596 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, OCTOBBE 27, THE NORTHERN IRELAND WINTER to be dealt with according to law; and any ASSIZE ORDER, 1922. indictment found by the Grand Jury at the said Winter Assizes, the trial of which shall By the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council in stand postponed, shall be a good and valid in- Ireland. dictment to be tried at any future Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol De- FITZALAN OF DERWENT. livery or Quarter Sessions for the county where the offence is charged to have been committed. NORTHERN IRELAND WINTER ASSIZES, 1922. The Sheriff. IN pursuance of the "Winter Assizes Act, 4. The Sheriff of the county of the city of 1876," and cf "The Supreme Court of Judi- Belfast, hereinafter called the said Sheriff, cature Act (Ireland), 1877," and of the "Gov- shall alone act for the purpose of the said ernment of Ireland Act, 1920," and the Orders Winter Assizes for the said Winter Assize made thereunder, and of all other powers in County, and, subject to the provisions of this that behalf, We, the Lord Lieutenant-General Order, shall have jurisdiction for that purpose and General Governor of Ireland, by and with over the whole district constituting the said the advice and consent of His Majesty's Privy Winter Assize County; and precepts and Council in Ireland, do hereby order as fol- other documents relating to the said Winter lows : — Assizes shall bo addressed to him alone. Juries. .Definition of the Winter Assize County. 5. The Preempts of the Judge or Judges to 1. The county of Antrim, the county of the said Sheriff shall direct him to summon, Down, the county of Armagh, the county of return, and impanel the Grand Jurors and Londonderry, the county uf the city of London- Petty Jurors from the county of the city of derry, the county of Fermanagh, and the Belfast, and the Jurors so summoned, re- county of Tyrone, for the purposes of the next turned, and in.panelled, shall be deemed to be Winter Assizes and of this Order, shall be good and lawful men of the body of each and united together and form one county under all of the several counties constituting the the name of the Northern Ireland Winter said Winter Assize County; and the Grand Assize County. •and Petty Jury formed out of those Jurors shall be deemed to be a Grand and Petty Jury respectively of the body of each of the said Place for hoWing the, Assizrs. counties respectively, and shall have jurisdic- 2. The next Winter Assizes for the said tion accordingly. Winter Assize County shall be held at Belfast, in the county of the city of Belfast. 2*risoners. 6. The precepts of the Judges to the said Jurisdiction-. Sheriff shall direct him to cause the prisoners from all the prisons in the said Winter Assize 3. The Court at the Winter Assizes at County, who, imder the provisions of this Belfast shall have jurisdiction to try any Order, may be tried at Belfast, to be prisoner committed for trial at Assizes brought there, and the Sheriff shall and may or Quarter Sessions, and also any person cause such prisoners to be brought accordingly bound by recognizance to surrender and without any writ of Habeas Corpus. take his or her trial at Assizes or Quar- ter Sessions in the said Winter Assize Duties' of the Sheriff. County, who may be brought before it, and 7. In all matters not herein specifically any indictment which has been heretofore mentioned, the precepts to the said Sheriff found by any Grand Jury iu. any of the shall direct him to issue, and he shall issue the aforesaid counties, the trial of which stands like notices, precepts, warrants, and documents, postponed, and -any person against whom and perform the same acts (mutatis, mutandis), depositions have been taken although not com- as if he were Sheriff for the whole of the said mitted for trial against whom a bill of indict- Winter Assize County, and all Under-Sheriffa, ment shall be preferred by • the authority of Bailiffs, Constables, and Officers in the said His Majesty's Attorney-General for Northern Winter Assize County shall obey accordingly. Ireland for any indictable offence committed within the said Winter Assize County, and Jurisdiction of the Sheriff'. shall have the same powers with respect to 8. The said Sheriff shall, as to all matters the trial of and passing sentence upon in relation to such Winter Assizes for which such prisoner or person, and the trial of no specific provision is made by this Order, have such indictment, as a Court of Oyer and Ter- the same power, jurisdiction, and responsibility uiiner and General Gaol Delivery would have as if he were Sheriff for t.hie whole of the said had at the Assizes in the county where, but Winter Assize County, except that this provi- for the said Ads and this Order, such 1 sion shall not authorize the said Sheriff to carry prisoner or person or mice indictment would sentences into execution outside the county of have been tried; and for the purpose of giving the city of Belfast, or to levy outside the said effect to any sentence, whether it be a sen- county of the city, fines imposed or recognizances tence of capital punishment, or of penal servi- estreated at' the said Winter Assizes: and all tude, or of imprisonment, shall have power to such sentences, fines, and estreated recogniz- commit such prisoner or person to the prison ances shall, respectively, be executed and levied to which he of she would have been committed in the said counties respectively constituting the liad he or she been tried at an Assizes in the said Winter Assize County, other than the county where, but for the said Acts and this county of the city of Belfast, aforesaid, by the Order, he or she would have been tried, there Sheriffs of such counties respectively..
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