DL 1743 DL 11 DL 252 TFL 47 Block's 10, 11, 12A, 12B - November 9, 2009 DL 333, OHIO MC DL 235, BLUEBELLS MC DL 326, CONTACT FRACTION MC DL 240, GOLD BUG MC DL 288, BLUCHER MC DL 248, DASHWOOD MC DL 2507 DL 289, WELLINGTON MC DL 1708 DL 318, BLACK PRINCE MC DL 290, WATERLOO FRACTION MC DL 1752 Tp - the N.W. corner of L.1501 on the natural bndry. of Channe Passage at UTM coordinates; E: 334288 m. DL 113 DL 1927, STUMP RANCH MC N: 5591208 m. IR 4 MATLATEN DL 1737 DL 255 DL 1551 DL 1437 DL 1984 DL 454DL 328, NERO MC DL 575 DL 1435 DL 1432 DL 329, NERO FRACTION MC DL 1714 DL 1929, INDEX MC DL 1981, INDEX FRACTION MC DL 1746 DL 1606 DL 317, ELECTRIC MC DL 271, DOUGLAS PINE MC Follows the natural bndry. DL 234, WHITE PINE MC E: 334283 m. E: 33265D6L m 15.6 of Channe Passage. DL 1745 DL 343, MNOR: 5N5IN9G0 6S8T2A Rm M. C DL 1503 N: 5509732 m. DL 1433 DL 1815 DL 316, UNION MC DL 1811 DL 1749 DL 1816 DL 1064 DL 1023 DL 1061 DL 1901 DL 1434 DL 6 ED: L3 130226207 m. DL 1021 N: 5589124 m. DL 1117 Hemming Bay E: 338102 m. DL 1062 DL 1017 DL 1016DL 1020 DL 1902 N: 5589149 m. Block 10 DL 201A, BOBBY BURUS MC DL 1872 DL 1698DL 1019 DL 203A, DANIEL WEBSTER MC DL 1018 1,596 Ha.+/- DL 1431 DL 202A, HETTY GREEN MC DL 324A, BULLY BOY MC DL 1697DL 1696DL 1695 DL 345, QUEEN BEE MC E: 330630 m. N:D 5L5 186890346D Lm 1.694 DL 1903 DL 1904 DL 1692 DL 1691DL 1690 DL 1689 DL 1682 DL 7 DL 1857 Tp - on the north corner of L.1678 Follows the north and east bndry's of DL 1905 IR 6 SAAIYOUCK DL 1685DL 1686 DL 1906 DL 21 at UTM coordinates; ED:L 31360876D0L7 1m68.8 L.1D6L7 186 t8o1 the S.E. corner at UTM IR 6 SAAIYOUCKDL 1819 N: 5587310 m. DL 16c8o0ordinates. DL 2502 DL 1993 DL 455 DL 1684 DL 1683 DL 1586 DL 1679 E: 330815 m. DL 1676 DL 1677 N: 5586700 m. DL 449 DL 1678 DL 1585 DL 1587 DL 1820 Tp - the natural bndry of DL 2523 Hemming Bay at UTM Follows the natural bndry. DL 1802 Follows the natural bndry. coordinates; E: 330790 m. of Cordero Channel. DL 1822 of Nodales Channel. DL 1914 DL 2520 N: 5585972 m. DL 1445 DL 2526DL 1821 DL 1588 DL 440 Follows the natural bndry. of Nodales Channel. DL 1584 DL 1669 DL 1809 DL 1589 DL 995 DL 2517 DL 1660 DL 1213 DL 1583 DL 1670 DL 1703 DL 2513 On the natural bndry. of Innes Follows the N., E., and S. DL 1917 Passage at UTM coDoLr d1i7n5a3tes; DL 1671 bndry. of L.1189 to UTM DL 1024 DL 1912 E: 346066 m., N: 5583D8L5 338 8m. coordinates. DL 1026 DL 1025 DL 1748 DL 1916 DL 1913 DL 1806DL 1027 DL 262 DL 1672 Follows the natural bndry. of Hemming Bay Thurston Bay DL 1920 DL 1918 DL 1189 DL 1662 E: 346044 m. DL 1582 DL 1673 The N.W. corner of L.1189, on the Marine Park DL 1714 N: 5583068 m. DL 1631 natural bndry. of Nodales Channel at DL 1663 UTM coordinates; E: 334080 m. DL 1188 On the natural bndry. of Calm DL 1721 Channel at UTM coordinates; N: 5584010 m. DL 1190 E: 335573 m. DL 1674 N: 5581917 m. E: 336596 m. E: 388205 m. E: 34D64L 41358 m1 ., N: 5582295 m. N: 5582476 m. N: 5582427 m. DL 1187 The S.W. corner of L.1189 on the E: 346245 m. DL 1580 DL 1675 natural bndry.of Thurston Bay at N: 5583061 m. DL 1538 UTM coordinates; E: 335337 m. DL 956 N: 5582762 m. DL 1579 DL 1480 E: 346224 m. Sonora N: 5582301 m. Follows the natural bndry. DL 1578 DL 1900 of Thurston Bay. E: 336578 m. The S.W. corner of L.1538 DL 16 N: 5581886 m. Block 11 at UTM coordinates; DL 1590 DL 1142 E: 346353 m., N: 5582298 m. DL 2518 E: 338138 m. DL 143 DL 1970 E: 336127 m. N: 5580261 m. 13,057 Ha.+/- FolloDwLs 1 t1h8e6 natural bndry. N: 5580323 m. of Burgess Passage. DL 1140 DL 1141 On the natural bndry. of Calm E: 330597 m. Follows the natural bndry. Channel at UTM coordinates; N: 5580959 m. Follows survey of Calm Channel. DL 941 E: 347137 m., N: 5579436 m. parcels. DL 810 DL 1434 E: 336103 m. E: 335543 m. N: 5579517 m. On the natural bndry. of Calm DL 1128 On the natural bndry. of N: 5580946 m. Channel at UTM coordinates; DL 1567 Burgess Passage at UTM E: 347225 m., N: 5579234 m. DL 1507 coordinates; E: 332740 m. DL 1204 IR 5A MUSHKINDL 1511 DL 1648 DL 1185 Tp - on the natural bndry. of Piddell IR 5 MUSHKIN Rock Bay E: 5580171 m. DL 1697 Bay at UTM coordinates; DL 1143 Follows the S.W. and N. DL 1506 Marine Park DL 112E9: 335859 m. N: 5579525 m. E: 341836 m. bndry. of L.1204, I.R. 5 A DL 316 N: 5577444 m. DL 1183 DL 1139DL 1138 DL 1908 E: 332675 m. N.W. corner of L.1139, DL 1137 DL 1148 DL 1458 DL 1147 DL 1149 N: 5578057 m. at UTM coordinates; Follows the natural bndry. DL 980 E: 336459 m. N: 5578538 m. of Cameleon Harbour. E: 341752 m. DL 1060 DL 1136 DL 1130DL 1131 DL 1132 N: 5577301 m. DL 1146 DL 351 DL 1133 DL 1144 IR 6 AUPE DL 717 On the natural bndry of Cameleon DL 430 IR 6A AUPE DL 1135 Harbour at UTM coordinates; E: 340762 m. DL 1145 Follows the natural bndry. DL 1835 E: 336459 m., N: 5578538 m. N: 5577331 m. DL 1177 of Hole in the Wall Channel. DL 1888 DL 313 The N.W. corner of L.971 E: 333480 m. DL 1184 N: 5578032 m. DL 1176 at UTM coordinates; Follows survey DL 1175 DL 499 DL 1134 DL 894 E: 329514 m. N: 5576144 m. parcels. DL 1556DL 464 DL 415 DL 778 DL 376 E: 333467 m. On the natural bndry. of N: 5577631 m. DL 500 DL 1096 DL 1174 Hyacinth Lake at UTM E: 333818 m. coordinates; E: 34394 m. DL 1922 IR 7 BARTLETT ISLAND DL 1095 E: 5577484 m. DL 972 N: 5576012 m. DL 434 DL 779 E: 333869 m. DL 1539 N: 5577618 m. Follows the natural bndry. DL 1173 of Hyacinth Lake. From the entranDcLe 7 o7f7 Oksilla DL 1523 Channel, bndry follows St. Aubyn Cr. DL 971 DL 1660 to UTM coordinates. E: 340381 m. N: 557D6L7 13089 3m. On the natural bndry. of DL 976 The N.E. corner of L.976 at UTM Follows survey parcels Discovery Passage at UTM DL 970 coordinates; E: 330721 m., DFL o1l7lo13ws the natural bndry. DL 1092 DL 1492 coordinates; E: 329110 m. N: 5576106 m. of Oksillo Channel. DL 1088 N: 5574950 m. DL 1087 DL 968 DL 969 DL 1094 DL 1090 DL 1089 Follows survey parcels. DL 395 On the natural bndry. of DL 1103 Okisollo Channel. DL 1099DL 1100 DL 35 The S.W. corner of L.968 at UTM DL 1098 DL 1102 DL 1104 coordinates; E: 329477 m. DL 506 N: 5574937 m. Follows the natural bndry. DL 1097 DL 1101 DL 1105 of Oksillo Channel. On the natural bndry. of Hole in the DL 975 DL 977 Follows the natural bndry. of Chonat Bay . DL 32 Wall Channel at UTM coordinates; DL 973 DL 1106 E: 342239 m., N: 5574194 m. From Oksillo Channel, bndry. DL 114 DL 974 DL 978 DL 1107 follows the W., S., and E. DL 110b8ndry of L.1104 On the natural bndry. of Oksillo Quadra Island DL 1086 Channel at UTM coordinates; DL 1051 DL 1085 DL 1113 DL 1118 E: 341530 m., N: 5572505 m. DL 3 Block 12 DL 1109 DL 1073 Follows the W. N. E. and Follows the natural bndry. Area B S. boundary of L.32 to the of Discovery Passage. DL 1110 natural bndry of Chonat Bay. DL 1114 DL 427 3,108 Ha.+/- DL 1050 DL 1072 DL 501 DL 1074 DL 1722 DL 1078 DL 1075 Follows the S. and E. bndry. of Follows the bndry. of Small DL 1111DL 1112 DL 1077 DL 1115 The N.W. corner of L.1114 at L.389 to UTM coordinates; Island Marine Park to UTM DL 1079 DL 4 DL 1117 DL 1116 DL 419 UTM coordinates; E: 340226 m. E: 335292 m. N: 5570794 m. coordinates; E: 337012 m. DL 1076 N: 5570741 m. N: 5572545 m. DL 1080 DL 288 Follows the natural bndry. DL 25 DL 174 of Kanish Bay. DL 1167 DL 22 Follows survey DL 1081 parcels. DL 389 DL 1082 DL 1034DL 1035 DL 1084 DL 420 DL 730 DL 1674 Octopus Islands DL 1033 Marine Park DL 1001 DL 1036 Small Island DL 768 DL 27 DL 766 DL 1165 On the natural bndry. of Kanish Marine Park DL 1030 DL 1031 DL 1032 DL 1B16a4y at UTM coordinates E: 334713 m., N: 5569827 mD. L 1160 DL 1163 DL 1162 Tp - point on the most southerly S.W.
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