Northern Catholic D I O C E S E O F PRINCE GEORGE News VOLUME XXII, NO.1 W i n t e r Diocese celebrates ordination of two deacons Lake and those dom and in lifelong service to he served joy- God and humanity” and prom- fully participated ised obedience to the bishop in the occasion. and his successors. A week later Following the prayer of con- Inside this on October 21st secration each formally re- i s s u e : it was standing ceived the Gospel of Christ room only at with the words, “Believe what Financial 6-7 Immaculate you read, teach what you be- Statement Conception lieve and practice what you Parish in Prince teach.” School 8 George as Rene As deacons they will continue Antonio was to serve in the diocese, Alvin at Stewart 12 also ordained to Resurrection Parish in Fort St. the transitional John and Rene at Immaculate diaconate. Conception Parish in Prince DRC 14 In both in- George. Their ordination to Schedule stances the sol- the ministerial priesthood is emn occasion scheduled for May 31, 2013. Rev. Vincent James, OMI, pastor of St. Andrew’s Parish, Fraser Lake, accompanies Alvin Matias as he enters was punctuated Rene and Alvin are among five Stellaquo Hall for the celebration of his ordination to with joyful and men from our diocese in for- the diaconate. inspiring music mation for priestly ordination. and applause as Ken Anderson of Fraser Lake, October was a month of cele- people welcomed the commit- Mark Raine of Prince George brations as two men were or- ment they witnessed. and Cody Weibe of Kitimat are dained transitional deacons for During the celebrations the discerning their vocation as the Diocese of Prince George candidates vowed a life of celi- they study at Christ the King through the imposition of bacy “for the sake of the king- Seminary in Mission, BC. hands by Bishop Gerald Wies- ner, OMI. St. Andrew’s Parish and its missions hosted the celebra- tion for Alvin Matias at Stel- laquo Hall, October 14. Alvin spent a pastoral year in Fraser Rene Antonio kneels before Bishop Gerald Wiesner, OMI, during the celebration of his ordination to the diaconate at Immaculate Conception Parish in Prince George. Deacon Alvin Matias is pictured standing beside the Bishop. P a g e 2 Brother Joseph Glaab, OFM, gave a helping hand to Bishop Gerald Wiesner as he packed his belong- ings for the long trip to Saskatche- wan, October 26. In a message to the Diocese, the Bishop said that, with the knowledge of the Apos- tolic Nuncio, he was moving his residence from Prince George. Northern Catholic “While I retain full responsibility News for the Diocese of Prince George Published by the and will return for short periods of time as necessary, the day to Diocese of Prince George day running of the Diocese will be done by the Vicar General, Father 6500 Southridge Ave Box Richard Beaudette, O.M.I. Thank 7000 you for your gracious kindness to Prince George, BC me. God bless you!” PHOTO BY: V2N 3Z2 Susan Campbell Phone: 250-964-5644 Fax: 250-964-2101 Parish celebrates fifth year of ordination Email: [email protected] Father Johmer Faderanga was assigned to St. Mary’s Parish in New Hazelton in Editor: October 2011. A year later on October Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin 18, 2012 he celebrated his fifth year of ordination. The parish marked the occa- Layout: sion and celebrated vocations to the Stacy Gaal priesthood on October 21st with a pot- luck dinner. PHOTO BY: Barbara Schwab Northern Catholic News VOLUME XXII, NO.1 P a g e 3 It is all God’s doing The Season of Advent marks mas cycle as we celebrate the Again John reminds us “God so the beginning of the Liturgical ways in which God is shown to loved the world that he gave his year and the Christmas cycle. us through his Son, Jesus. The only Son”. God didn’t have five The periods of preparation, cele- Christmas cycle ends with the sons; God had one Son and gave bration and continuation of the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism. that Son to us purely out of love Christmas cycle last about seven As we stand back and look at for us. It is all God’s doing. weeks. this we may be inclined to say What remains for us to do is to The four weeks of Advent form that it is fine for scholars but graciously receive the gift and live the preparation for this cycle. It is hardly for us as ordinary people. as gifted people, always giving divided into two stages. In the The fact is, however, all of this is thanks for what God has done first stage the emphasis is on the for us as ordinary people. for us, who God is for us. coming of Christ in the final judg- What it is trying to help us real- God wants to pour his grace on ment and on our preparation as ize is that God is sharing God’s us in both big and little ways. we “await the blessed hope and self with us. Sometimes he will give us insight coming of our Savior”. The Christmas cycle, beginning into his love or his plan. Other This is a continuation of the with Advent, calls us to stop and times he will comfort or encour- spirit of the final weeks of Ordi- ponder the great reality that God age us. Sometimes he will give us nary time. The closing days of takes the initiative to reach out words of warning and urge us to Bishop’s Advent direct and prepare us for and share God’s self with us. repent and other times he will the feast of the birth of the Lord. The Gospel of John reminds us move us to seek out his healing Letter Christmas and its octave centre that “the Word became flesh and power. on the great truth of the Incarna- lived among us”. Sometimes this May our celebration of the Most Rev. Gerald tion: God loves us and sent his is translated as, “God pitched Christmas cycle serve to embed Wiesner, OMI Son to be one of us so that we God’s tent among us”. God be- all of this deep within us as we might believe and love and have came a fellow camper with us. try to live as gracious people. eternal life. God has become a fellow pilgrim May God bless all richly this Epiphany continues the Christ- on the way with us. Christmas. Margaret Silf, pictured here with Sr. Elizabeth Poilievre, FCJ, left and Claire Petrucci, right, facilitated a one-day workshop entitled “Living God’s Dream” at the Do- mano Renewal Centre, October 18. Born in Yorkshire, England, Margaret is the author of a number of books and travels extensively to give retreats, workshops and days of reflection. A mother and grandmother, she is world renowned for her work in Ignatian spirituality and her passion for making Christian spirituality accessible in everyday life was evident throughout the day. PHOTO BY: Mary-Anne Lewis Jamin P a g e 4 Diocesan Assembly 2012: Fanning the Flame By: Susan Campbell plished showed that his was a sav- see God’s look of love. We are PRINCE GEORGE - ing ministry. Through his words and called to be God’s smiling face, “Evangelization: what exactly does deeds he was inaugurating a new especially to those who feel invisi- it mean? Does it apply to us?” era centered on the reign of God ble. These are the questions partici- made present in history. We are sent to the world we pants at the Diocesan Assembly God acted in and through Jesus in have been given today; faith is not tackled on September 20-21 with a unique way. The resurrection transmitted automatically. keynote speaker, Bishop Claude confirmed the message. The out- We may experience resentment Champagne, OMI, from the Dio- pouring of the Holy Spirit brings against the Catholic Church by cese of Edmundston. that same power of the resurrec- some in society. In places where it “Fanning the Flame – the New tion into our world today. is not possible to preach in words, Evangelization” was an apt title for Where do we see signs of it to- it is still possible to proclaim the the Assembly. Bishop Claude day? message through our actions. helped us to reflect on that spark The second building block is the Do those who feel excluded in of the Spirit deep within us calling Church, the sacrament of God’s society find a welcome in our com- us to notice where God was al- reign. We are that part of human- munities? Where are we called to ready at work in our lives, our kind who welcomes God’s kingdom witness to gospel values? schools and our parishes. through Jesus Christ. We have as The fourth building block is dia- He also challenged us to be more our goal to journey toward the logue. It is useless to speak to peo- mindful and intentional in our life fullness of God’s reign. ple without first listening to them as disciples of Jesus Christ. As a pilgrim church we are subor- as Jesus did. People are looking for Over the course of two days dinated to the reign of God. We something deeper. We give people Bishop Claude described the basic see a reality not seen by others. time to discover what it is they are building blocks of evangelization This calls us to be ambassadors of looking for and speak to that.
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