C1-C4_FSJ_0909_COV:proof 8/6/09 11:01 PM Page C1 FS KNOW-HOW RETURNS! ■ HONORING SAM NUNN ■ IN THE CLOUDS $3.50 / SEPTEMBER 2009 OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L STHE MAGAZINE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS WINNING HEARTS AND MINDS The Role of U.S. Diplomats in Conflict Zones C1-C4_FSJ_0909_COV:proof 8/6/09 11:01 PM Page C2 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:29 PM Page 1 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:29 PM Page 2 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/14/09 1:17 PM Page 3 OREIGN ERVICE FJ O U R N A L S CONTENTS September 2009 Volume 86, No. 9 F OCUS ON Diplomats in Conflict Zones THE DIPLOMAT AS COUNTERINSURGENT / 21 Civilians must become as conversant with the fundamentals of counterinsurgency warfare as our military counterparts already are. By Kurt Amend INTERAGENCY COOPERATION: THE JIATF IN IRAQ / 28 The experience of the Joint Interagency Task Force in Iraq offers rich insights into effective strategic cooperation. By Robert M. Birkenes Cover and inside illustration FROM PINSTRIPES TO KHAKI: GOVERNANCE UNDER FIRE / 35 by Brian Hubble U.S. diplomats must work alongside our military colleagues as full partners to improve conditions in conflict zones. By Paul Folmsbee PRESIDENT’S VIEWS / 5 F EATURES Challenges and Opportunities By Susan R. Johnson SAM NUNN: NATIONAL SECURITY VISIONARY / 40 SPEAKING OUT / 15 Both as a four-term U.S. senator and a private citizen, Sam Nunn has Strengthen the Process for tirelessly advocated nonproliferation. For those efforts, he is the latest Middle East Diplomacy recipient of AFSA’s Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award. By David T. Jones By Steven Alan Honley NOW OW FS K -H / 18 USING CLOUD COMPUTING TO CLOSE THE DEVELOPMENT GAP / 47 ‘Virtually’ There: FS Spouses A paradigm shift now occurring in the information technology industry Build Careers Without Borders offers the possibility of accelerating social and economic development. By Katherine Jacobs By Kenneth I. Juster and Carolyn Ho REFLECTIONS / 80 The Spirituality of Living Abroad By Douglas E. Morris LETTERS / 7 CYBERNOTES / 11 MARKETPLACE / 13 BOOKS / 51 IN MEMORY / 71 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS / 78 SEPTEMBER 2009/FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 3 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:29 PM Page 4 OREIGN ERVICE CONTENTS FJ O U R N A L S Editor AFSA NEWS STEVEN ALAN HONLEY Senior Editor AFSA DISSENT AND PERFORMANCE AWARD CEREMONY / 55 SUSAN B. MAITRA Associate Editor NEW GOVERNING BOARD TAKES OFFICE / 55 SHAWN DORMAN AFSA News Editor NEWS BRIEFS / 56 FRANCESCA KELLY Ad & Circulation Manager VP STATE: TOWARD A MORE PERFECT UNION / 57 ED MILTENBERGER Art Director VP USAID: A RUDDERLESS SHIP / 58 CARYN SUKO SMITH Editorial Intern VP RETIREE: OUR STAKE IN AFSA / 59 MARK HAY Advertising Intern VP FCS: BUDGETS, ELECTIONS & THE RUMOR MILL / 60 TYSON HALSETH VP FAS: MISSION CLEAVAGE / 61 EDITORIAL BOARD TED WILKINSON OPEN HOUSE MARKS REOPENING OF HQ / 64 Chairman JOSEPH BRUNS STEPHEN W. B UCK ONORS RITING WARD INNER AFSA H W A W / 64 JULIE GIANELLONI CONNOR JIM DEHART FOREIGN SERVICE LEGISLATIVE SUCCESSES / 65 JEFF GIAUQUE GEORGE JONES CLASSIFIEDS / 69 LAURIE KASSMAN YVETTE N. MALCIOLN DAVID MCFARLAND AL PESSIN THE MAGAZINE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS PROFESSIONALS Foreign Service Journal (ISSN 0146-3543), 2101 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037-2990 is published monthly with a combined July-August issue by the American Foreign Service Associa- tion (AFSA), a private, nonprofit organization. Material appearing herein represents the opin- ions of the writers and does not necessarily rep- resent the views of the Journal, the Editorial Board or AFSA. Writer queries and submissions are invited, preferably by e-mail. Journal sub- scription: AFSA members – $13 included in an- nual dues; others – $40. For foreign surface mail, add $18 per year; foreign airmail, $36 per year. Periodical postage paid at Washington, D.C., and at additional mailing offices. Indexed by Public Affairs Information Services (PAIS). The Journal is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos or illustrations. Advertising inquiries are invited. The appearance of advertisements herein does not imply the endorsement of the services or goods offered. TELEPHONE: (202) 338-4045 FAX: (202) 338-8244 or (202) 338-6820 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.afsa.org; www.fsjournal.org © American Foreign Service Association, 2009. Printed in the U.S.A. Send address changes to: AFSA Attn: Address Change 2101 E Street N.W. Washington DC 20037-2990 Printed on 50-percent recycled paper, of which 10 percent is post-consumer waste. 4 FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL/SEPTEMBER 2009 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:30 PM Page 5 PRESIDENT’S VIEWS Challenges and Opportunities BY SUSAN R. JOHNSON This is my first column as unequivocal support. ing overseas to work closely with your AFSA president, and my first On the broader front, the AFSA post representatives, and hope opportunity to warmly thank change in AFSA’s leadership that all AFSA members will share their all who reposed trust in me to coincides with an important ideas and concerns with their respective carry on AFSA’s tradition of time for the Foreign Service. constituency vice president and repre- working together to advance The new administration has sentatives — and with me (Johnson@ the interests of the Foreign taken up its responsibilities at afsa.org). Such engagement will en- Services of all our member agencies. a time of systemic global crisis. Gov- able us to more fully realize AFSA’s po- My thanks, as well, to all voters who par- ernments and foreign ministries world- tential as a robust professional associat- ticipated in the election for their sup- wide are trying to adjust to new ion and bargaining unit for all our ac- port of AFSA — our collective voice. imperatives of development, which de- tive-duty and retired members. The Within days of taking office, I sought mand diplomacy that delivers visible perspective of our retiree members, a meeting with Under Secretary for and measurable results. reflecting their experience, is especially Management Pat Kennedy to hear what An energetic, creative and united valuable in helping us identify effective he and his team are doing to implement AFSA, focused on constructive part- ways to make all of our agencies the overseas comparability pay and the ex- nership with the Secretary and her premier institutions that they can and panded definition of Eligible Family team, will maximize our ability to get should be. Members/Members of Household. I the resources and the policies necessary The previous AFSA Governing am pleased to report that they have for a high-quality, 21st-century diplo- Board, led by John Naland and Steve moved expeditiously on both fronts. matic service and development pro- Kashkett, has delivered important By the time this column appears, gram. achievements, with overseas compara- those of you overseas should soon see My broad goal as president is to bility pay, staffing increases and ex- the first of three planned annual salary make AFSA a stronger, more effective panded Eligible Family Member bene- adjustments that should move us to- and credible voice of our Foreign Serv- fits at the top of the list. I am sure that ward ending a longstanding inequity. ices, better able to represent, protect I speak for the new board in thanking However, we need to keep Congress fo- and advance our professional interests. them — and AFSA’s dedicated profes- cused on achieving this final objective. To get there, we will focus on modern- sional staff — for their sustained work. Management is also implementing izing the way AFSA does business and As the new AFSA Governing Board changes that will make same-sex partners improving our communications capac- begins its term, we need your support, eligible for most of the benefits that they ity to make full use of new technologies. your suggestions and your constructive have long sought. Both of these break- State Vice President Daniel Hirsch and criticism as we seek to work together throughs are hard-won, historic achieve- I have already met with AFSA staff to to refresh, update and strengthen ments, made possible by AFSA’s establish a working group that will up- AFSA to meet the challenges before diligent work and Secretary Clinton’s date our online presence to make it a us. We want to promote transparent premier site: user-friendly, interactive and collaborative governance for bet- Susan R. Johnson is the president of the and relevant to our membership. ter results, but we need you to make American Foreign Service Association. I also encourage those of you serv- that happen! ■ SEPTEMBER 2009/FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL 5 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:30 PM Page 6 01-20_FSJ_0909_FRO:first 8/7/09 2:30 PM Page 7 LETTERS Don’t Publish Hate Mail acceptable,” as Mr. Hoover puts it, to icans work side by side to advance I am writing to object to your deci- the apartheid government. When freedom and basic human rights for sion to publish the letter from retired Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. all. FSO Richard Hoover (“Don’t En- Bush and Barack Obama chose their I cannot imagine that any other mi- courage Them!”) that appeared in respective Secretaries of State, they nority group would have to open the your July-August issue. did not fear that sending a woman Foreign Service Journal to see letters When Secretary of State Hillary overseas might “project controversial that call on the department not to hire Rodham Clinton took office in Janu- views.” And last November’s results “greater numbers of those.” I would ary, 2,200 current and former em- show that when we elected our first ask that from this day forward, there ployees of foreign affairs agencies African-American president, most vot- should similarly be no room in the presented her with a letter asking that ers did not think that installing a mi- Journal for such hurtful words towards they be “treated equally and with the nority candidate as head of state would LGBT staff.
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