. planning to meet with the direc­ Coca Cola has disinvested in tor of University Food Services name only, according to Check­ as the network prepares to ett, still retaining 69 percent of spearhead an indefinite the soft drink market in South boycott of Coca Cola. Africa through a company “ We are urging students to called Amalgamated drink only water, milk, juice Beverages. “Amalgamated and 7-Up,” instead of Coke Beverages invested its products, said John Paul workers’ pension funds in the rth and go Irish The Observer / Suzanne Poch Checkett, treasurer of the South African m ilitary, so ba- campus Anti-Apartheid Net­ After the final home game Notre Dame Stadium sits State College and finish up the regular season on work. see BOYCOTT, page 6 empty. The Irish meet Penn State this weekend at the road at Miami. Texas prof: scientists should focus less on military By BRADLEY GALKO according to Dr. J. Lloyd ture titled, “ The Economics of “ It is what these people techniques for non-military News Staff Dumas of the University of Military Spending.” (military scientists and en­ items has resulted in “ the rate Texas. gineers) have not been doing of technological progress America has lost its competi­ “ Since the 1950’s, we have Dumas estimated that about that is what has been causing (going down) dramatically in tiveness in world markets be­ taken a very large fraction of 30 percent of all engineers and the economic problems. the U.S. and with it the cost of cause it has lost its efficiency the engineers and scientists in scientists in this country are (namely) the kinds of things cost-offsetting capabilities of of production, due to military the U.S. and devoted their ef­ dedicated to military-related that ordinary commercial in­ American industry,” Dumas draining of scientists and en­ forts, their talents to looking research. He said this situation dustry does," Dumas said. said. Dumas said he felt gineers out of civilian manu­ for a different kind of has remained relatively un­ The lack of participation of American industry could be facturing firms and into mili­ (military) technology,” changed for the past four scientists and engineers in the tary manufacturingiiiaiiuiaiiuriiig firms,in nib, ivuiiiaaDumas aaiusaid iiiuiau<a<yThursday in111 a lec- decades. improvement of production see SCIENTISTS, page 6 Airlines worry officials Soviet seeks weapon ban with pilot hiring policy Associated Press the third session of the Confer­ opinion or congressional AssociatedMiriateri PressPress lines DC-9 after it was dis­I ence on Disarmament is sched­ deliberations to come into play closed that both the captain TOOELE Army Depot, Utah uled in Geneva. before the details of an agree­ WASHINGTON - The and co-pilot had only -A soviet negotiator on Nazarkin, the chief Soviet ment are worked out. major airlines have been recently begun flying that Thursday called for a May negotiator at the conference, “The Soviets are always easing their hiring require­ type of jetliner. deadline to reach an interna­ said he recognized that there wanting to set artificial dead­ ments because of the need Spokesmen for the airline tional treaty on chemical weap­ were differences between his lines. We don’t deal with them for thousands of new pilots, disputed suggestions that ons as a delegation from his country and the United States on trust; we deal with them on and some aviation safety of­ the two pilots’ flying back­ country arrived for a tour of on verifcation and other making a treaty so tightly ficials worry about the ground was unusual, calling the A rm y’s chemical weapons procedures. bound and ironclad that they decline in cockpit experi­ it “ the norm in the indus­ disposal plant. However, Max Friedersdorf, can’t cheat,” Friedersdorf ence. try.” They emphasized that Yuri Nazarkin said he the chief U.S. negotiator, ruled said. Pilot inexperience has both pilots, who were among believed an agreement on out the possibility that the U.S. Earlier Thursday, Nazarkin been raised as a possible fac­ the 28 people killed in the ac- reducing and eventually ban­ would accept an arbitrary tor in last Sunday’s crash in ning chemical arsenals could deadline. The U.S., he said, did see AIRLINES, page 6 Denver of a Continental A ir­ be obtained by late May, when not want the pressure of public see CHEMICALS, page 7 page 2 The Observer FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1987 Of Interest Video games bring players to a new level Winter bike storagew ill take place at gate 14 of the Level one, screen one: stadium today from 3 to 6 p.m. and on Monday from 1 to I find myself deposited on a dirt roadway, Mark 4 p.m. Storage is free. -The Observer overlooking a rather scenic mountain range and a rather forbidding cliff behind me. No sooner Me Laughlin o had I picked myself up when green lizard men with clubs started to attack me. “ Oh well,” I Projects Manager R.C.I.A. meeting will be held this Sunday from 4 to sighed, “time to carry on my quest.” One 5:15 p.m. in the Badin Hall Office of Campus Ministry. lizard man, two lizard man, three, four . The topic will be “ Advent and the Liturgical Year.” -The Level one, screen two: Observer After numerous scrapes with cerberi, sword- wielding women and strange blue creatures throwing knives, I enter the Castle of the First Notre Dame Choralewill give its Fall Concert on Level. Strange ghostlike creatures with half­ Sunday at 8 p.m. in Sacred Heart. The program of sacred suits of armor assault me as I climb through and secular music will feature Bach’s “ Jesu, meine the dark corridors. Freude ” along with pieces for double choir and several Ye Gods! A flaming pi# I leap across the spirituals. Refreshments will follow the concert. -The Ob­ gulf to snatch a swinging vine, only to be eaten server alive by vampire bats. Level one, screen three: At the end of the castle and after being killed twice more, I face the King of Level One. He will hold a general meeting Knights of Columbus is a huge red giant with a long pitchfork. He at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday at the council home. -The Observer leaps once, I leap once and land an aerial shot to the head. Ouch! Cursed pitchfork. Two more shots and he goes down. “ You are a brave The AT&T Comedy Concerthas been moved from fighter to have cleared such a difficult stage,” Stepan Center to Washington Hall to provide a better con­ the gods of Video proclaim. A man’s got to have cert atmosphere. The show features Larry “ Bud ” Mel- a reason to live, you know? my stolen battle-axe to do battle, only to find man, Rita Rudner, and Emo Philips. The show is at 8 p.m. Level two, screen two: a strange languor affecting me. My every and doors open at 7 p.m. -The Observer The green men have turned the color of au­ movement feels as if I were struggling through tumn leaves, and they now have pet snakes and molasses as the monster moves closer, and minotaur neighbors. I found an enchanted closer, and I can feel the heat singeing my Saint Mary’s Equestrian Clubw ill hold an ra m ’s head that cured my ills. I have leapt acid limbs . organizational meeting on Sunday at 7 p.m. in Carroll streams and fought flying pirahna fish and gar­ The real world: Auditorium. A film will be shown. For information, contact goyles with swords of stone. So far I have con­ Well, here’s the deal. Rastan (the name of M ary Nichols at 284-5404. -The Observer quered. Oh no! A harpy! Arrrrrrrrrggghhh! the game) won’t let you continue with more The real world: quarters after Level Five, so you don’t want to Damn harpies. Pump another quarter in the finish Level Five with only one man left. Better coin slot. Good thing these games have a con­ to kill him off and buy three new men with ” a comedy by Saint Mary’s “Thursday’s Child, tinue option.
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