![KPOST J FIR. T](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
..... __ E AND VESPER SERVICE TO FEATURE WEEK-END OF MEMORIAL EVENTS THENE KPOST j FIR. T . ---A. AY Son And Daughter Of Class Of 1914 ANNUAL TO MAY MART ~lt~r~~N Local Organizations JUNE SATURDAY NTlI IS NAMED Sponsor Ceremonies Plans Now About McClintock Aids ~ e r s In COlllpleted For Drive For Funds; Active In 1\le1110rial Day Services Annu al Benefit Affair COtnlllittee :Meets I__ -======== =- CAPTAIN IS 011 ; College With all committee membcrs Williom K. Gillespie, principal I-IEAD OF working overtime and plans about of Newark High School. director of I To Groups fini shed for the affair, the fifth an- Athletics, football, basketball and nual May Mart, scheduled to start track coach at the institution; on Saturday at one o'clock on thc Ralph O'Conncll, instructor of MEMORIAL Newark High School athletic Held, physical education and baseball is expected to prove more successful coach at the same school, and Mi ss than in U, e past, Mrs. Leon H. Ryan, J anc J ernee, completing her junior COMMITTEE general chairman, announced yes- I ycnr at the Women's Collcge of terday. Dclawarc, werc named to the sta fT Soldiers, Civic. Sponsored by the Newark P arent- of thc new community playground Tcacher Association, proceeds from and swimming pool by the general And Fraternal Pictured abovc are Arthur C. Huston, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur the fete, which was started Hve c o mmilt~e last week. Huston. W. Park Place, and Mi ss Janet Grubb, daughter of MI'. and Mrs. years ago, will be used for school MI'. Glllcspie, a graduatc of P c ~n Bodies Aid In Chart s E. Grubb, S. College Avcnue, the first boy and first gi l'1 born ~ :~ ~\.~~~::ms~nd the purchase of ~~~~~e 7~ 1l1~:Ce~ea ~i~~a lt a~~~ k s~~e ~~~ A1Tangements to mcmbcrs of th class c,f 1914 of the University of Delaware. They Univcl'sity of Pennsylvania, whilc Newark's annual Mcmorial Day wcrc guests at the alumni b ~ nque t h ~ l d in Old Coll cge, Sa tuI'day night. Man M:: ~e~~u~eesaL':::~C:e bcen MI'. O'Connell speciali zed .in the P arade wi ll take place Tuesday both Will graduate a t the univerSity In June.- P hoto by Rum 1' . added ~o this year's occasion w hich work as a student at the Un!verslty Im orning at tcn o'cloc k, daylight w ill sta rt with a procession at one of dDe l ~:a~'e 1~~05m where he was ~;~ ~ ' u~de;o~~~d~ir;~ ,~ ~~nE~~i~eaJI~:: the 20, is the da ugh- Dupont, who has bccn appoint- MtOlton L. Draper AgatOn Chosen ~I:~~O:~!:~ ~~lIt~: S~~~O l a ~ ~~~~ o~ gr~1i~: ~el'l~~e, ag~ IFort clock, and at 2:30, members of the tel' of MI'. and Mrs. Howm:d B. J c ~ - ed grand marshall. Units in the varsity baseball team w ill engage nec, .30 Kells. Ave. MaJorll1g I,n pl'ocession wi ll be d ividcd into the Head ·Of University Graduates thei r fathers in a baseball game. / Physlcal educa tIO n. at the Women s , military division and the civic org- Curtis Layton, thirteen-year old Co ll ege, her s t~dl es II1 clude fir ~ t Fred Strickland Captain F, J , ~unl\jl\gh~m an~~:tiO~~~e~iV~~i O~'a rch wi Ll be as luP hV~,·snLdruilmOqmUist "JWerilrly."entertain witlh : ;~~., h~~: h:~r~';e~ :nc~u~~: :~~:na~ MI'. Stri ckland is chairma n of the American Legion s ~:m~ ~% o~~~ follows: Major Focardi and staff, Off·· ISS I . y, . h n I n gll'ls' camp for three years and Committee which is arranging the vesper service at h consisting of Capta1l1 F J . Cunnll1g- l ont lela tarts econ( . ":, ovles Wi ll be s ow. has passed the senior lifesaving test Library, UllIverslty of Delaware, Sunday, while Captain Cunlllng am ham. C. A. C., Lleut, P aul Griffith. Eastern Standard Time, 5:30Conhnuo~s o'clock, w hile the booths will for sWlln.mers. c allma 0 . rfern) AD]s e aware A I·UllInl L]eal er 111 thc audltol'lum from 3.30 unlll . I~ h n f the town's MemOrial Day committee 111 charge of the Coast Artillcry Reserve, and a Boy June II. \\'ith reglstrallon c: . offc l' an opportunity for all to try Drive To Be. L a ul\ c he~ p,_ .n::,:r::,:ad::.:e:....::,sc::.:h_Cd::.:l_Ile_.d_T_u_es_d...,:ay_._. _~~ _________ ___ I Hall. Women's College. ---- thclI' skill at various games. Ice The new s ta~ Will m ~e t WIth thc _ I meeting is for Milton L. Draper, duPont Comp- are J a net Grubb, daughter f Mr. 'C m softdr' nks and hotdogs will general committee tonight at the Govcrnor R, C. McMullen and ~chc du l c d ERANS CHAPLAIN 59th Service . standard time, when any executive. was .reelected presi- and Mrs. Charles Grubb, and Ar th- ~~ ~v~iiab l e Ion 'the grounds. high school to complete .plans .for VET membcrs of the Wilmington WillY be wcJc om- d nt of the Unlv~rslty of Delaware ur C. Huston, Jr., son of MI' . and From five to seven o'clock, a dc- th ~ op~mng of the playglo~nd and City Council have accepted in- unlversitY.b Dcan Mal:- Alumni A soeiatlon at ItS annual Mrs. Arthur C. Huston, both of licious supper, prepared by the sWlmm1l1g pool about the middle of HERE TO SPEAK vi tations to attend Memorial ",lder, of the Women s meetlllg held here on Saturday. Newark. Both a re senlol's at Dela- community's best cooks especially June. MEET I Day services of the 59th Pione- 'I!I! A D Warncr. Sr., Governor Is Guest ware and wi ll receive thei r degrees for May Mart patrons, will be scrv- A driv? for funds to finance thc el' Infantry Association ai the a member of the Board Richard C McMullen governor next month. ed in the cafeteria by a committee dual project WI ll be la.unched next Ca thedral Cemetery, Wilming- ~I the Uni"ersity, and f D I " . It d d th b t Other officers elected were: Vice- d ' th di eclion of Mrs. A. D. week under the dIrection oC D . .A ton, on unday afternoon at o e awate, a en e e a~ iu ek preSident W ShermanCorkran, Re_ ~nb~1 e I' McClintock who was named chalr- V. F. W. SeSSiOll Re,'. Hllntington held m Old College at SIX 0 C oc hoboth 'secretary-treasurer CEo . man of the money-ralsmg commlt- three o'clock, D, S, T. To peak a nd was the plmclpal speaker . Ta lor ' Wllmm ton exeCUIt've com- Members of the vanous comml:- tee by LOLliS T. Staats, general ell e(lllle{l For To Ad{lress Howard D. Jester, historian the homemakers ApprOXimately ~OO aluml1l parli.cl- miitee: H arry ~ L ~ ws o n , Wilmlng- lcs arc: Supper-Mrs Cobb, IC~~~- chaIrman of the association, is arranging 111 W 0 Sypherd tell pated 111 the reul1lon progr~m whIch ton, and Howard E. Lynch, Jr , ma n, an~ Mesdames R 0 ~al~ A' Mr. McClintock has been asked June 2 And 3 Vesper Service the services which will take BI\~and see molton plC- opened With the ·graduatlon exer- Dovel nommatll1g commlttce Phll- T R urltTlI1 , George Sc a~ , l to m et With the gencral commlt- place at the American LegIon tM J!nly Land, taken per- clses of the Delaware untt of the Ip H ' Marvel. Maplewood, 'N J ,! Doordan, N E Battersby, ~bel l tee tomght It IS thought that hc. plot where tcn men are buried, b, MI\ Clarence Fraim, ROT C. on the campus m front of John V P ostles, Philadelphia; A rhon:P£on, L~on a r d F ossett, Will divide the town and surround- Ve te rans of Foreign Wars, whose Rev. P ark W. Huntington, ,p~st five of whom served in the 59th 00 her recent trip. Wo]( Hall early 111 the afternoon. FE H ' W h ' gt D C S _ Steal ns, Hart y Ri chardson, J . S. ing community into districts with activities in the state were launch- nati onal chaplain of the Amellcnn InflU1try. interspersed This prog~am opened with a bat- u~I' T ~ ~~ an~~ I~e ~~ 'ort: ~~ d a ~ . Gould, L. T. Staats, ~ . S. Burnett, speC ial teams wor king unde;' sec- ed when the J . Allison O ' Dan i ~ 1 Legion and pastr oJ St. Stephc~'s ______~ ___. I I Ol,~- uJiu I" l..r&, .alion reVlf" und yaraue In. com- Wayne Burton, Millsboro. Andrew W. Mayer, Mi ddleton Han- tional heads conducting a short but Post No. 475 was formed here 111 Lutheran Church, Wllm.lnglon, Wi ll Scout to be named; four a utomo- schedule of demonstra- ma nd of Cade t Major C. Robll1son, son, C. P . Hearn, and C l are n c~ intensive drive for funds. 1920, wi ll hold their annual en- deliver the mam add I ess ,at the biles carrying Mayor Frank Col- ~Iks will begin, and will Jr" of Newar k. Ford; Balloon- Le?n J . Buehlel , More than $500 has been con- campment in Newark on June 2 annual memol'lal vesper se ~ vice to Iins, War Mothers, councilmen • • ~===~. unul noo n, Wcdnesday, The Gen. J . Ernest Smith m~mo~l - FERTILIZER ChairmAn, Fred Stelgler, Lcon Case, tributed to the fund.
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