EVENING EDITION EVENING EDITION TO ADVEIITI8ER8. WEATHER REPORT. The EaRt Oregonlso hai the lnrgft paid clrculitlrn of any paper lu Orfgna, at Showers ' tonight or of Portland and Dearly Tuesday. N twice the circulation In Pendleton of any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 31. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1912. NO. 7402 50,000 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS EXPECTED TITANIC VICTIMS RECOVERED SCORES KIEEE D IN TORNADOES TO GO ON STRIKE IN THIRTY-SI- X HOURS New York, April 22. Unless an under the terms of the Erdman act TQ agreement is reached by 3:30 this af Labor Commissioner Neill is In ILLINOIS. IND ANA AND AGAIN GIVEN OCEAN ternoon when their urmistlce expires, close touch with both sides and both SWEEPING fifty thousand engineers, employes oi the engineers and railroad officers the great railroads east of Chicago insist they have nothing to arbitrate. and north of the Ohio river, will be A strike would seriusly affect the ordered out on a strike within thlrty- - large eastern clue's as the movement .slx hours. The engineers demand an of foodstuffs, milk and dairy pro-due- ts Message Indicates Many IS per cent Increase In wages, a would be greatly hampered. Five Towns Badly Damaged and Over Hundred Funeral Ship Wireless standardization of runs and extra Warren S. Stone, grand chief engi- pay when held at terminals. The rail neer, declared that New York poli- Unidentified Will Never Be Known roads say they are unable to meer ticians have asked the engineers to People Hurt, Many Fatally these demands. Unless there is a accept a truce with the rairoads and sudden receding by the railroads from join with them in an appeal to con- the stand taken, a strike appears in- gress to go over the heads of the evitable. interstate commerce commission and Chief officers of the Brotherhood permit the railroads to advance INVESTIGATION IS TRANSFERED 10 WASHINGTON of Locomotive Engineers and repre freight rates and increase the engi- BUSH, ILLINOIS REDUCED TO PILE OF WRECKAGE sentatives of the railroads ate con neers' wages. ferring separately here today, the The politicians promised, Stone former at the Broadway Central ho said, that the railroads would show tel and the latter In the Hudson ter congress that the proposed increase minal building, but according to re in rates is justifiab.e. Sione refused Vice President Franklin of White Star Line Admits With- ports emanating from these sources to consider the proposition. Family of Charles Rice, Completely Wiped Out at Moroc- hope of amicable settlement of the ("lias. 1'. Neill, commissioner of la- holding News But Denies Responsibility For False difficulty Is faint. bor and Martin A. Knapp, presiding co, Indiana and Home of George Ade Barely Missed As a reason that they cannot grant judge of the court of commerce, took Reports of Safety. the demands, the roads say the pessimistic views on the outcome of by Death Agency. ( men's public is clamoring for double track the impending strike. Judge Knapj. ing, interlocking switches and otuei said: "I came here on my own ini- safeguards. tiative to try to prevent a terrible in- There is a possibility that the gov dustrial calamity. The out'.ouk is se- Twenty-on- e Xcw York, April 22. (Bulletin) Tho cable flilp Mm sent St. Louis, April 22 ss ernment will be asked to mediate, rious." out equipped with coffin to search for lKxlics or Titunlc tictlnw sent a wire-lo- persons are known to be dead today' Stur coniNtny reading: . Tornado Death List. as a result of a violent tornado which telegram to the Wlilto swept "Heavy southwest fMiiiull Interfered with operations. Fifty bodies re- Illinois Sunday, besides those Murphysville, 6 who perished covered. AH embalmed will buried at sea at 8 p. in. with divine ser- Ill at Bush, Ills., which Is t le 111 , Wr.lisville, 7 today reduced to a pile wreckage. viced. Can bring only embalmed bodies to port." OFFICIAL CHANGE of Message was dated Sunday and it is believed a inunlicr of IhkIIcs have COITSMS Bush, 111 (probably) 15 Details from Busb are expected to Moroeco, 9 ten or fifteen to already been buried. Ind add the death roll. Rural points 8 It is known the dead include six at Washington, April 22. Chief oper- - Campus. Ill 7- 3 Murphysboro, seven at Willisville and W. T. Sammls, of the Marconi Grant Park, 111 5 eight in the district between Bush ator A. C. I'l'.NK'S SISTER ON COUNTY COMMISSIONER or- and West Frankfort. system, nt New York, it is said, LOST LIFE OX TITANIC dered all operators to keep their Ten employes of the Iron Mountain of Miss Annie Funk, sister of railroad at Bush are believed to have mouths shut and hold stories the Injured. They be- Deputy Sheriff A. C. been fatally are Titanic disaster Tor dollars, in four Funk of ing brought to passenger on Defeats Walker By Fifty-Thr- ee Votes INDIAN EXHIBIT the Missouri Pacific figures. this city, was a Waterman State railroad hospital. who the 111 fated steamer Titanic Major Pouchen, of Toronto, Slow The roundhouse was demolished senatorial Investigating and she went to her death when Returns are INTERESTS BOARD wrote the the great ship went down last and forty cars blown over at Bush. committee that he could furnish sen- A message filed at Bush last night ar- evidence, regarding the al- Sunday night. It was not until sational At 3 o'clock this afternoon County Bourne, and no prospect mate- rived here today, saying that ten are negligence of J. Bruce Ismay this morning the local man of a leged of death his loved Clerk Sailing and his corps of assist- rial change. Returning from Spokane Saturday dead and the Injured will number one officers of the Titanic, will be heard the of and relative. The sister was aged ants had partially completed the offi- N. J. Sinnott a evening where they attended the con- hundred. a witness this afternoon. has lead of more is persons 28 years of age and had been cial count of the ballots of the pri- than 800 over Ellis, his nearest rival, vention of the North Pacific Board of It reported that three are Thirty-tw- o sailors and four offi- dead and seven Injured at Campus, for six years past a missionary mary election and their figures show- and appears to have clinched the re- Foreign and Home Missions of the cers, who were amon? the survivors ed A. Illinois, near Kankakee as a result re- in India. She was returning to that H. Waterman of Hertniston publican congressional nomination in Presbyterian of the Titanic crew ordered to had defeated Horace Walker, pres- church, Pendleton's del- of a tornado. lnvesti-gato- n her home In Pennsylvania and the second district. main in this country till tho egates report that the Indian exhibit They came via London. The deputy ent incumbent, for the nomination for Lane is leading Pierce by about ended have arrived here. county commissioner by 53 votes. The taken by Rev. 5 senate sheriff knew she was to sail for 3X00 and will be the winner of the there J. M. Cornelison, Killed at Grant Park. are indignant, declaring tho result of this race was uncertain un- missionary at Tutuilla, was without Chicago, April 22. Telephone re- no right to hold them home last week but not until democratic senatorial nomination. committee has today did he learn she was til the figures were added and came Without doubt Ben Olcott had a question the most interesting of all of pair men arriving here say five were against their will. many, as many re- by abord the Titanic. News to that as a surprise to inasmuch lead of about 3000 over Fields. t's the exhibits and that as a killed a tornado last night at Vice-preside- nt of the Franklin Came to by Walker had been leading by a. small nomination secretary of sult a move was started to have him Grant Park, Illinois, near Kankakee, line, was a witness before effect him wire for White Star this morning from his home margin up until the last few precinct; state is certain. collect a largur exhibit to take to the and many injured. The damage is committee at the resumption of exposition reported to the had been heard from. i.'it'kel over Cot-te- ll Panama in 1915. In addi be half a million dollars. Inquiry today.' Ho ad- people in Pennsylvania. has lead of 1600 the Titanic Thus far absolutely no news The count being made now will not in the contest for dairy and food tion to Rev. Cornelison and his two mitted that some one 4n the White be complete as Vinson precinct has children, Pendleton was represented Nino Dio at Morocco. given the has been obtained showing par- commissioner. office might have out n, at convention by Mrs. Morocco, Ind., April 22. per- Star ticulars regarding Miss Funk's not yet sent in its vote but there are Lafferty was nominated over Gant-enbel- the Mary Moule Nine .the Titanic pussengers Mrs. M. sons statement that death. This leads to belief not enough voters'in that precinct to in the congressional dis- and A. Thompson, delegates are dead here today and twenty were when they were drowned the third from injured, one fatally, as safe she remained aboard the ship change the result. trict by a plurality of about 700. the local Presbyterian women's a result of disavowed the responsibility for missionary society, Mrs.
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