The Newark Post VOLUME XVIII NEWARK. DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1927. NUMBER 5 Dr. Hullihen Points Faculty Edition Farm Bureau Argues I The Passing of Banker Agitation Over Bills To Extend Town Poised, polished with measured Twenty-four years ago, when Need Of Academic tread and a superior smile quirking I Farm Lease Problem men were horse-proud, there ap­ its countenance, "The Review" will peared in our town two aristocrats Limits A~d Provide Improvements Extension Dept. step forth on March 18, immacu­ Endorse Testing Bill; Report On of the horse world, Kentucky bred, late and el·udite. In ShOlt, Dr. perfectly matched, beautiful. It Bills Providing For Large Increase In A rea; Construction Great Opportunity for Adult Educa· Sypherd has accepted the invita­ Potato And Soybean Pools was a treat just to see S. J . tion or challenge of "The Review" Wrilht's sorrels stepping down the Of Sewers And Financing Of Other Improvements. tion; Would Increase Standard staff, for the English Department The New Castle County Farm Bu­ street or the country road. They Are In Hands Of Legislators of General Instruction of the University to labor and reau Executive Committee adjoul'lled caused as great a sensation as does hring forth that issue. their monthly meeting, held last Sat­ an air-plane these days. They had Dr. Sypherd has selected the UJ'day in Wilmington, with a heated spil'it and style, plus perfect be­ There has been considerable agita­ nities which before the passage of COMMITTEE APPOINTED follow"ing staff: Editor-in-Chief, havior. When Mr. Wright wished tion call sed by the presentation of thi s Act belonged to it, as a municipal i discussion of the farm lease problem. corporation, and a ll of the powers, Professor Grant Hyde Code; sport The di scussion was started by quoting to show his friendship or respect three bills to the Legislut ure, pro­ rights, privileges and immunities be­ President Waltel' Hullihen, of the and literary editors, co-operating, figures compiled by the Intel'-State for a deceased person, he sent his viding for an extension of the town longing to a municipal corporation of University of Delaware, in his report Professors Ewalt Matthews arid Milk Producers' Association. caI'l'iage with the sorrels to the limits of Newark, the building of sew­ the State of Delaware, a nd all of the laws, ordinances and regulations of LO the trustees of the University made Ernest Van Keuren; editor of wit funeral. They have been seen at ers in the new area, and financing to According to the assbciation statis­ the town of Newark, Delaware, shall li n February 19, pointed out the great a nd humOl', Professor W. G. Lewi; ticians, the average annual milk pro- : more funerals than any other pair build streets, and provide lighting, be extend ed to apply to and be in "PPoltunity existing in Delaware for "Woman's College editor, Miss Nora duction per cow in Pennsylvania is of horses in the community. water and tire protection within the force in the new territory comprised the establishment of an Academic Keeley. 5,500 and that of Southern New Castle Four years ago the horses, extended limits. within the boundaries as set forth itt Section 1 of this Act. I ~ xtens ion Depaltment of the Univer­ This is the first time such a County, Delaware, only 3,200 lbs. Banker and Broker, were sent to The bills were presented to the the Iflndly care of Benjamin Hol­ Section 3. The real estate by this sity. Sucb a department would func- I challenge has been issued or ac­ This large discrepancy is attributed I Legislature on Monday, February 21, Act added to a nd included within the Lio n in much the same manner as the cepted at the University of Dela­ to the leasing system in force in Dela­ lett, rt Tip-Top Farm, owned by by Mayor Eben B. Frazer, but as yet limits of the Town of Newark,. Dela­ Agricultural Extension DepaI·tment, ware and is expected to be a suc­ ware. A fal'm census shows that in Mr. Wright, on Chestnut Hill, with no action has been taken on them. In ware, and all persons residing now I or hereafter within said new boun­ but would cover a greater field and its ' cess-at least from a circulation Southern New Castle County, 70 per the injunction, "Take care of them, a statement made by the Mayor, it and give them decent buriaL" On daries, a nd all property therpin, shall benefits would be mOl'e widely and standpoint. cent of the farms are tenant operated, was brought out that the vital prob­ be subject to assessment for town Sunday last, Banker, aged 29 years, \'ariously disseminated. and that these tenant farmers are lem behind the bills was the need of taxes, sewer levies and other levies, in " lay quietly down and died. He was the same manner, and subjPct to the Following the plan outlined by Dr. protection of the water supply, which ·C . of C. Dl'rectors Meet badly handicapped by lack of equip­ decently buried Monday afternoon. same l'ights, rules and restrictions as ment and facilities. Very few farms could on~ be assured by the building n lI ullihen, the State would not be un­ Broker, aged 28 years, mourns the in other ca~p ~ within th ' I" of have proper buildings for the housing of sewers in the section surrounding said Town, before the passage of this de r any expense in fofming and main­ loss of his friend, .but is in good aining this department, yet the gen­ Endorse Town Extension; Ap- and care of a dairy herd; there are the town wells. As this section lies Act. health. The horses were bought in without the town limits, it is neces­ Section 4. The real estate and eral taxpaying public, and pal"ticular­ point Committees few equipped with silos, and there is Philadelphia in 1903, of W. H'. pl'operty added to and included within very little alfalfa on these rented sary to gain unanimous consent of Iv their cbildren, would receive great Clarke. the limits of the Town of NewaI'k by I;enefit. The tI'ustees, greatly im­ The Board of Directors of the New- farms. On the other hand, the income property owners in that section to this Act, shall be in and a part of the pressed with Dr. Hullihen's plan, ap­ ark Chamber of Commerce held a to the owner is, in most cases, not :......--------------' build the sewers. An abortive at­ following districts in said Town, to meeting last Thursday evening in the sufficient to encourage further invest­ tempt was made last year to have th~ wit:- po inted a committee to investigate R. O.~ T. -C. Course All that part West of the centre and report. The committee consists Town Council rooms, E. C. Wilson, ment of capital in making these im­ sewers constructed and the failure of line of North College Avenue and of Henry P. Scott, Harry L. Cannon, president, presiding. provell1lmts. The question is a vital this was the primary motive behind South College Avenue, extended, re­ the framing of the bills. spectively, to the Northerly and South- .Judge W. Watson Hanington and Dr. They passed a resolution endorsing one, but. there was no definite remedy Cut Two Years Walter Hullihen. the proposed extension of the town agreed on at the meeting. Bill number one, calls for a consid- ~~~~b~o~~~:~r;s~i;J,S sh~lia~~ f~W:~d a: The fol1owing .is excerpted from limits now in the form of a bill before The committee voted to endorse the Next Year Drill Will Be Compul. erable extension of the limits of the part of the Western District of said Or. Hullihen's report on the subject: the Legislature. bill to be presented to the Legisla- town. Bill number two asks permis- town; that part lying and being be- "For several years I have been The following committees were ap- ture, providing a state veterinarian sory For Two Years Only; Up. sion to borrow $100,000 to be used to ~:i,:nV~~~e!ai5i~·:i.ic~o~~~a~~e l~~~t~! (Continued on Page 2.) pointed for the yea1' 1927: to test accredited dairy herds. per Classes May Take co nstruct streets, new water mains, line of Choate Street, extended, to the C.ivic Committee-H. E. Hallman, Frank Yearsly and H . Wallace provide street lights and fire protec- Northern and Southern boundary ============== I chan'man, Dr. Clau~e L. Benner and Cook, managers of the seed potato Other Study tion in the extended area. Bill three lines of said town, as hereby estab­ Hollingsworth Co. Pl·ofes.sor Ira S. Brllls~r. Ipool, reported an order for 1,200 bush- empowers the Town Council to sewer lis.hed, s ~all . be in a.nd a pal·t of the the new addition. IM~ddle Dlstr~ct of said town; t~at part Ta:'kes Control Agrtcul tur~ 1 COmI~;tlttee-J: Irvm els, placed with the New York Seed The Boanl of Trustees of the Uni­ Iymg and bemg East of the saId East­ Dayett, chairman, E. L. RIchards, Potato Association. versity of Delaware, at a meeting, Bill number one, providing an ex- er!1 boundary line of said Middle Dis­ Dr. Walter E. Cann. W. T. Pierson and Geol:ge C. Burge, held Monday, voted to abolish the four tension of the town limits reads, in tnct, to t~e Northe~'n and Southern Started Operation of Newark Industrial Committee-J.
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