TWiday, October 15, 1959 TORRANCE PRESS Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sele 200 Automobiles for S«le 200 Automobiles for Salt 200 Automoblltt for S«lt> 200 Automobiles for Sele 200 BILL CREIGHTON AUTHORIZED TRIUMPH DEALER CHAFFEE MOTORS PRESENTS 1960 MODELS USED CARS FREE Now On Display THE 1100 SEDAN HAS ft HEATER AND DEFROSTER ft 3 INTERIOR LIGHTS and USED TRUCKS 300 Gals. Gas! ft WHITE WALL TIRES ft HOOD AND TRUNK LIGHTS or new radio with tha purchase of any brand new ft TWO TONE ft VINYL UPHOLSTERY -iV ALUMINUM FINNED BRAKES ft ARM RESTS ON ALL 4 DOORS '59 FORDV-8...........$2895 '57 CHEVROLET........ $1495 ft PADDED DASH ft WINDOW WASHERS, ETC. 6 cyl. station wagon. Automatic trans., R&H, power steering. ft 37 MILES PER GALLON 4 Passenger Country Sedan. Cruise-o-AAatic, RftH, power steering. ft 2 PADDED SUN VISORS TRIUMPH ft 75 M.P.H. CRUISING ft SPORTS CAR HANDLING 59 FORD V-8 ........... $2795 '55 MERCURY.......... $995 TR-10 Station or Family Fun Sedan t-Door Country Sedan. Ford-o-matic, R4H, power steering. Monterey 2-dopr hardtop. AAer-o Malic, RftH. Red. Only $1749 ALL FOR $I778I / / O P.O.E. WE SUGGEST YOU COMPARE AND TEST '58 FORDV-8...........$1895 '56 FORDV-8........... $1095 MAY Custom Ranchero. Automatic trans., heater, black, Ilka new. P-100 Pick-up. Heavy tires, I foot bed. '57 DODGEV-8......... $1695 '53 FORDV-8........... $ 695 Custom Royal 4-Door Sedan. Automatic trans., RftH. P-100 Vi-ton Pick-up. ,'57 PLYMOUTH ........ $1495 '53 FORD V-8 ........,.. $ 695 W 4 Cyl. Savoy 4-door sedan. Automatic tram.. RftH. 9 passenger wigon. rordo-mntic, RiH. Full 4-door comfort and 40 mllei per gallon $187 CHAFF Down* Only $9 Per Week . ORD NOTHING DOWN WITH S.OOD CREDIT At 139th St., Hawthorne "Dealer's Warranty In Writing" NOW, 1960 Orwn Sunday 10 to 6 Week Days 'Til » OS f-717§ TRIUMPH NOBODY WALKS HOME Quality TR-3 Is Our World's Greatest Sports Car- Buy! 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. FROM OUR First Only $2699 110 mllti per hour- 33 miles per gallon disc Irak** Hermosa FR 4-0921 Consideration OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS USED CAR* We Wholesale Every SEE THE ALL NEW Sub-Standard Used Car $287 down* ^2- LOT Don't Get Stuck 34 month bank terms highest trade-in allowance M.OOO.mlla guarantee Plus tax and license* 1960 PLYMOUTH With a Bargain YOU'LL PREFER TO DRIVE ONE OF OUR SELECTED LATE MODEL USED CARS Now on Disploy ot ; . THE PICK OF THE CROP . FULLY GUARANTEED FOR CARE-FREE, PRIDEFUL, PLEASUREFUL DRIVING MILE AFTER MILE! Demand Your Money's Worth. You Can Get It at Bill Creighton BOB KEEFER PLYMOUTH '58 FORD 8 Contry Sedan .............. $1997 AVALON MOTORS 501 N. Pacific Coast Hwy. Radio, henter. Ford o-m*tie, power steering. (Across from Flrestone Store) * ¥ * * FR3-1345 Redondo '58 FORD 8 Fairlane '500' Town Victoria.. .$1997 '55 Cadillac $1895 1959 PLYMOUTH STOCK CLEARANCE Padlo, heater, Ford-o-matlc, power steering, white wall tires. "A2" 4 Door Sedan. A low mileage beauty. All power Including seats AT SALE PRICES SO LOW THE FACTORY and windows. It's a sparkler Inside '58 FORD 8 Custo '300' 4-Door. ..........$1697 and out. WILL NOT LET US ADVERTISE PRICES Radio, heater, Ford-o-matlc, power steering. '57 Chev. $2185 Brokaw Chevrolet Bel-Air Station wagon. Red 8. whlta- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 100% FINANCING '58 FORD 8 Fairlane '500' Club Victoria.. .$1997 flnlsh, gorgeous Interior all equip­ & ^ Radio, heater, Ford-o-matlc, power steering. ment Including power steering power brakes. The best you'll ever '57 FORD 8 Fairlane '500' Town Victoria.. .$1697 find. Overstocked HERE ARE A FEW TRADES ON NEW 1960 PLYMOUTHS Radio, heater. Ford o-matic, power <tp«rlng, white wall tires. '58 Buick $2295 '58 Chevrolet Impala . $2099 '57 Chevrolet Bel-Air .... $1799 Special Hardto,, Sedan. Power Powergllda, radio, heater, white walls. Hardtop. Powerglide, power steering, radio, staarlng J. brakes, all other deluxa Due to Tremendous Acceptance of heater, white walls. '57 FORD 8 Fairlane Club Victoria.......$1597 Buick equipment. We sold this low heater, Pord-o-matlc, powar steering, white wall tires. mileage car new. It'a apotlass. '58 Ford Club Coupe $1799 , .$1599 Radio, radio, heater, power '57 Plymouth Wagon Palrlane. Pord-o-matlc, Custom Suburban 4-door. Automatic, radto, Rio Ranch Wagon....... .$1597 '57 Buick $1895 steering, white walls. heater, white walla. '57 FORD 8 Del Special Hardtop Sport Coupe. Only 1960 Chevrolet Radio, heater and other extras. 23000 actual miles. Has « way pow­ '58 Chevrolet 2-Door...... $1499 '57 MG "A" ..___....__$ 1499 er seat, powar steering, Dvnaflow, Del Rav. Pullv equipped. Roadster. Radio, whit* wallt. radio, heater, EZ ava glass, white- '56 FORD 8 Fairlane Town Sedan........ .$1097 walls and 2 tone finish. Immaculate '56 OLDS HOLIDAY 88.................................$f1395 car. Light blue, like '55 Oldsmobile Holiday $1099' '57 Plymouth Sedan ... $ 999 i Radio, heater, Ford-o matle, power steering. Hvdramatlc, radio ft heater. Original on* owner. new. Hydramatic, radio, heater, white walls. % 4-Door. Fully equipped. '55 Chev. V-8 $995 ... $ 599 '55 Chevrolet Wagon ......$ 799 '55 FORD 8 2-Door Custom Sedan.. ......$ 797 Door with Powergllde, r/,. '55 Plymouth 4-Door "710" ? Station w«gon. Fully equipped. P/dm, hfMer, nvrrlriv* On* own*' dlo, heater, sharp, blue ft white '57 CHEVROLET ....................................... $1795 Fully equipped. finish. All original. Runs perfect. Sport %rdan 4-door hardtop V-l. Pawergllde, radio and heater, whit» wall llr»». 1 Year Gauarantee Available on Used Cars '54 MERCURY Monterey Sport Coupe.. .$ 695 '55 Ply. "6" $845 Sped*!. ParJio, heater, MeVc-o-matic. Weekend Standard shift for better gas mile We Give S&H Green Stamps on Parts and Service age. Also radio heater, 2 tone finish, whltewalls, vary quiet en­ '55 CHEVROLET ............................................... $1095 Can ALWAYS BUY FOR LESS, FROM gine. Deluxe -< door. Powergllda, radio ft haetar, two-tone finish, white You side walls. os 9-2521 KEEFER OR 8-4956 '50 GMC . $495 Hravv duty --4 ton pickup In ex cellenf condition from tires to top. '58 ISETTA............._... _.. ._...........$695 501 N. Hawthorne Blvd. at 120th St. 3-passenger. A raal aconomv king. 4S mllat oar gallon. The money Open Every Night 'til 10 p.m. Inc. '50 Buick $125 you save on upkaaR will probably make the payment. Arkeriberg, In very good runnlrw Les Rlvtera Coupe condition. A nica elaan ear for a PONTIAC 1957 FA 1-0434 I6IST& VERMONT DA 9-1184 'SO model. '54 FORD. .................. ........................... $595 Chetftaln Hardtop 4-door Sedan, has to to. power steering, Hydramatic drive, Customllne. Overdrlva, radio, honter, white ildewalli. Ready big radio, heater, custom white wall Many, Many More tires & other extras. Came trom Open Eves, and Sunday exclusive We'twood residential area. Vary low mileage. Not a mar or '55 RAMBLER ............................................-..$ 1495 spot anywhere. Come ft Inspect It Station Wagon Crost Country. Radio and heater, hydramatlc. today. BIG SALE. «1499 FULL PRICE, »99 down, bank financing, Avalon liberal trade. This car carrlrs Bob Beaver, 15-month and 15,000 mile '55 VOLKSWAGEN .I........................................... $795 guarantee ft fre* 5-dav trial ax- PONTIAC, 2 door sedan. Beautiful white finish. change. BOB BEAVER MOTOR CO. 900 Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermosa. Suburban Motors PR Buick & Opal Hendquarters '52 CADILLAC 62 .................L........................... $595 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 4 door sedan. Hydramatlc, power itearlnt, radio ft heater, white Convertible Radio a Heater, White "Authorized Sales & Service Direct Factory Dealer wall tires. Wall Tires. Real Sharp A±,MH±y ;R Bor9ward WHERE SERVICE 900 West Anaheim $1850 For Your Added Protection See These Bargain Buys 55 :£«£» COMES FIRST! Open Eve's & Sundays RIVIERA ^:,£ Wilminqton TE 4-6580 Brokaw Chevrolet and t? 9S per work (plus lax and lir.ense) As low a* $199 down 2901 Pacific Coabt Hwy. Hermosa Beach ALL CARS CARRY 36,000-MIL$ GUARANTKK '54 CADILLAC JAOI PeciNe Coast Hwv FACTORY FOREIGN CAR DEALER Hermosa PR A-34M '55.PLYMOUTH 2-Door .................___.,.$ 845 AUTHORIZED 9 Wt NEED YOUR TRADE-INS CONVERTIBLE FR. 2-1151 Open Sundays and Evenings 'til standard transmission, 2- 44f> F. ANAHEIM, WILMINGTON, TE 4-8595 Two to choose from Automatic Radio, heater, economical Iranimlssion, powrr utefrino and tone finish. Exceptional inside and out. SOS S. PACIFIC AVE., TE 3-7539, SAN PEDRO hrakrs, power windows and seats. '58 Arnault The largest Import Dealer In the Harbor Area radio an<f heater. White side wall Specials tires. Under tha hood a power This Week's '57 OLDSMOBILE Holiday ____.$2495 Plant to delight your heart. Drive Bristol it away with down payment of "98" 2-door coupe. J-2 motor, full power, radio, only I9T Bank financing on b»l- '59 VAUXHALL Station Wgn. $295 dn. Finest sport car In 14000 price anca. Carrie* Bob Beavar's 15 Nearly new. class. Car looks and drives Ilka heater, hydramatic. month or 15,00 mile guarantee. new. Must sell at sacrifice price. See mis buy at BOB BEAVER Stanford shin foe bettor oas milt* f.p. »219S '58 CHEVROLET 1957 Mercury 1955 Pontiac PONTIAC, 900 Pacific Coast Hwy., '59 EDSEL Convert. Corsair ...........$2595 '53 MERCURY 2-Door _______.$ 445 Hermosa. PR 46931. Loaded and beautiful. Tremendous savin**. MANHATTAN MOTORS 3 door monterev Hardtop. Merc-o- Convertible 2301 Sepulveda, Manhattan Beach Radio, heater, standard Transmission. , IMPALA HARDTOP matlc, Power steering, power PR 3-1141 FA 14424 power steering and brakes, radio, heater and white Gorgeous let black beauty. Driving '58 CHEVROLET '57 BUICK Special Riv. Cpe...... $1795 f.p. Wakes. Ba tha lucky buyer who walls.
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