'9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 12 NUMBER 14 Washington, Tuesday, January 21,1947 symbols shall have an advance rate 10 CONTENTS TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE percent below the advance rate for the PERSONNEL regular grades without such special Agriculture Department Page Rules and regulations : Chapter I— Civil Service Commission factor, [seal] J esse B. G ilm er, Tobacco, fire-cured, 1946—----- 405 P art 22—R egulations G overning Ap­ Acting President, Alien Property, Office of Commodity Credit Corporation. peals of P reference E ligibles U nder Notices: the V eterans’ P reference A ct of 1944 [F. R. Doc. 47—544; Filed, Jan. 20, 1947; Vesting orders, etc.: 8:48 a. m.] HEARINGS Brambach, Franz M------- — 429 1. Section 22.9 (a) (5 CPR 1944 Supp., Brasch, Arno_------------------- 430 Costs and expenses incurred 10 F. R. 2170, 13769, 12 F. R. 207) is TITLE TO— ARMY: WAR in certain court actions: amended to read as follows: DEPARTMENT California (3 documents) _ 430,436 § 22.9 Hearings—(a) Right to appear Connecticut and Massachu­ personally or by representative. The ap­ Subtitle A— Organization, Functions setts ------------------------- 435 pellant shall have the right to appear and Procedure Hawaii (2 documents)— 427,432 personally or through or accompanied by P art 2—O rganization, F u n c tio n s and New York (5 documents)— 428, a designated representative in connection P rocedures of A gencies D ealing W it h 429,432,433,437 with his appeal and if an appellant has Hoeing, August------- ---------- 430 expressed the desire for such a personal th e P ublic Philippine Mfg. Co------------- 427 appearance arrangements will be made signal corps Quekemeyer, J. H------------- 430 for a hearing at a stage of the proceed­ Pursuant to the provisions of section Vogel, Emma J ---------------- 438 ings agreed upon between the appellant 3 (a) (1) and (2) of the Administrative Civil Aeronautics Board and the regional office or the office of the Procedure Act of June 11, 1946, § 2.132 Chief Law Officer, as the case may be. (h) (1), appearing at 11 F. R. 177A-787, Rules and regulations: is amended by deleting the first portion Fire prevention: 2. This amendment shall be effective Certification and operation ederal egister of subparagraph (1) and substituting upon publication in the F R . rules for scheduled air car­ Note: This amendment is intended to the following: rier operations outside Con- facilitate the processing of appeals tinder this § 2.132 The Signal Corps. * * * tinental limits of U. S----- 408 part. Because of the importance of the availability of these procedures to appeals (h) The Alaska Communication Sys­ Nonscheduled air carrier cer­ that may be currently pending, the Com­ tem. * * * tification and operation mission finds that good cause exists for mak­ (1) The Alaska Communication Sys­ rules._________________ 408 ing this amendment effective as of the date tem provides point to point telephone Scheduled air carrier rules— 408 of publication in the Federal Register. and telegraph service between the Civil Service Commission (Sec. 14, 58 Stat. 390; 5 U. S. C. Sup. 863) United States and * * * Rules and regulations: The United States Civil Service Com­ (31 Stat. 206; 48 U. S. C. 310) Appeals of preference eligibles; hearings________________ 405 mission. [ seal] E dward F. W itsel l , [seal] H. B. M itch ell, Major General, Civilian Production Administra­ President. The Adjutant General. tion [F. R. Doc. 47-574; Filed, Jan. 20, 1947; [F. R. Doc. 47-567; Filed, Jan. 20, 1947; Rules and regulations: 8:46 a. m.] 8:51 a. m.] Delegations of authority: Commodity Credit Corpora­ tion, with respect to vegeta­ TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ble oil seeds (Directive 7, Chapter V— Military Reservations and Chapter II— Production and Marketing Revocation)____________ 408 National Cemeteries Administration (Commodity Credit) Price Administration, Office of, with respect to rationing P art 501—L ist of E xecutive O rders, P art 277—T obacco L oans (Directive 1 and Supp. Di­ P roclamations, and P ublic L and O r­ 1 SUBPART 1946 ders A ffecting M ilitary R eservations rectives 1-1, 1-J, -L, 1-Q, Section 277.7 1946 Crop—fire-cured, 1-U, and 1-V, Revocation) _ 408 types 22, 23 and 24, Tobacco Advance revocation o f certain land withdrawals Veterans’ housing program Schedule published in 11 F. R. 13365 is FOR WAR DEPARTMENT USE (Directive 43, Revocation) _ 408 supplemented as follows: C ross R eference: For orders affecting Weight determination, contract the tabulation contained in § 501.1, see Grades marked with the special factor provisions (Directive 6, Revo­ “OS” in addition to the regular grade (Continued on p. 407) cation) __________________ 408 405 \ 406 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Reclamation Bureau— Con. Page FEDERALMREGISTER- MW - Äf Notices: Rules and regulations: <«v/no^1934 ¿r Coal conservation, coordination Annual water charges; Boise Ir­ of electric facilities; termina­ rigation Project, Idaho-Ore­ tion of emergency and revo- ‘ gon and Tucumcari Project, Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, cation of exemptions______ 440 New Mexico______________ 419 and days following official Federal holidays, Michigan-Wisconsin Pipe Line by the Division of the Federal Register, the Co., hearing ____________ 440 Reconstruction Finance Corpo­ National Archives, pursuant to the authority ration contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Food and Drug Administration proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Rules and regulations: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Rules and regulations: Charters of emergency com­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Federal Food, Drug, and Cos­ panies; War Damage Corpo­ mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ metic Act, enforcement; ex­ ration ____________ 407 tion is made only by the Superintendent of emptions of drugs and devices. 408 Docum ents, Governm ent P rinting Office Securities and Exchange Com­ W ashington 25, D. C. Interstate Commerce Commis­ mission The regulatory material appearing herein is sion keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Notices: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: East Coast Public Service Co. to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Car service; priority for wheat and Virginia East Coast Utili- amended June 19, 1937. in Pacific northwest_______ 419 ties, Inc., hearing__________ 439 The F ederal Register will be furnished by Eastern New York Power Corp. 439 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Land Management, Bureau of Seattle Gas Coi_____________ 439 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Notices: vance. The charge for individual copies Alaska; shore space restoration^. 421 Veterans’ Administration (minimum 15*) varies in proportion to the Arizona; opening of public Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money lands ___________________ 420 Loans to veterans, guaranty or order, made payable to the Superintendent insurance_______________ 410 of Documents, directly to the Government Nevada and California; with­ P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. drawal of public lands in aid War Department There are no restrictions on the republica­ of legislation, revocation____. 420 Rules and regulations: tion of material appearing in the Federal Rules and regulations: R egister. Military reservations; revoca­ Coal prospecting permits; mis­ tion of land withdrawals for cellaneous amendments____ 416 War Department use______ 405 Montana and Arizona; creation Organization, functions and NOTICE and modification of grazing procedures of agencies dealing General notices of proposed rule districts___ ______________ 416 with public; Signal Corps___ 405 making, published pursuant to Withdrawal of public lands for Transportation of individuals; section 4 (a) 'of the Administra­ use of War Department, checkable personal baggage.. 407 tive Procedu. e Act (Pub. Law 404, revocation: 79th Cong.; 60 Stat. 238), which California; camp sites and CODIFICATION GUIDE were carried under “Notices” prior maneuver purposes__ ____ 418 to January 1, 1947, are now pre­ Montana; aviation purposes. 418 A numerical list of the parts of the Code sented in a new section entitled New Mexico; auxiliary land­ of Federal Regulations affected by documents “Proposed Rule Making”. Rela­ ing field and practice published in this issue. Proposed rules, as bombing ranges________ 417 opposed to final actions, are identified as Buch tionship of these documents to in parentheses. material in the Code of Federal Navy Department Regulations, formerly shown by Rules and regulations: Title 3—-The President PaS® cross reference under the appro­ Claims for relief by contrac­ Chapter II—Executive Orders: priate Title, is now indicated by 95261_______ ______________ 418 a bold-face citation in brackets at tors; filing, and settlement__ 409 the head of each document. Price Administration, Office of Title 5— Administrative Person­ Rules and regulations: nel Defense rental areas; hotels, Chapter I—Civil Service Commis- rooming houses and motor I sion: CONTENTS— Continued courts (Am. 98)___________ 409 4 Part 22—Appeals of preference Sugar (3d Rev. RO. 3; Am. 33, eligibles under Veterans’ Pref­ Federal Communications Com- Pa&e erence Act, 1946________ . 405v mission 34) (2 documents)________ 409 Notices: Public Health Service Title 6— Agricultural Credit Hearings, etc. : Rules and regulations: Chapter H—Production and Mar­ Crescent Broadcast Corp. et Arsphenamine and derivatives; keting Administration (Com­ al----------------------------
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