If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. BULGARIAN~tURKISH NARCOTICS CONNECTIO i i. UNITED STATES· BULGARIAN RELATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DRUG: ~~~FFICKING HEARINGS AND MARKUP BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS , AND ITS SUBOOMMITTEE ON EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION JUNE 7; JULY 24; SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 1ted for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON; 1984 J COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida, Chairman LEE H. HAMILTON, Indiana WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD, Michigan GUS YATRON, Pennsylvania LARRY WINN, JR., Kansas STEPHEN J. SOLARZ, New York BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, New York DON BONKER, Washington ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO, California GERRY E. STUDDS, Massachusetts JOEL PRITCHARD, Washington 3 ANDY IRELAND, Florida 1 WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania 4 DAN MICA, Florida JIM LEACH, Iowa MICHAEL D. BARNES, Maryland TOBY ROTH, Wisconsin HOWARD WOLPE, Michigan OLYMPIA J. SNOWE, Maine GEO. W. CROCKETT, JR., Michigan HENRY J. HYDE, Illinois SAM GEJDENSON, Connecticut GERALD RH. SOLOMON, New York MERVYN M. DYMALLY, California DOUGLAS K. BEREUTER, Nebraska TOM LANTOS, California MARK D. SILJANDER, Michigan PETER H. KOSTMA YER, Pennsylvania ED ZSCHAU, California ROBERT G. TORRICELLI, New Jersey LAWRENCE J. SMITH, Florida HOWARD L. BERMAN, California' HARRY M. REID, Nevada MEL LEVINE, California EDWARD F. FEIGHAN, Ohio TED WEISS, New York GARY L. ACKERMAN, New York ROBERT GARCIA, New York BUDDY MACKAY, Florida 2 JOHN J. BRADY, Jr., Chief of Staff F. MARIAN CHAMBERS, Staff Consultant ROXANNE PERU GINO, Staff Assistant BERNADETI'E 1\1. JENKINS, Staff Assistant (II) U.S. Department of Justi.ce National Institute of Jusllce This document has been repr?du.ced 7xactly .a~ received fro~ i~~ person or organization originating It. P~~ts of VI~~~r ~;;n~~~::s~rilY in thi!' document. are those of the lau o~ ~;e National Institute of repre,;ent the official position or po ICles Justice. Permission to reproduce this ~ted material has been granted by • P blic Domaln T US Bouse of Representatl~es to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the ~ht owner. III SUBCOMMITI'EE ON EUROPE AND THE MIDDLE EAST LEE H. HAMILTON. Indiana. Chairman TOM LANTOS. California LARRY WINN. JR .• Kansas ANDY IRELAND. Florida 1 MARK D. SILJANDER. Michigan MERVYN M. DYMALLY. California ED ZSCHAU. California ROBERT G. TORRICELLI. New Jersey LAWRENCE J. SMITH. Florida MEL LEVINE. California MICHAEL H. VAN DUSEN. Staff Director ALISON BRENNER FORTIER. Minority Staff Consultant KENNETH B. Moss. Subcommittee Staff Consultant CHRISTOPHER KOJM. Subcommittee--Staff Consultant TASK FORCE ON INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL EDWARD F. FEIGHAN. Ohio. Chairman LAWRENCE J. SMITH. Florida BENJAMIN A. GILMAN. New York HARRY M. REID. Nevada 1 Vacated Sept. 11. 1984. 2 Elected Sept. 13. 1984. 3 Resigned Sept. 18. 1984. 4 Elected Sept. 18. 1984. CONTENTS WIT~ESSES N C J ~ S l'hursday, June 7, 1984: . Page Jofr~t?~;~:~: ..~.~~~~.~.~~.:'~~::.~~.~~~.~~~.~.~~~~:.w.~. ':f.~.~~~~~~.~~~.~: 2 RM. Palmer, Deputy Assistant S!:lcretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs, Department of State ........................................................... 13 Paul.B. Henze, speciali~t on internittionlll eWtTrlY§WiV...,l1eniI],g as 21 resident consultant with the Rand Cortl.~ .................... ~.A.J. .. B .•u~.!:S .... .. Tuesday, July 24, 1984: ; Hon. Alfonse M. D'Amato,. U.S. Sen~tor fr9m. the State of New york.......... 46 Hon. Jack R Perry, retired Foreign Sernce officer and former V.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria...................................................................................... 60 Nathan Adams, senior editor, Reader's Digest................................................... 65 Hon. Richard R Burt, Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs........................................................................................... 79 William von Raab, Commissioner, U.S. Customs Service................................. 82 John C. Lawn, Acting Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Adminis- tration..................................................................................................................... 85 Wednesday, September 26, 1984 (full committee markup; no witnesses).............. 105 MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Stat..'!ment submitted by DEA in response to question by Representative Fei- ghan regarding weapons seizure by Government of Cyprus................................ 35 Statement submitted by DEA in response to question by Representative Fei- ghan regarding seizures the United States is involved with the Turkish Government.............................................................................................................. ..... 36 Statement submitted by the Department of State in response to question by Representative Feighan regarding cooperation with Eastern European countries on narcotics control matters .................................................................... 43 July 17 Wall Stri1et Journal article on Turkish prosecutor's report concerning the 1979 Agca ;a~sassination of Abdi Ipekci, a Turkish journalist, requested by Representative Feighan, submitted by Senator D'Amato...... ........................ 47 Overall administration position on House Concurrent Resolution 337 and H.R 5980, requested by Mr. Hamilton.............................................................................. 90 Statement made by DEA concerning reference made to a Justice Department report of the Government of Bulgaria in narcotics trafficking and the basis' for that press release and quotation from that press release, requested by Mr. Gilman.................................................................................................................... 99 Statement on the latest information submitted by the Department of State on arms shipments to Central America, requested by Mr. Gilman......................... 101 APPENDIXES 1. Questions submitted in writing to the Department of Sta'e by the Task Force on International Narcotics Control, aud responses therC'to...................... 109 2. Questions submitted in writing to the Drug Enforcement Ad"nistration by the Task Force on International Narcotics Control, and respom,cs thereto..... 113 3. Questions submitted in writing to U.S. Customs Service by the Task Force on International Narcotics Control, and responses thereto................................. 115 4. Questions submitted in writing to Nathan Adams by the Task Force on International Narcotics Control, and responses thereto ...................................... 116 5. Questions submitted in writing to the Department of State by the Subcom- mittee on Europe and the Middle East, and responses thereto .......................... 122 (VI Preceding page blank VI Page 6. Questions submitted in writing to the Drug Enforcement Administration by the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East, and responses thereto ..... 129 . 7. Questions submitted in writing to U.S. Customs Service by the Subcommit- tee on Europe and the Middle East, and responses thereto ................................ 131 8. Questions submitted in writing to the Department of State by Hon. Larry Winn, Jr., and responses thereto .............................................................................. 136 9. Questions submitted in writing to the Drug Enforcement Administration by Hon. Larry Winn, Jr., and responses thereto......................................................... 137 10. Questions submitted in writing to U.S. Customs Service by Hon. Larry Winn, Jr., and responses thereto .............................................................................. 138 11. Text of House Con(.arrent Resolution 337............................................................ 141 12. Text of H.R. 5980 ....................................................................................................... 144 BULGARIAN-TURKISH NARCOTICS CONNECTION: UNITED STATES-BULGARIAN RELATIONS AND INTERNATIONAL DRUG TRAFFICKING THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1984 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Washington, DC. The committee's Task Force on International Narcotics Control met at 10:10 a.m., in room 2255, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Edward F. Feighan (chairman of the task force) presiding. Mr. FEIGHAN. The task force will please come to order. Let me welcome our witnesses this morning. And we are going to begin even though members of the task force are not here yet. There is simultaneously a proceeding, a terrorism hearing, in a joint sub­ committee session this morning. And two of our task force mem­ bers are in that hearing. And we expect that they will be joining us sometime later this morning during this hearing. The task force is meeting today to examine the Bulgarian-Turk­ ish narcotics connection. Persistent reports over the last decade have alleged that Bulgaria through its official trading company Kintex is facilitating guns for drug schemes from the Middle East and Turkey to Western Europe. The purpose of the hearing today is to examine the available evi­ dence on that subject. What is the extent of the Government of Bulgaria's involvement in drug trafficking? Who are the primary groups with whom Bulgaria facilitates drug movements, the so­ called Turkish Mafia, the Gray Wolves, the PLO, or others? What
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